Name: Alexander (Alex) McCormik
Age: 18
Gender: male
Species: human
Sexuality: straight
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 185
Teacher or Student: student
Bio: Alex led a perfectly normal life up until he turned fourteen. At that point he found himself in a situation where he was chased by a blood thirsty murderer. All Alex wanted was to disappear and suddenly he found himself evaporating. The sight of his victim disappearing set the murderer running. Ever since, Alex has been practicing control of his power finding out that he can transform as well as disappear. Two years later he discovered that he can control the element of air as well. A few months after that he found out that he can levitate but he isn't sure if that's a power or him just using his air control to lift him.
Powers: Evaporation (disappearing/transfiguration), air elemental control, and mastery of light: He can dispel any darkness and create weapons from light.
Other: can be hotheaded sometimes
Picture: User Image