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King Kitten

PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 7:35 am
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The Shimo-mbari
The Cave Dwellers

The Shimo-mbari (Cave-clan) are a pride based heavily on the ideas and concepts from the book The Clan of the Cave Bear by Jean M Auel. I've taken bits and pieces from the book and assembled them in a mish-mash way to make the Shimo-mbari. All credit to Jean M Auel for her ideas, I've just adapted them into something that works for a Shadows of Africa lion pride. I hope you guys take a look over and find it interesting, and I hope you join me in making this pride a reality!

Jean M Auel - For The Clan of the Cave Bear novel and all the ideas I've taken and adapted.
Dust and Meep - For SoA.
Obsidian Dawn - For the texture brushes I've used in the banners.
DaFont.com - For the font I've used.
heyla-stock - For brushes of cave painting-ish images that I've used.  
PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 7:36 am
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The Past
Many generations ago, there was a group of lions known as the Mbari, or the clan. These lions believed that connected to everyone was a totem, a spirit that provides one with protection and guidance. These totems could be of any living thing on the earth, even a lion itself. A totems strength reflected it's real life counterpart, some lions were blessed with strong totems, such as those of a lion or an elephant, and others received lesser totems, such as the meerkat or the gazelle. Nevertheless, each lion accepted their spirit totem, for without a totem a lion is lost, without protection or purpose and could never live a life as true and fulfilled as one with the protection of the spirits. Each lion was given their totem, chosen by the Shaman at their naming ceremony, in front of the whole clan.

The clan never stayed in one place for extended periods of time, for wherever they went, there were always unwanted signs from the spirits telling them that it was time to move on, and so that was what they did. They moved from den to den, from home to home, all over the African land, following the guidance of the spirits, in hope that they may one day find a place to call their true home, and one they will not have to leave and can remain for the rest of time, a place that would be blessed and protected by the spirits.

It is not known exactly how long ago it was that The Clan found the cave, but the story goes that on year, the current king had a son, a lion whose totem was the strongest of them all, a lion. He was an adventurous young cub, always out exploring, and straying from the watchful eye of his mother and the others who watched over the young. One year, the clan received a terrible sign from the spirits, the earth shook and cracked and opened up beneath their bodies as they lay sleeping, swallowing up nearly half the members of the clan, and leaving the others shaking and scared for their futures, and looking to their King for leadership.

They gathered what they could and moved out as quickly as possible, to make certain to please the angry spirits whose home they had invaded and angered. It was whilst they were searching for their next home that The Great Cave was discovered. The young son of the then King, up to his mischievous ways, had found a rather round, plump bug to chase. He took off without a word or notion to the other clan members, following it's buzzing, not caring where it would lead him. He chased the beetle through a dense pile of fallen trees, remnants of the quake, and through to the other side. It was there that he found the cave, though as a cub he did not know it was so special. It wasn't until his mother came scrambling after him and found him playing in the mouth of The Great Cave that their next home had been found, and it would remain their home until this day.

The land that had been stumbled upon was plentiful. There was fresh, green plant life that covered the area, inviting in smaller prey animals. A half a day's walk away was a large, open field where larger game took to grazing. A small stream flowed alongside the cave and underground, providing the clan with a fresh source of water. The cave itself was perfect. High domed and spacious, it had more than enough room for all of the members of the clan. There were also several smaller offshoots of the cave, which were perfect for the homes of the mysterious Shaman who required private working space, and the King and his family, who guided and lead the Clan. And all across it's walls were paintings of lions, elephants, antelope, all the animals of the Savannah. The Shaman of the time decided that this was a great omen, a sign that all the spirits of the past and present were looking down and watching over them. It was in this place that they became The Shimo-mbari, The Cave Clan.

The Present
Now, the pride is lead by Chumo, a direct descendent of that very cub who was the first to discover The Great Cave. Their numbers have dwindled, though not disasterously so, and he and the council are at discussion about how to bring new blood in the pride, or whether the time of the clan might be coming to an end.  


King Kitten


King Kitten

PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 7:37 am
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The Shimo-mbari believe that there are spirits all around them, they are everywhere and a part of everything. Everything in life has a spirit counterpart, from the lions themselves, to the rocks and the trees. They believe that the outcomes and occurrences of everyday life are a result of their ability to please or displease the spirits. All are afraid of angering the spirits as the consequences can be disastrous. There are good and evil spirits in the world, the good spirits are the ones who bring good fortune and watch over and protect, and the evil spirits are the ones who bring misfortune and unwanted events. Each lion also has their own bonded spirit, the spirit of an animal of Africa.

It is the Shaman's job to communicate directly with the spirits, to ask for their forgiveness and to invoke their protection, to call upon them to bless and to call upon them to curse. It is only he who can correspond with them and it is he who calls upon them and uses his magic to understand the spirits and their thoughts, so he can relay it to the Leader. The Medicine Lion also interacts with the spirits, though indirectly and not in the way of the Shaman. The Shimo-mbari believe that sickness, injury and ill health are the result of conflict between two spirits, using the body as their battle ground, which causes injurious signs to appear. It is her job to aid the sick by providing them with medicine to strengthen their mind and heart to combat the evil spirits.

