Name: Ace

Age:Unknown but look's like he's in his early 20's

Gender: Male


Sexuality: heterosexual


Weight: 200 lb

Teacher or Student: Student

Bio:He split himself into two other people besides himself to become stronger and mostly of sheer boredom. one have the power of light and the other the power of darkness when both of them go back in to he's body he turns into his true self that has yet to be seen... ninja

Powers:he’s very skill in weapon and hand to hand combat,he fight’s with any weapon he can get his hands on, but mostly fights with his hands. he has the power to control the elements fire, water, wind earth except for light and dark he has a little flame tattoo of each of these elements forming a circle on both of his hands as he activates one of them the corresponding flames moves to the center of the circle he uses these elemental powers mostly for his limbs for punching and kicking attacks because he's still developing them but can use them for long ranges attack when necessary because of his elemental powers and physical training he's more powerful then the fastest and strongest normal professional athletic human in the world but doesn't have super speed or strength, though that can't be said about his original form


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