Currently Trying For Slots!
.:Angeni Ceryeni Cross:.Edit Category: Heavy
Soquili Species: Crossbreed Ceryeni Angeni
Body Build: Angeni, with normal non cloven hooves if that is possible. Failing that angeni hooves.
Gender: Female
Starting Stage: Basket
Concept Origin: New Concept - My Wedding Bouquet
WIP Needed? Yes Please
~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~
- Markings are CC but please stick to similar colours and complementary tones.
- Markings CC... love markings around the eyes.
Eyes: Raspberry in colour please.
Ears: Can she have Ceryeni ears please.
- Custom style. Wavy/curly and gathered into a couple of swags before left to hang loose almost to the ground. The odd strand loose from the swags and around her face. The hair will also have pearls and flowers in it, the pearls holding the swags up and as decoration. The flowers dotted about in small clusters, and randomly, having been placed into her hair as pure decoration. If you want to and it looks ok you can also add some raspberry coloured ribbon to the mane as long as it doesn't make it "too much" or look out of place.
Tail: Custom Ceryeni style tail. More of a "Bunny" tail
Hooves/Fetlocks: Hooves are cream. Fetlocks are custom, short and neat. Something close to the kirin style would be ideal. You can work these to go with the edits that will be covering some of these.
Reference Image(s):
Deya Shidar - A ceryeni tail like this but a little more fluffy and bunnyesque.
Mane 1Mane 2Mane 3PearlsFlowers -
Flower placement exampleCream Roses -
~1~ ~2~ ~3~Lilly of the Valley -
~1~ ~2~ ~3~Gerbera -
~1~ ~2~ ~3~~*~ Physical Traits ~*~
Horn(s): None
Wings: Upper set angeni type 2. She only has the raised wings of the set, no lower wings or head wings. She does have the hoof wings though.
Fins: N/A
Scales: N/A
Pelt: N/A
Other Notes: Colour/pattern wise its all CC, whatever looks good, however can you stick to colours close to or that have been used already please.
~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~
Trading Post Items: N/A
Custom Items: Listed below for ease - Please note that all these items are ->
<- Colour swatch here
Lace glove * Front near hoof/leg has a cream lace glove covering some of the hoof and up over the ankle.
Corset glove * Front back hoof/leg has a cream glove covering some of the hoof and up to just under the knee. This glove has raspberry corset style ribbon/lacings on it.
Garter * Back near leg has a garter/stocking top around the thigh. This is made of cream lace and has raspberry ribbon/lacings holding it together. These are tied in a loose bow and hang a little down her leg.
Anklet * Gold disk with the assassins creed symbol on it, goes on her back hind leg.
Necklace * This is for a future plot. Can she have a choker made from ribbon (raspberry naturally) with a golden copy of
Elliot's bunny skull and cross bones belt buckle on it please. This is supposed to look like a cowboy string tie.
Butterflies * A few glowy/sparkly butterflies dotted about her please like
Shalar's if possible.
Reference Image(s) for Items:
Lace gloveCorset gloveGarter/Stocking topAlt Lace designAnkletString Tie Choker Example <- 2 options for Raspberry colour.
~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~
Name of horse: Indra
Owner: Faid Shadowlight
Breed: Wedding Bouquet
Temper: Sultry
Tag Background:
xXx or
xXx - Whichever looks/fits best
Tag frame color: CC
Tag feather color(s): CC - though maybe give the shorter one a Raspberry tip?
(see colour swatches under the edits/items references for colours for Raspberry)
~*~ Existing Pets ~*~
~*~ Angeni ~*~
N/A - Crossbreed
~*~ Permissions ~*~
Faid Shadowlight
Hello Mind
I was wondering, could I please use your boy
Deya Shidar as a reference for my next custom as to what a bunny tail would be fore a Ceryeni.
I would really appreciate it if that is ok, fingers crossed and waiting on your answer.
Thank you for you time
Sure! I have no issue with you using him as an example!
biggrin I'd love to see more Cerynei with Custom tails <3
Faid Shadowlight
Hi Puu
Just resending this with the new name of this quest. I wanted to make sure nothing was out of order and I thought using a permission with the wrong name on would cause troubles. So please if you could again... I have posted the message below.
I was wanting to ask if I can use Shalar as a ref please. I have overhauled my Indra idea and she is now based on my wedding bouquet, and as butterflies were part of my theme I wanted to have some around her, I wanted a swallowtail butterfly version of his glowing outlines. I hope that is ok, please reply with your answer so I can log the permission on the form (or not)
Thank you
Of course you have my permission hunni! =D
You may use any of my soquili without my permission as I love you XD hehehe.
Good luck with your quest!
Faid Shadowlight
Hi Rev
I would like permission to use Elliot as a reference in my Indra custom idea as I would like to get her a badge that matches his bunny crossbones belt buckle. We talked about the plot this would go with, I just need an official permission.
Permission given wholeheartedly! <3
4mil - Angeni
275k - 1/2 Ceryeni (550k/2 = 275k)
200k - All 3 stages
500k - Heavy Edits
= 5mil (rounded up)
Please tell me if these calculations are wrong, or my edit level is wrong, or if its more for all 3 stages.
Price: 5mil