Totems are the protective spirits of the lions. Each lion has their own totem, decided upon by the Shaman. Any animal of Africa can be a totem spirit, from a mouse to a lion. Totems are given to a lion at an early age, for it is seen that they give protection, and without one the lion is vulnerable to evil and nasty spirits. When a totem is given, the cub is also given an amulet, a small pouch carrying various items to act as an artifact, which the lions are able to use to call to their totem spirit, to ask for guidance or protection. Rarely, in times of great need a totem can give signs to it's lost. Signs are difficult to determine and are left up to interpretation of the owner. Totems are given in a ceremony, performed by the Shaman, and it is considered lucky for cubs to have the same totem as their father.

More info on Totems in a later post.

Mating is very important within the Pride, for without a mate, a female has no one to provide them with companionship, protection and food. Mates are ultimately chosen by the Leader, though he often looks for signs and how others interact to decide upon the best pairing. Females are always mated to males with stronger totems, for the Shimo-mbari believe that children are conceived through the struggle between two mated spirits, and only when a males totem spirit defeats a female's will new life begin within her. Once the Leader has decided on which pairs to mate, a mating ceremony is performed in front of the whole pride.

Although a female does not have to be mated before she falls pregnant, if she is not mated to someone within the pride before she gives birth then the resulting offspring can be considered very unlucky. When a pregnant female is mated with a male, the offspring from then on are considered his.

There is a lot of important tradition when it comes to the birth of a new litter. Men are not involved with the delivery of the cubs, it is the females who assist, and females are free to come and go during this time. The Consort is always present, as she is the one who reports the number of cubs and their sexes to the Leader. The Medicine Lion also assists, as she has much knowledge of how to ease the birth and to prevent anything bad from occurring.

Once the cubs are born, they are not officially recognized by the pride until 7 days after their birth. If they live to this time they are accepted into the pride and given names and totems. During the 7 days, the mother is restricted to her hearth, and is allowed contact with other females only, though her mate may still reside at their hearth. Although cubs are not accepted until 7 days after their birth, it is common for the other females to come and take an unofficial look at the new cubs before they become official.

If a cub is stillborn it is the responsibility of the mother to bury the cub(s). Stillborn cubs are not mourned as they were not officially accepted into the pride. If a cub is born with a deformity it is the decision of the Leader as to whether he is allowed to survive or not, though the mother may plead her case.

Once the 7 days have passed, the cub is then named and accepted into the pride.

The naming of new born cubs is done by the Shaman. He meditates on each cub and determines what their name should be. In the Pride, names are normally short, two, three, sometimes four syllable names. Rarely are there names that have more syllables than these, and they never have double joined names. It's okay if a Newcomer has a name like this, however, any offspring they have within the pride will adapt the naming system.

Death can come two ways in the Shimo-mbari, the natural way, and through curse. When a death occurs, it is said that it is the movement of the lions spirit from the earth world to the spirit world. Deaths are to be mourned properly, otherwise it is unlucky to do otherwise, no matter what is thought of the one who has died.

Death can also occur as the result of extreme punishment for a serious crime. The Leader orders the Shaman to curse the lion and he is then considered dead. When a lion is cursed with death he is considered to be dead, he is ignored and ostracized as he no longer exists, he is left to fend for himself. Although the lion may very well still be alive, the pride do not consider him so, and any interaction with him can result in a curse on them. Lions cursed with death will often leave, though some hang around, but are not fed, and some believe it to be true, and do not eat or drink, causing death upon themselves.

Rogues are accepted by the Pride, as everyone knows without fresh blood the pride will surely die out. To join, simply fill out the application form and post it in the correct thread. Once this is done you may get your JRP and have your rogue certed. The title MUST be Newcomer, as the Shaman will not have had time to mediate on a totem for your Lion. During the time as a Newcomer the Rogue can interact with the pride as normal, though they are not allowed to sleep in the cave, for they have no totem spirit and are unprotected, so they must sleep outside until their totem has been found. Once your totem has been found you may/may not RP out a Totem ceremony. Once you've received your Lion's totem you are free to cert them in the default rank, and your lion is now a fully fledged member of the pride.

Other Species
The Shimo-mbari are respectful of other species, as they are animals which are associated with their totem spirit, however will never be able to join part of the pride. They are know as The Others, and are seen to lack the mental connection that the Lions do to the surrounding spirits. Hybrids are seen as deformities, and shunned.  
PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 7:37 am
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Each Lion is given a totem spirit, determined by the Shaman, at a young age. This totem spirit represents the spirit of one of the many animals of Africa, and is meant to serve as a protector and guide to the lion throughout their life. Without a totem, a lion is said to be vulnerable to misfortune and bad events from evil spirits.

