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(A) Elder Plot Forum

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Dangerous Lover

PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2011 8:21 am

It's sort of hand to find plots for Soquili to get their elder stats, at least it is for me. This is the case because there is such a huge forum to look through I can't always narrow stuff down. I think a forum specifically for elder plot threads would be very helpful for that.

  • Could be those looking for Elder plots, and also those looking to help others achieve the guidelines.
  • It would be up to the owners to make their own threads within the forum.
  • Not necessary for elderhood, just convenient for tracking progress.

  • Cut down on search time, allowing more time for RPing.
  • Allow those with common interests to plot without confusion.
  • The plotting forum will be more organized and less crowded.
  • Colorists would easily be able to tell who is actively seeking elderhood.
  • Owners would be able to keep better track of RPs and details.
  • Posts could be easily transferred from the threads to the contest threads.
  • Elderhood is likley to become more popular due to the ease this will create.

  • New forums cost -- I will gladly foot the bill.
  • May become Elder seeking exclusive -- elders can always help each other, otherwise there are ways to draw attention to the threads.
  • There will need to be threads made for other specific plots to balance the demand -- If that occurs I will absorb the cost with pleasure.
  • We don't need a whole forum -- Then how about just a thread?

    I recognize that the cons due hold much weight. However, I feel that the pros out weigh them. I also believe that the process would be a smooth one with little complications.
  • PostPosted: Tue May 31, 2011 3:02 pm

    I have the point out the fact that having a Soquili become an elder isn't supposed to be easy. It takes time to fill plots and it's supposed to take a while to be able to get your Soquili to elder.

    I also don't understand how it would be any different from the regular plot zone, since... that's exactly what it would be.

  • Cut down on search time, allowing more time for RPing.
    => I feel like putting the time into a Soquili and doing the search to find them the proper RP is part of the process for a Soq to reach elder. Even though you may not have specific plots filled, doesn't mean that the constant RPing can't be done.
  • Allow those with common interests to plot without confusion.
    => Confusion? People could always just PM one another to get more details on a plot. Even if they might start off the same, they might not end the same.
  • The plotting forum will be more organized and less crowded.
    => I wanna highlight that it there is a plot area. I've seen people link to specific plot threads in their sigs and get them filled without ever needing a specific part of the guild to fill up their RPs (Imma used Epine and her Pure Walker plots as an example!).
  • Colorists would easily be able to tell who is actively seeking elderhood.
    => I'm pretty sure colorists themselves don't judge who can become an elder. I'm also pretty sure that there is no feed back on how you're doing until you've at least applied once with a Soq. I don't really think this matters to colorists at all, but that's just me.
  • Owners would be able to keep better track of RPs and details.
    => Erm... I don't see how this fits into it at all since each person has their own way of keeping track of their RPs, whether it be in plot threads already, their teepee, or just a word doc on their computer.
  • Posts could be easily transferred from the threads to the contest threads.
    => Huh? If RP records are kept in some way, if you mean the elder application, it shouldn't be hard at all.
  • Elderhood is likley to become more popular due to the ease this will create.
    => It already -is- popular. It's not supposed to be easy to get. It's supposed to take time to get. That's why being an elder is special.

  • New forums cost -- I will gladly foot the bill.
    => I don't really think cost is an issue.
  • May become Elder seeking exclusive -- elders can always help each other, otherwise there are ways to draw attention to the threads.
    => If you talk with owners with elders, they're already willing to help. They're just not going to seek you out.
  • There will need to be threads made for other specific plots to balance the demand -- If that occurs I will absorb the cost with pleasure.
    => Doesn't that just sound more troublesome to keep track of? Each person that wants to have their Soquili reach elder would have to constantly making specific threads for specific plots? I'm pretty sure that people that want to have their Soquili reach elder would prefer to have all their plots in one thread.
  • We don't need a whole forum -- Then how about just a thread?
    => This one's not bad, but in the end, I don't find it much of a difference. You would still have to dig through different peoples' plot threads and see if you can find someone that matches what you want to do.

    So overall, I really have to disagree with what is proposed. I have a Soquili that I would eventually like to be an elder, but I really don't want the process simplified for me and I think it shouldn't be simplified. The glory of an elder is because a person put in a lot of time into a Soquili to get them to that point.

