Laertes (Mogami)
Belliseema (Buffy_The_Bloody)

Ugh. She was so not happy about this. She was lost. Damn it. That just wasnt something she had wanted to happen. She wanted to go home, to be pampered by her family. She had always been pampered.. Always had the selfish sort of mindset that came with thinking you were a princess. She was the most beautiful girl in her family.. Or so she was told. Even her own mother had told her she was jealous of her beauty. But now who would be jealous of her? No one.. No one could be because now she was alone. She growled, stomping her paws a bit in irritation. What would she do now? She didnt know, but what she was sure of, was she could smell others. Another pride maybe?
She sighed, and wondered if maybe she could meet someone from the pride. She hoped it wasnt the type to have the females do all the work.. No, she hated spilling blood so she was a pretty failure when it came to hunting.
She just refused it. That would be why her belly was growling and gurgling as much as it was.

"Damn.."She snorted.

Laertes was feling rather happy and the reason was simple: he was nearing the end of his shift and soon he’d return to his den and take a long nap. Things with Daizee had been a little awkward ever since that had happened and they seemed to be in a strange sort of mood around each other, sometimes giddy, sometimes falling apart. His stomach growled rather loudly and the lion gave a well-natured snort. He’d have to make a detour to the hunters’ quarters in the valley and pick something to eat before sleep was to be considered.
It was then that he spotted the approaching shape. The approaching lioness. The approaching purple lioness. She could be an older member of the Suka’Fumo he didn’t know about or someone who had been pointed in this direction. She didn’t seem to be in a particular good mood.

The purple lion moved with a leisurely trot, quickly reaching the pale lioness but he knew not to get too close. One should always keep a respectful distance from strangers, after all.

“Good day, miss.” He asked with a smile, his tone pleasant. He confirmed that he hadn’t met this lioness yet and he failed to detect any pridal scents on her.

She had been hoping someone would come to see her. However it put her in no better mood like she had thought it would. She didnt like being lost, it wasnt about being alone at all.. She hadnt realized that until the purple male approached. He was handsome, she did notice that much. Her red eyes taking all of him in. On a good day she would set about flirting, swaying her tail under his chin. But she just didn't feel like it right now. With a bit of a pout, she snorted.
"Oh whats so good about it? Its hot, and Im hungry, and its just not a good day for me." She said, her tone obviously annoyed though it wasnt at the male, that was the one good thing about the moment.

She stopped walking, and she made sure she was a safe distance from him, yet close enough that she could scent him. He was a part of this pride, his scent matching the lands around him.

Laertes let out a hearty laugh because this rogue instantly reminded him of the noblegirls he was used to see around the pride. Except, a girl this purple would never, ever feel hungry in the Suka’Fumo where the needs of the higher class were promptly met by the working commoners. He couldn’t help but to stare at the little marks on her jaw that resembled cute little fangs and the wing markings on her back. She was quite lovely to look at, this lioness.

“No, that doesn’t sound like a good day at all. Especially for someone like yourself. Do you know where you are, miss?” He asked and then gave a little bow of his head. “I’m Laertes, Guard of the Suka’Fumo pride.”

When he laughed, she was going to bop him upside his head. She hated being made fun of! With a glare, she snorted. But once he explained who he was, and what he was, she smiled. Oh.. So he had amazing manners. That was a plus. Holding her head high, she flicked her head to get her mane lock out of her eyes. With her eyes now unobstructed she announced who she was.

"Im Belliseema. Daughter of Mino'tak and Shee'ru." She said, bowing her head in greeting. She didnt really remember what her pride name was. She hadnt paid that much attention, she only knew they had given into her every whim. "I go by Bell. Its a pleasure to meet you Laertes. You seem to have good breeding. The manners didnt escape my ears." She said, her voice softening. He was handsome, and she liked his attention. She really just wanted him to fawn over her..That or dinner. Either would win in her book.

“I’m sure my mother would love to hear that, she worked very hard on that regard.” He grinned, obviously in a good mood. “Bell… that is a lovely nickname. I would give you one in return if I had one.” The purple lion did try commit her parents’ names to memory but they were quickly forgotten when he failed to recognize them. And wait, was he flirting?

“You are more than welcome to enter, Lady Bell. The pride is very welcoming of strangers, especially those who possessed a coat like yours. Would you like me to tell you a little about the Suka’Fumo?” he was trying to be more professional now, standing a little straighter and speaking in an even tone. Greeting strangers at the border and assessing potential members was an important part of being a Suka’Fumo Guard, after all.

"Then your mother is indeed a smart lioness." She said with a sly grin. She had never met such a male with manners. And he was purple, and that was also a huge plus. She was unsure that the color was special here, but for now.. She just liked the color. It was common ground, to her.
"Please do tell me about it! But, dont be so stuffy." She said, pushing him with her paw. "You dont have to stand up straight to talk to me." She teased.

He relaxed at once, eager to have a laid-back conversation with the pretty butterfly-girl. He looked at the sky for an instant as he considered what he could say.
“The Suka’Fumo is a pride devoted to the enjoyment of life. At the center of the pride is the Theatre and the Actors who create the plays. We have Artisans and Costumers. Also, many Merchants who bring interesting things from the outside. While Guards such as myself keep the borders safe in the name of Bwana, our King, the people within live their lives in a peaceful manner.” His chest puffed up a little like a proud kid showing off his newest accomplishment.
“Also, any lion who is born with the color purple - or similar hues such as violet or lilac – is considered as part of the upper class and they take the rank of Noble. You, for instance, would be more than welcomed to join us and no strenuous duties such as hunting would be ever asked of you.” Yup, he’d saved the best for last. “If you want to know more, I can take you to the King’s presence and you can make a decision for yourself. If you decide to leave at any point, you are perfectly free to do so.”

"Yes! Lets meet this Bwana. I want to meet him. You guys sound like you really know how to treat a lady." She grinned, standing taller herself since she was of purple hue. So this pride would be like her old one in a way. How appropriate! She smiled, and flicked her tail to the side.

"I am lucky to have found you!"

“I’ll lead the way. We’ll find someone to replace my position on the way.” Laertes said as he started walking. There was a little tug of worry deep inside the lion’s chest. “I have to admit. Not everything is perfect. There are strict social classes and those above do judge on the ones below. There are some complicated tensions under the surface. There is a place where one can live without such pressures but most avoid it. And I suppose I should tell you this as well… even a lady as pretty as youself with a perfect coat would face some amount of discrimination. Males are regarded above females in general. Not all males think like that, of course. Especially those, like myself, who were not born in the pride.”

"Its quite alright. They just havent met me yet." She grinned, teasing of course. She didnt mind too much about the politics of the pride. A male and female were the same in her eyes, only the obvious differences were something that everyone noticed.

"So why is it I got so lucky as to meet you?" She asked with a grin.

“I think it’s safe to say we were both lucky.” Laertes nodded vigorously, grinning at the butterfly lioness as they walked side by side. He was almost sad to spot another Guard which ended their alone time together and stopped him from being the only familiar face in the pride. It was obviously something that wouldn’t last and Laertes could already picture the swarm of Nobles that would love to meet Bell. At the very least, he hoped he was making a lasting impression. “There he is. After I talk to him, I’ll take you to the King.”

She smiled, boweing her head with a look of gratitude on her features.
"Thank you Laertes." She said, looking around her at all of the lions milling about. She already liked it here. It was beautiful, and she could smell the smell of meats and herbs rising through the pride. She smiled again, and almost was too giddy to contain herself.

- FIN! -