Each lion has a connection with their totem spirit by their amulet, built by their mother and gifted them to them at their totem spirit. It carries several tokens of luck and good fortune, as well as a small rock, painted with the symbol for their totem. The Lions of the Shimo-mbari wear these amulets at all time, and often use them in an attempt to call upon their totem spirit, to ask for guidance or seek protection.

Male lions desire a strong totem, for with a strong totem comes better protection, as well as being able to defeat the totem spirit of a female. Females, whilst not wanting a totem spirit so strong that a male will never be able to over power it, do not want a totem spirit that is so weak that males with weaker totem spirits will be able to mate with them, as their protection will be lessened.

When a lion reaches adult hood, the symbol of their totem spirit is marked permanently on their body. This marking occurs during the coming of age ceremony for both males and females, and marks their transition to adulthood. When the mark is being made, brave faces are often put on, for it is deemed unlucky to cry out and winch, and can bring misfortune from the spirits.

Totem spirits can also represent the personality and growth of a lion, as they are given to them very young. For example, a lion with a weasel totem is often more cunning than a lion with a flamingo totem, though this is not always the case. Lions also feel somewhat akin to their totem animal, and some try to find a piece of the animal to carry around in their amulet.

It is said that the totem spirit is a part of each lion, and if another lion saves another from death, they have a part of the totem spirit of the lion they have saved, and so are indebted in a way to them, though not in the way where they will have to work for them. The saving lion now carries a part of that lions totem spirit with them, and if something occurs to him, something may occur to the other lion too. It is because of this that the Medicine Lion has parts of everyone's spirits with her, as she is responsible for healing and saving all the lions of the pride from death.

Totem spirits can be of any animal of Africa wildlife, excluding fish and insects. Each totem spirit also has a unique symbol that is associated with it, that represents the animal in some form. There are some totem animals that are more likely to be associated with females than males and vice versa, however it has occurred in the past where a Shaman has deemed that a female will have a rather strong totem spirit, and a male may have quite a weak totem spirit.

Totem Animals
Currently, there are 60 totem animals that a Lion can have. Each one has a unique symbol that I came up with, though because of the simplicity of the symbols some may resemble others. This is a list of all the animals, in order of strength.

  • Lion, Elephant, Leopard, Cheetah, Rhino, Hippo, Crocodile, Hyena, Wild Dog, Buffalo
  • Wildebeest, Maned Wolf, Warthog, Eagle, Vulture, Mandrill, Baboon, Waterbuck, Gazelle, Impala
  • Zebra, Giraffe, Caracal, Otter, Jackal, Serval, Hawk, Falcon, Ostrich, Porcupine
  • Aardvark, Tortoise, Turtle, Monkey, Snake, Pangolin, Crane, Flamingo, Ratel, Civet
  • Genet, Hare, Fox, Weasel, Meerkat, Lizard, Raven, Hornbill, Parrot, Fowl
  • Chameleon, Rabbit, Klipspringer, Squirrel, Hedgehog, Rat, Mole, Shrew, Frog, Mouse

Totem Symbols
Here are the symbols associated with each totem spirit, linked for size.

Determining your Totem
Dice are rolled to determine your lions totem. All rolls are done by me, because I don't want people deleting rolls and trying again if they get a totem they don't like. There are two steps to the dice roll. 1st roll is 1 x 100 sided dice. The result from this determines which bracket the totem will come from. The second roll is either a 1 x 10 six sided die or a 1 x 20 sided die depending on how many animals are in the bracket. The resulting number is the totem of your animal.

The brackets are as follow:
1-5 - Mouse, Frog, Shrew, Mole, Rat, Hedgehog, Squirrel, Klipspringer, Rabbit, Chameleon
6-15 - Fowl, Parrot, Hornbill, Raven, Lizard, Meerkat, Weasel, Fox, Hare, Genet
16-30 - Civet, Ratel, Flamingo, Crane, Pangolin, Snake, Monkey, Turtle, Tortoise, Aardvark
31-90 - Porcupine, Ostrich, Falcon, Hawk, Serval, Jackal, Otter, Caracal, Giraffe, Zebra, Waterbuck, Impala, Gazelle, Baboon, Mandrill, Vulture, Eagle, Warthog, Maned Wolf, Wildebeest
91-100 - Buffalo, Wild Dog, Hyena, Crocodile, Hippo, Rhino, Cheetah, Leopard, Elephant, Lion

1-10 - Mouse, Frog, Shrew, Mole, Rat, Hedgehog, Squirrel, Klipspringer, Rabbit, Chameleon
11-30 - Fowl, Parrot, Hornbill, Raven, Lizard, Meerkat, Weasel, Fox, Hare, Genet
31-70 - Civet, Ratel, Flamingo, Crane, Pangolin, Snake, Monkey, Turtle, Tortoise, Aardvark
71-95 - Porcupine, Ostrich, Falcon, Hawk, Serval, Jackal, Otter, Caracal, Giraffe, Zebra, Waterbuck, Impala, Gazelle, Baboon, Mandrill, Vulture, Eagle, Warthog, Maned Wolf, Wildebeest
96-100 - Buffalo, Wild Dog, Hyena, Crocodile, Hippo, Rhino, Cheetah, Leopard, Elephant, Lion

For an example:
I'm rolling for Chumo, and his first role from the 100 Die is 93, so he's in the top bracket. His next role from the 10 Die is 6, which gives him the Rhino totem.

