Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 11:11 pm
In light of the recent events... where I just walked in to thread and heard the commotion on the recent Hybrid event and from what I gathered was on the CC slots.
Now in my opinion CC slots can look extremely biased on the side. Though I do appreciate the efforts of staff trying to make these things more accessible. It does give them the risk of being flame bait and the drama thing. Considering how much you don't want drama.
First idea:
For freebies, make it more accessible and productive. Give out more freebie events and newbie events. Also, no CC's as well to make sure there aren't any so called biases and stick to the hand of luck. I may curse my luck but at least I don't curse at the person who starts the thread. That way, no excuses on bitching.
The other suggestion would be be more discreet about CC's. CC's that are put out publicly can give the impression of biases. If staff and colorists are to maintain their neutrality/arbitrary nature, they're better off keeping their gifts/choices discreetly. Heck, they should either keep the CC's a secret to thread at all or roll extra slots to compensate for no CC's.
Just my two cents.
Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 11:55 pm
The said colorist only showed their CC list because people WANTED to see it. :/ She even said so IN her thead.
Now I do slightly agree with you, but you can't blame someone for something other people wanted to see. And I think regardless of what the shop does to try to make it seem less biased, it will always be biased because, that's just what happens when friends join threads. Yes it sucks, but as they say, life isn't fair. I won't say I have not had my fair share of rants to my friends here about how it sucks that the SAME people who win events every time an event rolls around win yet again, but I also understand not much can be done about it. Those people want pets too and simply seem to have more luck (unless they get CC'ed, ect)
So while I agree with those things you said, I think that you should read the thread fully before being angry at the colorist since people ASKED her to put up her CC list. Sorry if this comes off as being mean towards you, it wasn't meant that way.
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 12:15 am
Perhaps future events like these should have the winners only rolled and, after all the planned rolled slots are filled.. and those customs are completed, perhaps some CCs can be done then if the colorist holding the event chooses? That might be a fair way to do it.
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 12:29 am
What? This whole thing just doesn't seem right. Seems like with every free event, somebody finds something that went wrong or coulda been more fair or better or different or something. CC is Colorist's Choice. They already gotta put up with people upset over the luck of the dice, and then they gotta put up with what the dice say they have to do. Maybe it's something they don't particularly like or something that's really hard or something that they would just rather not do. Colorist Suzy Q who likes fluffy bunnies might roll tentacles and grimdark all the time. If she isn't allowed to do something pink and innocent from time to time, she's gonna come to resent even opening the .psds. Whether you think it's fair or not, they're the staff. They're the ones who run this shop, and CCs probably help keep 'em sane. And it ain't always their friends- if somebody put down something that looked particularly cool or came up with an appealing design, that goes under colorist's choice, too. Y'all are so caught up with what makes things more fair to the competitors that what's fair to the colorist runnin' the thing gets overlooked.
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 2:39 am
Jynk Perhaps future events like these should have the winners only rolled and, after all the planned rolled slots are filled.. and those customs are completed, perhaps some CCs can be done then if the colorist holding the event chooses? That might be a fair way to do it. The best I can think of is keeping these choices quiet and discreet and only announced/known when droppings occur. Thus keeping the knowledge between colorist and customer.
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 3:26 am
Scaramouche Fandango What? This whole thing just doesn't seem right. Seems like with every free event, somebody finds something that went wrong or coulda been more fair or better or different or something. CC is Colorist's Choice. They already gotta put up with people upset over the luck of the dice, and then they gotta put up with what the dice say they have to do. Maybe it's something they don't particularly like or something that's really hard or something that they would just rather not do. Colorist Suzy Q who likes fluffy bunnies might roll tentacles and grimdark all the time. If she isn't allowed to do something pink and innocent from time to time, she's gonna come to resent even opening the .psds. Whether you think it's fair or not, they're the staff. They're the ones who run this shop, and CCs probably help keep 'em sane. And it ain't always their friends- if somebody put down something that looked particularly cool or came up with an appealing design, that goes under colorist's choice, too. Y'all are so caught up with what makes things more fair to the competitors that what's fair to the colorist runnin' the thing gets overlooked. Mnnng, so tired...If asked... If this was facebook, I'd be clicking the 'like' button. CC. COLOURIST. Not you guys. So suck it up and shut it up.
The soq colourists do AMAZING things. I'm honestly glad they do freebies at ALL, with the amount of bitching that goes on when it happens.
