Enforce a shop definition? |
Y'arr~ |
12% |
[ 3 ] |
Nopes~ |
54% |
[ 13 ] |
Lol wut? |
33% |
[ 8 ] |
Total Votes : 24 |
Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 11:12 pm
I remember a while back about a dispute about what should be considered a Soquili 'newbie'. The thread where the questioning happened is here. So my question is, what's the point of going through the process and debate of what a newbie is if it is still going to be tossed around to what people 'think' that they should define newbie as? I've seen RP contest held by people wanting to give something away. When I see it as 'newbie' but not under 2, I usually tell them what the shop definition is and they go change it because, well, it's the shop definition? (Usually they just get rid of newbie and say 'people with XX Soq or less). I don't really care about people and their limitations on how many Soq you can own/co-own to enter, I'm just bugged at the fact that people DID want a shop definition but then there is STILL questioning of what a 'newbie' is. (Like sometimes, friends and I are like... Them: "Oh... I wonder what their definition of 'newbie' is..." Me: "Shop is 2?" Them: "I guess?") I guess you can say I'm a bit picky on stuff. Kinda like "Why have it if you don't use/enforce it?"
Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 11:40 pm
Pretty sure the definition is for the shop and shop held events. There were questions because often times the staff held events that counted as shop events were often different in what was considered a newbie.
They cant really MAKE people who are doing personal events follow their personal rule that was created for their shop/staff purposes.
At least this is what I got from all of it when it was created.
Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 12:28 am
Well, I don't know how it's a 'personal' thing if it's a 'shop' definition. I mean, yes, they're free to make the contests however they want, but the shop definition seems to bear no weight about anything.
Even the RP events held by people, they're supposed to ask the shop first right?
I even saw someone point out in the main thread that even staff still change the definition of newbie during events. I totally understand if they say "I want people with less than 10 soq only in this contest", but again, what's the point of defining newbie if they're going to change it again?
Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 8:49 am
Personal thing being events run by none staff members of Soquili. They are allowed to use the word "Newbie" however they please in their contest and set whatever definition they want to it. If they want to use the shop definition, then by all means they can, but if they're just using the word as a label for general newness, as it IS, then they can tack on the limitations they want.
The "shop definition" is there for shop run events.
I'm not really sure why this thread is in here, considering I answered this argument in thread.
Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 9:21 am
Again, I pointed out more than just 'personal' contests.
Maybe I just have a funny definition of 'personal', but the RP contests that are held by members of the shop still have to ask for permission of the shop to do so. Even if they make up their own rules, doesn't mean that the event is 'out of' the shop. 'Cuz the lines are still part of the shop, right?
Just because the event isn't held by staff, doesn't mean it's not part of the shop =/
Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 9:31 am
ATh e a r t Again, I pointed out more than just 'personal' contests. Maybe I just have a funny definition of 'personal', but the RP contests that are held by members of the shop still have to ask for permission of the shop to do so. Even if they make up their own rules, doesn't mean that the event is 'out of' the shop. 'Cuz the lines are still part of the shop, right? Just because the event isn't held by staff, doesn't mean it's not part of the shop =/ Everyone has to ask permission before hosting a contest, but they are allowed to set up their own rules, and if they want to use a word, "Newbie", as a way to define set limitations on who may enter, they are free to do so. THEIR definition does not have to be the same as OUR definition. It's not as though there are all that many general terms about for folks that are "New".
High-functioning Hellraiser
Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 9:36 am
There really doesn't need to be any debate over something like this.
When the shop definition was announced, Felmino CLEARLY stated that the rule only applied to staff run events, contests, games, ect and that any customer run events were still free to use whatever definition they liked.
The whole purpose of the shop definition was to make sure that all shop run sales would stay on even grounds when it came to newbie soq counts, instead of bouncing around what each staff member felt a newbie was; 0, 1, 2, 5 soq, whatever.
However, again, customers are free to use whatever number they like for their own contest purposes. The shop is not bound to slap them to tell them to only go by the number 2.
Allowing customers to go by their own rule opens bigger doors for new people to come in to their contest.
Sometimes just going by the shop definition only brings in 10 people, as they raise the number the number of participants may grow for them, thus giving them a wider variety of people to choose from.
Sometimes if you just say, "Rp contest" the new people you are looking for get scared, however, if you say newbie, while still keeping the number reasonable, you attract more newbies while still having a chance to also choose from those whom are still new, but still kind of established and settled in to the shop.
Really, beyond giving them permission and maybe scanning the contest to make sure everything is fair we have no say in how they run their contests. If they want to go by shop numbers, fine. If they want to go a bit over, fine. As long as it is something reasonable and isn't hurting anybody then it is perfectly fine.
Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 9:37 am
The shop has no say in who is allowed to get a basket from a non-staff contest. Therefore it is a 'personal' contest. Heaven forbid they write newbie, 5 or less, rather then just 5 or less. It's just semantics. A side from the fact that a staff member has now answered this twice,
The contest in question was not questioning what a newbie was. But not everyone thinks newbie as the same. You go to other shops, and a newbie can be someone with 10 or less. As long as the 'shop definition' of newbie is followed by the shop / staff when they hold their own events. I don't see what the issue is.
When you run your own contest, you can do it based on the shop definition.
Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 9:42 am
I understand the own rules, but it's not like the shop itself, despite being a personal thing on Gaia, they still use and follow guidelines bigger than itself: Rule 1 HereThough I don't disagree with getting rid of the term in general and just making people say 'XX Soq or less'. Though, as someone else pointed out to me, sometimes the staff themselves don't follow. Though since I have no evidence of this myself, I can only link to someone that did say that....
Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 9:47 am
ATh e a r t I understand the own rules, but it's not like the shop itself, despite being a personal thing on Gaia, they still use and follow guidelines bigger than itself: Rule 1 HereThough I don't disagree with getting rid of the term in general and just making people say 'XX Soq or less'. Though, as someone else pointed out to me, sometimes the staff themselves don't follow. Though since I have no evidence of this myself, I can only link to someone that did say that.... If you had continued to read it was pointed out to her that the staff stuck to the rule once it was enforced, and there was only confusion before hand.
Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 9:49 am
A th e a r t, the staff has already told you our answer: Shop rules are that the newbie definition is ONLY For things run by staff, not customer run comments.
It's 2 for the shops contests ONLY, not cause that's what we feel is a full on definition for 'newbie', but because we needed to make the limit stop bouncing around as it had been for years from zero to three. We finally settled it down and made it just so it was that way for all Shop Run Events.
When a Customer runs a contest, however, its whatever number limitations they want -- if they wanted they could go "RPers with three or more Soquili only" as a limitation, or "Only those with less than ten".
So in conclusion, the shop will never force customers to follow what our definition of newbie is outside of shop run contests. So please stop arguing about it.