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Cupid is drunk again?!! OVER! winners post 2 Goto Page: 1 2 3 ... 4 ... 13 14 15 16 [>] [>>] [»|]

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 2:23 am

NOTE TO PEEPS: Neza wont be here for the rolling, so Bee and Mind get to do their CC's first, just FYI.

exclaim Note to Staff exclaim Want to join in? Awesome! Feel free to edit in the types of slots that you want to take. After the raffle closes, you can roll and/or pick your slots.

Singles Mad Mixer by Neza!

Format stolen from Mobbu by Sabin and from Sabin by me! twisted

If you thought cupids get drunk only on Valentines day you were wrong!

We from the cupid community throw away all responsibilities for what happened after we accidentally los... er... got separated from one of our fellow cupid on our way home. One of our good friend muse was celebrating her birthday and she had served one of the best mead we had ever tasted. We all had a bit too much to drink. Still we suspect that muse fiddled with our friends brain a bit.

So... enter at your own risk and be prepared for colorists' creative outcomes.

- - -

STARTS: 13th August @ 11am EST
ENDS: 15th August @ 11 am EST
COLORISTS INVOLVED: Agneza, Mindsend, Beejoux
- - -

The colorists reserve the right to pick or roll more if they feel like it. But we promise at least these announced slots.

    2 Rolled -- 2 Agneza, --
    The colorist will roll first one single from the mares list, then one from the stallion. And BOOM - there's an insta-couple.
    In the event that the mare and stallion are related OR happen to be a skinwalker & Angeni , the colorist will reroll a match for the first soquili, and if they have not yet rolled their last pair, they will reroll a mate for them. If it IS their last couple, they may mix and match from previous set up couples.

    0 Half-CC -- --
    This type of slot means that the colorist rolls one mare and one stallion, and then choose a mate for each of them.
    In the case a colorist just takes one, they will roll randomly from the FULL list of mares and stallions and then pick a mate for him or her.

    6 Purely CC -- 3 Agneza, 2 Mindsend (hi there 8B) 1 Beejoux--
    The colorist will play (sober) Cupid and pick two soquili that they want to breed!

Please read all of these! There are some new ones for this raffle in particular!

    Only TWO SOQUILI PER PERSON may be entered. They can be one male and one Female or two males, or two females. If a co-owned soquili is entered that both owners have basket rights to, then that soquili counts for BOTH people involved.
    • All standard breeding rules still apply: including the adult/in existence for 1 month rule.
    • If you are maxed out on your breedings this month, you may NOT enter this raffle. If any other breeding raffles happen between the start and end of this special breeding raffle and more people max out, I'll just remove the soquili in question from the raffle list and strike-out their post(s).
    • Breedings gained from this event do still count towards your maximum of two breedings per month.
    NO USDIA, MERS, or SEATHI. I have absolutely nothing against the breeds - they're awesome and sometimes get their own mixers - but for simplicity's sake as far as breeding restrictions go, I want to be able to roll couples, and these are the breeds that are not able to breed with most other kinds of soquili.
    Also, when competing with Full sized Land Soquili, they wouldn't get a full, true selection of possible partners available to them, and it just doesn't seem fair to the soquili itself OR the colorists.
    • This is probably self-evident, but no lifemated soquili XD.
    • Also, this probably goes without saying, but this raffle does NOT count towards low-luck attempts. These are singles being entered, not couples. However, keep in mind, if they WIN, it will reset a couples' low-luck attempts.
    • Even if you are not interested in throwbacks, PLEASE include the full parental line in the "previous generations" question. This allows me to make sure that a pair is not related. You only need to list the parents, grandparents, great-grand-parents, etc. NO siblings, cousins, etc.
    The first question on the form is ENTRY LINE. It should be in the format of SOQUILI NAME (OWNERS). If one of the co-owners does NOT have rights to this breeding, include their name in the parenthesis, but stricken-through. Example:

    Silver (Mary Sue & Gary Stu)
    Post certed Soqs -- I like seeing the Soqs without having to click every link so please post the image of the cert (or small sized uncert for those who lack certed Soq at the time)
    Names! -- Please provide full names of the Soq entered and their owners/co-owners
    Forms -- Please fill out the form below completely and correctly. If I spot something wrong I will point it out and you can repost it
    No editing forms/posts! -- Once I put the couple in the main list I will not be re-reading any of the information added. Colorists may be going through the pages as they're posted to start thinking about CCs. The only reason to edit a post is if you are voiding an entry (strike-out you post) and when you post a new form, mention which entry you are voiding.
    Mistakes? -- If you need to fix something (be it by my request or your own) post it in thread that you are voiding your first entry to fix a mistake and that you’ll be reposting, so I can edit the list accordingly.

