I was supposed to return yesterday, but there was some srs lightning goin' on in the air, so I got stuck at the fated Calgary International for the night (but hey, at least they were nice enough this time to supply tickets for a hotel, cab ride and $20 to spend in Subway. : P ). But here I am, back to good ol' east and safely with my swag.

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For $5! (x1,000 more !'s) For those of you who do not know: I am a big Super Famicom Fire Emblem fan, and this is supposed to be the spiritual successor (in terms of gameplay) to the SFC FEs because it is made by the same guy (Shouzou Kaga) and I am very excited to be an owner of this game. More info on TSS for those not caught up on their FE trivia.

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$20 in a really sketchy Asian mall (which sold emulators and publicly advertised people who know how to hack PSPs and the sort), I knew that if I waddled on to the collector store over in Montreal, I'd probably see it for $40 or something. I wanted the Angelo one, but that's the only DQ thing they had. Another store also sold the Dragon Quest Swords OST for $20, but I have yet to play that game.

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And now Yangus has a permanent place on my shelf alongside my other Dragon Quest relics.

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In case you didn't get the news awhile ago: I was in Montreal, and I went into a vintage gaming store and found this, nearly had a heart attack and forked the $20 over like it was free or something. <3

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And... it was $10, so why the hell not? They also had one for FFX-2 and many, many other games, but I'm more of a sheep to Enix games. = 3=