Kusimamia'Utulivu - -_Wish of the Goddess_-
Tavar'urya - Das Tor

Sleep had evaded him once again. Tulivu found himself weary and irritable, as the full moon raised over the horizon. Tail flicking back and forth, his blue eyes were soft and tired as he thought of all the things that had been occuring lately. He was eager to see Aisling agian, but for now...He wondered if he was even truly attracted to females....they never truly got him....riled or extracted any emotion from him.

Tavar was, in a word, BORED. He had tonight 'off'...no patrol on the borders for him. Umarth was on the borders that night instead, his mother and father were Morifaer knew where, and he really had nothing to do. He would train, but he didn't feel like dealing with most of his pride-mates at the moment. Not to mention most were busy, and the one he knew WASN'T...he was ever wary of. His aunt always put even him on edge. The fire-maned lion yawned and stretched, rising up to see if he could find SOMETHING to do. If not...Well, then he'd find a good place to nap.

His pawsteps lead him to be in the lion's path. Shaking a bit of his silvery mane from his eyes, he looked, curiously. He'd never seen this one before. Well, no matter....They usually passed eachother by, though he didn't know if he wished to pass. Curiousity got the best of him, and without realizing it, he was staring rather openly at Tevar, gaze turning over the mane and pelt.

Tavar raised a brow at the silver-maned lion who got in his way. Huh...by his markings and coloring, likely one of the Sparda Aran'shale's sons or nephews. (He'd stopped trying to understand how that bloodline worked when he was a young Hirao'alph.) "Can I help you with something?" Either way, he wasn't in a mood to be stared at. Or maybe he was...it would give him an excuse for a fight, after all. And that way something to do.

Canting his head, he spoke slowly, "I suppose you cannot. You simply seemed to be someone I'd not met before, however since you're such a snappy thing, I suppose I was incorrect in assuming that any manners or introduction were to be had." Tulivu was rather snippy himself, not really caring if it pissed the other off.

Tavar snorted, shifting slightly so he could make it harder for the other to pass him by. Well! If the other male was going to be an a**..."And why should I be polite to someone I've never met either? Considering I don't even have a name, it's rather hard to be polite." He smirked. "Tavar'urya, son of Kasdeya and Mahewa."

He seemed to relax a bit, "I am Kusimamia'Utulivu, son of Hakuna'jina, and Telemakhos." He stood tall at that, and trotted forwards, aiming to move past the other, "A pleasure I'm sure, Tavar'urya. For the time being, I will say that is that." Still being snippy. But, since the other male was being so....testy, well...

Tavar moved so Tuli couldn't pass. Now, now...they weren't done talking, so far as Tavar was concerned! He'd been right about his parentage, though. "So what's it like having siblings that are cousins as well, Kusimamia'Tulivu?" Perhaps he was a mite curious about that. His own cousins were very strictly his COUSINS, after all...and he really only got along with one, maybe two of them. Hell...he didn't even really get along with his siblings generally.

He blinked, and took a slow breath, "It is what it is." Tulivu wasn't a fighter, after all.  He was a Tu'azan, after all, "They are my brothers and my cousins, and I do not mind. I am sure that at some point it will seem even more strange, but for the moment, I am content with it being what it is."

Tavar raised a brow. "Truly? Hm...I thought it might be more interesting. Or that there might be jealousy regarding certain statuses." After all...the children of a consort and a normal pride member could never be heirs like the children of a ruler and a normal pride member. This was an odd, odd lion in front of him.

He shrugged simply, backing up away. He did not wish for this other to touch him. Ears laying back, he shook his head, "I am not jealous of my brothers and sisters. I am content with the position that I knew was chosen for me. I know I was meant to be a Tu'azan, and I am content to remain as such.

The fire-maned lion chuckled. "A Tu'azan, huh? So you enjoy breaking up petty fights and trying to keep our kin from ripping each other to shreds too often?" Tavar loved his pride...but he had no illusions about the volatile and violent nature of the demons within it.