If for some reason, your lion simply MUST have a certain totem, you are welcome to ask, provided you have good reasoning.


King Kitten


King Kitten

PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 7:38 am
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Naming Ceremony
The naming ceremony occurs at least 7 days after the birth of the cubs, when they have been officially accepted into the pride. Names are meditated upon by the Shaman, and it is his choice as to what names are given to the cubs. His inspiration can come from watching the cubs, to revisiting the stories and members of past generations. Once he has decided on names, he will notify the Leader who will notify the pride that a ceremony will be held. Naming ceremonies are normally held in the morning, as there are many totems still present who were watching over and protecting the pride at night.

The ceremony takes place in the centre of the cave, in front of the whole pride. The Mother will hold the cub up to the Shaman and he will draw on them a line from between their eyes to the tip of their nose in a red plant based paint, created and held by his acolyte. Once the mark has been drawn, the Shaman proclaims the name to the pride in the following sentence.

"______, this ______'s name is _______"
for example
"Chumo, this male's name is Chumo"

Once the name has been pronounced, the clan file past the newly named cub, each repeating the name to familiarize themselves with it. Then the process is repeated for the rest of the cubs in the litter.

Totem Ceremony
A totem ceremony is held after a Naming Ceremony, or when there are new members to be accepted into the pride. Before A Totem ceremony can be commenced, the Shaman must meditate on the right totem spirit for each totem-less cub. He often meditates and thinks about the cubs and their personalities in his chamber, or he may take a stroll to see if the totem spirits will give him a sign. Once he is sure what the totem animal for the cub or lion will be, he notifies the Leader he has discovered the totem for the cub or lion, who begins to prepare for the nights festival. The Shaman also notifies the mother of the cub, or in the case of a Newcomer to the pride, the Medicine Woman, that they are to make an amulet. This amulet is a small pouch that is always worn and connects the Lion with it's totem. Only the females know how to make the amulets, and in it they place some symbols of luck and protection.

The ceremony takes place in the centre of the cave. The mother brings for the cub forward to the Shaman and places the amulet on them. In the case of a Newcomer, the amulet is given to them by the Consort. Once this is done, the acolyte, having prepared the ceremonial red paste, offers it to the Shaman. The Shaman then draws the symbol of the totem spirit on the cub or lion, the upper forelimb for the male and the upper hindlimb for the female, as well as a small piece of stone, which is placed inside the amulet. He then pronounces the totem spirit to the clan by repeating the following.

"Spirit of _______, the ____, ______, is delivered into your protection."
for example
"Spirit of Rhinoceros, the male, Chumo, is delivered into your protection."

Once all the totems have been given, a celebration ensues.

Coming of Age
The Coming of Age ceremony occurs when the adolescent is ready to leave behind their childhood and enter the adult world. There are two ceremonies, one for males and one for females.

The male ceremony begins with the adolescent making his first kill on the hunt. Once this is achieved he tells his tale to the clan over a steady beat, played by the rest of the hunters. Once the story is complete he moves to stand in front of the Shaman. The Shaman then unsheathes his claw and carves the mark of the males totem into his flesh, deep enough to leave a scar but not deep enough to do serious damage, on the upper forelimb. The wound is then plugged with a special salve to prevent infection and to allow the scar to form. He is then proclaimed an adult.

The female ceremony is different, and held in the presence of adult females only. The adolescent female has a white paste painted on her, in the form of a circle around her muzzle, a line up the centre of her face, along her back and tail and down her four limbs. She is then told the secrets of the the females, and has her totem mark carved into her flesh, the upper hindlimb. Once the secrets have been told and her mark has been made, she is washed clean and presented to the rest of the pride as an adult.

Mating Ceremony
A mating ceremony occurs when the Leader has decided upon which male and female to join and become mates. He will let the Shaman know to prepare, and will also let the lions and lionesses who their new mate will be. The Ceremony, like all other ceremonies, takes place in the centre of the cave. The Shaman calls forth the pair to be mated. The acolyte, instead of the red paste, has prepared a yellow paste that is only used in Mating Ceremonies. He addresses the totem spirits of both lions before dipping his paw in the yellow paste and drawing the sign of the female's totem over the male's scar, and drawing the sign of the male's totem over the female's scar, to symbolize the union of them and their totem spirits. Once this has been done, he proclaims the following sentence.

"Spirit of ___, totem of ___, your sign has overcome Spirit of ___, totem of ___. May it always be so."
for example
"Spirit of Rhinoceros, totem of Chumo, your sign has overcome Spirit of Otter, totem of Tefu. May it always be so."

He then turns to the Male and says:

"___, do you accept this female?"
for example
"Chumo, do you accept this female?"

