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[A] Should rp contests be counted freebies (POLL CHANGED) Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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What do you think?
RP's and the like should be in a dif. category
 30%  [ 16 ]
A freebie is a freebie, no matter how it is won
 67%  [ 36 ]
Spoof is terrible at thinking of options, [posts in thread]
 1%  [ 1 ]
Total Votes : 53

That Artemis

Devoted Heckler

PostPosted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 10:06 pm

Well, hello. I was chilling at home this evening and looking through the various mini-event threads that went up over the last few days and noticed that in the rules now there is a specification of 'this counts as your freebie' vs. 'not'.

What exactly is a freebie? I understand that if you don't pay for the pet that that is a freebie. My current issue is with rp contests, art contests, cyo, etc.

In my opinion those are not free. They require considerable effort in the form of time, thought, and skill. This is opposed to a free raffle where all you really have to do is be a body to receive a ticket. I can totally get behind the feeling of unfairness when somebody continuously wins another free pet because they were there and you weren't. However, you can't whip up an rp response in the same 30 seconds it would take you to post 'I'd like a ticket please~'. Nor make a picture from scratch, or even color in the lines of something and have it look nice.

My primary concern is an RP contest. You have to read the prompt, come up with something you deem different from the other hoard of entries, write it with some skill, edit it, probably worry over it for a couple days, post it, worry some more, etc. and not in that order. That isn't free to me, it is actually quite costly when you think about it, just not in the traditional sense.

I'm not trying to stir up anything or cause controversy or even complain about anything. This rule doesn't effect me as it is at the moment nor do I think I have the luck that it ever will. ^^;; I just thought I'd see if other people feel the same.

Summary/My point -

Are/should rp contests and the like fall under the freebie category? Rather, should you be restricted from winning a free raffle that was all luck (or something of the like), and a skill-based contest like an rp contest in the same month?

If you disagree or have a dif. opinion, please post it? :3

EDIT: I'm not saying that you should be able to win (for example) all the rp contests currently offered at once. I think there is definitely a good thing going when limiting the amount one person can win in one month, I just think that RP's, coloring/art contests, and the like (skill based in other words) should have a separate cooldown.

Prev. poll had:
10 agrees
12 disagrees
1 other
Changed because it was unclear whether I was talking about my thoughts or the thread title.

edit 3:
I give! The whole point of this thread was to see if others thought the same way I do not anything else. I am grateful for the opportunities presently offered by the staff of Soquili and did not want to come off sounding like a jerk. I don't know if I failed in that but my only point was that an rp contest costs something other than gold. Clearly 2/3's disagree so I got the answer I was looking for. :3

Thanks everybody for your feedback.
PostPosted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 10:07 pm

Maybe a better definition for what I'm referring to would be 'judged' contests. -shrugs- Though again, I was mainly thinking of rp contests when the thought struck.

I'm not sure I got my point across, haha.

That Artemis

Devoted Heckler


Sweet Kitten

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 5:56 pm

I suppose an answer would start with - Is it staff hosted, or is it parent-owner hosted? If it's staff-hosted for an event or mini-event, then I'd say, yes, it should count for the monthly freebie. If it's hosted by the owner(s) of the proud parents of a basket, then I'd say no, it shouldn't count, given how often they tend to NOT go up for contest(Not holding this against the owners of Soquili with baskets at all, just stating that it's in fact rare that people don't actually have a third owner in mind for their extra basket, or second owner, or what have you heart ).
PostPosted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 6:15 pm

Your poll: do you mean to ask if we dis/agree with your argument or the title of this thread?


Barton Lunatic

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Profitable Prophet

PostPosted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 7:41 pm

I think they should definitely count as a freebie.  
PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 8:05 am

Mm...I actrually agree with that. You may not pay with gold, but you pay with creativity, and if you end up winning, then you (presumably) put a lot of hard work and effort and time into it. I don't think RP contests should be counted as freebies, because I believe freebies are things that you're just given or that happen randomly. In a way, with RP contests currency is exchanged--just not money.


Wheezing Hoarder

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 8:15 am

-[the Spoof]-
I just think that RP's, coloring/art contests, and the like (skill based in other words) should have a separate cooldown.

