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6th Annual Art Contest: CLOSED FOR JUDGING Goto Page: 1 2 3 ... 4 ... 20 21 22 23 [>] [>>] [»|]

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Vice Captain

Ghost Trash

17,975 Points
  • Waffles! 25
  • Bold Squire 75
  • Dragon Master 50
PostPosted: Tue May 31, 2011 12:26 pm

Art Contest Entries Page


Starts: Midnight June 1st, CST
Ends: Midnight July 1st, CST


Then it shall close for Judging.
The Countdown to Grand Prize will be announced publicly before happening.
Pet Prizes count for July's Freebies

To enter the art contest, please first view this thread here for the instructions and list of soquili to pick from.

Only post if submitting artwork. One post per artwork submitting because each artwork is one ticket in the daily raffle for the prize listed.


  1. This page is JUST for the Submission of artwork. Please do not chat here. Please instead chat here.
  2. You must enter artwork done 100% by you. Collabs are allowed too
  3. You may NOT have your own soquili be the focus of artwork attention (Though they MAY be included if not the focus, if they are in a large group of soquili. Example: If members of your herd posted their soquili, you may include your own in the group picture), nor submit anything made before the art contest or by commission. All art must be made specifically just for the art contest.
  4. Entries can only qualify for one prize category and will be award the highest prize. Example: If your entry is the funniest and also involves the most soquili, then you will get the Most Soquili award since it is worth more.
  5. Please submit all entries in the entries thread
  6. All art submitted becomes property of the soquili owners to do with as they please for non-commercial use (such as make sig banners, etc). You will still maintain all credits.
  7. Staff MAY Submit artwork, but CANNOT win any prizes, even in the raffle.

-more if needed

Please fill out this form when posting your entry. Only use one post per entry to make sure you get the full amount of tickets. Each post with an art contest entry in it counts as one ticket for the daily raffle.

[color=blue][b] [size=18]SUBMISSION![/size][/b]
[b]Names of Soquili in your entry:[/b]
[b]Title of Entry:[/b]
[b]Link of Entry:[/b]
[b]Gold Prize categories entry qualifies for:[/b]
[b]Media Used:[/b]
[b]Number of submissions submitted so far:[/b]
PostPosted: Tue May 31, 2011 12:27 pm


Random Entry Prizes At random intervals (whenever she has time or feels like it), Sirenz will randomize all entries entered thus far and you could get a prize! The more entries you do, the more chances to win random prizes. The prizes could be gold, items or whatever else Sirenz feels like giving that day.

Pet Prizes (note: All Prizes can choose to go lower in rarity if desired, and can choose to hybrid with anything at their current level or lower, as long as it is possible in breedings/customs)

Grand Prize - custom Edited (up to Heavily edited) Up to Super rare soquili such as Angeni or Skinwalkers(Cannot crossbreed with each other, Mers, or Minis. NO PUREWALKERS)
1st Prize - custom Edited (up to Heavily edited) Up to Rare soquili
2nd Prize - custom Edited (up to Heavily edited) Up to uncommon soquili
3rd Prize - custom Edited (up to Heavily edited) Up to common soquili

Gold Prizes

  1. Most Entries - (awarded to the person with the most entries) NOTE: Must show a higher level of effort and not just be a quick doodle
  2. Most Soquili - (awarded to the picture that has the most soquili in it) NOTE: Must show a higher level of effort and not just be a quick doodle
  3. Best Group - (the entry with the best looking group of 3+ soqs)
  4. Best Scene from an RP - (The entry that depicts a scene from an RP best -- Link to RP must be posted in comments section of the form.)
  5. Best Couple - (the entry with the best entry of a romantic pairing or Mock-romantic relationship for skinwalkers.)
  6. Best Buddies - (the entry with the best example of friendship and Loyalty between two or more unrelated individuals in a platonic situation)
  7. Best Color - (the entry with the best use of color)
  8. Best B & W - (the entry with the best Black and white (grayscale))
  9. Best Traditional - (the best non-digital entry)
  10. Best Illustrative Story- (Telling a story through imagery)
  11. Best 3d - (the best RL sculpture or digital 3d image of a soquili)
  12. Best Setting/background - (Best background images including the soquili)
  13. Best Chibi - (the entry with the best chibi soquili)
  14. Funniest - (the funniest entry)
  15. Meanest - (the best entry with mean-looking soquili)
  16. Happiest - (the best entry with happy-looking soquili)

Vice Captain

Ghost Trash

17,975 Points
  • Waffles! 25
  • Bold Squire 75
  • Dragon Master 50

Vice Captain

Ghost Trash

17,975 Points
  • Waffles! 25
  • Bold Squire 75
  • Dragon Master 50
PostPosted: Tue May 31, 2011 1:00 pm

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Are we allowed to draw soquili as humans/anthro?
A: Yes, as long as they are recognizable as the soquili they are based on and the soquili are NOT cosplays of human characters. (Aka: Sephiroth)

NOTE: Characters like the Harpies from the WoW event MAY be drawn as humans, but they may not be drawn as WoW Harpies. They may have feathered hairs and tails. Or be depicted as showgirls/tribal dancers, and are allowed animal like lower bodies/long nails. They cannot, however, be drawn as actual WoW Harpies. They must relate to the horse, not to the creature they are designed after.