  • ATh e a r t

    Romantic Lunatic


    PostPosted: Tue May 31, 2011 3:57 pm

    I would love to see this.

    The Plot forum we have now is messy, and yeah, it's plots. But as someone trying for an elder, and working two jobs full time. I don't have the time to dig thread there, looking for plots to offer for, and I have an elder plot thread in there, and it just gets lost in the pages.

    As far as I know, there's really no one that watches over the plot forum. But I don't see the harm of maybe making a sub forum IN the Plot Forum if people have an issue with it having it's own mini forum. I think it would be nice to have it's own forum, everyone that's working to get an elder can talk and bounce ideas, and share things with a bit more ease~
    PostPosted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:18 pm

    I'm with heart on this one, I dislike this idea.

    Not only do some Soq's not originally intend to be elders (they might decide this later), but many of them also like to do general non-elder plots. This would totally segregate the hopefully-elder-to-be Soquili from... well, everyday life type RPs, and make all their RP solely focused on becoming an elder.

    That kinda ruins the whole your Soq develops through RP, sometimes not in the way you expect, sort of element.

    Your suggestion would also imply that only Soq with elder plots would RP with others trying to fulfill their elder plots. Well... that's a bit silly isn't it? Does a wise man speak only to wise men? No? Surely by having ONLY elder plots in one thread, you would reduce your chances of ever getting RP partners?

    If you make a thread in the plot forum, as messy as it may seem (personally I have no issues with it, I'm trying to get my Soq to elder and I have loads of general non-elder plots, and both the elder and non-elder plots are being filled quite easily), you appeal to a much wider audience. Soq who don't themselves intend to be elders, but would be happy to participate in your plots, will volunteer and you will find it much easier to get your Soq to elder status.

    Okay, now to analyze the pros and cons.

  • Could be those looking for Elder plots, and also those looking to help others achieve the guidelines.
    ---> What's the point? Ok, one elder plot will be aimed at getting that ONE soquili up to elder-hood. Each Soq is different, and each plot will be tailor made for them. I highly doubt you'll be participating in other's elder plots in order to get your own Soq up to elder-hood.
  • It would be up to the owners to make their own threads within the forum.
    ---> So how is this much different to the current plot thread? You still need to search through to find plots relevant to you.
  • Not necessary for elderhood, just convenient for tracking progress.
    ---> Most people already keep RP logs and such in a) their plot thread or b) their journal. This is NOT an issue.

  • Cut down on search time, allowing more time for RPing.
    ---> You'll always have some plot filled or other, and so will be able to constantly RP. It's not like searching requires actively being there all the time, you can RP whilst doing so. You put up your plot thread, you maintain it, you wait for Soq to fill it. Plus, I fail to see how your idea will cut down on search time. You'll still need to trawl through plots to find one that suits you. In the current plot forum, all you have to do is look for "elder" or "meta-plot" in the title and you're pretty much sorted.
  • Allow those with common interests to plot without confusion.
    ---> The whole point of plotting is to avoid confusion. You discuss, you decide what'll happen, then you RP it out. So once again, a moot point. Plus what's all this about "common interests"? One person will want their Soq to be an elder, and the other theirs. There isn't really a common interest, as their RPing will be geared towards THEIR Soq, not yours.
  • The plotting forum will be more organized and less crowded.
    ---> Less crowded, yes. But that also means FEWER Soqs to plot with and so being less likely to actually fulfill your plots. More organised? I fail to see how. Everyone will have their own thread, as it is in the current plot forum. How is this more organised?
  • Colorists would easily be able to tell who is actively seeking elderhood.
    ---> As mentioned previously by ATH, the colorists don't need to know. I doubt they are tracking the plot forums, unless they themselves RP. The only time it matters is when actually holding an elderhood application, by which point it really doesn't matter if you were seeking it or not. They will look at the application and that is that. Plus, not everyone will use it, so they won't even be able to tell how many people are seeking/the full list of who. Bit pointless, isn't it?
  • Owners would be able to keep better track of RPs and details.
    ---> This is not an issue. Everyone already tracks their RPs either in their journal or plot thread or whatever. This doesn't offer a better means for storing the information. It's just another thread you could chuck it in. So this has no impact on keeping a "better" track of RPs.
  • Posts could be easily transferred from the threads to the contest threads.
    ---> Once again, a regular plot thread will allow you to do this with simplicity. No need to go making a new forum for them. This isn't an issue if you keep track of your RPs, which, if you are trying to get to elderhood, shouldn't be a problem.
  • Elderhood is likley to become more popular due to the ease this will create.
    ---> This doesn't create any ease. Besides, there are already more people trying to become elders than there are elder applications, so popularity isn't an issue. (Even if it does make is supposedly easier: if you can't put the effort in now, should your Soq really deserve the special rank of elder?)