This. I think theres a definite difference between your chances at winning a free raffle, where all you have to do is post saying that you want a ticket and spending sometimes hours on coloring or writing, those contests require time, energy, and creativity. The prize doesn't go to just anybody who participates, it goes to the person who has put the most effort into their entries.

Maybe a rule that you can only win one rp contest a month as well as the rule that you can only get one freebie a month?
PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 10:59 am

A freebie is a freebie guys. If you won the rp contest and then turned around and won something else, like a free raffle or dice game, then Ya, that is amazing for you, but it's not very fair for others.

Effort does not equal paying for something. There are other free games that require time and effort, like CYOA, and those also count as freebies.

And if you really stop to think about it. The prizes for contests involving more work tend to be bigger then things like free raffles. You're getting what you put in.

Can't we all just be grateful for all the freebie chances there actually are in this shop? ;3


Wrathful Demigod

In Good Faith

Dapper Entrepreneur

PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 11:31 am

I still agree with Spoof. 83 <3
I think that is a great idea, and I do think that 'judged' contests should have a cool down separate from 'freebies'.
PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 12:20 pm

Roman Foi
I still agree with Spoof. 83 <3
I think that is a great idea, and I do think that 'judged' contests should have a cool down separate from 'freebies'.

I also agree with this. Don't get me wrong - I love that the staff puts so much time into the shop by offering so many freebies. But lately all of the events have been freebie based. Not a whole lot of auctions or paid raffles or paid flatsales.

While someone winning a bunch of pets is discouraging, I think having 2 separate categories for freebies would be nice.

I spent 4 hours in the scavenger hunt and won a freebie. I am ecstatic about this and I love my little boy. But to touch on the topic of certain prizes being "better" (more edits or complicated coloring) I could have spent the same amount of time on a RP prompt (which imo takes a little more skill than searching through threads) and won a "better" pet.

This is why I think that there should be two categories for freebies. After all, there are more categories for paid events aren't there? You can win 1 flatsale, 1 auction AND 1 paid raffle. I think having 2 categories for free wouldn't be so bad. Judged and non-judged. Things like coloring and RP would go in judged, and things like scavenger hunts and CYOA would go in non-judged.

Kirowyn Love

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Nebula Dragon

PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 1:42 pm

The prize doesn't go to just anybody who participates, it goes to the person who has put the most effort into their entries.

Honestly, this idea makes no sense to me. In judged competition there is no guarantee that the person who puts the most effort into their entry will win. There are often many people who put a great deal of effort into their entry but there's no meter of effort by which the competitions are judged.

The winner could just as easily be something that was thrown together quickly but speaks to the judge.

In RP contests there is no indication that the judge likes serious or silly or ironic or romantic or whatever - in color/art contests there is rarely 'I like red but not blue' or 'I just want to laugh'. Unless someone knows not only who is judging but what they like there is just as much likelyhood that incredible effort will be overlooked in favor of something the judge finds tickles their fancy.

This is fine. There is nothing wrong with that. But it means your arguments are invalid.

Personally - I would love to see more contests like the Nymph's Craft contest. Sure there was judged - which makes sense - but there was also enough prizes that there was a roll among all participants. It meant putting forth the effort at least got you a roll towards a pet and it wasn't all up to the individual judging.

Of course, the only way that works is if the colorists put forth more effort towards making more pets. However, it would render the question of the thread mute. Instead of different cool-downs put a random element into all the freebies and go forward from there.

Honestly, though - I appreciate the opportunity to try for freebies - even if I don't have the talent/skill/time to really make a run for them. Thank you so very much colorists/staff for all you do to make Soq awesome!
PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 1:53 pm

Your poll: do you mean to ask if we dis/agree with your argument or the title of this thread?

xD I meant do you agree/disagree with my argument...or my thought really.

@Everyone -

I'm not saying I think there should be more or less freebies. I'm not arguing for having staff make more pets. What I'm saying is that I think an RP contest is different from a free raffle.

@LydaLynn - I'm pretty sure that was incorrect wording on Faith's part. I know of some people who spend days on an entry and don't win, I agree with you there.