Q: Can we draw soquili as Fauns or Centaurs?
A: Of course!

Q: Can we draw them as something other then a horse or human? (Wolves, Cats, Dragons etc)
A: Sadly, this is a Soquili art contest. While adapting them from anything between Soquili and Human, at varying levels of anthropomorphizing them, is allowed, drawing soquili as different animals is prohibited.

EXCEPTIONS ARE: Skinwalkers into their Animal form. MUST be their animal form and not a different animal. * see below for more info on identifying skinwalkers.

Q: Are we allowed to draw familiars?
A: Yes, but they Are NOT allowed to be the focus of the piece. They must be drawn with their owner

Q: Does Best couple have to be Lifemates?
A: Not at all! It could be any sort of Romantic couple: Lifemate, Lovemate, One time Fling, Pre-mating Boyfriend & Girlfriend, Admirer and their Crush, Master and 'Pet', etc. It does, however, need to be canon (true to current information on them).

Q: Does Best Buddies have to be Happy/Fun/same gender/related/both Soquili?
A: Not necessarily. They have to be unrelated to each other and cannot be actually 'family' (Unless its by being the mate of a sibling), and not in a relationship -- Just friends, and showing them bonding together. They can be Stallion watching the sunset with his pet Fox, Two friends fighting enemies together, comforting each other after a disaster, Three friends laughing it up over fermented apples, etc.

Q: Hardly anyones posted RPs! D8 Do I have to go digging in the RP logbook for Soquili entered in the contest?
A: Not at all -- Just ask for some RPs of interest in the Public Chat for those who have entered. Perhaps you'll spark some attention.

*Identifying Skinwalkers: If you are for some reason unfamiliar with what a skinwalker is, they are the soquili wearing full pelts on their body, the face of the animal they transform into a mask on their face. They are depicted with animal forms of the same animal as their pelt, sometimes in ghostly transparent form. They also often have a rather unfriendly expression on their face.

PostPosted: Tue May 31, 2011 3:04 pm

Submissions Gallery

(For staff updating use only)

