Because we need them, without them the world would be chaos.

1.Character originality is a must.
2.The strengths and weaknesses of the races MUST be abided by.
3.No Godmodding, auto-hitting, auto-dodging or auto-knowledge (If you haven't picked up on it yet, nothing is automatic it must make sense to both your character and current events.)
4.Respect ranks and and crew members.
5.Follow Gaia ToS
6.Be active
7.Be at least semi-literate.
8.Keep it PG 13 at the least. Violence is of course accepted as with mild casual romance (a kiss, hug, holding hands, etc.) but absolutely no sex scenes or too much romance.
9.If you have problems that you cannot resolve, come to me or a crew member and we will do our best to help.
10.I am boss, what I say goes. If there is any changes or exceptions, they will be stated to everyone.
11.If there are any problems with crew, come to me
12.Keep your language clean as possible.
13.No flaming, spamming, bumping, trolling, etc.
14.Follow all other rules for each subforum, such as in profiles and in each particular squad.
15.If you know another person in the guild in real life, their information is private. If you are letting out their information, you will be banned unless the person who's secrets are being spilled says that it was ok. This is a one time offense ban.
16.There is no killing of another person's character without their stated permission. This too is a one time offense ban.

Warning System:
First offense-A warning will be given either in the forum or sent straight to you via pm. This is based on your offense.
Second offense-Depending on the severity of your first offense, you may be able to have a second offense instead of a banning. The punishment for this offense is banning for one week, 7 days.
Third/Final offense-This is either your second or third offense based on the severity of the offense. This is a permanent banning from the guild. You will be notified.