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.:. Mbwa Mwitu .:. A Pack Interest Thread (OPEN) Goto Page: 1 2 3 ... 4 5 6 7 8 [>] [»|]

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Anxious Cat

PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 9:53 am
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This interest thread got put on my back burner for a while, but now it's time to revive it and get this pack off the ground.
If you don't have any wild dogs to toss in here yet, stick around and show some interest--there'll be contests in the future.
And if you're not interested in being an official part of the pack, stick around, too--there will be plots in the future that require non-wild dogs.
PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 10:36 am
[Background Music]

.:. HABITAT .:.

The Mbwa Mwitu pack lives on the African savanna--specifically Tanzania, on the Serengeti Plains. Tall grasses, acacia trees, shrubs and kopjes are visible all around the territory. There are also small streams and numerous watering holes, though many dry up during the dry seasons.

The habitat changes from tall grasses to no grasses, soft ground to hard, flat land to tall and bumpy. Amidst the acacia trees and tall grasses are kopjes (pronounced like "copies" with a hard "O"; singular is kopje, pronounced "copy"), which are varying sizes and shapes of granite structures that jut out of the ground. They are usually large and partially or completely covered in grasses and shrubs. Kopjes provide shade, shelter, look-out spots, and occasionally even den sites. Ol Doinyo Lengai, the volcano closest to the territory, is visible on the very near horizon. Going near the volcano is strictly forbidden. Although, there are those who like to live on the edge and push their luck, even though they could get in trouble...or worse.

.:. CLIMATE .:.

The climate is normally hot with a dry heat, and no rain except during the two rainy seasons (March to May and October to November). During the longer rainy season, it can sometimes rain for hours a day, and flooding occurs in many areas.



Anxious Cat


Anxious Cat

PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 10:38 am

.:. RANKS .:.

Alpha Male and Alpha Female:: The top dogs; the king and queen the pack. They make the rules and the decisions, start and end the ceremonies, and ultimately have the first and last say in everything. However, one Alpha cannot make an official decision without the other's consent. The Alphas rule over the pack in complete unison. The Alpha Male's opinion is never considered higher than the Alpha Female's, and vice versa. It is a true partnership, and though they might not always agree with one another, they must always come to a united conclusion, no matter what that conclusion may be. No order or law can be put into place unless both the Alpha Male and Female have come to an equal decision. And sometimes, that can take a while...
If one of the Alphas dies, the remaining Alpha will step down from their position. Sometimes it is not death that results in the stepping-down, but a personal decision the two leaders make--either if they feel they are too old and no longer capable, or if they feel they have served their pack for long enough. Whatever the case, a new mated pair of male and female dogs will take their place. The positions are not hereditary (as in, one of the new alphas does not necessarily have to be related to the past alphas), but it isn't uncommon for one of the past alphas' offspring to become one of the new Alphas. Ultimately, it is a rank earned, not given. The pack usually decides as a whole who would be best suited as the next Alphas.

High Elder:: This rank is for any past Alpha(s) that have stepped down from their former position for whatever reason. They still help their pack in any way they can, though they are no longer of an authoritative position. They're a great asset to the new Alphas, and are often sought out for advice. Even though the High Elder(s) may be full of experience, they tend to be paws-off when it comes to advice on decision-making, as it is up to the new Alphas to lead the pack.

Elder:: Elders are the older wild dogs of the pack who have served their fellow dogs well, and are full of wisdom and experience. Some may be too old to hunt, but they continue to serve their pack in many ways, doing things like babysitting pups and looking out for danger, or anything else they can. Elders are very respected and cared for, and while they don't have a rank like "council", they could generally be considered as such. The Alpha Male and Female often seek them out for advice. The younger wild dogs sometimes get fed up with their ancient story-telling or ramblings about the ways of things, but most would be wise to listen to the words of the Elders.

Hunter:: Male and female, Hunters make up the bulk of the pack. (Please note that there is no such rank as huntress--whichever gender, it's just hunter.) They're the ones who go and hunt the food that provides life for the pack; they are the pack. They know their skill well, and they all work together on strategies and hunting patterns (though they usually just chase down prey in a crazy wild dog wave of death).

It is important to note that although the specific title of "Hunter" is given, all members (aside from pups, pregnant females, the elderly, the sick, the injured, and hunters who have stayed behind to guard the remaining members) participate in hunting. Even the Alphas and some capable Elders participate. It is also important to note that while the Hunters obviously work to provide food, they are the general bulk of the pack, and as such they know and do many more things besides hunting. Since the pack is a team, they all help to look after pups, they all keep watch for danger, they all help when it comes to tending wounds, and they all help teach the younger generation about the ways of the pack. Some dogs have more skill in certain areas than others, but each pack member knows a little of everything. So just because they have the title of "Hunter" doesn't mean they don't do other things to serve their pack. And while the pack values equality, there is some level of hierarchy amongst Hunters. Obviously some Hunters are going to be more experienced than others. And even though no one brags, it's not uncommon for a less-experienced wild dog to sort of look up to someone with more skill.

Pup:: All wild dogs fall under this rank from birth until they have reached adolescence. During this time is when a pup is taught about the ways of the pack, and everything they will need to know for the future. They don't really have any jobs other than to do whatever they want, within the limits of the Laws and their parents' wishes. (Young wild dogs are normally called "pups", not "puppies". The term "puppy" is the wild dog's equivalent to something like the word "brat" or "baby", and most pups in this pack hate to be called that. They will throw puppy tantrums, seriously.)

PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 10:57 am
[He She Lives in You]

.:. RELIGION .:.