[url=imglink]Title[/url] By Username, Starring: Soquili

Quick Click Gallery

1. Stormwild My Little Pony Style By Kiara Lime, Starring: Stormwild
2. Balrog MLP Style By Kiara Lime, Starring: Balrog
3. Gonna be a rockstar like Daddy! By JetAlmeara, Starring: Banzai & Lyric
4. Aaricia MLP Style By Kiara Lime, Starring: Aaricia
5. Ell Em En Oh MLP Style By Kiara Lime, Starring: Ell Em En Oh!
6. Hallows Bane MLP Style By Kiara Lime, Starring: Hallows Bane
7. Plush Pillow By Kiara Lime, Starring: Megumi & Koryo
8. Regal in Red By Sayuri_Nitta, Starring: Sopheary
9. Lusine MLP Style By Kiara Lime, Starring: Lusine
10. Just Smile! By She-Ra of Etheria, Starring: Bernard
11. Vesper MLP Style By Kiara Lime, Starring: Vesper
12. Mahina MLP Style By Kiara Lime, Starring: Mahina
13. Haloween MLP Style By Kiara Lime, Starring: Hal O’Ween
14. Ramona MLP style By Kiara Lime, Starring: Ramona
15. Headshot 1 By Nyx Queen of Darkness, Starring: Maisie
16. Headshot 2 By Nyx Queen of Darkness, Starring: Lady Luck
17. Headshot 3 By Nyx Queen of Darkness, Starring: Nero
18. Headshot 4 By Nyx Queen of Darkness, Starring: Leika
19. Follow the Lights By JetAlmeara, Starring: Boi tata
20. headshot 5 By Nyx Queen of Darkness, Starring: Tyler
21. She-ra By JetAlmeara, Starring: She-ra
22. Headshot 6 By Nyx Queen of Darkness, Starring: Calixte
23. Headshot 7 By Nyx Queen of darkness, Starring: Kiaroe
24. Headshot 8 By Nyx Queen of Darkness, Starring: Laelia
25. Headshot 9 By Nyx Queen of Darkness, Starring: Cockery
26. Headshot 10 By Nyx Queen of Darkness, Starring: Cthulu
27. Darusha By Evelastina, Starring: Darusha
28. Loving Nurse By harukaharu, Starring: Chatella
29. Headshot 11 By Nyx Queen of Darkness, Starring: Soul Lexis
30. Wander By x blame it on the --- x, Starring: Suriel
31. Headshot 12 By Nyx Queen of Darkness, Starring: Twitchy
32. Headshot 13 By Nyx Queen of Darkness, Starring: Mlio’Koa
33. Headshot 14 By Nyx Queen of Darkness, Starring: Har’Koa
34. The happy Family By Zakiax, Starring: Nori, Gunkan, and Onigiri
35. Scarf Tangle By Nyhility, Starring: Rafah
36. Headshot 15 By Nyx Queen of Darkness, Starring: Fisch
37. Headshot 16 By Nyx Queen of Darkness, Starring: Azimene
38. Headshot 17 By Nyx Queen of Darkness, Starring: Atal’rin
39. Headshot 18 By Nyx Queen of Darkness, Starring: malis
40. Yori By JetAlmeara, Starring: Yori
41. Lutra By JetAlmeara, Starring: Lutra
42. Headshot 19 By Nyx Queen of Darkness, Starring: Fabula
43. Headshot 20 By Nyx Queen of Darkness, Starring: Rafah
44. Gaze By Sayuri_Nitta, Starring: Emi Hardt
45. Nesrin By JetAlmeara, Starring: Nesrin
46. Atlas By JetAlmeara, Starring: Atlas
47. Zombies Rule! By She-ra of Etheria, Starring: Arya
49. Look Innocent By Kara Asumie, Starring: Temperancei
50. Rafah By JetAlmeara, Starring: Rafah
51. Itzel By JetAlmeara, Starring: Itzel
52. Headshot By Nukido, Starring: Myrddin
53. Headshot By Nukido, Starring: Zutnic
54. Headshot By Nukido, Starring: Gullveig
55. Headshot By Nukido, Starring: xanti
56. Headshot By Nukido, Starring: Chimalsi
57. Headshot By Nukido, Starring: Koris
58. Tempting Wink By Kara Asumie, Starring: Caoimhe
59. Anelisse headshot By Kara Asumie, Starring: Anelisse
60. I got away with Murder. By Kara Asumie, Starring: Sangria
61. Floating head of your demise By Split Personality, Starring: Cthulu
62. A Touch of Rainbow By Polette, Starring: Itzel
63. Sonja By JetAlmeara, Starring: Sonja
64. Sumire By JetAlmeara, Starring: Sumirei
65. Hadrian & Zara By JetAlmeara, Starring: Hadrian & Zara
66. Headshot 21 By Nyx Queen of Darkness, Starring: Anju
67. Headshot 22 By Nyx Queen of Darkness, Starring: Prosperina
68. Headshot 23 By Nyx Queen of Darkness, Starring: Elliot
69. Headshot 24 By Nyx Queen of Darkness, Starring: Diabolus
70. Beautifully Evil By vballlvr5, Starring: Bloody Mary Milly Spector
