Rules and Stipulations
> As always, follow the Main Guild Rules and Gaia ToS.
> Don't go overboard with how many powers you have. I expect that everyone has the sense not to give themselves boarderline-godmod powers (for example, controlling time, etc.) certain powers like teleporting and energy beams should have some sort of cool down time or other kind of limit.
> Characters aren't really expected to die. Its perfectly fine to get the hell out of there before a death strike is dealt, but again, make sure to take some cool-down time to heal. You can't leave from a near death battle and appear somewhere else perfectly healthy right away. Even fast healers take a certain amount of time to heal.
> There are ceasefire bases for people of each allience. You are NOT allowed to be in the base of a team you are not a member of*. The idea is that the bases are hidden by magic, cloaking devices, etc so that enemies cannot find them.

Setting and Reality
> This RP is set in the distant future on a distant plant. NOT EARTH AND NOT 2011. The name of the planet is Omniterra.
> Technology such as flying cars, commercial space vehicles, sentient androids (life-like and independent, but NOT Terminator crazy), holograms, and simulators of various types exist and are, for the most part, in commonplace use.
> Technology such as teleporters, time travel, etc, do NOT exist.
> Magic is an existing force here, however Time Travel magic does not exist.
> Omniterra is a diverse world. There are creatures and people from many other planets. Feel free to get creative with your species. (yes, there are Vampires and other sorts of Mythical creatures. Most are very adapt at using magic.)
> There are other planets in the same Solar System as Omniterra. The only explored ones are Gyrox, an entirely manufactured planet inhabited by sentient androids (life-like and independent, but NOT Terminator crazy) and robots of various sorts, and Luminun, a planet inhabited by Nekos.

>> Updates may be made in the future. I will bump this topic when that happens. If you have any questions, contact Captain Dakazo.

*unless you are a spy. In which case you still must be invited into a base to be allowed to use it.