  • New forums cost -- I will gladly foot the bill.
    ---> This is seriously not an issue.
  • May become Elder seeking exclusive -- elders can always help each other, otherwise there are ways to draw attention to the threads.
    ---> If there are always ways to draw attention to the threads, why not just set up a thread in the current plot forum and draw attention to it? But yes, this would not only cut down on your potential RP partners, but would also segregate you from the general plots. Isn't the whole point of elderhood that they experience a lot, including all the general life stuff?
  • There will need to be threads made for other specific plots to balance the demand -- If that occurs I will absorb the cost with pleasure.
    ---> How do more threads lead to cost? And won't loads of threads just make it end up being another plot forum as it is currently?
  • We don't need a whole forum -- Then how about just a thread?
    ---> I doubt people would do this. You'd get at most one post each, and still have to trawl through it, and it would be even more disorganised than the current plot forum.

    That's my two-cents worth anyhow.

  • Phail Ninja
    Vice Captain

    Man-Hungry Sex Symbol

    Revolutionary Roniel

    Indestructible Dragon

    PostPosted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:26 pm

    Hey! There is a real simple solution to this plan!

    So, in the main soq guild we already have an elder forum. Right now it only has elder rules and old elder acceptance threads. and it's only really used once a year.

    Why don't we just open that up to elder plot/critique threads?

    I think that it'd be useful to have somewhere elder centric that people could also look for critique on their elder applications and stuff. I've had several people come to me asking for critiques/advice on their elder app and if we opened up the elder forum they could centralize that.

    We already have the forum all nice and ready. I think it'd be a nice use for it!
    PostPosted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:30 pm

    Roniel Targaryen
    Hey! There is a real simple solution to this plan!

    So, in the main soq guild we already have an elder forum. Right now it only has elder rules and old elder acceptance threads. and it's only really used once a year.

    Why don't we just open that up to elder plot/critique threads?

    I think that it'd be useful to have somewhere elder centric that people could also look for critique on their elder applications and stuff. I've had several people come to me asking for critiques/advice on their elder app and if we opened up the elder forum they could centralize that.

    We already have the forum all nice and ready. I think it'd be a nice use for it!

    Honestly, I've asked Sisi about this before and she already said you can post the application and get critique in either the plot part of the forum or the questing part. Not sure if they'd open up the whole thing to it though xD

    ATh e a r t

    Romantic Lunatic

    Revolutionary Roniel

    Indestructible Dragon

    PostPosted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:33 pm

    I think it'd be nice if people could post elder apps for critiques and stuff in the elder forum itself... cause most people don't use the other forums for that and they're likely to get lost in the shuffle.

    I mean... I dunno if I'd want to make a whole new forum for this, but we already have one so might as well use it. razz

    I know that I specifically look for soqs with elder plots sometimes because I know how tough it can be to find participants in them and want to help people out.
    PostPosted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 7:20 pm

    Official Shop Decision

    We will not be making a special forum for Elder plots nor allowing customers to use the Elder subforum for this purpose. There is already a Plots subforum for that purpose.

    Most of the staff does not like the idea of Elder plots - we believe that part of what makes an Elder is the growth and maturation that comes from being roleplayed a great deal in varying situations. Thus, we do not like seeing plots that have the goal of making the Soquili an Elder. Every Elder is different and the applications are judged individually, so what works for one may not work for another.

    In other words, you already have the tools you need to try for Elders. You don't need a special subforum.


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