...I'd probably rather be asleep.I'm so sleepy....
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 5:18 am
*Sigh* here gos demon about to get grey listed.
I'm gonna say this slow and in small words.
First: soquilli is a SHOP. SHOPS NEED MONEY. FREEBIE = NO MONEY. Basic life knowledge! It's the same as RL!
Secondly: Soquilli is not A WELLFARE OFFICE! They don't owe any one jack crap! FOR ANY REASON! Everyone needs to stop whining about more hand outs or how FREE things are handed out! It's freaking awesome that they even have FREE anything! There were like at least 30 free soquilli handed out this month!!! 30!! At least!!! If they wanna pick winners for free things by all cc or some other crazy method like droping elephants out of a bloody airplane on hyenas and picking numbers or letters out of splattered endtrails let them!
Thridly: Colorists are not slave monkeys!!! They need to let their creativity stretch! Look that them! Geez they prolly gotta color stuff all the time that they don't want to! Let them roam free a bit! CC allows that!
Shesh I don't know how you whiners were raised but it's sad how you treat the people who do nice stuff.
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 5:20 am
TanuKyle Scaramouche Fandango What? This whole thing just doesn't seem right. Seems like with every free event, somebody finds something that went wrong or coulda been more fair or better or different or something. CC is Colorist's Choice. They already gotta put up with people upset over the luck of the dice, and then they gotta put up with what the dice say they have to do. Maybe it's something they don't particularly like or something that's really hard or something that they would just rather not do. Colorist Suzy Q who likes fluffy bunnies might roll tentacles and grimdark all the time. If she isn't allowed to do something pink and innocent from time to time, she's gonna come to resent even opening the .psds. Whether you think it's fair or not, they're the staff. They're the ones who run this shop, and CCs probably help keep 'em sane. And it ain't always their friends- if somebody put down something that looked particularly cool or came up with an appealing design, that goes under colorist's choice, too. Y'all are so caught up with what makes things more fair to the competitors that what's fair to the colorist runnin' the thing gets overlooked. Mnnng, so tired...If asked... If this was facebook, I'd be clicking the 'like' button. CC. COLOURIST. Not you guys. So suck it up and shut it up.
The soq colourists do AMAZING things. I'm honestly glad they do freebies at ALL, with the amount of bitching that goes on when it happens.
...I'd probably rather be asleep.I'm so sleepy....I don't know if y'all agreed with what I said but I thank you and whole heartedly agree with what you guys said.
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 6:24 am
So, evidently, now colorists aren't even allowed to enjoy themselves. -le sigh- Like Demon said, they're not slaves, they're doing this because they want to. Hwow many of they're comissions do you think that actually wanted to do? My wager is on not very many. Too many times they get soquili with concepts they don't like, or designs they don't like, or even cosplays they don't like. But they suck it up and do it, be it for the money or because you asked them to, they do it. Asking anymore of them than they are already doing is rediculous.
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 6:34 am
Here's the thing:
The colorists already have a "quota" they have to fill - and NOT by colorist choice.
Once they've filled their quota they can choose to take on more.
And they SHOULD be allowed to do it whatever way they see fit.
Colorist Choice is exactly THAT. Colorist Choice. And even then they have certain restrictions about who they can and can't choose.
So come on, guys. They are FREEBIES. Be thankful and happy.
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 6:46 am
A colorist does not have to waste their time and effort to give people freebies. They could stick to filling their wallets with your gold and only toss out a free pony or two when the shop demands it of them. So if a colorist wants to CC a few that they think they'd have fun coloring as their coloring rolled wins that they could have very well hate working on, let them. Think of it as the payment in exchange for gold.
Bias, it's a word that will always be flung around no matter what kind of procedure you try to pull into play. If someone is always winning in their friends stuff through CCing (breedings, games, customs, etc.) then yes, I think that would be an appropriate time to use it. And then there are times where it's not.
I'll use now for an example since I'm going to take a guess that most of this springs from me winning in Riri's CC slots.I know a great deal about Riri, more than a majority of people in this shop, if not all. I know what she likes to color, what things appeal to her most, and what she hates. (Something that she has never been quiet about when it comes to coloring FYI, she states what she likes in thread many times) So yes, I used that to my advantage when making my entries.It's just something that comes from having a colorist as a close friend for many years. And it is due to our friendship that I think Riri, in fact, often avoids trying to CC me. To prevent things like this from happening after one of her events.
