Who for is this contest-raffle? Why, these two!
Cute, ain't they? And twins! In fact, there's twins on both sides of the family! Ramla, the cubs' mother, has a brother and sister that are twins(And in fact they are the source of the split-color tail hairs going on with these girls!). From Ngoma'mwale, the father, we get... Ahadi's line! Ngoma's father's first cousins have at least two sets of twins, and then there's a couple twins down the line through the bloodlines.
Here's the deal - The girl with the silver eyes is for Pride newbies - You may own 0 members in the Tuait'tekhem! The girl with the green eyes is for everybody to enter for - Unless I already gave you a cub xd
This starts NOW, and it will end June 15 at 9pm EST, even if I'm NOT here! If it's after 9 EST that day, assume this is CLOSED!
*edited in* What is a contest-raffle, you may be wondering. It's pretty much... The contest aspect is naming the cub, picking a future rank, and coming up with an idea of what you'd want to have as the personality. At the end, I take the lists and raffle from the entries. The contest part means that I don't have to pester you for a future rank, and if you win, you have a good idea already of what kind of personality your new pet will have heart The raffle part's just because it's easier for me, since it's summer and that means a hectic schedule with my job, my mother's job, and the fact we have no AC and it's been in the 90 degree range for the last couple days. Not too conducive to reading.
Okay, now that that's all out of the way... I'm going to lay a couple ground rules. *Edit* Remember to read them ALL, and abide them ALL! If you break one specific to the here-and-now of the contest, I'll let you know what needs changing, and when I spot your change, I'll THEN add you to the list at the BOTTOM for that moment I spot it(So if, say, 5 more people enter after you, you'll be the sixth added the moment I notice, and it will all carry on from there).
1. The cubs may not leave, even at adolescence, without you talking to me first! Do not come to me and say "Oh yeah, my cub is running off to this distant pride, bye!", discuss it with me! I've had people do that before, and to be frank... It's rude. I won't stand for it. You have a cub run off without talking to me, I will go to staff and ask to rehome the cub to somebody who actually RESPECTS the rules and requests.
2. There is no cubnapping! This is actually a PRIDAL rule - The cubs stay in the temples until adolescence, during which there is ALWAYS somebody watching them.
3. This one's VERY important - You CANNOT have gotten a litter custom for the month of May! That is what these two both count as, and that's actually why, even though I got them back in the middle of May, this is happening in JUNE.
4. Names must be Egyptian, Swahili, Hebrew, or Arabic, and they CANNOT share a name directly with a god(That part's actually also a pridal rule).
5. No proxies - This is gonna be open two weeks, that's plenty of time to post in for yourself!
6. Pride newbies MAY enter for both, but will only win ONE.
Right, so... You're wondering about the family, yes? Okay smile
Ngoma'mwale - The father - He came to the Tuait lands from the Motoujamii desert. He's large, not in charge of this family, and he'll pelt any of his children with rocks if they show any signs of liking their own genders. He's not fond of homosexuals, but he puts up with the concept because of Ramla. He gave Ramla a vulture he'd made with feathers, honey, drift wood, and an old skull as a love token.
Ramla - The mother - Born and raised in the Tuait lands. She's the (much) smaller parent, and VERY much in charge of the family. Mom's word is LAW and only usurped by Pharoah's law. Being raised by two males, she's comfortable and at ease with the lifestyle, and would be just as proud of her children no matter if they were hetero or homosexual. She's not sure what to make of the fake vulture, other than it was a damn good application of a loophole.
Khet(Most like dad in looks), Zapalito(Fire tail), & Saul(Ginger) - The brothers of the twins. Watch out for Saul, he's a little brat.
Intombi'nyota & Kartek - The sisters of the twins. Watch out for Kartek, she'll write on you with her tail.
Tiny history lesson:
Ramla has a respect for her birth mother, Madhu-makhi. Why? Because Ramla was raised by two males - Ilhori(Her genetic father) and Sepoko(Her other father), and to get there... Her birth mother played surrogate. So if any of her daughters follow her birth mother's pawprints, she'll be very proud.
Ngoma'mwale grew up in the Traditionalist split of the Motoujamii pride, and as such, he tends to have some old beliefs, especially about gods, and pelts. As such, his favorites are Khet and Zapalito, because of their whtie coats. He IS willing to accept that females can have many of the same roles as males, though, thanks to Ramla.
When you enter, post these forms!
[size=20][b][color=gold]I'm a pride newbie![/color][/b][/size]
[b]My name:[/b] Your user name!
[b]The cub's name:[/b] Tell us what it means too!
[b]Future rank:[/b] Need to know this!
[b]Personality:[/b] Just a line's fine. Tell the cub who he is and maybe you'll get lucky!
[b]My name:[/b] Your user name!
[b]The cub's name:[/b] Tell us what it means too!
[b]Future rank:[/b] Need to know this!
[b]Personality:[/b] Just a line's fine. Tell the cub who he is and maybe you'll get lucky!
[size=20][b][color=red]I've got pets in the pride![/color][/b][/size]
[b]My name:[/b] Your user name!
[b]The cub's name:[/b] Tell us what it means too!
[b]Future rank:[/b] Need to know this!
[b]Personality:[/b] Just a line's fine. Tell the cub who he is and maybe you'll get lucky!
[b]My name:[/b] Your user name!
[b]The cub's name:[/b] Tell us what it means too!
[b]Future rank:[/b] Need to know this!
[b]Personality:[/b] Just a line's fine. Tell the cub who he is and maybe you'll get lucky!