71. Headshot 25 By Nyx Queen of Darkness, Starring: Amaya
72. Headshot 26 By Nyx Queen of Darkness, Starring: Skadhi
73. Headshot 27 By Nyx Queen of Darkness, Starring: Boi-tata
74. Headshot 28 By Nyx Queen of Darkness, Starring: Pirata Noctis
75. Gaining Serenity By Kara Asumie, Starring: Sato Shibuya
76. Undersea Lovers By Evelastina, Starring: Ichthian and Menthe
77. Fluttering Fairy By ATh e a r t, Starring: Vesper
78. Tiarnan By Kyaishi, Starring: Tiarnan
79. Bee Happy! By She-ra of Etheria, Starring: Miel
80. Family By JetAlmeara, Starring: Ukoo,Umo,Pingu & Fluke
81. Two sides of a coin By Kyaishi, Starring: Genevieve
82. When I look into your eyes By Kyaishi, Starring: Hadrian & Zara
83. So Cute.e By She-ra of Etheria, Starring: Apple Blossom
84. calm Seat By ShirouEn, Starring: Ananchel
85. Waves of Silver By Aniira, Starring: Sohalia
86. Bold Stance By ShirouEn, Starring: Bernard
87. Gentle Flutters By ShirouEn, Starring: Laelia
88. Sweet neon By Evelastina, Starring: Yori
89. Headshot 29 By Nyx Queen of Darkness, Starring: Lyric
90. Headshot 30 By Nyx Queen of Darkness, Starring: Banzai
91. Headshot 31 By Nyx Queen of Darkness, Starring: Star
92. Headshot 32 By Nyx Queen of Darkness, Starring: Anthrax
93. Headshot 33 By Nyx Queen of Darkness, Starring: Erynion
94. Headshot 34 By Nyx Queen of Darkness, Starring: Nalani
95. Headshot 35 By Nyx Queen of Darkness, Starring: Galilee Atva
96. Headshot 36 By Nyx Queen of Darkness, Starring: Venom
97. Darusha By JetAlmeara, Starring: Darusha
98. Yuri By JetAlmeara, Starring: Yuri
99. Eudora By Sayuri_Nitta, Starring: Eudora
100. Derene Swim By ShirouEn, Starring: Cade Milotic
101. Always By Scaramouche fandango, Starring: Twitchy and Cockery
102. Bairn By JetAlmeara, Starring: Bairn
103. She-ra By JetAlmeara, Starring: She-ra
104. walking Proud. By She-ra of Etheria, Starring: Mercy
105. Headshot 37 By Nyx queen of Darkness, Starring: Sigurd
106. Headshot 38 By Nyx Queen of Darkenss, Starring: Bloody Mary Milly Spector
107. Headshot 39 By Nyx Queen of Darkness, Starring: Mr. T
108. Headshot 40 By Nyx Queen of Darkness, Starring: Nande
109. Winter’s resonance By Ronial Targaryen, Starring: Winter and Dusk Resonance
110. Tummyache By Evelastina, Starring: Frenzy
111. Firefly Night By Roniel Targryen, Starring: Ananchel, Jeremiel, Imriel, and Asariel
112. That mane By FitzRoyal, Starring: Prosperina
113. Seaside Preen By Darkmoon Dancer, Starring: cade Milotic
114. A new kind of spook By vballlvr5, Starring: Eden Cullen
115. Enitan By She-ra of Etheria, Starring: Enitan
116. Breath of Evil By Roniel Targaryen, Starring: dardanos, Zyanya
117. Little Trot By ShirouEn, Starring: Synestra
118. Moonlight Shadow By [ +Katch+], Starring: Anju
119. Sleepy Time By ShirouEn, Starring: Bright Eyes
120. Busy Bee By ShirouEn, Starring: Miel
121. Strong Stance By ShirouEn, Starring: Aydan
122. Sweet Blossoms By ShirouEn, Starring: Haikui
123. Uhra By JetAlmeara, Starring: Uhra
124. Solemn By JetAlmeara, Starring: Solemn
125. Yunai & Sister By JetAlmeara, Starring: Yunai
126. Ichthian By JetAlmeara, Starring: Ichthian
127. Sirinay By JetAlmeara, Starring: Sirinay
128. In Your Arms By Sayuri_Nitta, Starring: Stormwind & Balrog
129. I’ll see you through. By JetAlmeara, Starring: Lutra
130. Elder at rest By Nisshou H, Starring: Hayagriva
131. Seaside Rage By JetAlmeara, Starring: Anju
132. Headshot 41 By Nyx Queen of Darkness, Starring: Nerina
133. Headshot 42 By Nyx Queen of Darkness, Starring: Melusine
134. Headshot 43 By Nyx Queen of Darkness, Starring: Cyllene
135. Headshot 44 By Nyx Queen of Darkness, Starring: Faye
136. Nirvana By JetAlmeara, Starring: Nirvanai
137. Papillon By Evelastina, Starring: Sienna
138. Forest Spirit By TanuKyle, Starring: Adalyn
139. Natural Beauty By Sayuri_Nitta, Starring: Faye
140. Night Flight By jetAlmeara, Starring: Aurora
