For the first time in the history of the guild- since I have been Captain- I was compelled to expel a member of the guild for continued rudeness and antagonism toward the other members of this guild.

I want to make something perfectly clear to the entire membership. We are here to exchange ideas, brainstorm and hash out problems. EVERYONE is entitled to his/her opinion and no one member's thoughts, ideas or opinions are any better or worse than anyone else's.

We do not always agree with one another on subjects here, but that's the beauty of this guild. We have an idea, we discuss it and all the pros and cons are stated. Whether we all agree on something is not relevant. The exchange of ideas is what matters Making Guilds better is why we are here and anything we can dream up may or may not be possible, but that's why we discuss them.

The crew of this guild will not put up with anyone continually belittling other members, telling them their ideas have no merit, and worse- tell ANYONE that they cannot contribute to any idea or thread on this guild.

We are all crew on some other guild, and we should be mindful and respectful to each other.

Please remember that we are here for two purposes- improve the guilds and have fun.