However, you can't deny that there is a certain amount of skill required to win an RP contest, or an art contest. The judge(s) aren't going to pick somebody who can barely string two words together, generally it is somebody who not only has an idea that speaks to them but that can communicate the idea adequately through RP.


I didn't make this thread to start an argument or sound ungrateful. I made it to put forth a thought that occurred to me while sitting at home the other evening.

Also, I'm changing the poll since I think I worded it stupid...oTL

That Artemis

Devoted Heckler

That Artemis

Devoted Heckler

PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 2:00 pm

I suppose an answer would start with - Is it staff hosted, or is it parent-owner hosted? If it's staff-hosted for an event or mini-event, then I'd say, yes, it should count for the monthly freebie. If it's hosted by the owner(s) of the proud parents of a basket, then I'd say no, it shouldn't count, given how often they tend to NOT go up for contest(Not holding this against the owners of Soquili with baskets at all, just stating that it's in fact rare that people don't actually have a third owner in mind for their extra basket, or second owner, or what have you heart ).

See, this is something I wasn't even thinking about/hadn't considered. xD I'm pretty sure this is how it is already. The thought popped into my head when I was looking at all the rp contests for the leaders, I didn't even consider that it was staff run versus owner run.

I'm not sure what I think about that now, haha. I'll think more and get back, <3


Mmm, I still think that an rp contest is different. No matter who is running it you are still putting in the same amount of effort. Or art, or cyo, or whatev.

And on another note, I do think CYOA counts as a freebie. All you're doing is posting what you think will move you forward.
PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 4:06 pm

-[The Spoof]-
@LydaLynn - I'm pretty sure that was incorrect wording on Faith's part. I know of some people who spend days on an entry and don't win, I agree with you there.

However, you can't deny that there is a certain amount of skill required to win an RP contest, or an art contest. The judge(s) aren't going to pick somebody who can barely string two words together, generally it is somebody who not only has an idea that speaks to them but that can communicate the idea adequately through RP.

Sure, there is skill required. Which means that someone who's just learning English as a second language is penalized because they arn't as good at 'stringing two words together' and someone who only has paint [because not everyone has a printer and scanner/camera to hand color] is at a disadvantage because they don't have the tools to create impressive art and someone who is color blind - or who just doesn't have the skill set naturally is not going to win when talented people are entering too. I'm not saying there shouldn't be skill request contests - just that it isn't an even playing field where more effort equals better entry. There are some people who can sit down with the bottle lines and photoshop and spend half an hour to make something incredible while other people spend hours and still don't have a good end product. I like the idea of rewarding those who work hard and create beautiful entries [written or art or whatever] - but I also like the idea of a playing field where the talented arn't winning constantly over those who find those contests challenging but put forth the effort. Having a monthly limit is rarely an issue since often [this and next month asside] there isn't alot of freebies to choose from - so someone could win one rp contest and if the next rp contest is a month later and they can take that prize home too because they're skilled and/or talented - not to mention they have the time some of us just don't have.


Nebula Dragon

That Artemis

Devoted Heckler

PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 4:35 pm


Hm. Hadn't thought of that, and wasn't trying to be mean to people who are at those kind of disadvantages either.

Either way, I'm not really hollering for change or anything. I just had the thought and wanted to see if it had occurred to others or what the general opinion was. As an avid fan of rp and rp contests I just feel like there is a difference between that and an effortless raffle. I didn't say that the effort was rewarded all of the time, just that it was there. Whether or not somebody puts effort in and actually wins or not is not my point.

And, the talented aren't constantly winning these contests either. There are usually raffles for secondary prizes in which everybody is included. Sure the 'grand' prize goes to the judged winner, but everybody who entered usually ends up with a chance at a prize too. While this sort of goes against what I said earlier, it really doesn't. In a contest that is judged, everybody who enters puts something into making it look/read nicely. So it is still from a pool of people who spent time on their entry.

edit: but meh. I see that a majority of people disagree, also I am starting to argue just for the sake of it which isn't why I started the thread.

:3 I kinda can't see a situation (other than the current) that this would be an issue anyway. I shall concede the point and go tag my rp's instead.
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