When the male replies yes he repeats the question to the female. Once this has been complete the Pride has a celebration in honor of the newly mated pair. Also, more than one pair can be mated in one mating ceremony.

Festival of the Sun
The Festival of the Sun is an annual festival that is held on the Summer Solstice, and is in celebration of the warmth and energy that the spirits have bestowed upon the pride. It is held throughout the day, and there is much feasting, dancing and games.

Festival of the Leaves
Festival of the Leaves is held in the middle of Autumn, and is to celebrate the last days of color and warmth before the onset of Winter. This festival is held at night and there are many festivities that occur.

The Coming of the Cold
The Coming of the Cold is an event that occurs on the first day of Winter. To ask the spirits for guidance and protection over the winter months, the whole pride fasts for the day in hopes that the Spirits will hear and listen to their pleas.

The Flower Festival
The Flower Festival is held in the middle of Spring, and is to celebrate the new life and growth of the earth. There are many activities that are held on The Flower Festival, which lasts all day.

The Great Cave Celebration
The Great Cave Celebration is held once every year, on the day that The Great Cave was first discovered. It is to celebrate the discovery of the cave, and the success and good fortune that the pride has had since then, and to honor the spirits for favoring them so. There are several events that are held at The Great Cave Celebration, to determine the Best of the Best, such as:
  • A Test of Speed - To determine the fastest Lion. The winner of this event will be able to get the title Fast Paw as their Rank until the next Great Cave Celebration.
  • A Test of Strength - To determine the strongest lion. The winner of this event will be able to get the title Strong One as their Rank until the next Great Cave Celebration.
  • A Test of Agility - To determine the courageous lion. The winner of this event will be able to get the title Sure Hearted as their Rank until the next Great Cave Celebration.
  • A Test of Creativity - To determine the most creative lion. The winner of this event will be able to get the title Word Weaver as their rank until the next Great Cave Celebration.

This Celebration lasts for a whole week, and all the regular pridal duties are lax because of it.
PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 7:39 am
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The Leader is just that, the leader of the Pride. All pride members look to him for guidance and decisions, and it is his word that is law. The leader deals with any issues within the pride and delivers punishment where he see fit. He is responsible for the welfare and betterment of the Pride. The Leader is also responsible for choosing mates, and it is he who decides which male should be paired with which female, taking into consideration their affection and their totem's strength.
(( OOC: ICly it is the decision of the Leader who is paired with who, but OOCly all you have to do is let me know who you want to have your lion/ess mated to and we can play it out from there. It's just an IC custom of the pride, but that doesn't mean I dictate who mates with who. ))

The Consort is the title given to the mate of the current ruler. She is held with a high regard with the rest of the pride and is respected and loved. Although she has no actual say in the ruling of the Pride or in the affairs of others, her opinions and suggestions can be highly valued.
(( OOC: Female only, can be born within the pride or a rogue. ))

The Shaman is the one lion in the pride who has equal status as the Leader. He is the intermediary between the spirits and the pride. It is through him that the pride communicates with the spirits around them. The Shaman is responsible for performing all ceremonies. He is also the one who gives the names to the new cubs, and determines what their totem is. He is a powerful and mysterious figure within the pride, as many see him as almost other-worldy. He has his own living space and area in which to perform all the necessary rituals and meditation that come before a ceremony. He is also in charge of choosing his own acolyte when he determines the time is right.
(( OOC: OOCly you are free to chose the names of the cubs, it's just ICly they are given by the Shaman. Totems are another story, you can read more about totems in another post, ICly it is assumed the Shaman is responsible for determining the correct totem for the right lion. Male only.))

Medicine Lion
The Medicine Lion is highly regarded within the pride, for it is she who has knowledge and the magic of healing. She is just an agent of the spirits, and has no direct contact with them. She has much knowledge of plants and such to concoct potions and solutions heal and mend the sick and injured of the pride. She is also responsible for testing out new remedies and figuring out the effects of unknown plants. Her position is normally passed through birth, but occasionally others are taught.
((OOC: Obviously not real magic, just how to use plants and plant base things to heal. Female only.))

Head Hunter
The Head Hunter is the Leader's second in command. He aids the Leader with decisions whenever asked, and it is he who is responsible for the training for the young hunters. This title is given by the Leader to whoever he thinks would make his second in command.
(( OOC: Male only rank. ))

Unlike conventional lion prides, it is the males and the males only of the Cave Dwellers that are the hunters for the Pride. These lions are responsible for the protection of the community, as well as providing food for them. Once an adolescent has made his first kill, he is named an adult and transitions into the role of a Hunter.
(( OOC: Males Only, Adult Only, default adult male rank. ))

The Gatherers are the females of the pride, responsible for collecting anything that the Shaman, Medicine Lion or other members of the pride might find useful. These are things such as sticks, bark, roots, leaves, etc. They are also responsible for the general upkeep of the Cave, and any other deeds that might need doing.
(( OOC: Females only, adult only, default female rank. ))

Caretakers are those that look after the cubs when the other adults of the pride are away or busy. Although any lion can technically care for a cub, it is the responsibility of the caretakers to look after the cubs when their parents are busy, so they do not cause trouble or get into mischief. Caretakers are selected by the Medicine Woman.
(( OOC: If you want to be a caretaker you don't have to get IC permission, just OOC permission and then just assume it's occured IC unless you want to RP it out. Females only, the number of caretakers should never be greater than half the numbers of gatherers.))