The Mbwa Mwitu do not believe in gods, but instead have very strong spiritual beliefs about the world around them. Their "gods" are Mother Earth, Father Sky, Brother Sun, and Sister Moon. They understand that each of these things bestows life, and can also take life away. They believe that Mother Earth creates all things of the earth, wild dogs included, and the earth is truly their Mother. In death, they become a true part of her again. While the dogs have these spiritual beliefs and understandings, it's not so much that they see the earth as a truly sentient being or goddess--more that she is the earth, sort of as humans would see it, only with a much deeper connection. The earth is their mother and guardian because she provides for them, and without her they would not have life. To sum it up, they believe they, like all things on the earth, are sort of just extensions of the earth--they're a part of her both in life and death. So in respecting the earth, they respect not only their Mother, but each other.

In order to repay Mother Earth for her kindness in giving them life and helping them to survive, the Mbwa Mwitu feel obligated to show the earth thanks. They try to repay their Mother by bringing more life into the world, so life-mating is very important to the pack. Since they are her sons and daughters, having pups is just like Mother Earth having pups. The pack also shows thanks by simply being wild dogs, the way their Mother made them. So they all continue to live by the ways of the pack and flow with the Circle of Life (which is something they also recognize). The Earth is their Mother and provider, the Sky watches over them and protects them, and the Sun and Moon are a helpful brother and sister.

While there is no worshiping, numerous chants, or loads of prayers, the pack is taught to respect the earth, so harming anything in nature outside of the Circle of Life is very, very frowned upon. A wild dog of this pack, for example, would not scratch up trees for fun, pluck out flowers because they're pretty, or disturb anything else in nature that doesn't need to be disturbed. Of course they enjoy all the wonderful things the earth has to offer, so it's not like they never squash a flower patch by lying on it out in the sun--more that the pack members aren't just going to go out and rip branches off trees for the heck of it.

Along with the belief that they, as wild dogs, are a part of the earth, many of the Elders have said that the Mbwa Mwitu pack has been around for a long, long time. No one is sure when the ancient dogs of the past first came together to unite the pack, but most of the Mbwa Mwitu would tell you that theirs was the first wild dog pack to ever be formed, true or false. Most of their ancient history has been lost (if they even had "ancient" history), as they believe the past is in the past, and all things should continue to move in the Circle of Life.



Anxious Cat


Anxious Cat

PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 11:00 am


The Mbwa Mwitu pack works together as a team, always, so someone's always looking out for you whether you realize it or not. All are treated as equals, and each dog should be treated with consideration and respect. There is rarely serious conflict amongst members, but no one dog is expected to like everyone. Realistically, that just doesn't happen. No one's ever going to like everyone. Some dogs might dislike or even hate another fellow pack member, but trivial disputes or open arguments are highly discouraged. Pack members are expected to treat their fellow dogs with respect. If someone has a problem, they settle the matter with a Duel.

The Mbwa Mwitu are a fairly laid-back pack, taking things in stride, never getting into petty squabbles...but they do have a Way, and they most certainly have rules that all pack members are expected to follow. (Breaking Laws could mean Exile, depending on the Alphas' decision!)

.:. THE LAWS .::

1. Never disobey your Alphas.

2. Respect Mother Earth.

3. Respect your parents.

4. Respect your fellow dogs

5. Always place the pack's needs before your own.

6. Never take the life of one of your fellow dogs.

7. Never show compassion for the Exiled.

8. Always eat the same amount of food as your fellow dogs.

9. You will have no other mate besides your life-mate.

10. Incest is forbidden.

The Alphas, as previously stated, are the ultimate decision-makers, so they're the ones who make the Laws of the pack. Some of the Laws are very old, having been declared by some of the first Alphas of the Mbwa Mwitu, while others are fairly recent. When new Alphas take lead of the pack, they have the right to declare new Laws.

.:. MATES .:.

First off, the Mbwa Mwitu strongly believe in equality amongst their fellow dogs. Males and females are to respect one another as equals. Adolescent breeding is absolutely allowed, but flings are completely unheard of. Life-mates are male and female, as the reason for them choosing mates is ultimately to bring new life into the world. Since the Mbwa Mwitu believe bringing new life into the world shows love for their Mother Earth, because they are a part of her, and more of them means more of her, life-mating is very important to them.

Once pack members reach adolescence, they are taught about...well, a lot of things. One of the main points the older dogs try to drive home has to do with picking a "suitable" mate. As far as some of the older dogs are concerned, it's not about passion and love. It's about picking someone to spend the rest of your life with on a completely equal level. What would happen if you chose someone you felt all giggly and flirty with, ahaha let's frolic in the sun together all day long, then BAM, the two of you wake up with puppies, they're climbing all over you constantly wanting attention, you and your mate can't spend much cuddly time together, you start barking at each other, one of you is gone all day hunting while the other stays behind with the pups, your passion vanishes, and you end up despising each other?

...Some of the older dogs don't want this for the younger ones. Some of them really think passion-based mate-selecting just isn't logical (some older dogs are the opposite, though). So they try to "help" the younger generation--here, why not so-and-so? He/she is very easy on the eyes (-wink-), of mild temper (to balance with your fiery one), and he/she is an amazing hunter, so he/she will always bring back food for you and the pups! A perfect match. (Don't mind his/her occasional belching and snorting, that's...that's really no matter. Really! I mean, it's not like it happens all the time, haha...ha.)

However much some Elders try to "guide" the younger generation, the most "suitable" mate chosen might not always be the most suitable to a wild dog as far as "type". Even wild dogs have types, after all. Some like dark and handsome, others like light and bubbly. Some have super pet-peeves (-cough-belchsnort-cough-), while others are so laid-back, they just don't care. However, since they're not pushed to look for someone they find attractive or suitable to their own personal tastes, some wild dogs usually end up in something that could technically be considered an arranged marriage. For some wild dogs, love blossoms later, while others are stuck with someone they simply cannot tolerate, but must remain with. Some wild dogs will ignore their Elders' "help", however, and will become the mate of a wild dog they have fallen in love with.

