Okay so I've never done a S&M RP before. I would like to try it though, preferably me being the slave. Here's a little bit of info though before you reply.

Your name Arieanna
Your age 18 but will RP with anyone 18-20
Your location/timezone California so in Pacific Time Zone
How often you are able to post Whenever I'm online
Your level of writing ability Semi-literate to literate
The average length of your posts At least a paragraph
How much roleplaying experience you have Quite a bit. I don't do series related but will do Fanfic's. And willing to do a S&M one.
How much research you are willing to put into an RP Depends on the genre and plot.
A list of genres you like Romance/Comedy/Action
What format you prefer-- PMs, threads, IMs, e-mail? PMs please
What kind of characters you prefer to play (think about personality, gender, sexuality, archetypes, etc.) Personality: The shy girl. Gender:Female Sexuality: Straight.
Decorative posts: Nope

Here is a link to a search thread that I have.
Click. It. Now. To. View. smile