Status: Extremely fragile right now. I'd like non-stressful rp, please, but I need people to be patient and understanding with me.
Some things about me:
- I'm a very socially awkward, and uneasy person when it comes to internet folk. I've really bad social anxiety, and a whole list of other things to boot that make it difficult for me with others. I will hardly ever initiate conversations, simply because I feel like a burden constantly, and that everyone hates me. So please don't take it personally if I don't reach out first, it's just my nature not to bother people. I also take a very long time to get comfortable with people, in general, after multiple back stabbings, burns, and abandonment from internet folks in the past.
- I'm a very understanding, and patient person. So please don't be afraid to let me know if something's up, or you've changed your mind. I just like to be kept in the know as to what's going on, than left in the dark.
-My priority and goal is not to get baskets. Relations and development are. So I can and usually go a long time before even considering breeding with pairs.
- Pre-plotted romance doesn't really work for me. I like to let it develop through the rp, if it does at all. So while we can suggest the possibility of our two being romantically involved, I can't really confirm or deny it until there's rp and some actual development between them. Though if there's clear personality clashes or something of that ilk, I'll let you know up front.
- If I make a plot with you, I stick with it. If you go looking for, let's say, a romantic plot elsewhere without discussing it with me, I'll most likely tell you I'm no longer interested.
- Poking me to reply to rp's will usually take me longer to reply to them, or not at all. Don't like being pestered about that stuff, as I don't forget, I just can have fickle muses sometimes. However! IM rp's are favorable and have the best chance of more frequent replies.
- If I do not hear from you for months about our pair, or if I see you plotting the same things with other people with your character, I will maybe ask about it only once, and that's it. Or I might not at all, and consider things broken off with what we had.
- I don't like hounding people down for replies. If you really need me to, let me know from the start, and I will try to force myself to pester you. { something I hate people doing to me, so. 8s; }
- When it does come to romance, I won't trial my character with multiple people on it, and ask for the same in return. I don't like it having to be a competition, and I don't want to put you through that either.
- Since I've been let down a lot in the romance realm with my horses, I've currently gone into the mindset of just pairing all of mine together one way or another. I am open to romance with others, but I need actual interest, and people willing to meet me halfway/put forth effort. Can't handle being the only one doing anything about it/having interest.
- I don't like being the only one interested in a plot/rp, so if you're starting to not feel it, please let me know right away.
- Please don't get angry if I don't think a plot's going to work, or if I'm not interested. I'm a picky person by nature, an in depth thinker, and an over analyzer, so I usually have some idea of what I know will work or won't.
- I prefer IM rp over guild. If I do a guild rp, I'll most likely be slow with it, so you'll have to be patient with me. Especially since my health's really cruddy right now, I'm grieving, and am extremely traumatized.
- I hate flings. It will be rare for any of my characters to even have them. So if you're coming to me about one, there's not a very good chance I'll be up for them.
- Feel free to PM me stuff if you feel more comfortable with that!
Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 7:10 pm
Full Name: Athena Alexandra
Nicknames: Athena
Breed: Draft/Cosplay babbin
Gender: Female
Persona: She comes from a long line of warriors on both sides of her family. Strong, proud, feisty, and determined, she will not be pushed around by anyone, or let anyone tell her what to do. She's abrasive and blunt when encountering others, often coming on way too strong or defensive. Unable to understand jokes, she can come across as being very flat in that realm, as she's perhaps too serious for her own good. With a strong sense of justice, she feels it her duty to protect those who can't protect themselves. While she may come across as very rough around the edges, she can have a more softer... or soft-ish side to her when circumstances arise. She can even get flustered sometimes in unexpected situations.
As she gets older, she'll mellow out a touch, and not be as hot-headed, or sharp-tongued. But for now, she's a firecracker.
Likes: - Her family -Fighting - Defending others - Working out - Improving - Being in charge - Leading others - Bitter tastes - Traveling
Dislikes: - Being weak - Losing - Dishonorable people - Unable to fufill her duties - Anyone who goes against her - Anyone who threatens her family - Anyone who picks on the weak or less able
Orientation: heterosexual
Looking For: - Others to join her group - People to protect/save - Friends. If that's even possible - Romance.