Love or no love, once a dog has chosen his or her life-mate, they are mates for life. After a time, if a dog really cannot stand their mate any longer for whatever reason, they are free to leave their mate. HOWEVER, the one who wishes to dissolve the "marriage" is immediately Exiled from the pack. (Though there may be exceptions depending on the situation and the Alphas.)


I understand what it's like to not be able to find a good mate plot, or to just not be interested in getting your SoA a mate at all. Rogue breeding is fun and easy and leaves room for lots of plotting. So rather than say rogue breeding isn't allowed, I'm gonna discuss how the pack would view it, and you can make your own choice as to whether or not you'd want to rogue breed your wild dog in this pack.

First off, as stated earlier, the Mbwa Mwitu are all about life-mating. That's why flings aren't allowed--the male and female would be expected to stay together, and simply having puppies and parting ways is absolutely unheard of and not allowed. Rogue breeding, however, is a slightly different story. Let's say the female went to or past the borders of the territory, fancied herself in love with a rogue male she met, stayed with him for a while, couldn't convince him to go back to the pack with her after they did the deed, and wound up alone with a belly full of pups? The pack would certainly look at the female as being naive and immature, having done something so foolishly against the wishes of her pack and her especially her parents, but she wouldn't be exiled. What she would get is an invisible scarlet letter "A" on her chest for a while, though, until she found a mate she finally settled down with.

If you want your female to go past the borders and get with a male just because she feels like having pups, think twice--there's no way someone in the pack would be raised to have that mentality, and even if the female was an ex-rogue with different views and did that, she would get a serious talking to and risk being exiled. In a nutshell, the female better have a sob story about her case before she comes back to the pack, pregnant and without a mate.

Males might also have a "rogue breeding" of sorts, where they find a female outside of the pack to have pups with. If the female decides she doesn't want pups at all and just wanted a one-night-stand, that's a much different story. The male can plead his case and, when the pups are born, take them back to the pack. He, like a female, will be looked at in a similar fashion until he finds someone to settle down with and proves himself a capable father.


Once a mother is sure she is pregnant, the pack works together to find a suitable place for the soon-to-be mother to give birth. The most common places for a mother to give birth are in dens made by other animals who have abandoned them. The mother will then recycle that den, and after the pups are weaned, the new family abandons the den and returns to the heart of the territory.

The time of pregnancy and birth is really exciting for the pack, partially due to their spiritual connection to nature, and partially because...pups are just cute. It's not only a happy time, but it can be sort of a holy time, too. Pups are almost sacred, not only because of new life, but also because of death rates. With such a large possible max number of pups a mother can conceive and so many predators and diseases, deaths are very, very common among pups. Because of this, when there are pups in the pack, more than the normal amount of Hunters will stay behind to watch over them.

The older generation are responsible for teaching the newer generation how to hunt, as well as specific hunting techniques, skills and patterns. The older generation also teaches other things, like the ways of the pack, the ways of the wild dogs, and where things are, such as watering holes, hiding spots, and so on. Pups begin their lessons very early on in their lives, sometimes even before they are capable of speech.

.:. NAMING .:.

All names are strictly Swahili, Zulu, Sheng, or Northern Sotho. Born-in-pack dogs must be named from those origins, period. Newcomers do not have to change their names if their name is not one of those languages, but once they have been accepted into the pack, their pups (should they have any after being accepted) must be named with names in those languages. No exceptions. If you fail to follow this rule, the pup in question will be put on a no-breeding list until you change their name.

Swahili Translators:: http://africanlanguages.com/swahili/ | http://www.kamusiproject.org/

Swahili Names:: http://babynamesworld.parentsconnect.com/swahili-names.html

Zulu Translator:: http://isizulu.net/

Zulu Names:: http://www.lowchensaustralia.com/names/africannamesb.htm

Sheng Translator:: http://africanlanguages.com/swahili/sheng/index.php?l=en

Northern Sotho Translator:: http://africanlanguages.com/sdp/

(Other sites not listed may be used. Either way, you need to provide proof that the name(s) you have selected is Swahili, Zulu, Sheng, or Nothern Sotho.)

.:. HUNTING .:.

All capable members, including the Alphas, participate in hunting.

Hunts happen usually once a day, and always while there is still sunlight left. During a hunt, there is usually a lot of talking going on, with short vocal commands and warnings shouted out from pack member to pack member every so often. Patience and speed are key, but above all, teamwork. The more you know your fellow pack members, the more successful the hunt will be. While one dog is usually at the front of the pack, the position changes every time the prey makes a sudden turn. These sharp moves throw the lead dog off, but the dogs behind him or her are able to see what went wrong, and are thus able to continue the hunt without flaw. Someone else will then take lead, while the one who slipped plays catch-up. Wild dogs run fast, but more than speed, they rely on stamina. Once the Mbwa Mwitu start the chase, it is rare that they'll stop (though there are reasons for stopping should the pack choose to do so). Once the prey is caught, it is disemboweled very, very quickly. Any food acquired is always shared, and those who hunt by themselves and eat alone selfishly are scolded, and in worse cases, Exiled.