This role is for all pride members who are old and have retired from their original posts in the pride. Too old to hunt or really contribute to the workings of the pride, the elders are resigned to assisting in whatever they are able to.
(( OOC: This role is open to any member of the pride, who you think has spent enough time as a hunter or such ICly. ))

The acolyte is the apprentice of the Shaman. He is chosen from the current young male cubs when the Shaman feels it is time he took another to teach him the ways of his magic and knowledge. It is said that the Shaman can feel the spiritual connection that each cub has and chooses the one with the strongest bond. The role of the acolyte is to learn and assist. He is taught the ways of the shaman, how to communicate with the spirits, how to bless, how to curse, the procedures for the ceremonies and any other duties the Shaman may have. He also assists the Shaman in his duties, aiding in preparation of pastes and such, and running whatever errands may be needed. The Acolyte takes over from the Shaman when he passes into the Spirit World or when he retires, by his choosing or the leaders.
(( OOC: This role is male only, and there is only ever 1 acolyte at one time. This role begins at the Juvenile stage of life. ))

Apprentice is the rank given to a female who is learning the knowledge of the Medicine Lion. Normally this rank is passed through birth, but occasionally if the lioness has no cubs, or if there is one that is desperate to learn, she will take them under her wing. They are taught all the knowledge of the Medicine Lion, everything she knows about plants, and about treating the sick. There can be more than one lion in this role, but it is unusual to have more than 2 lions in training.
(( OOC: This rank is open to females only. This rank begins when they are Juves. ))

Heir is the title to the first born male cub of the current leader. It is he who will one day take over from his father and lead the pride. He is taught all he can about the pride and it's ways and how to run it.
(( OOC: This rank is open to males only. This rank is given at birth. ))

The default rank of all cubs to youths of the pride unless they are either an heir, an acolyte or an apprentice. When they are young, cubs are doted from, but as they grow they are babied less and are disciplined into becoming proper members of the Pride.

The Newcomer is anyone who wishes to become part of the pride, but has not yet received their totem spirit. This is the title they are given whilst the Shaman takes time to discover their true totem, and they are then initiated into the pride.
(( OOC: This is the role any new members MUST take when they first join the pride. It is open to all. ))


King Kitten


King Kitten

PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 7:40 am
User Image

*Note, some of the following characters are up for grabs for the right person! See Joining post for more info.

Chumo - Strong Person
Rank: Leader
Owner: Vesale
Personality: Wise, Rational, Quiet
Totem: Rhino
History: Born the son of a Leader, Chumo was brought up knowing one day he would take over leadership of the pride. When his father passed leadership to him, he took it and has never looked back, doing what he can wherever he can for the betterment of the pride, and ruling considerately yet sternly. He is well respected amongst the pride.
Image: X

Tefu - Soft
Rank: Consort
Owner: ???
Personality: Kind, Understanding, Gentle
Totem: Otter
History: With a strong totem, it was no wonder Tefu ended up as Chumo's mate. The two love each other deeply and rarely fight. Tefu is loved within the pride for her kind, approachable manner. She is often a voice of reason to other members of the pride who are dealing with minor issues.
Image: X

Alo - White
Rank: Shaman
Owner: ???
Personality: Mysterious, Precise, Witty
Totem: Waterbuck
History: Selected to be an acolyte at a young age, Alo trained hard to become the Shaman he is today. He is revered by the pride, some shy away from him because of all the power he holds, and he adds to this aura with his odd personality he has gained from growing engrossed in his studies. Despite his strange nature, when given the chance, he can get along well with others, even if he is a little odd.
Image: X

Ponya - Heal
Rank: Medicine Lion
Owner: ???
Personality: Focused, Observant, Persistent
Totem: Crane
History: Ponya comes from a long line of Medicine Lions. She takes her job very seriously and is loved and respected by the pride for the work she does. Because of how focused she is, others find she comes across very strong, but she doesn't mean it, it is just a consequence of her upbringing.
Image: X

Koa - Be Sharp
Rank: Head Hunter
Owner: ???
Personality: Charismatic, Arrogant, Sociable
Totem: Maned Wolf
History: Best friends with Chumo since birth allowed Koa easy access to the position of Second in Command. He regards himself and his skills highly and lets most people know. He is quite charming as well, despite his definite self belief.
Image: X