Relationship Status: Single
Mate: none
Plot Idea's
- Join our campaign: Currently, Athena is leading a group of fellow warriors, and others who want to provide aid to those who need it, traveling along the lands to help anyone they come across in distress. They are composed of healers, fighters, silver tongues, and are open to anyone joining should they want to help the cause. While having some familiarity of self-defense is necessary, you don't have to be a fighter, just able to take care of yourself should you get in a sticky situation. Can't have members being a liability. More healers, fighters, dancers, charmers, what ever are welcome!
- What is love?: Yes, a concept completely foreign to her, besides that of which she feels towards her family. It'd be difficult for her to grasp or come around to feeling but it is possible. Just lots of patience required. She is impressed by those who are strong like her, and who have pride/morals. I can see her really liking someone who is selfless, and puts themselves in the line of fire for another life.
- Prodigy: Need training? Want to be stronger, or a warrior in the works? Athena and her crew are the horses for you. She's more than glad to help someone improve their strength, and abilities fighting.
- Protection: Got a soq who needs some protection for one reason or another? She can help with that, no problem. Built like a tank, there's not much that can get through her, or that she'll let get through her. She'll protect you with every ounce that's in her, even if it costs her own life.
- Have an idea?: Shoot it my way.
Extra: I will be EXTREMELY picky with her when it comes to romance. She is my one and only breeding baby from a CC gift, and is very dear to me. I know what I'll want for her, when I see it.
musicaloner7 Crew
Romantic Man-Lover
musicaloner7 Crew
Romantic Man-Lover
Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 5:26 pm
Full Name: Nyreen
Nicknames: Ny.
Breed: Normal
Gender: Female
Persona: Nyreen is a very defensive, and highly withdrawn. She won't let anyone get close to her physically or emotionally. Her herd was slaughtered when she was a young filly right before her eyes. The only reason she remained alive was because her parents had successfully hidden her well enough in some heavy brush. Due to that, she's become unwelcoming to any sort of interaction with anyone. Though within that hard exterior is a rather affectionate and kind mare, who simply is still locked in the trauma of her family's death. For now, she can only seem short, and straight forward with others who approach her, often times watching them warily, and giving vibes that she obviously doesn't want to be bothered. She trust's no one, and wants no one. The pain from her past continues to restrict her from truly moving on.
Likes: -quiet -peaceful area's -dawn -flowers and plants in general -small creatures
Dislikes: -night time -others -crowds -predators
Orientation: heterosexual
Looking For: -Someone to trust/confide in -eventually more friends -maybe a new herd?
Relationship Status: single.
Mate: none
Plot Idea's :
Lean on me!: This would be a plot for basically... a friend. Or at least someone she can feel safe around to confide in. Gender doesn't matter, but it would only lead to something more with a stallion. This also would require someone patient, and determined. She won't take the initiative, and most likely push them away with all her might; basically like trying to reel in a fish. Just a few personality's that WON'T work for this, at the time, are those who are bullies, or push others around. That would only make her become a bit aggressive and hostile, and wouldn't get anywhere positive.
Got an idea? If you've got some idea's go ahead and throw them at me!
Extra: She's been dropped and dumped by SO many folks, so... I might be hesitant in the romance aspect. Need someone who will stick around.
Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 6:50 pm
Full Name: Oranbás
Nicknames: Oran
Breed: Kalona
Gender: Male
Persona: Back when he was part of the great Kalona herd, and Second in Command in the war:
Since his birth, Oranbás was trained and conditioned to become a vessel that would make his kin proud. His parents composed of powerful, cold, ruthless kalona, with strong pedigree's from impressive lineages, that for generations had produced fighters for their herd. With such a prestigious line of work, came the intensity's of discipline and molding to make the epitome of a perfect warrior of death. There would be no defiance, or disrespect tolerated, of any kind, for the punishment dealt would make rebelling of any fashion stifled before it festered into a bad habit. Family honor was valued above all else, and the teachings and traditions that were held afloat for centuries.
Even as a colt, Oranbás endured rigorous training, and was placed on the unwavering pedestal of high expectations. While most foals might be learning to fight in the form of play, he was taught with structure and intensive lessons. There was no time for fun and games, no he could savor that feeling once he'd proven himself a worthy and acceptable member of his family. For while he was just a simple child, he was nothing more than clay needing to be pummeled into submission and carved into a masterpiece.