When prey is captured and killed, it is eaten on the spot. There is no "savoring" of the meat. They practically inhale it. Everyone eats at the same time, quickly, with no bickering. Everyone eats an equal share, usually without even thinking about it. For the pups and other members of the pack who have stayed behind, some of the meat is saved and brought back to them. (See: -HURL-)

The prey that the Mbwa Mwitu target are usually Impala, Thomson's Gazelle, Springboks, baby wildebeest (though they may take down an old or injured adult if they're feeling particularly bold), zebra, warthogs (especially piglets), sometimes African Buffalo, baby giraffes, and even Ostriches. Basically, most hooved animals. Some targets require more skill and a solid plan in order for the hunt to be successful. While the pack will usually take down their prey in a wave, when it comes to the more challenging prey, strategy is needed. So for the larger prey, the pack usually moves in a surrounding wave instead of an engulfing one, with some dogs grabbing the face, others the legs, some the back end and tail, while others work on disemboweling it. Once the prey has fallen over, feasting begins immediately.

There are a number of various hunting plans and techniques, and some dogs have skills or techniques that are uniquely theirs. Even so, the pack works as a team to bring down their prey, however intricate the kill plan may be. For the more complicated plans, if even one dog messes up, it could spell disaster. Generally, the easiest and most abundant prey are the ones the pack goes for. It also isn't unheard of for the dogs to catch birds or smaller mammals, such as hares, for food.

When pack members reach adolescence, they are finally able to hunt with the pack. But because they are very inexperienced and still smaller than the adults, they are often at the way back of the pack during a hunt, and are usually the last to arrive at a kill. They still get an equal share of food, though.

Various prey-beast bones are a common snack, and though sharing is always encouraged, it's completely okay for a wild dog to hog their snack for themselves.

[Wild dog footage from Planet Earth]


The Mbwa Mwitu are a pretty tightly-knit pack. They're like a family. They even consider other non-pack wild dogs to be sort of like distant relatives, no matter what size, shape, or color. So when a rogue wild dog steps into their territory, they are welcome to pass though along the edges of the lands, but aren't welcome to stay. HOWEVER, if a rogue wild dog steps into the territory and wishes to stay--become a member of their pack--then they are brought before the Alphas. The Alphas talk two-on-one with the rogue dog in private. If they don't approve, the dog is sent away. If they do approve, the dog is sent out amidst the pack to more or less be judged.

Most of the pack members step forward in a mob and ask tons of questions, sniff the stranger, eyeball him with craaazy eyes, etc. If anyone has any objections as to the character of the dog, they voice them openly before the Alphas and the pack. These objections are considered, and if not resolved, the majority will still rule. If no one has any objections, then the dog is declared one of the Mbwa Mwitu. The new member is then educated each day by all of the members of the pack in turn, much like pups are educated. There is no prejudice against new members at all. They are almost immediately treated like they've been pack members all along. But to those who had objections toward the new member that were overruled by the majority, acceptance may take longer...

.:. NON-DOGS .:.

Lions, hyenas, leopards and cheetahs are not tolerated.

They are the enemies of the Mbwa Mwitu, and a friendly meeting between either species is absolutely 100% unheard of and insane to them.

Even if the friendliest lion in Africa wanders into their territory, it's still a big heck no as far as the pack is concerned. Lions are thieves that are said to kill wild dogs, pup and adult alike, without a second glance, and hyenas and leopards are thieves who steal food from the pack and kill pups for laughs. Hyenas can sometimes be driven off by the pack with teamwork, but lions are considered to be so much of a threat that it is generally understood to flee at the sight of one. Cheetahs are the less hated of the four, because the pack can easily take one out, but they are still very much not tolerated. (Thus, an Mbwa Mwitu pack member cannot RP with lions, hyenas, leopards, or cheetahs unless it is for a plot where someone wishes their wild dog to be killed by a lion or leopard, chase a hyena or cheetah, be killed by a hyena, or have their food get stolen by any of the four. Either situation must be approved before RPing. But all will happen via pack plots occasionally!)


Jackals, birds of prey, maned wolves, and sometimes ratels and genets, are the ONLY accepted familiars in the pack. A small, regular bird (normal avian or raven) might be seen as food rather than a partner at first, though there may be exceptions. Once a wild dog forms a partnership with one of these smaller animals, their new partner is expected to provide for the pack, same as any other dog. The wild dogs, in turn, share their food with the smaller animals. So long as the familiars provide for the pack and do their share, there is absolutely no conflict, and the familiars are quite respected and even loved.

The roles for their accepted familiars are normally this:

Jackals: Hunters
Maned wolves: Hunters
Birds of prey (falcons, hawks, eagles): Hunters and scouts
Ratels: Den diggers/cleaners, pup guards, and hunters
Genets: Hunters, food gatherers (berries, insects, etc.)

Wild dogs bringing a waterbuck or klipspringer into the pack would be seen as completely insane, and their "prey-beast friend" would be killed as food. Snakes are seen as a danger, especially because of pups, and all snakes are treated as being venomous even though they may be harmless. Pack members would attempt to kill or drive off a snake before speaking a single word to it. Hares are seen as food, and would be killed immediately, period. Servals are seen as mini lions to many of the wild dogs, and as such are very looked down upon and chased away if they can't be caught and killed. Vultures are seen as harbingers of death and carriers of disease, so they are not tolerated.

.:. ITEMS .:.

This pack is not real big on items and jewelry. Their connection with nature prevents them from taking things from the earth and wearing them (such as flowers, vines, tree bark, what have you), but there's always a chance one might be intrigued by a piece of fallen jewelry (bracelets, earrings, whatever). But most of these things would usually be worn by the newer members who used to be rogues, as they weren't raised with the same views as the born-in members. Most born-in members wouldn't look twice at a necklace or feather as being something to wear. They wouldn't see a point to it.