141. Stop and pay the toll! By Roniel Targaryen, Starring: Wolf, Lorenna, Othelia, Carmine, Aishwarya
142. Chibi Anatola By sailormoon72491, Starring: Anatola
143. majestic Royality By Nyhility, Starring: Sopheary
144. As the Bat flies By Roniel Targaryen, Starring: Terra Stryker
145. Guardian By [ +Katch+ ], Starring: Jade
146. Boom headshot By sailormoon72491, Starring: Ramona
147. Headshot 45 By Nyx Queen of Darkness, Starring: Sapphiron Kanny
148. Headshot 46 By Nyx Queen of Darkness, Starring: Jem
149. Sylviana By JetAlmeara, Starring: Sylviana
150. Zutnic By JetAlmeara, Starring: Zutnic
151. Contrast By LydaLynn, Starring: Miel
152. So Serious Looking By She-ra of Etheria, Starring: Ren
153. Sundown By O L I V Extract, Starring: rai
154. RAINBOOOOW By O L I V Extract, Starring: Cockery
155. Midnight’s Bloom By Darkmoon Dancer, Starring: Thesh-ah
156. Headshot 47 By Nyx Queen of Darkness, Starring: Synestra
157. Headshot 48 By Nyx Queen of Darkness, Starring: Recovery
158. Little Voice By Sayuri_Nitta, Starring: Aldora
159. Those are mine... By Insane Butterfly, Starring: Anthrax
160. Fallen Angel By vballlvr5, Starring: Alexander
161. Craven By vballlvr5, Starring: Craven
162. Heart Thief By Polette, Starring: Winston
163. Untitled By Split Personality, Starring: Castillo
164. Love and Lips By Split Personality, Starring: Cloee and kendrick
165. KNit the Rainbow! By elvyrani, Starring: Twitchy
166. It’s so FLUFFY! By Leez0rz, Starring: Comulonibus
167. Story Time By JetAlmeara, Starring: Flame
168. The Tale of the Tail! By TanuKyle, Starring: Wyrsa
169. Love Stronger then Glass By roniel Taragaryen, Starring: Branwen, Lafayette
170. Drawn to you By Roniel Targaryen, Starring: Maion and Sengdroma
171. Moonlit Love By Aniira, Starring: Shaman and Enquiri
172. Serenity By TanuKyle, Starring: Vespera
173. Facing the Fire By Roniel Targaryen, Starring: Cetra, Amaya, Diabolus
174. Snow Princess By Roniel Targaryen, Starring: Elegy
175. Deep Sea Wonders By Insane Butterfly, Starring: Myrmidon
176. Naptime! By ~Spazzy_the_Wolfie~, Starring: Zaine
177. Tale as Old as Time By Sayuri_Nitta, Starring: Zucutto Sohalia & Azazel
178. Go away By Insane Butterfly, Starring: Nukpana and Trinity
179. Don’t deny your fate. By Eranas, Starring: Schizoid, Lenore, Gabriel
180. Sexy man By Aniira, Starring: Gabriel
181. Strength in Motion By Sayuri_Nitta, Starring: Gabriel
182. Burdens to bear By Roniel Targaryen, Starring: Deanneth Chamberland
183. Lovely Lady By Roniel Targaryen, Starring: Amira
184. Ghosts of the Past By [+Katch+], Starring: Aella
185. Nap time in the mountains By Insane Butterfly, Starring: Whisper
186. Friends in the Meadow By She-Ra of Etheria, Starring: Ishara
187. witing in the Wind By Aiira, Starring: Eir
188. Too Far? By littletomol, Starring: Marrow
189. gentle Flower By Sayuri_Nitta, Starring: Laelia
190. A Fight to Remember By vballlvr5, Starring: Hayagriva, Samsara, Zulian
191. Feminine Snares By TanuKyle, Starring: Rose
192. The Mystic Lady By Tara de Draiocht, Starring: Zara
193. he Cheerful Wanderer By Tara de Draiocht, Starring: Cabriole Amachi
194. The Silent Shadow By Tara de Draiocht, Starring: Janus
195. Giant Heart By Tara de Draiocht, Starring: Maion
196. Mothers Heart By Tara de Draiocht, Starring: Uzi
197. By Tara de Draiocht, Starring: Whisper
Wild Winds By Tara de Draiocht, Starring: Stormwind
199. Lord fo Darkness By Tara de Draiocht, Starring: Balrog
200. Red in Tooth and Claw By Roniel Targaryen, Starring: ilo’koa
201. Twisted branches By Roniel Targaryen, Starring: Mephistopheles
202. Give me Everything By FitzRoyal, Starring: Lilith
203. Pretty Lady By She-Ra of Etheria, Starring: Zara
204. Axithne By JetAlmeara, Starring: Axithne
205. Ni’awtu By Jet Almeara, Starring: Ni’awtu
206. Neela By JetAlmeara, Starring: Neela
207. Nox- Family Bonds By [+Katch+], Starring: Amelia Nox, Anaon Nox, Tannin Nox