    • Winners will send their trades (12k/breeding) to the colorist who is taking on your breeding.



[b][color=deeppink][size=15]I'M A SINGLE LADY~![/size][/color][/b]
[b]Entry Line:[/b] SOQUILI NAME (OWNERS)
[b]Co Ownership?:[/b] (List who isn't getting baskets, AND link to the co-owner agreement)
[b]Teepees:[/b] (While this is not mandatory it would make my life easier if you were able to post links to the teepees of the owners for easy stat checking later on)
[b]Throwbacks?:[/b] (Saying yes gives the colorist a bit more freedom in the breeding. Throwbacks can come from previous generations from the parents, this mean grandparents/etc. For 1st gens this would mean mystery traits. NOTE: Just because you say yes doesn't mean you'll get throwback traits. It only gives the colorist the OK to play around. Nothing more.)
[b]Link to previous Generations:[/b] MANDATORY for 2nd Gen+ Soquili. Even if you Do not want throwbacks.
You only need to list the parents, grandparents, great-grand-parents, etc. NO siblings, cousins, etc.
[b]Link to Breeding Agreement:[/b] This is ONLY applicable if you are breeding a co-owned soquili and you both/all have rights to this breeding. You and you co-owner must both agree to submitting the soquili to random breeding.


[b][color=blue][size=15]Are You Lonesome Tonight?[/size][/color][/b]
[b]Entry Line:[/b] SOQUILI NAME (OWNERS)
[img]malformed url[/img]
[b]Co Ownership?:[/b] (List who isn't getting baskets, AND link to the co-owner agreement). If you enter co-owned soquili that you both have rights to, this counts as BOTH of your entries to this raffle.
[b]Teepees:[/b] (While this is not mandatory it would make my life easier if you were able to post links to the teepees of the owners for easy stat checking later on)
[b]Throwbacks?:[/b] (Saying yes gives the colorist a bit more freedom in the breeding. Throwbacks can come from previous generations from the parents, this mean grandparents/etc. For 1st gens this would mean mystery traits. NOTE: Just because you say yes doesn't mean you'll get throwback traits. It only gives the colorist the OK to play around. Nothing more.)
[b]Link to previous Generations:[/b] MANDATORY for 2nd Gen+ Soquili. Even if you Do not want throwbacks.
You only need to list the parents, grandparents, great-grand-parents, etc. NO siblings, cousins, etc.
[b]Link to Breeding Agreement:[/b] This is ONLY applicable if you are breeding a co-owned soquili and you both/all have rights to this breeding. You and you co-owner must both agree to submitting the soquili to random breeding.

exclaim REMINDERS!!

Since rules change periodically when the need arises, please make sure you are up to date on everything listed here. THIS IS A NEW BREEDING RULES INFO THREAD!!
Failure to do so will result in disqualification. I am not obligated to inform you if you have broken a rule.


It has been required for both owners to post permission for the breeding in the MATES AND PERMISSION THREAD prior to the close of the raffle in order to be eligible for raffles now, so hopefully everyone has gotten the idea. However, just as a reminder:

IF A SOQUILI IS CO-OWNED AND MORE THAN ONE OWNER HAS RIGHTS TO THIS BREEDING, UNLESS BOTH PARTIES HAVE POSTED PERMISSION IN THE PERMISSION THREAD (not this one, but the permission thread) BY THE TIME THE RAFFLE CLOSES, THEY ARE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR THE RAFFLE AND WILL BE REMOVED. This also includes co-owners; if you co-own a soquili and your agreement involves agreeing on mates or breeding, BOTH co-owners have to have posted permission.


If one of the co-owners of a horse in a pairing is NOT getting baskets from the breeding, please put the co-ownership agreement link in the form in the appropriate place and say who does or does not have breeding rights. We will assume that any pairing submitted without a form counts the breeding toward ALL co-owners. If it's not in the co-ownership agreement, the co-owner forfeiting will need to post here saying as much.