The only items allowed in this pack are feathers (presumably from any avian familiars they have, and always taken with permission; worn as a sign of respect and love towards their avian partners), and human jewelry (AFRICAN earrings, necklaces, and bracelets only, and preferably a minimal amount; most born-in dogs won't wear these).

Your wild dog should not wear bones, pelts, anything from another creature's body, items directly from nature, any cloth, veils, capes, pouches, netting, rope, wire, leather. If you have a question about something on your wild dog being allowed, ask!

.:. COLORS .:.

Born-in dogs seem to have more natural colors in their lineage, but there are unnatural colors in the mix as well. For newer members, anything goes. All colors are accepted in this pack. A wild dog is always a wild dog, after all!

PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 11:01 am


Blessings of the Hunt:: Before the hunting party leaves on a hunt, all of the hunters planning to participate will gather together and wish blessings upon each other to have a safe and successful hunt. They ask their Mother Earth to watch over them and help them to succeed; since all things of the earth are a part of her, including prey-beasts, they acknowledge her before a hunt. After that, they all go before the rest of the pack (the ones who are staying behind) and receive their blessings and good wishes as well. Once that has finished, the hunting group departs. This happens before every hunt without fail. ((This ceremony is not RP'd, it's just ICly assumed.))

Life-mate Ceremony:: Once a male and female dog have decided to become mates (or someone "helps" decide for them), they go before the Alphas to make their decision official. The Alphas announce the new pairing, and then those capable or able to leave are called together for a hunt. The pack then departs, but it's not a true hunt--it's more about the chase than the kill. The new life-mates take the lead of the pack and chase down their choice of prey side-by-side. The longer the two can run at the head of the pack without slipping up is said to symbolize how happy they will be together (it is a very ancient symbolization; not everyone believes that it's an accurate prediction, but it's a tradition nonetheless). Once the new couple slips-up, the pack rushes to congratulate the two. Sometimes, rarely, the couple will actually manage to catch the prey without making a mistake, and bring down a successful kill with the help of the pack. Either way, it's a very, very happy occasion. The pack then returns home to celebrate. ((This ceremony can be ORP'd at the couple's request! Otherwise, it is ICly assumed.))

New Life Ceremony:: After a female dog has given birth to pups, each and every one of the Mbwa Mwitu, one by one, greet their newest pack members. Each dog in the pack does this, with the Alphas going first. Once all of the pack has said "hello" and given their blessings, they leave the new mother and pups until the pups are able to leave the den. ((This ceremony can be ORP'd at the mother's request! Otherwise, it is ICly assumed.))

Duels:: If there is tension between two wild dogs for whatever reason, and they cannot settle matters by talking, there is a Duel. Both wild dogs decide what type of Duel it will be, and if they can't come to an agreement, the Alphas decide. The Duel can be something simple like a race, who can solve a riddle first, or who can hold their breath the longest. They can also be more complicated and even dangerous, varying from things like who can climb a steep kopje fastest, or who can bring down a select prey-beast by themselves first. If by the end of the duel the two dogs are still not satisfied, the last resort is a physical fight, but NEVER to the death. If things get bad, the pack steps in and breaks things up. Usually, however, that doesn't happen. By the end of the physical fight, there is one clear victor, the tension is relieved, and the two usually never have a physical fight again. Sometimes they even become good friends.

Dueling is common among certain dogs, and some even do it to settle little things, as a result of a failed bet, or just as friendly competitions. It is even common to see pups competing with each other over small, child-like things, such as who can chew a bone the fastest, who can run to that rock the fastest, or who can yell the loudest. ((Official Duels must be approved and RP'd. Pup play-dueling RPs don't have to be approved, though!))

Exile:: When one of The Laws is broken, there are consequences. When a wild dog is accused of breaking one of The Laws, he or she is brought before the Alphas by the accuser(s). The rest of the pack surrounds them in a wide circle to watch. The Alphas then, as a pair, decide which course of action to take--which punishment or consequence to bestow. Sometimes, the decision means Exile. When a wild dog is Exiled from the pack, they are ordered to leave immediately, completely forbidden from having any more contact with any of the pack members on their way out. They are considered dead to the pack. Should a newly-Exiled wild dog refuse to leave, or become argumentative, they are violently chased out of the territory. If an Exiled wild dog ever returns to the pack, they are either chased out again, or killed. It is ultimately up to the Alphas to decide. But once you're kicked out, you're gone for good. ((Exile ceremonies are always ORP'd.))

Death:: When a wild dog dies, it's very sad and happy at the same time. Sad in that the Mbwa Mwitu have lost a member of their pack--lost a part of them--but happy in that the departed wild dog will become a true part of Mother Earth once again. If a wild dog dies as a casualty of a kill-gone-wrong, or dies outside the heart of the territory, the saying is, "Leave the dead where they lie." If a wild dog dies in or near the heart of the territory, volunteer pack members will take the departed's body to the edge of the territory and leave it there. There are no prayers, no burying, and rarely are there tears--but each wild dog mourns in his or her own way, for however long it takes before things feel right again, and the dogs can continue on with their lives. ((While there isn't much of a "ceremony", when a wild dog dies, an ORP is set up for mourning, and the volunteers who take the body away.))



Anxious Cat


Anxious Cat

PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 11:02 am


All is well in the Mbwa Mwitu. Prey is mostly abundant despite the dry season, especially around the few remaining watering holes. The current Alpha Male and Female have just recently stepped down from their positions, and a young male wild dog has been called by the pack to become the new Alpha...

However...while the young male has been regarded as the new pack Alpha, he can't officially rise to his new position until he has found...a mate.

PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 11:35 am

Wild Dog's Name: Kilio (cry)
Owner's Name: [Eskimo]
Picture: TBA
Rank: Alpha Male
Personality: Having proven himself as being a strong and capable leader throughout his life, Kilio has been newly accepted by all the pack members to lead as the new Alpha. Kilio's aunt and uncle (the past most recent Alphas) have stepped down due to their joint conclusion that they have served their pack as Alphas for long enough, and it was time for the new generation to take charge of the future.

Mostly, Kilio is confident, quiet, and normally serious, handles situations with a completely level head, has a great deal of patience, and has a rather sharp stare (which can be quite scary if you think he's mad at you). Though when he gives an order or (rarely) loses patience, he sometimes barks at others (which can also be scary). He's quite a young male, and being considered an Alpha by the entire pack has left him a bit shocked. He sometimes secretly second-guesses himself and his future decisions, and sometimes even loses confidence without others knowing it. He actually might be a lot more humble than he seems. He's very new to the idea of being the Alpha, so he's not sure how to handle things. He's also not used to asking for help and advice from others, so he struggles in that department as well. But he'd never let anyone know that.
Name of Parents: ? x ? (Deceased)

Wild Dog's Name: Usebe
Owner's Name: Thalion
Picture: xXx
Rank: High Elder
A head full of memories and a mouth full of cryptic advice, Usebe is a playful elder who seems to delight in the confusion of the younger generations. He speaks in parables and riddles rather than offering direct advice. Some pack members believe this is just a sign of his years, others believe him to be insightful. He keeps a close eye on his young nephew, guiding him where he can and lending a paw where he's able. While he's one of the older members of the pack, he still has a lot of spirit left in him. Unknown to much of the pack, he's beginning to lose his eyesight. As far as Usebe's concerned- they'll find out when they find out and not a moment sooner.
Name of Parents: Dead McMaggotfood & Croakey Deadbottom
What's this dog's story?:
Usebe was the leader of the pack just a generation ago. He had fallen under the shadow of his father from puphood and when the burden of leadership was passed to him, he spent the first few years stumbling about in an attempt to become the leader his father had been. However, as the dog grew older and more confident in his own abilities, he proved himself a capable leader with a sharp mind and an able body. Unlike his father, Usebe retired when he realized he was growing too old to fill a leadership role and passed the mantle on to his young nephew. Where Usebe had taken leadership following the premature death of his father, he fully intends on living long enough to see Kilio on his paws making his own way.

Wild Dog's Name: Ngedwa (Zulu- I'm alone)
Owner's Name: Mtorolite
Picture: (I don't have him yet- this is just a concept!),
Appearance: Originally a black-and-tan dog, he is now black-and-tan in bits but largely covered in cruel looking pink and white scars. One of his eyes is useless.
Rank: Hunter
Personality: Ngedwa had a strong personality- a go get 'em type who believed in all for the pack and the pack for all. He was always helpful, always great to be around, the first one out in the hunt, the last one to back down from a fight, first on the dog pile and last to complain about the puppies. An all-around dog's dog, he wasn't the type to make enemies. Everyone liked him.
Now, Ngedwa has changed. He fulfills his duties in the pack, but he is driven not by joy of life but by a contained, simmering rage. He longs to lash out- and it's going to get him into trouble.
Name of Parents: (??Male) x (??Female)
What's this dog's story?: Ngedwa, was, in his former life, a wild dog on the rise. He was in love with Ukhozi, an excellent hunter, she was beautiful, she was kind, and she was wise. Her seriousness balanced out his eternal playfulness. Some considered him an excellent candidate for alpha, when the time came for the current alphas to step down.
The greatest day of his life- the day he would make Ukhozi his life mate- was fast approaching when the lovebirds, enjoying some peace together, met a rag-tag band of lions. The lion's crazed leader immediately attacked the two, with his band falling in.
Ngedwa was found later that day, clinging to life. Ukhozi's body was never found, except part of her hide that was ripped off in the fight.
Ngedwa recovered slowly. He is now physically fit as he ever was, but the joy has gone out of him. His mother wants him to find someone to become his life mate, but Ngedwa ignores her.

Ngedwa's rage at the lions that took Uhkozi from him is a bit terrifying, even to the pack members. He wants nothing more then revenge, but he will not abandon his pack to seek it. Instead, he wants to wait, until he can rip the grin off the lion that killed Uhkozi, and then he can die in peace.

(While it may be possible for Ngedwa to be redeemed and find his joy again, it would take a lot of work. He's pretty much doomed to die at the hands of a lion- any lion- because his rage is so intense. Even if he does fall in love again, if he had to choose between living happily with his mate and getting a chance at revenge, he'd probably go with revenge.)

Wild Dog's Name: Mkimbiaji (runner)
Owner's Name: [Eskimo]
Picture: xXx
Rank: Hunter
Personality: Fun-loving, but straightforward.
Name of Parents: ? x ?
What's this dog's story?: Born into the pack and related to one of the older families, Mkimbiaji knows the ins and outs of the way and is more or less an ordinary pack member. She's good at hunting, but excels most in scouting for prey. She loves to climb tall kopjes.

Wild Dog's Name: Ifu (zulu for "cloud")
Owner's Name: Safaia
Picture: xXx
Rank: Huntress
Personality: Quiet and observant, with a speck of fanciful daydreaming. She enjoys fairy tales and amazing stories. (I suck at these things XD)
Name of Parents: ? x ?
Why is this dog joining the pack/how long have they been in the pack?: She joined the pack as an adolescent after leaving her own family to find her own place in the world. She petitioned carefully to join, as she was young enough to be inexperienced, but not young enough to not be helping with the pack duties. Because of this, she continues to strive to be a great hunter for the pack as a thank you for allowing her to stay, even after all this time.