With the beginnings of his life solely focused bettering himself and preparing for what he should become in the future, the young male didn't create any means of relations with those his own age. Friends, acquaintances, not even enemies... asides from those who might envy the advantage he was gaining in the prowess towards being a force to reckon with. Everyday his mind was influenced further, and further, where his own opinions and thoughts were cast aside and muffled for what was implanted in its place; like poison ivy rooted to paralyze any sort of free thinking. Should anything organic of his own try to crop up in its stead, the vines would curl, and wind, and suffocate the very seed that challenged its presence with a venomous embrace. He was convinced that this was how he should think, that what he was taught and told was how he should be, that he was only a child who knew nothing of the world and had no place to speak against the wisdom of those who did. And so Oranbás did.
The magnificent specimen that Oranbás had become did not go unnoticed amongst the herd, and ranks. He excelled beautifully in combat, and was able to prove himself a valuable asset. With the demonstrations of loyalty, respect, and power, the stallion was able to find himself a spot at the Protector's side. It was the greatest honor he could have hoped to achieve, and one he took with great seriousness, and pride. His family was pleased to have one of their own as a representation of their strength... their elitist natures stroked and inflated from the feats their child made. To have others oozing with jealousy was the most rich of desserts for the meticulous family.
But even with their extensive training, efforts, and energy placed fully into Oranbás, they so clearly stunted him in the abilities of socializing and forming bonds with others. The stallion hadn't been permitted to associate or converse with others outside of the small group that were directly blood related, and was thus not placed into the presence of various situations, or personality's. Ergo, the male did not gain a grasp of understanding others, or showing any means of consideration, or sympathy . Emotions were a sign of weakness, something that was to be crushed from an early age, so that they would not hinder his growth and the fate already etched into his future.
Once on his own, to serve under the Protector, the warrior found himself completely ignorant to the art of engaging with those who were his fellow comrade's. The male was silent, stoic, and obedient, his deep baritone voice a rarity to hear, unless instigated or demanded. His only means of approaching and initiation conversation with others was on the topic of duty, or relaying what he was told to.
He was a puppet, a warrior's armor, numb with no soul within. He simply went through the movements, followed the strings that pulled him, and did as he was told. For his life was only meant to be used for the good of his family, and the good of his herd. An empty doll, given purpose, without freedom to even consider being alive.
Now adays, he's very reserved, and observant. The strong silent type. He prefers to follow Athena and others in the mares group to learn as much as he can of this outside world he's come to be apart of now. Many will be surprised by his rather menace-less demeanor, despite his intimidating features. He's not one to speak unless necessary, and prefers to be in the background. A seasoned veteran, now a gentle giant, you could say he's being reborn again. He's trying to find and re-establish himself.
Likes: - Learning - Observing - Peace - Quiet - Being of use for the good of others - Being apart of a group
Dislikes: - Needlessness - Lack of logic - Unable to understand something
Orientation: bisexual
Looking For: - Friends - More people to join the group - Romance?
Relationship Status: single
Mate: none
Plot Idea's:
- Join our campaign: Currently, Athena is leading a group of fellow warriors that Oranbas is apart of, and others who want to provide aid to those who need it, traveling along the lands to help anyone they come across in distress. They are composed of healers, fighters, silver tongues, and are open to anyone joining should they want to help the cause. While having some familiarity of self-defense is necessary, you don't have to be a fighter, just able to take care of yourself should you get in a sticky situation. Can't have members being a liability. More healers, fighters, dancers, charmers, what ever are welcome! They can even come and go as they please.
Probably being the most easiest to talk to of the group, currently, he's your best bet to talk to if you're interested.
Got some ideas?: toss them at me!
musicaloner7 Crew
Romantic Man-Lover
musicaloner7 Crew
Romantic Man-Lover
Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 6:51 pm
Full Name: Bronislav Sorko
Nicknames: none.
Breed: Kalona
Gender: Male
Persona: He's my Ivette's cousin, from a kalona herd of aristocrats. Stuck up, snobby, with superiority complexes to boot, he's a fine representation of the herd. He holds himself above all others, and finds faults in anyone he comes across right away. Not only that, but he's not afraid to let you know what you're lacking, or in need of improving. He'll also judge you based on your appearances, and decide by that whether or not your'e worth his time. All in all? yeah, he's a judgmental jerk. Keeping clean, pristine, and always moving with powerful grace are a priority for him.