Remember guys if a owner has no rights to this breeding it MEANS NO RIGHTS. Aka, you cannot gift nor co own a basket with the person with no rights, Ala the new rules instated.
PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 2:40 am


Beejoux CC
Camaguey ([ vance ]) x Alexander (Sayuri_Nitta)

Mindsend CC
Kurai (Huroggmeten) x Kiko (Asuka Fujimiya)
Amelia Rose (Sweenys_Revenge) x Ritalin (Carhop Calvalier)

Agneza RNG
Darkspine (Jynk) x Atal'ai (Mameha Otome)
Flutter (Slimycrow) x Ramses (Marzipanz)

Agneza CC
Auliimeli (Mindsend) x Daar'chtholas (formerly Nemuru_Rain, changed username to Icipher Infinite)
Erin Rae (xo -- k a i r i) x Silvanus Faunus owned by Vistada
Haven (Rinial Sisterdragon) x Deanneth Chamberland (Kareswynn)



PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 2:42 am


Single Mares
    Page 1
  1. Inali (Teh_Sil)
  2. Luria (Revel1984)
  3. Ishara (Andranis)
  4. Kailash (Andranis)
  5. Shania Leigh (Moxxiie)
  6. Calliopi (Moxxiie)
  7. Lolita Chopper (Nuclearity)
  8. Destati (x-Ivory_Feld-x)
  9. Shikon (Kara Asumie & Mangshra)
  10. Tejina Suki (Kara Asumie & Yeomso)

    Page 2
  11. Thosi Pandryl (Divena & DivenasMom)
  12. Sienna (Nafretiti)
  13. Darkspine (Jynk)
  14. Charlotte (Nuclearity)
  15. Tinkerbell (hanging gallow)
  16. Lady Liliah (dawns_aura)
  17. Li Ronen Xolani (dawns_aura)
  18. Hologram (Kirowyn Love)
  19. Isriel (derivative)
  20. Sky-Lit Fire (Kettyn)
  21. Galvquodi (ShinosBee)
  22. Loki (AislingJuno)

    Page 3
  23. Dumah (JadedTiger22)
  24. Chastity ( LunaRei_SilverBlood )
  25. Cyrille (Rhyleigh)
  26. 'Ailana (vollyballrocks91)
  27. Lavender (Nukido)

    Page 4
  28. Kawoni Lillian (sbuggy166)
  29. Cider (King Inversitle)
    Kurai (Huroggmeten)
  30. Erin Rae (xo -- k a i r i)
  31. Pandora (xo -- k a i r i)
  32. Mohana (ladyfirefox89/Lonewolf_Eyes)
  33. Sari (Kiara Lime)
  34. Rainbow Sherbert (Summer Raven)
  35. Yanamari (Summer Raven)
  36. Chloroform (TanuKyle)
  37. Sonadora (Bouncy_Pineapple)
  38. Umeko (Bouncy_Pineapple)

    Page 5
  39. Katarzyna (Seiana_ZI)
  40. Iris (~Masamune~)
  41. Mittrei (Roniel Targaryen)
  42. Calfuray (Fawnzy)
  43. Kuvalai (Fawnzy)
  44. Zarita (CheshireKttty)
  45. Asha (DemeterJade)
  46. Aella (Nyx Queen of Darkness)
  47. Lyric (Cheshirekttty x Marzipanz)
  48. Sunako (elvyralani)
  49. Briella (Cowboy Peep)
  50. Oddysey (Sabin Duvert)
  51. Liella (Aniira)

    Page 6
    Safara (Asuka Fujimiya)
  52. Laika (Scaramouche Fandango)
  53. Francesca (XxPrimevalPandaxX)
  54. Figment (Thamin)
  55. Taja (~Kiana_Nala~ & Nekolulu)
  56. ZuZu (StarieMichie)
  57. Rime (owned by Kamiki)
  58. Blake (DemonWingedPoetGirl)
  59. Reii (DemonWingedPoetGirl)
  60. Terra Stryker (tefla)

    Page 7
  61. Jaida (Natelie)
  62. Ixchel (Sabin Duvert)
  63. Evolet (sesshy552)
  64. Sweetmint (Naru_Uchiha007)
  65. Vienne (Tekkianna)
  66. Flutter (Slimycrow)
    Camaguey ([ vance ])
    Peyotl ([ vance ])
  67. Tefnut (Twitchapher the 3rd)
  68. Annalizza (Split personality)
  69. Claudine (~Kiana_Nala~)