Wild Dog's Name: Thulani
Owner's Name: Pink Myth
Picture: [xXx]
Rank: Hunter
Personality: Meek and quite likes to stay in the back and doesn't think she has much of a voice. She is slightly smaller the most wild dogs since she was the runt of her litter.
Name of Parents: Kupanda x Malkia'nyuki
What's this dog's story?: She was born into a large litter but since she was the runt and small she was easily misplaced even if her mother and father did their best not to loose track or over look her amongst her brothers and sisters. Thus she grew to be very quite like her name sake she had been given the name originally because she was very wiggling and liked to run off away from her brothers and sister so they wouldn't crush her.

She is rather keen on getting out from under her family and desperately tries to search for a male that will lift her up and give her the voice she needs. She it not big on the whole love issue she simply wants a companion that will see her for who she is and not look past her like her family has done.

Wild Dog's Name: Afia (health, in Swahili)
Owner's Name: Redbud-Tree
Picture: xXx
Rank: Hunter
Personality: Afia enjoys the simple things in life, such as lying in the sun or pausing to sniff a patch of enticing flowers. This, however, is only one aspect of her personality. You see, she desperately needs these times to relax, because she’s a worrier. She tends to stress herself out when things don’t go according to plan, and will endlessly debate with herself over how to fix it and make sure that everyone around her is content and happy, while staying within the rules of the pack.

She is very focused upon them and worries about stepping too close to the lines. Because of these tendencies, she has yet to find a mate – and she’s started worrying that she won’t be able to find one! She needs a steadying presence in her life to help her express her loving and protective nature in a safer manner than worrying about everyone and everything.

Name of Parents: Kupanda x Malkia'nyuki (I will be customing Kupanda sometime in the future, Pink Myth will be customing Malkia'nyuki)

What's this dog's story?: Afia was born into the pack and has grown up within it. From an early age she expressed herself as somewhat of a worrywart, and would fuss at her agemates after one of them got hurt in a mock battle. She has always been overly-concerned with others and, as an adolescent, it got to the point where she was so nosy in her concern that she managed to emotionally chase away most of her friends. She’s relatively unaware of the fact that she doesn’t have the close relationships that she thinks she does – she worries about them all the same!

Wild Dog's Name: Rikard
Owner's Name: Thalion
Picture: xXx
Rank: Hunter
Name of Parents: Dead x Deadder
What's this dog's story?:
Rikard was, frankly, a bully. He was the largest pup from his parent's small litter, he was a well known tail-nipper growing up, and he intentionally sought out conflict as a restless youth to gain the attentions of the pack's females. Usebe fought tooth and claw to keep the young brute in line. It took some time, but Rikard has grown into a productive member of the pack. With Usebe growing older and a new alpha being guided into his place, Rikard had begun touching on old habits again. He highly disapproves in the choice of heirs and goes out of his way to put himself on display in hopes that the elder will change his mind. It's a futile effort, but he's not known for easily backing down.

Wild Dog's Name: Vivulibui
Owner's Name: Pink Myth
Picture: xXx
Rank: Hunter
Personality: She is cunning skilled tracker. She is very open about her feelings and express herself openly.
Name of Parents: ??? x ???
What's this dog's story?: Born to a elder couple who had focused on support their pack with their skills instead of their ability to bare pups. She is the only one of a small litter that survived this allowed her to get very spoiled by her parents who taught her their skills how to track and track well. She has a huge hobby of collecting spiders and bringing them back to her den to protect and care for before releasing them back into better hiding spots where they won't be disturbed.


Wild Dog's Name: KumoKari
Owner's Name: Teh Angel Yuna
Picture: xXx
Rank: Hunter
Personality: He holds himself at an emotional distance from others, afraid of growing attached. He doesn't know why, but it also doesn't stop him from being a good worker...he is just rather aloof.
Name of Parents: ? x ?
Why is this dog joining the pack/how long have they been in the pack?: Joined when he was really little. Some tragedy befell his family, mentally scarring him in a way that resulted in memory loss of the event, and some things surrounding the time of the event. Since then, he has grown into a loyal member of the pack.

Wild Dog's Name: Baobab
Owner's Name: [Eskimo]
Picture: xXx
Rank: Hunter
Personality: Happy, sweet, bubbly, motherly, energetic. She's youthful and bouncy, compliments those she loves as well as random strangers, and she uses endearing terms such as "hon", "sweety" and "love" at least once every other sentence. She's just very happy to be alive. She takes the good and the bad with a smile and never, ever sees the dark side of things.
She's extremely small, but with her size comes super-evasive moves and amazing speed. That paired with her bouncy, hyper attitude makes Baobab somewhat unique and surprising, but also, to some...annoying.
Name of Parents: Damalis x Chiboa
Why is this dog joining the pack/how long have they been in the pack?: Baobab has been traveling on her own for a pretty long time. She's a really social wild dog, and coming from a verrrrrrry large family who parted ways early on, she's always craved that hustle and bustle. Baobab found the Mbwa Mwitu by accident, and while she had originally planned to pass through, she found herself wanting to stay the longer she walked through the territory. So she did!

Wild Dog's Name: Ingwe'Gazini
Owner's Name: magnadearel
Picture: xXx
Rank: Hunter
Personality: Gazini is grateful to the pack that took in a stray, injured pup. Somewhat of a serious dog, s/he does her/his best to repay them. S/he likes to hunt, but her favorite activity is pupsitting. Gazini will play endlessly with energetic pups until nap time, then cuddle with them in a giant ball of heads, legs, and tails.
Name of Parents: ? x ?
Why is this dog joining the pack/how long have they been in the pack?: Ingwe'Gazini was rescued from the mouth of a leopard that had strayed into pack territory when s/he was just a tiny pup. S/he was taken in by a young couple who had just had a small litter of their own. Her/his wounds were tended, and s/he was raised in the ways of the pack.