208. This Must be Underwater By Sayuri_Nitta, Starring: Myrmidon & Mai
209. A Family of Shadows By Roniel Targaryen, Starring: Deanneth Chamberland, Gideon/Garence Chamberland, Shirlyn Chamberland, Angeetia
210. Mission Time By Aniira, Starring: Tannin Nox
211. Butt Wings! By Aniira, Starring: Karei
212. My Cherry Blossom By leez0rz, Starring: Etcetera & Nieve
213. Walk the Rainbow Road By saedusk, Starring: Itzel
214. Do you hear what WE hear? By [+Katch+], Starring: Legion
215. Father and Son By Mogami, Starring: Zaid and Ziyad
216. Huntress By Sayuri_Nitta, Starring: Syntyche
217. freedom is fuond in Running By Roniel Targaryen, Starring: Vevina, Umo, Scarlet, Shikoba, Kristan, Desvayne
218. Trevor headshot By She-ra of Etherian, Starring: Trevor
219. Terror from above By sage_the_vampirc_angel, Starring: Terra Stryker
220. Dunce By ATh e a r t, Starring: Adakias
221. blooodddyy By ATh e a r t, Starring: Karloff
222. Lollie, Starie, I ate your pony. :[ By AlexiaSilver, Starring: Twitchy
223. Soft Curls By Nyx Queen of Darkness, Starring: Dennika Lynn
224. Intrigued By Nyx Queen of Darkness, Starring: Jentzerlook
225. Surprise By Nyx Queen of Darkness, Starring: Lusine
226. Simple Elegnace By Nyx Queen of Darkness, Starring: Belleza
227. Cuteness~! By ATh e a r t, Starring: Sohalia
228. Feather Head By Sayuri_Nitta, Starring: Argent
229. Savior By Nyx Queen of Darkness, Starring: Cuauhcoatl and Ikinya
230. Smile By Sayuri_Nitta, Starring: Acacia
231. Curiosity Killed the Horse By vollyballrocks91, Starring: Javan
232. I didn’t do it... By vollyballrocks91, Starring: Pax
233. Brave and Bold By vollyballrocks91, Starring: Laertes
234. Mucha-Esque By Darkmoon Dancer, Starring: Emi Hardti
235. Hadrian Headshot By She-Ra of Etheria, Starring: Hadrian
236. Pleased Crafter By Roniel Targaryen, Starring: Taarab
237. My Baby By Darkmoon Dancer, Starring: Genesis
238. Pretty and Perky By vollyballrocks91, Starring: Neena
239. Delicate as a Lily By vollyballrocks91, Starring: Laelia
240. You Should be With Me By Sayuri_Nitta, Starring: Echo’s Song
241. Headshot 1 By -[The Spoof]-, Starring: Rose
242. Quiet Sunset By She-Ra of Etheria, Starring: Supreme
243. Like Mother, Like Son By Scaramouche Fandango, Starring: Har’Koa and Milo’Koa
244. SEAHORSE By O L I V Extract, Starring: Revenent
245. Target in Sight By Scaramouche Fandango, Starring: Seethe, Seresai
246. My Swamp!! By Darkmoon Dancer, Starring: Zelfrax
247. The Legacy of us By Aniira, Starring: Yei Umeko and Grencia
248. Cethin, the Deathbringer By Darkmoon Dancer, Starring: Cethin
249. Sunset Run By ATh e a r t, Starring: Angharad
250. Cherry Blossom Fairy By [+Katch+], Starring: Haiku
251. Twitterpatted By vollyballrocks91, Starring: Erynion and Vesper
252. Lurkers of the Swamp By Darkmoon Dancer, Starring: Beelzebub, Sintharia
253. Tree Angel By Sayuri_Nitta, Starring: Witseidutsei
254. Closeness By Roniel Targaryen, Starring: Tiarnan, Astariel
255. In the Night... By Aniira, Starring: Kerberos
256. Te as a Human By Aniira, Starring: te?
257. Pretty in Pink 8D By Mogami, Starring: Sakura
258. Go’a walkin’ After Midnight By Tara de Draiocht, Starring: Marrow
259. I will drink you dry By Sayuri_Nitta, Starring: Jezabelle
260. Playful Breeze By Sayuri_Nitta, Starring: Naniahiahi
261. Big Wings, Little Wings By Sayuri_Nitta, Starring: Shania Leigh
262. Look into my eyes >_o By Sayuri_Nitta, Starring: Hayagriva
263. Blooded By Sayuri_Nitta, Starring: Norika
264. Quick Sketch By LydaLynn, Starring: Laertes
265. Pretty Lady By Insane Butterfly, Starring: Avalon
266. North By Thalion, Starring: North
267. Carthage By celestial Requiem, Starring: Carthage
268. If looks could kill... By Leez0rz, Starring: Xochiquetzal x Requiem’s Sin
269. Something witty involving a swamp. ;A; My brain is too tired. By TanuKyle, Starring: Ruehil~