    Page 8
  70. Nevena (Rita Zyon)
  71. Rain Curl (Rita Zyon)
  72. Irikara (Amasis)
  73. Vasilissa || LOLTERNATIVE
  74. Vegas (bullterrierlove)
  75. Alailiel (Kamiki)
  76. Auliimeli (Mindsend)
  77. Beatrice (Kailey Koreco / Ivory_Feld)
  78. Kemisi (Sin Sterling)

    Page 9
  79. Bellethelia Nesrine (Leez0rz)
  80. Valdis (Leez0rz/Hanging Gallow)
  81. Daphne (Insane Butterfly)
    Amelia Rose | Sweenys_Revenge
  82. Guinevere Adelaide (.Tortured. .Pumpkin.)
  83. Αελλα (Angelique DelaMort)
  84. Mahina (SilverShieldwolf)
  85. Avia (Roman Foi)
  86. Tajahi ; Mameha Otome
  87. Aelita Camellia (Faithofthefallen)
  88. Alanna (-[The Spoof]- and starbolt22)
  89. Zahara (TrigunKittie)
  90. Lilah (GrnGriff)

    Page 10
  91. Suria (AlexiaSilver)
  92. Ophelia (Feathered Lunra)
  93. Nevaeh (Tara de Draiocht/Kamiki)
  94. Aaricia (catmagick)
  95. Cameo (bella dea)
  96. Zillah (Ice_Dragon_Demon)
  97. Khara (graceangel)
  98. Kallima (sage_the_vampirc_angel)
  99. Kalene; xx Aps
  100. Avakari; xx Aps
  101. Amethyst (vballlvr5)

    Page 11
  102. Taisiya (Lady in the Golden Wood)
  103. Amalthea, Doodle p***s
  104. Livi (Moon_Princess_Yuki)
  105. Nadezhda {Ath e a r t)
  106. Mitra (pippi1884 cool
  107. Nukpani ([X]Natty-Chan[X])
  108. Vera ([X]Natty-Chan[X])
  109. Sayoko (HarukaHaru & irishgirl1017)
  110. Damia (SkyDragono)
  111. Epinar (SkyDragono)

    Page 12
  112. Haven (Rinial Sisterdragon)
  113. The Simi (`Swirly)
  114. Kaitlyn (naggeela)
  115. Seni (naggeela)
  116. Livaniya (Jezbel)
  117. Jelena (Lunarflowermaiden)
  118. Cherry Limeade (Dixie)

Single Stallions
    Page 1
  1. Albus Corvus (Pale Mist)
  2. Xion (nekolulu)
  3. Syn Norikous (nekolulu)
  4. Nawat Crow (Dulcea)
  5. Vincent Nail ([+Katch+])
  6. Hollis (MoochiLove)
  7. Daichi (MoochiLove)

    Page 2
  8. Crown Cullen (Syaoran-Puu)
  9. Gishoni (Syaoran-Puu)
  10. Rythorn (Nafretiti)
  11. Asita (dbz2010)
  12. Wasuremono Nama (hanging gallow)
  13. Silvanus Faunus owned by Vistada
  14. Mephistopheles (Kirowyn Love)
  15. Tybalt (derivative)
  16. Owatanka (ShinosBee)
  17. Saluki (Seruta)

    Page 3
  18. Deanneth Chamberland (Kareswynn)
  19. Engima (LunaRei_SilverBlood & Honeybii)
  20. Parnassius (Nymphalidae)
  21. Daar'chtholas (formerly Nemuru_Rain, changed username to Icipher Infinite)
  22. Stardust (tefla)
  23. Tebald (Teh Roarie)
  24. Eurig (Zakiax)
  25. Tropic Feather (Nyhility)
  26. Citlali Fiore(Rhyleigh)
  27. Alik Elric (Shikon Miko)

    Page 4
  28. Erwick (sbuggy166)
  29. Tigre Punks (King Inversitle)
  30. Eyota (Thalea & Pollack)
  31. Tomtubrus Taccardi (ladyfirefox89)
  32. Louvre (Kiara Lime)
  33. Ziru (Graphophobia/Wrath of Kant x Caitlyn Hellstorm)
  34. Tavshed (RockerWolfie1616)
  35. Lijep (RockerWolfie1616)
  36. Vidorun (TanuKyle)
    Alexander (Sayuri_Nitta)
    Ritalin (Carhop Calvalier)
  37. Anaru (sailormoon72491)
  38. Kuivi (sailormoon72491)