Wild Dog's Name: Fize Soléy
Owner's Name: ShinyObsessed
Picture: xXx
Rank: Hunter to Elder when he's older.
Personality: Fize is methodical about his sneaky cleverness. There are certain ways to do things that work, and he'll stick to them. That is not to say he is unflexible, because he is very fluid in his ways of thinking and approaching problems that a lone wild dog face. He's a lonely loner. He'd love to join a pack if they had a position available for him. He also wouldn't say no to true love. He's a bit jaded. He doesn't think there's a female out there for him.

He's very tired of being alone. He has his ideas about other creatures, like he doesn't particularly hate lions, or hyenas (I have an rp with one already) but he'd be willing to keep those ideas to himself if he doesn't have to be alone anymore.
Name of Parents: ? x ?
Why is this dog joining the pack/how long have they been in the pack?:I'd like to say that Fiz joined the pack not too long ago, but within enough time to gain respect for his skills and wisdom. He's not a young dog, but not Elder old yet. He's still young enough to get himself a mate and litters. He seems older though, he's been a lone wild dog for a very long time (so long he doesn't remember a time where he wasn't) and that's forced him to have the smarts and the wisdom. I want him to join the pack in despair of always being alone, I'd also like him to find love.



Anxious Cat


Anxious Cat

PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 11:36 am

.:. JOINING .:.

There are two types of joining available--joining for blank-slate wild dogs you have who can be born-in-pack members (you may submit applications for custom concepts, too!), and joining for wild dogs with a history/parents who will be newly-joining members. However long ago your "newer member" dog joined is completely up to you. "Newer" just means they weren't born into the pack.

In order for a wild dog to be a pre-existing member, it must have a complete blank slate--NO RPs, and no parents. If you want to plot relatives and family with me or amongst yourselves, feel free to ask or do so! I have several customs in mind to contest off as members of older families, and I would love for there to be some old families in here with a couple of generations--grandparents, parents, and even the offspring of those parents. So if you want to plot something out with me or even some of your friends, feel free! Let me know what you come up with. I can definitely help out with ideas, too.

You do not have to own a wild dog to join--you can come up with a custom concept and still post a joining application with said concept.


[size=9][b].:. BORN-IN-PACK MEMBER .:.[/b]

[b]Wild Dog's Name:[/b]
[b]Owner's Name:[/b]
[b]Picture:[/b] [url=]xXx[/url]
[b]Name of Parents:[/b] (Male) x (Female) <-- ((You can put names of parents if they have passed away OR if they will be achieved via customs! Or just put question marks. Either way, it is assumed that this dog was born in the pack.))
[b]What's this dog's story?:[/b] (Doesn't have to be long--just how they were raised, what they do in the pack, are they better at some things than others, etc. Just something that generally shows that they were raised in the Mbwa Mwitu.)[/size]

[size=9][b].:. NEWER MEMBER .:.[/b]

[b]Wild Dog's Name:[/b]
[b]Owner's Name:[/b]
[b]Picture:[/b] [url=]xXx[/url]
[b]Name of Parents:[/b] ? x ?
[b]Why is this dog joining the pack/how long have they been in the pack?:[/b] ("Newer members" doesn't have to mean just-off-the-boat new--these dogs could have joined a while back. They just weren't born-in. However long ago they joined is up to you. It really depends on how much of a history they have.)[/size]
PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 11:37 am

.:. PLOT POOL .:.

Coming soon...



Anxious Cat


Anxious Cat

PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 11:38 am

.:. Q & A .:.

FEEL FREE to ask questions! I know there must be blank spots in here that need filling, or things that weren't explained well enough, things lacking detail, etc. etc. There is no such thing as a "duh" question to me, either, so if you have absolutely any questions, please, please, please post here and ask me. It'll seriously help me make this pack the best it can be.

Please feel free to PM me any time! My inbox is always open, so go for it if you want to.

Also, if anyone finds a typo or something, totally feel free to point that out to me.

PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 11:39 am
[b]Pack/Pride Name:[/b] Mbwa Mwitu
[b]Current IC Owner(s):[/b] [Eskimo]
[b]Current OOC Owner(s):[/b] [Eskimo]
[b]Default ranks:[/b] Hunter
[b]Current Pride/Pack Members, and Rankings of Each:[/b]
[url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v292/XTRIBE/Minishops/SoA/Uncerts/wdgal.png]Mkimbiaji[/url] - Hunter ([Eskimo])
[url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v200/KitsuneAmaya/SoA/Uncerted/KumoKari.png]KumoKari[/url] - Hunter (Teh Angel Yuna)
[url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v292/XTRIBE/Minishops/SoA/Baobabcert-1.png]Baobab[/url] - Hunter ([Eskimo]
[b]Links to at least five [i]current[/i] RPs:
[b]Brief Description of your Pride/Pack: [/b]
[b]Cert Background Large Image:[/b] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v292/XTRIBE/Mbwamwitu/EskiBG.png]xXx[/url]
[b]Pride Symbol for Cert:[/b] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v292/XTRIBE/Mbwamwitu/mmsymbol.png]xXx[/url]
[b]Where is this pride located on the SoA map?[/b]
[b]Any Extra Information:[/b]
[b]Pride/Pack History:[/b]


Anxious Cat


Anxious Cat

PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 11:42 am

User Image
Background by Thalion

User Image
PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 11:43 am


Anxious Cat


Anxious Cat

PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 12:35 pm

.:. OPEN! .:.
[OOC] Plot Recruitment Threads [OOC]

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