270. Naiveté By vballlvr5, Starring: Leila
271. Sunset Girl By Mogami, Starring: Dumah
272. Pretty girl By sailormoon72491, Starring: Klfra
273. New Life By TanuKyle, Starring: Sakura
274. Blue By Sayuri_Nitta & Moxxiie , Starring: Marika
275. Hey Big Spender! By Faid Shadowlight, Starring: Brianne
276. Dream Come True By Celestal Requiem, Starring: Samsara
277. Neela By Sayuri_Nitta, Starring: Neela
278. Flutter Softly & Carry a Sharp Knife By Sayuri_Nitta, Starring: Nirmala
279. Simplicity By vballlvr5, Starring: Astariel
280. Preggers!! By vballllvr5, Starring: Trinity Rose
281. Winter Fun By TanuKyle, Starring: Keely
282. family Photo <3 By vballlvr5, Starring: Chogan, Crosswind, Meykal, Little Wind, Zheadeos, Little Whisper
283. Stand Up By FitzRoyal, Starring: Douglas Grifon
284. Under the Sea By Mogami, Starring: Jem
285. Animal By FitzRoyal, Starring: Lutra
286. Sun Goes Down By FitzRoyal, Starring: Juneau, Whimsy, Jade
287. Zutnic By Thalion, Starring: Zutnic
288. Love is Proud By Nyx Queen of Darkness, Starring: Etcetera and Nieve
289. Warrior Princess By Nyx Queen of Darkness, Starring: Louvia
290. Man behind the warrior-ess By Nyx Queen of Darkness, Starring: Adakias
291. Harpy 1 By Nyx Queen of Darkness, Starring: Shikoba
292. harpy 2 By Nyx Queen of Darkness, Starring: Sirana
293. Harpy 3 By Nyx Queen of Darkness, Starring: Zahraa’
294. Harpy 4 By Nyx Queen of Darkness, Starring: Lunil
295. Peeking By Nyx Queen of Darkness, Starring: Madoka
296. Rainbow man By Nyx Queen of Darkness, Starring: Kaleiscope
297. Watchful By Nyx Quen of Darkness, Starring: Ukoo
298. Autumn Male By Nyx Queen of Darkness, Starring: Conleth
299. Like a Selkie By Willow The Wanderer, Starring: Sherma
300. Ready to Attack By Willow The Wanderer, Starring: terra Stryker
301. Rescue By LydaLynn, Starring: Maion, Pele [in basket] (also, Elijah and Spike familiars)
302. Fisch By StarieMichie, Starring: Fisch
303. Little Star By Sayuri_Nitta, Starring: Morphine Starshine
304. Reverse Pin the tail~ By Thalion, Starring: Wyrsa
305. Welcome to Our World By Scaramouche Fandango, Starring: Kushanu, Dresden, Keiko, Yuri, Aduial, Kaia, Carthage, Architeuthis, Tarala, Cade Milotic, Gahz’Rilla, Temperance, Revenant, Ruehil, Bmurglbrm, Laika, Enaka Vailea, Darusha, Fluke, Pingu, Ukoo, Umo, Cthulhu, Fisch, Cortana, Dimitri, Azimene, Zara, Hadrian, Nocturne, Kalila, Sumire, Zaria, Regin, Loki, Apple Blossom, Aydan, Αελλα, Sonja, Shijin, Edana Hatetalon, Vapor, Zahid, Alejandra, Itxel, Anatola, Akino, Kerberos, Morana, Arianrhod, Zuleika, Disheartened, Disenchanted, Sharma, Wind Gypsy, Sirian, Astariel, Atlas, Nesrin, Flame, Seethe, Seresai, Tiarnan, Madoka, Copena Jolon, Sohalia, Crusnik, Yori, Lutra, and Clover.
306. Bliss~ By Nyhility, Starring: North
307. The Kings By [+Katch+], Starring: Sigurd, Winston, Grencia & Maion
308. Just keep swimming By Split Personality, Starring: Myrmidon
309. Blood Craving By starbolt22, Starring: Adrian
310. Mudbath? By Nyhility, Starring: Fenghuang and Anelissei
311. Matriarch in 3D By LadyKirin, Starring: Malis
312. Playing with the Bees By SylverStar, Starring: Miel
313. Shinsei Batsu By Thrivis, Starring: Shinsei Batsu
314. Life is a Story By Ac.Wings, Starring: Singeri
315. Fight! By Nyhility, Starring: Quicken, Sigurd, Craven
316. A Link to the Past By Scaramouche Fandango, Starring: Epona
317. A Predator Among Us By Leez0rz, Starring: Koryo
318. Copena Jolon By Tygress Dream, Starring: Copena Jolon
319. A Life I Once Knew By Windy dasher, Starring: Epona
320. She-ra By Tygress Dream, Starring: She-ra
321. Kiaroe By Thrivis, Starring: Kiaroe
322. Myrddin By Tygress Dream, Starring: Myrddin
323. A Sister’s Envy By Leez0rz, Starring: Anatola & Ananya
324. Study Time By Nyhility, Starring: Cuauhcoatl
325. Chibi Hair Day By AC.Wings, Starring: Anelisse

