Teacher or Student:Student
Bio:When Ace split into three Lucas was one of them he's a very a calm,cool,and collective type of person .As Ace's good and logical side Lucas always thinks on the good side of things and is always trying to help others, as well as being very intelligent and strategic he's always thinking one step ahead of others which makes him a very dangerous person to have as and such he thinks of the world as a game of chess. a game he likes to play in hes spare time.
Powers:he's very skilled at using weapons, give him a weapon and he can learn to master it in minutes. when it comes to fighting hand to hand he's as skilled as the others but tines not to fight that way unless his really angry then he uses a mixed of weapon and fist combat.he's trying to learn white magic and is mildly good at it but his main power is that he has the power of the light element as well as controlling light itself although he hasn't fully mastered it yet as of now he uses it to increase his body's natural abilities and create light energy balls or weapons for attacking
Other:he has a white flame tattoo on both of his hands
Picture:User Image