Wanna join the herd? |
Yes. >D |
20% |
[ 4 ] |
No. t.t |
40% |
[ 8 ] |
Mm... |
40% |
[ 8 ] |
Total Votes : 20 |
Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 11:28 pm
✗xxxxxWelcome to Alasdi Atasi, a herd run by brutality. ✗xxxxxAlasdi Atasi means "Fight/War Club", which is what this herd is made for. ✗xxxxxWarning, this herd is not for the weak at heart.So who will fight next?
Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 8:22 am
Alpha✗xxxxx DamianProtector✗xxxxxArea✗xxxxx✗xxxxx Alasdi Atasi was formed many years ago, by a young stallion by the name of Sokia. At the time he was at his prime, and would train any member that joined to the point of their death. All members who joined were willing, and non were forced. They were often times given several chances before their first fight to leave. After about ten years of running the club, Sokia was taken down by a younger stallion named Damian. The half-breed took over then, as Sokia died from the injuries he took. Damian ran the club with an iron hoof, just as Sokia did before him. He followed every rule to the exact, and kept everything as it had been before. And he continues to run it today with the same mannerisms.
✗xxxxx Because of the brutal nature of the Alasdi Atasi herd, it has been a rule that from the day of the first fight, the members aren't to leave. They didn't want anyone to go off and tell others about their herd and end up being attacked later on. Their basic understanding was that they wanted it to be exclusive, that the members would be forever there, in case something did happen and they needed one another. The training and fights were a way to better protect the herd. Where as they have more jobs than that, they are purely, a fighting herd, which means that all members fight at least once a week. They have a specific area, a ring of trees, that they fight within for the actual matches, so that they can keep it separate from the other parts of their life styles. Only one member has ever actually left the herd, and his family has been forever banned, and was noted that if they were seen near, they would be killed on sight.Note✗xxxxx You can say that you're Soquili has been part of this herd for a while, as long as you use it in your back story as well. Herd/Fighting Rules✗xxxxx All members are given at least three tries to leave the herd before their first fight. ✗xxxxx Due to the brutality of the herd, members are not allowed to leave once joined. ✗xxxxx Only after the first fight are horses able to change their mind to leave the herd. Other than that, they would have to go to Damian directly and talk to him. Just be sure to do it on a good day. ✗xxxxx Fights take place every night, but that doesn't mean a member has to fight every night. ✗xxxxx Foals cannot fight or train until they have reached adult hood. At that time, they are given their three chances to leave. ✗xxxxx The only members allowed to not fight is the parents and caretakers when baskets/foals are in the herd. ✗xxxxx Foals are not allowed to witness fights, period. They are to be near nothing of the brutality of the herd until they decide to join. ✗xxxxx Every horse must fight at least once a week. ✗xxxxx Not everyone wins a fight. Even Damian, the herd leader, loses sometimes. The only way to take over though, would be to challenge him for leadership.
Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 8:30 am
Member Count:✗xxxxx Four Male Members:✗xxxxx Damian ✗xxxxx Lapointe Female Members:✗xxxxx Isadora Fayth ✗xxxxx Little Bo Black Sheep
Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 8:31 am
 x blame it on the --- x Damian✗xxxxx Alpha || Trainer ✗xxxxx When first meeting Damian, one may think that he's just like any other Cerynei. But when his Kalona blood shines through, it's almost scary. He's a very angry male, and often times can be seen beating someone or something up that stands in his way. He doesn't like anyone thinking they're better than him, and hates being back-stabbed. Getting close to the male may be hard, as he tends to push all people away from him, and attacks instead. Though if you do happen to get on his "good side", feel special. You'll be one of the few that he actually seems somewhat nice too. ✗xxxxx Damian was born into the herd by some of the first members. He took over when he was at his prime, and became the leader of the herd, as well as the head trainer. He's only had one stallion leave his herd since becoming leader, and it infuriated him, as he ran off without a word to Damian. He knew the reasoning, and swore to one day challenge the male to a fight he'd never forget, wanting to leave him either cripple or dead. Since that time, he's gotten quite distracted with the herd, and hasn't left to go find the stallion or his family, ignoring it for the time being.Insane Butterfly Isadora Fayth ✗xxxxx Nursery Tender ✗xxxxx Isadora is happy-go-lucky and hardly anything daunts her. If something gets her down, its gotta be bad. She's got a lot of heart and plenty of will power and always up for a challenge and always good for a laugh and a game. ✗xxxxx She grew up with her mothers and her sister, knowing she has a father and a brother but never feeling as if she needs to know her father, though her curiosity has been caught by the thought of finding her sibling. She grew up tagging behind her older cousin and being an adorable nuisance while he looked for treasures.Tamiko_kitten Little Bo Black Sheep (Bo) ✗xxxxx Gatherer ✗xxxxx Bo has quite the mouth on her, and she is not only quick-witted but also quick-tempered, which she uses mostly to be snarky and sarcastic if she doesnt like you. Those she respects get considerably better treatment however, and if one were to get close enough to her they might even see a softer side to her that she hasn's shown since she was a child. She doesn't let many people that close however, and so most only see a rather defensive and sassy young mare. She respects those that are powerful and smart, and has very little patience for stupidity and annoyance. She also dislikes those without a backbone, and may constantly goad them on. Despite what it may appear she does this actually with the goal of helping them become more assertive...though she has an odd way of "helping" others. Bo is the type for which the end justifies the means, and though she is not completely cold-hearted, she is willing to do unpleasant things if she believes that the outcome justifies it. ✗xxxxx As a child Bo grew up in a herd of complacent sheep-soquili who were all quite content and dull. Though she was different in temperment from them she got on well enough as it was a happy place to live and she loved her herd. It changed however when a different human was assigned to watch over the herd, one that was selfish and stupid and enjoyed bullying the herd, who never fought back. Bo hated him, and so made a deal with the herd's greatest enemy, the wolf. She wanted him to kill the human, however he betrayed her and murdered her herd instead. In her anger at discovering this, she killed both the human who had failed to protect her family, and the wolf. She now wears his pelt as a warning to any that may attempt to cross her.