    Page 5
  39. Hart (Zee Oddwyn)
  40. Battle (Zee Oddwyn)
  41. Fushicho (~Masamune~)
  42. Amitabha (Roniel Targaryen)
  43. Sol Dancer (DemeterJade)
  44. Jarlaxle [DarkHikari and Meeki]
  45. Eitan (stormflower)
  46. Einar (stormflower)
  47. Flynn (elvyralani)
  48. Erasto (Aniira)

    Page 6
    Kiko (Asuka Fujimiya)
  49. Mewtwo (dracoXK)
  50. Volkaz'Jin (dracoXK)
  51. Orpheus (Kettyn)
  52. Gailieo Figaro (Scaramouche Fandango)
  53. SmallPox (Thamin)
  54. Starshadow (Nyao-chan)
  55. Pharoah Atemu (Rein_Carnation)

    Page 7
  56. Bifröst (Nymphalidae)
  57. Jink (sesshy552)
  58. Arpeggio (Slimycrow)
  59. Ramses (Marzipanz)
  60. Nidawi (Amirynth/Talencia)
  61. Raja (Twitchapher the 3rd)
  62. Cadance (Amirynth)
  63. Umo (split personality)
  64. Kaz'kah (Laroawan}
  65. Mr. T (Laroawan)

    Page 8
  66. Ithili (Amira Keller)
  67. Gypsy Rogue (Meepfur)
  68. Halaa (Meepfur)
  69. Tsubasa(bullterrierlove)
  70. Adrian Dragonshadow (Tygress Dream)
  71. Roy (Kurama no Koishi)
  72. Alec (Kurama no Koishi)
  73. Skah Talutah (Darkmoon Dancer)
  74. Brackenhide (Darkmoon Dancer)
  75. Econlockhatchee (Mindsend)
  76. Kristoffer Sparrow (Kailey Koreco)

    Page 9
  77. Marcos (Insane Butterfly)
    Koko Loko | Sweenys_Revenge
  78. Wemitan (.Tortured. .Pumpkin.)
  79. Adina (Daeril-sama)
  80. Atal'ai (Mameha Otome)
  81. Douglas Grifon (SylverStar)
  82. Capella (GrnGriff)

    Page 10
  83. Lussurio (Sawaki)
  84. Green Prince (Dixie)
  85. Van (Novablu)
  86. Mulciber (Ice_Dragon_Demon)
  87. Fabre'ze (graceangel)
  88. Rishi (sage_the_vampirc_angel)
  89. Jon (Jinx Creed)
  90. Chogan (Akira-Kisho & Mayamage2)

    Page 11
  91. Bloody Tears of Disillusion, Doodle p***s
  92. Kerias (crayons 4 the color blind)
  93. Dasyn (dolphingurl)
  94. Tawa (dolphingurl)
  95. Atreyu [Raving.Rabbids]
  96. Kazuko (Kyaishi)
  97. Confession (Lolli McHotpants)
  98. T'suyo C'ruei (pippi1884 cool
  99. Gale [DarkHikari]

    Page 12
  100. Zaire (RavenFyre)
  101. Yoshiaki (Lunarflowermaiden)

PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 8:22 am

Entry Line: Inali (Teh_Sil)
User Image
Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: Mine
Throwbacks?: Yes
Link to previous Generations: N/A
Link to Breeding Agreement: N/A



Friendly Shapeshifter

16,200 Points
  • Demonic Associate 100
  • Rebel Spark 50
  • Friend of the Goat 100
PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 8:25 am

Entry Line: Luria (Revel1984)
User Image
Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: Here
Throwbacks?: Sure
Link to previous Generations:
Link to Breeding Agreement: N/A
PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 8:27 am

Entry Line: Ishara (Andranis)
User Image
Co Ownership?: Nope!
Teepees: Teepee!
Throwbacks?: Sure!
Link to previous Generations: Alas, she's a first gen... So you get to be creative if you wish! biggrin
Link to Breeding Agreement: N/A

Entry Line: Kailash (Andranis)
User Image
Co Ownership?: Nope!
Teepees: Teepee!
Throwbacks?: Sure!
Link to previous Generations: Mother Father
Link to Breeding Agreement: N/A


Sweet Kitten

15,100 Points
  • Cat Fancier 100
  • Cool Cat 500
  • Grunny Grabber 50

Pale Mist

PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 8:30 am

Are You Lonesome Tonight?