Vice Captain

Ghost Trash

17,975 Points
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  • Dragon Master 50

Kiara Lime

PostPosted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 10:22 am

Artist: Kiara Lime
Names of Soquili in your entry: Stormwild
Title of Entry: Stormwild My Little Pony Style
Link of Entry: Stormwild MLP
Gold Prize categories entry qualifies for: Best Chibi, Most Entries
Media Used: Tablet, digital
Comments: First inspiration to get me drawing in the new mlp style, I hope I posted this right.
Number of submissions submitted so far: 1
PostPosted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 10:25 am

Artist: Kiara Lime
Names of Soquili in your entry: Balrog
Title of Entry: Balrog MLP Style
Link of Entry: Balrog MLP
Gold Prize categories entry qualifies for: Best Chibi, Most Entries
Media Used: Tablet/Digital
Comments: Where Stormwild is Balrog shall follow XD
Number of submissions submitted so far: 2

Kiara Lime


Eloquent Raider

PostPosted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 11:02 am

Artist: JetAlmeara
Names of Soquili in your entry: Banzai & Lyric
Title of Entry: Gonna be a rockstar like Daddy!
Link of Entry: Link
Gold Prize categories entry qualifies for: chibi
Media Used: Photoshop Elements
Number of submissions submitted so far: 1
PostPosted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 11:38 am

Artist: Kiara Lime
Names of Soquili in your entry: Aaricia
Title of Entry: Aaricia MLP Style
Link of Entry: Aaricia MLP
Gold Prize categories entry qualifies for: Best Chibi, Happiest, Most Entries
Media Used: Tablet/Digital
Number of submissions submitted so far: 3

Kiara Lime

Kiara Lime

PostPosted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 11:40 am

Artist: Kiara Lime
Names of Soquili in your entry: Ell Em En Oh!
Title of Entry: Ell Em En Oh MLP Style
Link of Entry: Ell Em En Oh MLP
Gold Prize categories entry qualifies for: Best Chibi, Most Entries
Media Used: Tablet/Digital
Number of submissions submitted so far: 4
PostPosted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 11:42 am

Artist: Kiara Lime
Names of Soquili in your entry: Hallows Bane
Title of Entry: Hallows Bane MLP Style
Link of Entry: Hallows Bane MLP
Gold Prize categories entry qualifies for: Best Chibi, Most Entries
Media Used: Tablet/Digital
Number of submissions submitted so far: 5

Kiara Lime

Kiara Lime

PostPosted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 11:52 am

Artist: Kiara Lime
Names of Soquili in your entry: Megumi & Koryo
Title of Entry: Plush Pillow
Link of Entry: MK
Gold Prize categories entry qualifies for: Best Chibi, Best Couple, Funniest, Most Entries
Media Used: Tablet/Digital
Comments: Megumi is Koryo's Stalker and lifemate. She has a thing for following him and leaving dead flowers for him wherever she goes. So here's a picture of her showing another way she cares.
Number of submissions submitted so far: 6
PostPosted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 11:52 am

Artist: Sayuri_Nitta
Names of Soquili in your entry: Sopheary
Title of Entry: Regal in Red
Link of Entry: X
Gold Prize categories entry qualifies for: Traditional, Colour
Media Used: Pencils, Ink Pen, post scan PSP7
Number of submissions submitted so far: 1


Kiara Lime

PostPosted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 11:53 am

Artist: Kiara Lime
Names of Soquili in your entry: Lusine
Title of Entry: Lusine MLP Style
Link of Entry: Lusine MLP
Gold Prize categories entry qualifies for: Best Chibi, Most Entries
Media Used: Tablet/Digital
Number of submissions submitted so far: 7
PostPosted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 11:55 am

Artist: She-Ra of Etheria
Names of Soquili in your entry: Bernard
Title of Entry: Just smile!
Link of Entry: [X]
Gold Prize categories entry qualifies for: Best Chibi, Happiest
Media Used: Digital/SAI
Number of submissions submitted so far: 1

She-Ra of Etheria

Kiara Lime

PostPosted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 11:55 am

Artist: Kiara Lime
Names of Soquili in your entry: Vesper
Title of Entry: Vesper MLP Style
Link of Entry: Vesper MLP
Gold Prize categories entry qualifies for: Best Chibi, Most Entries
Media Used: Tablet/Digital
Comments: I just adore the wings on this mare
Number of submissions submitted so far: 8

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