Accepted Members

Name of character: Kuubeshtu
Your Username: Meepfur
Totem: Fowl
Brief Personality: Friendly, agreeable, and gentle, but slow to act. She can have a pretty lackadaisical pace, preferring to go with the flow things, and it takes some prodding to get her to hurry up or make a decision (she's not indecisive, though, she just prefers to take the time to consider all the options).
Brief History: Just a regular ol' pride member, nothing really notable history-wise. XD
Gender: Female
Rank: Gatherer
Image Link: Besh

Name of character: Pahale
Your Username: ShinosBee
Totem: Caracal
Brief Personality: He's very suspicious and superstitious. He takes life seriously, and while he is open to new things and ideas, he prefers the rich worn paths tradition has laid before him. He is amiable, if a bit poor at conversation. He is closest with his twin (whom I don't have yet lulz.)
Brief History: He's the male twin of a pair of only cubs to a family that has a long bloodline in the pride. Both of his parents have long since moved on from this world. He briefly was lost from the pride after a hunting/skirmish accident, in which he wandered the roguelands for about a week until he found his sister again and was able to bring her home.
Gender: Male
Rank: Hunter (or whatever needs filled.)
Image Link: Here

Name of character: Hogosha
Your Username: Split personality
Totem: Waterbuck
Brief Personality: Hogosha is stern and very straight forward. He doesn't tolerate stupidity or foolishness. He believes in the male being the strong one and the female being the weak. Though he is a good male, if need be he will show dominance.
Brief History: Not much of one honestly. xD though IC he would have been raised by a father who had the same views and outlooks as he does. His father was much more strict and was known for being so with both his mate and his son.
Gender: Male
Rank: Hunter
Image Link: xxx

Custom Concepts

Name of character: Pichale
Your Username: ShinosBee
Totem: Weasel
Brief Personality: She is very similar to her brother; traditional, strong in mind and spirit, but a bit more open to new things. She's got a sly streak that her brother lacks.
Brief History: She briefly became lost while out gathering, causing her brother to have to break from a hunt to try to find her. After a few days of roaming they reunited and rejoined the pride.
Appearance/Concept: Twin to Pahale, identical barring the mane. She has golden swirls on her neck in their stead. This but the neck swirls in gold.
Gender: Female
Rank: Gatherer
PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 7:41 am
User Image

The Cave
The Cave is the primary location of the Pride. It sits at the base of a cliff, and has a small entrance way that protects the inside from the elements. It is large and wide, with high roofing, able to fit many more lions than the amount that the pride currently has. Covering it's walls are ancient cave drawings of all kinds of animals. It is believed that this is a blessing of the spirits, and lets the Lions know they are being watched over. Off to one side, elevated slightly is a small platform leading into a small cave, this is where the leader and his family sleep. At the back there is a small passage way leading to another cave, circular in shape. This is where the Shaman performs his rituals. There is also another small cave that can be used for storage of food or plants.

The Pridal Lands
Close to the cave is a small, running spring that offers fresh water. There is open grass land out from the cave entrance, with trees bordering one side and a bluff bordering the other, protecting it from heavy winds. The lands are filled with all kinds of different plant life. There is a ledge, wide enough for a few lions abroad, that leads further up the cliff. A days trek away is a large open plain, where many grazing animals come to feed, perfect for hunting.  


King Kitten


King Kitten

PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 7:42 am
User Image

General Appearance
The Shimo-mbari are lions of very natural, earthy colors. Browns, greys, desaturated browns and such. White accents are not uncommon. In terms of markings, they are relatively simplistic and basic, though there are some with more unique appearances. If you're having trouble visualizing the type of coloring and markings that I'm talking about, feel free to click on any of the members in the Pride Member list for good examples.  
PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 7:43 am
User Image

So you want to join the pride? Well there are several ways to do so, listed below, please take a look and see which way you think you would like to go. Currently I'm looking for Original Members of the pride only to join, no rogues at the moment. Once the pride is established, then we'll get to that.

Featured Character
As you might have seen in the Pride Members there are currently 5 members listed. These are the members which I would consider are the core of the pride, and are also the most RP intensive. I've made these characters up as to how I see they should be, but obviously it would be boring for me to play all the characters myself, so I'm opening them up to you guys. Currently there are 4 up for grabs. Each has a brief personality and history which you are welcome to expand upon if you get them, as well as a character design. Now, since I've made these guys up, I'm more than willing to help you in the Gold department for Customs if you want one but don't have enough Gold. You must however, be willing to try your hardest to get these whenever customs open. So don't think of gold as an issue. Please note these guys wont be first come first serve, I'll be looking for people who I think can fulfill the heavy RP load and will be active. If you want to apply for one of the Featured Characters then please fill out this form:

[size=18][b][color=#664e41]I WANT A FEATURED CHARACTER![/color][/b][/size]
[color=#736957][b]Name of character:[/b]
[b]Your Username:[/b]
[b]Why do you want this character?:[/b]
[b]RP Sample link:[/b]
[b]Fund Assistance?:[/b][/color]