Entry Line: Albus Corvus (Pale Mist)
User Image
Co Ownership?: nope
Teepees: -x-
Throwbacks?:sure, why not?
Link to previous Generations: N/A
Link to Breeding Agreement: N/A
PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 8:34 am

Entry Line: Shania Leigh (Moxxiie)
User Image
Co Ownership?: n/a
Teepees: here
Throwbacks?: Yes
Link to previous Generations: Mother Father Grandmother Grandfather.
Link to Breeding Agreement: n/a

Entry Line: Calliopi (Moxxiie)
User Image
Co Ownership?: n/a
Teepees: here
Throwbacks?: Yes
Link to previous Generations: Mother Father Grandmother Grandfather
Link to Breeding Agreement: n/a


Questionable Explorer


Tipsy Girl

PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 8:38 am

Entry Line: Lolita Chopper (Nuclearity)
User Image
Co Ownership?: n/a
Teepees: Nuclearity
Throwbacks?: Yes
Link to previous Generations: n/a
Link to Breeding Agreement: n/a
PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 9:00 am

Entry Line: Destati (x-Ivory_Feld-x)
User Image
Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: N/A
Throwbacks?: YES
Link to previous Generations: Athosia & Oathkeeper (Parents)
Tayla & Zakaili (Maternal Grandparents)
Rosedust & Malikai (Great Grandparents/Zakaili's Parents)
Link to Breeding Agreement: N/A


Tricky Shapeshifter


Intellectual Kitten

PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 9:02 am

Are You Lonesome Tonight?
Entry Line: Xion(nekolulu)
User Image
Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: teepee
Throwbacks?: yes
Link to previous Generations:mother
father's side:
great grandma
Mother's side:
Link to Breeding Agreement: N/A

Are You Lonesome Tonight?
Entry Line: Syn Norikous(nekolulu)
User Image
Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: teepee
Throwbacks?: yes
Link to previous Generations:n/a he is a first gen.
Link to Breeding Agreement: N/A
PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 9:02 am

Entry Line: Shikon (Kara Asumie & Mangshra)
User Image
Co Ownership?: Yes but No basket rights for Mangs this go about. Co-ownership agreement
Teepees: Karas Teepee || Mangs Teepee
Throwbacks?: yes
Link to previous Generations: ~♥Parents:♥~ Amu x Kuro-Yume
~♥Siblings:♥~ Sayoko
~♥Grandparents:♥~ Zei x Mireille
~♥ Great Aunt:♥~Amanezka
~♥Great Grandparents:♥~ Yoruki x Eiric
~♥Aunts || Uncles:♥~ Canon, Zeke, Ayita, and Zacharias
Link to Breeding Agreement: N/A


Entry Line: Tejina Suki (Kara Asumie & Yeomso)
User Image
Co Ownership?: Yes but No basket rights for Yeomso this go about. Co-ownership agreement
Teepees: Karas Teepee || Yeomsos Teepee
Throwbacks?: yes
Link to previous Generations:N/A
Link to Breeding Agreement: N/A

Kara Asumie

Nine-tailed Neko


PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 9:03 am

Are You Lonesome Tonight?
Entry Line: Nawat Crow (Dulcea)
User Image
Co Ownership?: n/a
Teepees: here
Throwbacks?: Yep
Link to previous Generations: n/a
Link to Breeding Agreement: n/a
PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 9:08 am

Are You Lonesome Tonight?
Entry Line: Vincent Nail ([+Katch+])
User Image
Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: LINK
Throwbacks?: Suuuure whynot~ XD go nuts!
Link to previous Generations: N/A
Link to Breeding Agreement: N/A


Kawaii Hunter


Demonic Hellhound

13,375 Points
  • Married 100
  • Perfect Attendance 400
  • Money Never Sleeps 200
PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 9:11 am

Are You Lonesome Tonight?
Entry Line: Hollis (MoochiLove)
User Image
Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: MoochiLove's Teepee
Throwbacks?: Yes
Link to previous Generations: Mother x Father
Grandmother x Grandfather
Link to Breeding Agreement:

Are You Lonesome Tonight?
Entry Line: Daichi (MoochiLove)
User Image
Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: MoochiLove's Teepee
Throwbacks?: Yes
Link to previous Generations: Mother x Father
Link to Breeding Agreement: N/A
Breeding Thickets

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