Vassago within him bristled, and Tuli could feel his currently irritable demon demanding that he demand some respect. Taking a breath instead, he let his head cant aside, "....Quite. I am not fond of fighting, unless it has been.....deemed a necessity."

"Mmm...you're a rare one, than." NOW this male truly had Tavar's curiosity...though it only really showed in the glint in his leaf-green eyes. What was it that kept a demon so...calm, compared to his kin? Hell, Tavar liked a good fight now and again just for the hell of it, neccessity be damned! Perhaps it was something unique to the Sparda line? The tempering influence of divine blood? Or perhaps not, considering the other lion's mother was known in the pride for loving a good fight. "Why is it you don't like fighting, in a pride like this?"

"It is a pointless thing, to my mind....Why fight?" But there was a growl to his words, and he seemed to be fighting the demon within him, who bristled at being questioned. Tulivu again tried to sidestep Tavar, feeling his blood boil. Huh....First real reaction out of him in quite some time.

Tavar smirked, hearing the growl under the words. Oh good! So the Tu'azan DID feel! "To keep your skills sharp, and to gain respect you won't gain otherwise." Tavar moved so the other could, indeed, go around him. He would...'pester' the other lion later. "Remember that sometimes, all demons will listen to are claws, and it can help to have a reputation as not only an impartial law-keeper, but as a strong fighter."

He was about to pass, but then spun around and snarled, "I am a strong fighter, without having to prove myself. I do not need to answer to claws, nor use mine!" But inside him, Vassago snarled the opposite, demanding he get respect from this other male, "Do not antagonize me..." He was still fighting...

Tavar chuckled, moving to leave. "Perhaps I wasn't seeking to antagonize you." He turned his head back to the other. "See you around, Tulivu." Most definitely. He LIKED seeing that control the other seemed to have over himself crack! And he definitely wasn't bored anymore.

Charging at him, Vassago had taken control for the moment. Snarling, blue eyes were furious, and a silver mane was fluffed up, his fur spiking in irritation, ".....I am not letting you leave so easily now." His voice was bitter and cold, "I do not like being questioned."

Tavar growled, whirling to catch the other. He was NOT going to be overtaken by one of Sparda's blood! "So there IS a fire in there after all." His smirk was dark. "If you don't like being questioned, stay away from others. A smart lion will ALWAYS ask questions."

HE cried out as he was caught, but his paws struck out nonetheless, "My BEING Is not for questioning by the likes o f others." He snarled again, "My job as a Tu'azan." His claws struck out again, and he tried not to let the other tuck him in any unfortunate position.

Tavar let the strike hit him...and retaliated with a blow of his own. "I wasn't questioning your being, dumbass. I was simply seeing what sort of lion you are, what sort of demon." He chuckled darkly, lowly. "That control you had cracked so nicely, don't you think?"

Vassago snarled angrily, and so did Tuli, shoving his claws forwards, and aiming to get the other on his back, "I have not cracked. I am simply angry..." Lies....He'd cracked.

Tavar couldn't help but laugh, shifting the steady himself and keep the other from pinning him. "Oh you did crack, Tulivu. You let your anger through." He pushed forward, attempting to do the same thing the other lion was trying to do. "I've seen my idiot aunt crack enough creatures' shells to know when someone's cracked."

Tulivu was efficiently pinned, looking up at the other, the demon slowly fading back as he stared at him. Gods....What was this rush....and why did he find it hard to breathe in a way that was not from the fight? "....I....Will be fine." He growled softly, ".....Cracks never last..."

Tavar laughed again, smirking. "Maybe not. But expect to crack more often in the future." He lowered his face so it was close to Tuli's, his voice lowering. "You've got my attention." And he let the other lion up, saying nothing more as he started off, humming some off tune and his tail swishing behind him. Good bye nightly boredom! He had someone to mess with now!

He watched the other move away, his body shuddering as Tavar sauntered off. His body shuddered, and his fur lowered. What was that? Why were there tingles down his spine? Did he ENJOY that torture? Truly? But still.....He needed to talk to his mother. Perhaps Hakuna would be able to shed some light on this ....strange predicament.