Original Character Concepts
Have a great custom idea for a character! Great! If you do post it with this form below. Keep in mind the naming style of the pride and the general look of original members. If everything's alright then I'll add you to the list and it will be up to you to get the character as a custom. If you have an idea but you're lacking some funds I can assist, however I don't have unlimited funds, so I wont be able to help everyone. When you have the custom, I'll roll for your totem and add it in. If you have a custom concept, please post with this form:

[size=18][b][color=#664e41]I HAVE A CUSTOM CONCEPT![/color][/b][/size]
[color=#736957][b]Name of character:[/b]
[b]Your Username:[/b]
[b]Brief Personality:[/b]
[b]Brief History:[/b]
[b]Fund Assistance?:[/b][/color]

Blank Slate
So you have an SoA that you think would fit the pride as an original member? Great! This works best if you have a character you've never done anything with before, so no matings, RPs, etc. If you've done a roleplay or two with the lion it shouldn't be too difficult to work it so that they are an original member. Once your character has been accepted I'll roll for your Lions totem. If you have an SoA that you think could be an Original Member then please post with this form:

[size=18][b][color=#664e41]I HAVE A BLANK SLATE![/color][/b][/size]
[color=#736957][b]Name of character:[/b]
[b]Your Username:[/b]
[b]Brief Personality:[/b]
[b]Brief History:[/b]
[b]Image Link:[/b]
[b]How much have you done with this SoA already (if any)?:[/b][/color]


King Kitten


King Kitten

PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 7:44 am

Uhhh posting is okay now. Hopefully these are all the extra's I'll need

To Do:
- Cave Map
- Area Map
- Dot on SoA Map
- Add in info about Newcomer totems
- How to get a totem
- Cert Background
- Cert symbol
- Joining apps and stuffage
- Lion 'appearance'
- Other General info that doesn't fit anywhere else
- More as I think of it  
PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 8:09 am
I've not finished the entire series because I can only take so much of Ayla's Mary Sue-ness at a time (I'm about three books in). But I did have some questions about how closely the pride would cleave to Clan beliefs about impregnation and male-female relations. That is, do they believe that any male with a stronger totem animal can cause pregnancy in a female, or just their mate? Also, do they acknowledge that sex causes pregnancy, or is that just something that's fun to do? Along that line, do they have the same rules about female submission that the Clan had, and can females be required to have sex with any male who wants it (though it would be bad manners to have it with a mated female)? Do they follow the "sit and wait for permission to be acknowledged" rule for women addressing men? On a semi-related note, I don't remember reading whether they have a non-verbal language or not, but do they, perhaps in addition to the spoken one?  


Lonely Bookworm


King Kitten

PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 8:31 am
I've not finished the entire series because I can only take so much of Ayla's Mary Sue-ness at a time (I'm about three books in). But I did have some questions about how closely the pride would cleave to Clan beliefs about impregnation and male-female relations. That is, do they believe that any male with a stronger totem animal can cause pregnancy in a female, or just their mate? Also, do they acknowledge that sex causes pregnancy, or is that just something that's fun to do?

This was something I was debating on whether or not to include, and if I did how far I would go into it. XD; It's hard to say about any male or just the mate. I think they would believe that once they're mated, the children come from that male and that male only, but then they would probably encounter pregnant rogue females at some stage and so would have to have some conclusion about that.

I didn't really want to get into the sex stuff, since it's SoA and all that, I was just going to leave it up to interpretation, but I guess they would have to believe it was link in someway to pregancy, as well as to the spirits. Perhaps it's how the male spirit fights the female? Eck my brain x___x; Also part of the reason I didn't really touch on the sex concept from the book.

Along that line, do they have the same rules about female submission that the Clan had, and can females be required to have sex with any male who wants it (though it would be bad manners to have it with a mated female)? Do they follow the "sit and wait for permission to be acknowledged" rule for women addressing men?

Uh, nope, I don't think I included much of that if any into the pride concept, and adapted some of the more male type things to involve both genders (such as with the Mating ceremony). I don't think and don't really want the pride to go that far with the concepts of the book. I do have that the males are the main hunters, and that females depend on the males to provide for them, but that's about it.

On a semi-related note, I don't remember reading whether they have a non-verbal language or not, but do they, perhaps in addition to the spoken one?

In the book they do, I haven't really thought about it in terms of this pride. I wanted to try and keep the concept detailed and simplistic at the same time if that makes sense? I just took the concepts I liked the best and adapted and applied them to an SoA pride. Whilst having something like a non verbal language would be fun, it wouldn't be roleplayed much differently than if they were speaking regularly, much like in the book.

I hope I kind of answered everything? XD;

As for the books, I've also read the first three, though the first book is the only one that really interested me.  
PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 8:36 am
Sorry for the bombardment of questions. Thank you for answering them.

Yeah...I get very tired of Ayla, but I keep reading the books (maybe one every three or four months) because I enjoy the historical speculation and detail.


Lonely Bookworm

Split Personality

Feline Wife

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 5:21 pm
if you need any help with this I am totally game for it! I loved the books, they were my favorites and I was actually thinking about the other day, how SOA would probably be awesome for a pride like this! <3  
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