Likes: - Judging others - Being better than everyone else - Grooming - Hunting - Red meat - Being complimented... as long as it's from someone worthy - Ugly exteriors
Dislikes: - Being dirty - Being around unworthy soq - Those who lack respect/manners - Being snubbed - Being ignored when prompting attention - many things
Orientation: Bisexual, but prefers males heavily.
Looking For: - Interaction - Friends - Other beautiful/handsome soq to bask in his handsomeness. - Fellow snobs - Romance
Relationship Status: single
Mate: none
Plot Idea's:
- I'm your biggest fan: Maybe someone who just finds him super awesome? Somehow? Idunno.
Upon first encounter, and sight, Míriel would seem to be completely the same as her father in nature; stand-offish, withdrawn, without a very inviting demeanor in the slightest. However while this is part of who she is, it is no where all of her. Very much like her mother, the foal is extremely caring for others, even strangers, having no issue in putting others before himself, or standing up for them should they be threatened with danger. Also like her mother, she has a strong affinity for healing, and takes it very seriously, holding a very dutiful drive to help anyone whose health is suffering; soquili or fellow beast.
There is definitely a soft side to Míriel, rarely seen, and veiled heavily as she does not want to be taken advantage of or seen as weak for having a sensitive, tender part of her. Not only that, but she lacks social grace, as well as expressing her feelings, making it difficult in most cases when engaging with others. It's typically easier around her family, her father especially whose energy and presence she enjoys, where as with her mother he becomes more protective and defensive when others are near her, for fear that they may try and take advantage of her good nature. It's easy to say that she is fiercely protective over her, and any one else close to her that she worries could be targeted. But overall, this hinders her abilities to grow bonds with most who don't take a liking to her rather tsundere nature.
Regardless of all of her personality obstacles, she's very graceful, disciplined, and she likes quite a few things that many would never guess. She loves singing, and dancing, holding a very lovely alto, and soprano octave { once older of course }, and often enjoys harmonizing with her mother. A lot like her father, she thoroughly enjoys puzzles, or any sort of activity that challenges the mind. Along with that she has a great interest in plant life, often gathering them not only for medicinal use, but also to replant elsewhere in a more safer environment. It isn't uncommon to find her creating lovely little gardens~
- Medic please, k thank : Need some healing? She's your mare then. However she is currently located in her herd, and has yet to be exposed to the outside world, so... you'll have to be around there. Lots of Soq tend to try and scale the mountainside and end up getting injured, or ill of some kind of fashion. She's used to fixing them up, and making them back into full health in no time!
- Let's go on an adventure!: I'd really love for her to get out into the world. It'd need to be with someone she knows, so it'd probably require a few rp's beforehand to establish some sort of relation, but she'd like to see what's out there.
- Gardening pals: Someone stumbles across her herd and finds her gardens, who is also a green hoof as well! they could discuss flora and maybe even swap plants or tips.
- Romance?: I'd be down for that, but.... she's super oblivious to those sorts of feelings. It'd be a very long winded, and extensive effort.
- Foal rp
- General RP
- Your own ideas.
musicaloner7 Crew
Romantic Man-Lover
musicaloner7 Crew
Romantic Man-Lover
Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 8:23 am
Full Name: Heilun Skalle
Nicknames: Risk
Breed: Kalona | Uni
Gender: Male
Persona: He's apart of my Twisted Medic herd.
Like all in his herd, he is a trained healer. He's learned the ins and outs of healing, mending, and anatomy, along with the various ailments Soq are susceptible to. And like those in his herd, he is utterly fascinated with injury and death.
Risk is very straight forward and blunt. He's not one to beat around bushes, or try and spare feelings. If he's thinking something, he'll probably go right out and say it aloud. He has no sense of filter or common sense/decency in the social world. He also lacks a sense of "right" from "wrong". In general, the guy's awkward, and will probably make anyone uncomfortable, especially with how he typically stares at others... unblinking.