Feeling horrified and immensely guilty at her responsibility for the death of her herd she fled, hiding whatever joy she had once possessed deep inside and hardening her exterior. When she came across the fighting herd, something clicked with her. Here was somewhere she could grow strong, somewhere everyone was strong. She had been weak in her youth, unable to protect her family but she vowed to never suffer from weakness again.
Roniel Targaryen Lapointe✗xxxxx General herd member, until he has skills to do otherwise ✗xxxxx Lapointe is a very frustrated individual. He wants to be like his father, a roguish and dashing warrior, but he was born with a flutter's small stature. He considers himself far too small to be anyone's vision of a knight in shining armor, let alone a match for something like a kalona. He wants some way to make himself stand out and make his father proud of him but he has yet to find it. He tends to be ill tempered and snippy many days. ✗xxxxx Lapointe is still a young adult and hasn't really made much of himself yet. He left his parents as soon as he hit adulthood and has been wandering around trying to find his place in the world ever since. He occasionally has picked fights with other soquili to try to test his strength, but he's never fought with anyone really worthwhile. He hasn't had the self-confidence to become the warrior he'd like to be, so he's been a little bit of a bully and a pest instead up until now.
Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 8:39 am
TrainersOnly members who have won tons of fights get to this level. These are the horses the others go to when they want to train in something specific. ✗xxxxx Damian✗xxxxx✗xxxxxGuardsThese are members who often time wonder the outer edge of their lands, and scare off anyone who tries to get into the area unless they came to join in the herd.✗xxxxx✗xxxxx✗xxxxxGatherersThere are some of the members who prefer vegetation to meats. These members go out and gather fruits and nuts, as well as some other things to feed the herd.✗xxxxx Little Bo Black Sheep✗xxxxx✗xxxxxHuntersThese are normally quick members. They tend to chase after small game (rabbits, rats, squirrels) and bring them back for the members to eat who need meat.✗xxxxx✗xxxxx✗xxxxxMedicsThese members tend to the wounds of the other creatures. They tend to not fight as much as the others, and have a nicer nature than the other members.✗xxxxx✗xxxxx✗xxxxxNursery TenderOn the rare occasion a female has baskets, there are a group who will take a break from fighting (as well as the mother and father) and tend to the baskets until they are old enough.✗xxxxx Isadora Fayth✗xxxxx✗xxxxxOtherThese are members that have no specific job. They are merely part of the herd, and do their fighting as per usual.✗xxxxx Lapointe✗xxxxx✗xxxxx
Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 8:47 am
Fill Out the Form Below[imgright]CERT HERE[/imgright]
[color=firebrick][b]Soquili Name[/b][/color] [size=10][color=firebrick]✗[/color][color=white]xxxxx[/color] Position Applying For [color=firebrick]✗[/color][color=white]xxxxx[/color] Short Personality [color=firebrick]✗[/color][color=white]xxxxx[/color] Short Biography[/size]
Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 8:57 am
✗xxxxx The week starts on Sunday. ✗xxxxx Every week the calander will be re-set. ✗xxxxx If for that week, a member doesn't have a paired up fight, Damian will fight them personally.Sunday✗xxxxx ✗xxxxx ✗xxxxxMonday✗xxxxx ✗xxxxx ✗xxxxxTuesday✗xxxxx ✗xxxxx ✗xxxxxWednesday✗xxxxx ✗xxxxx ✗xxxxxThursday✗xxxxx ✗xxxxx ✗xxxxxFriday✗xxxxx ✗xxxxx ✗xxxxxSaturday✗xxxxx ✗xxxxx ✗xxxxxTo Set Yourself Up For a Fight✗xxxxx Fill out the form below. ✗xxxxx A role-play can be made, or done over instant messenger/in this thread. Or you can just decide who wins via talking it over.[color=firebrick][b]Soquili Name Wants to Fight![/b][/color] [size=10][color=firebrick]✗[/color][color=white]xxxxx[/color] When [color=firebrick]✗[/color][color=white]xxxxx[/color] With Who (You don't have to put this if you don't want to) [color=firebrick]✗[/color][color=white]xxxxx[/color] Number of fights thus far?[/size]
Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 9:00 am
How do the fights work if you're role-playing it out?✗xxxxx It would be sort of like a game. Each participant starts with a certain amount of health (think Pokemon). Then you roll one, ten sided dice. Between one and five are minimal damage done: a scratch here, bite there. Six to ten is more harsh: a larger gash, and possibly up to broken limbs (that will heal of course). Whomever loses all their points first loses. Afterwards, both of the horses would be required to go to the medic. Role-play this out in thread or over the guild, if you feel like being more detailed. ✗xxxxx Or you could go easy and just pick who wins.
Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 9:03 am
Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 9:06 am