The same advantage can be used by other people in the same situation as I. It's just something that people should fully think over before even daring to toss that word out there. Once it's out there, it's going to cause damage. Especially if the party it's being hurled at is innocent.
As for desiring them to be discreet about it, you'd see a thread similar to this one most likely popping up accusing the colorists of dirty dealings because they were not public with their CCs.
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 7:02 am
I can't believe how pissed off people can get over pixels.
These colorists take time out of their real lives to color the masses pretty pretty[or gorey or creepy] pixels. Many of them who do freebie events, and yet have to deal with crap like this? It's a surprise we have freebie events at all if this is what's going to happen all the time. So what if a colorist does a colorist choice? Who the eff cares if it's a friend? The friend may have a concept that the colorist would prefer to color over some of the other concepts. The colorists should be able to color some things that they enjoy from time to time. 'cause I mean they are coloring pixels, for pixel currency. Which takes time out of their real lives. Sure it does get frustrating seeing the same people winning pretties. So what? It's pixels. If you find yourself getting upset then it's time to take a break and go do something else for awhile.
So colorists, thank you for everything that you do for the shop. And for all the insane crap you have to put up with. Try to enjoy yourselves. <3 Show your lists or don't show your lists. Choose something that you would enjoy coloring from time to time so you don't go insane.
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 7:15 am
I was going to stay out of this because honestly I'm all for colourists getting to CC things if and when they want to.
Saying that Bias is bad, I hate seeing it when it crops up as it leads to just general unpleasantness and complaining.
However while being friends with a colourist can have its advantages when it comes to such things when you know what will appeal to them, the point usually is what appeals to you after all it will be your pet in the end. If you don't win, better luck next time. Freebies are a more and more common thing in soquili and they don't have to be. Just be glad you had a chance and try again next time.
Edit: Just to clarify, what I am trying to say is that unless you happen to like what the colourist likes you shouldn't angle your form to that, you will possibly end up with a pet that doesn't appeal to you. So be yourself, put down what you like and hope for the best.
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 7:16 am
pippi18848 I can't believe how pissed off people can get over pixels. These colorists take time out of their real lives to color the masses pretty pretty[or gorey or creepy] pixels. Many of them who do freebie events, and yet have to deal with crap like this? It's a surprise we have freebie events at all if this is what's going to happen all the time. So what if a colorist does a colorist choice? Who the eff cares if it's a friend? The friend may have a concept that the colorist would prefer to color over some of the other concepts. The colorists should be able to color some things that they enjoy from time to time. 'cause I mean they are coloring pixels, for pixel currency. Which takes time out of their real lives. Sure it does get frustrating seeing the same people winning pretties. So what? It's pixels. If you find yourself getting upset then it's time to take a break and go do something else for awhile. So colorists, thank you for everything that you do for the shop. And for all the insane crap you have to put up with. Try to enjoy yourselves. <3 Show your lists or don't show your lists. Choose something that you would enjoy coloring from time to time so you don't go insane. ....I agree with Pip. Come on, people! Is it really worth it to be a hater? It is just pixels! It is not worth getting stressed over it. There is more to life out there than being stressed out over pixels. You win some.. you lose some! -.-.. There will always be haters in no matter what you do. Because they, in reality, are jealous. Elitist type jealously. They will b***h and complain, thinking that they will get their way when they won't. Colorists, you are awesome in my eyes. Do what you think is right. Just ignore the haters. Haters=jealousy Focus on the ones that are your fans. Colorist's choice is what they are.. FREEBIES! You have no right to be bitching about that. They are the one that choose what they want to do.. NOT YOU!
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 7:26 am
We are not going to get rid of CC, nor are we going to change it. Right now we ALREADY have a rule: "A colorist Cannot CC the same person more than once in two months. " This does not, however, count gifting baskets, credit customs, or Co-owning with them.
As it is, the cooldown period might be expanded. However that is all we will ever do, if we do even that. Colorists could still gift their friends loads of other things, share with them, and whatever, and we can still CC.
Cause Colorist Choice is always on top of what the generator picks, and allowed in order to let Colorists have at least one soquili they WANT To work on. And Even if you're not picking a friend, there is going to be some bias to it, since its a choice of what the colorist likes and dislikes or has ideas for.