Name: Myst and Haze Risid
Age: 18
Gender: Female and Male
Species: Demons
Sexuality: Myst: Bisexual Haze: Straight
Height: Both 6'
Weight: Myst: 119 lbs. Haze: 176 lbs.
Teacher or Student: (if teacher please post job)
Bio: They were both abandoned by their parents when they were young because they didn't want kids anymore. They grew up on the streets and learned how to live on their own by using their powers. They eventually came to the academy to look for a good life.
Powers: Myst: Able to create illusions when someone looks into her blue eye. Is able to only hold the illusions for as long she can keep her eye open.
Haze: Is able to shape darkness into various weapons to use, suck as claws or blades. He uses Myst's illusions to distract people while he attacks.
Other: They are twins. They are very talented singers.
Picture: User Image