While he is creepy, he can help you when you're in need of some medical attention... though he might take a little too much enjoyment out of watching you suffer. And he might even inspect your ailment in great detail for research...
He still needs a lot of development personality wise.
- Medic at your service: He can heal you up, but... he might not have the best bedside mannerisms.
- Ideas of your own?: toss them my way. Extra:
Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 8:24 am
Strongest muse currently
Full Name: Shifa Kaunis Kallo
Nicknames: Shifa, Shi, Little Fang
Breed: Kalona | Uni
Gender: Male
Persona: He's apart of my Twisted Medic herd.
Like all in his herd, he is a trained healer. He's learned the ins and outs of healing, mending, and anatomy, along with the various ailments Soq are susceptible to. And like those in his herd, he is utterly fascinated with injury and death.
Shifa is a presh little sweetu. He's very shy, sweet, gentle, and easily flustered. On the more reserved side, he keeps a lot to himself, as he's easily embarrassed, and is often too meek to approach someone for fear of saying or doing something foolish. Soft-spoken, he tends to stammer or trip over his words when around certain individuals. He adores children, and loves caring for them, having a strong maternal nature. But beneath all that sweetness lies the Twisted Medic trait of morbid obsession. He takes an unnatural interest in severe injury, and copious amounts of blood. It's not something he's proud of, but isn't always able to help, and thus hides it to his best ability.
- Medic!: Annnd another medic to help anyone in need! He's efficient, and great at what he does. Though he has a bit of a morbid obsession with more grotesque injuries... he will do his job.
- Wow such handsome..: I'd love for him to grow an enormous crush on a strong stallion. Whether that's reciprocated or not, is fine.
- bffs?: Friends would be awesome for him. currently he's just left his herd and is feeling quite lonely.
- General RP
- Your own idea's.
musicaloner7 Crew
Romantic Man-Lover
musicaloner7 Crew
Romantic Man-Lover
Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 8:25 am
Full Name: 海翔 典子 { Noriko Kaito }
Nicknames: Nori
Breed: Part Ang.
Gender: Male
Persona: Nori hails from a long line of sages. Intelligence, wisdom, and knowledge of all sorts are revered as the highest and most important of all things. Like his kin before him, he follows in their hoofsteps, venturing out into the world to garner as much as he can from it, while also providing insight, and wisdom for others who so seek it.
He's a WIP and needs a lot of development, but this is what I have for him so far.
Likes: - Studying - Learning - birds
Orientation: likes males
Looking For: - Interaction - Plots - Friends
Relationship Status: single
Mate: none
Plot Idea's:
- General rp
- Have ideas?: shoot them my way. Extra:
Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 8:35 am
Strongest muse currently
{.King Promethus.}
Full Name: {Name is currently a WIP. Shifa will be naming them Vahka, but they'll go by a name of their own. }
Nicknames: ----
Breed: mutant flutter?
Gender: Female | Nonbinary { while as a foal they will respond to "she/he/her" they'll eventually prefer them/they/their. }
Persona: Found and adopted by Shifa, this little foal was a rebel from the start. As they began learning about the ways of the world from Shifa, following him and absorbing all he explained, questions were relayed back to the stallion in the form of "Why is it like that?". Traditions, morals, social norms, you name it, they question it. This then lead them to challenging said unwritten rules.
Going against the grain of society, they'll probably really ruffle some feathers, and stir up some anger, but they won't care so much. Most will find them odd to begin with. But they're fearless. Should you befriend them, they will be quite protective of you, and won't put up with any bs thrown your way.
They are always with Shifa, though, and hardly ever stray from him. So if you do find the foal, you'll more than likely come across their guardian.
Likes: - adventuring - meeting new folks - seeing new things - learning new things - challenging others' views
Dislikes: - stupid rules - being forced to go against their nature
Orientation: ---
Looking For: - Interaction - Friends
Relationship Status: ---
Mate: ---
Plot idea's:
- Rules? Screw rules!: Being the feisty thing they are, this foal doesn't conform or follow societies regulations or traditions. They freely challenge them, question them, and downright ignore them. Ruffling feathers with their opposing views, or maybe finding another who agrees, or maybe something else, this foal's up for it!
- Buds? sure! : Other foal rp would be ballin. Lots of little friends to grow up with. <3