My kingdom is called 'The Kingdom of Yucia' and it consists of the Lucky Star characters.

Konata isn't a mean person. I forgot what her traits were, but they werent anything mean. She hardly sends anybody to the pit or the stocks, and that's how I like it. She's married to Dimples, and had a baby named Princess Connie.

Tsukasa hardly ever duels. You would expect her to do so more often, since she is knight. I thought it would be funny to make her be the knight, since she acts so wimpy in the Lucky Star anime. Anyway she got married to Brewmistress Joelle. She almost cheated on her with Brian.

I don't have very much fun playing Minami. She's kind of boring, and there aren't very fun things for her to do. I never even really liked her character in the anime. >.> She's also not very polite either, and she's kind of awkward. Since I get bored with her so often I have her flirt with random women (sometimes men). But not anymore because she's married to Starwatcher Joy and I found out that you can buy babies with some cheatcode or something.

Patricia is the Jacoban priestess. I made her recently and theres not much to say about her. I am currently doing a quest with her called 'Jacoban's Day out' I would like for her to get married, preferably to another girl. But I have yet to find a girl I like, so...yeah.

Akira is the bard. She seriously didn't do anything yet. I haven't done a quest with her yet.