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A light hum left the pale blue lion's muzzle as he sauntered from the theater with lines from his newest project ringing in his mind. It wasn't an altogether uncommon experience for Derasan, but this time, he wasn't playing the lines back simply for fun. The dialogue in what was arguably one of the most emotional scenes in the play didn't quite feel right, and he had been left with the urge to try and fix it after his last rehearsal.

"I just wonder..." He murmured aloud, a frown of concentration furrowing his brow as he considered the scene. "If she would really be crying. Maybe she should be yelling instead? A different kind of emotion..." The scene concerned a lioness hearing falsely relayed rumors of her mate's infidelity, and somehow... crying didn't quite seem like the right reaction for the character. Granted, Derasan didn't claim to understand females or the strange ways in which their minds worked, but in this instance, he felt as though he was right.

No matter, he supposed. He would ask Raziela for advice later. His beloved was undeniably a wonderful source of inspiration and advice for his forays into the theater. Some days, Derasan wondered how a poor player like himself had wound up with the beautiful daughter of one of the most respected Noble families in the pride. Given, he ignored the fact that their relationship was strictly a secret - though, how many of his fellow players didn't know, or hadn't found out, one way or another? The illicit nature of his romance with Raziela wasn't something that tended to bother him, though.

The pale lion jolted from his reverie just in time to realize that he had reached his destination without quite realizing it. Ah, the costumers. He was in dire need of something special for this new play. "Hello?" He called out, scanning the area with his honey colored eyes. "Is anybody here?"