Omari (aka Es'kuro) - Mogami
Katerina - Buffy_the_Bloody

It started with a quiet melody that the sand-colored lion was humming under his breath. But soon, Omari had begun stringing the words together as he created the lyrics to his little song. It was slow and melancholic – as most of his songs were – and in the absence of his fellow ship members the blue eyed lion rarely did feel an inclination to come up with catchy tunes or cheerful words. And today he was indeed alone, having finally managed to ditch the obnoxious blue lion who was now part of his ship.

Yo-oh, yo-ho~
Yo-oh, yo-ho~
Friends of the sweet trade
Will you fo-llow me?
Together we’ll find
The foreign shores of a never-ending sea

The song continued and Omari slowly moving closer to the waves, singing and humming as the water soaked his paws. But he was not fond of swimming – which was another way of saying he couldn’t swim – so he did not go any further than that.

She had been singing her own song, letting her melody serenade the stars and moonlight. She loved the darkness, it was just comforting for her. She was able to blend quite a bit better in the dark.

"My heart is pierced by cupid.~
I disdain all glittering gold," But she didn’t get the chance to finish. Her ears perked as the others song came to her ears and she frowned. Who was it that was singing? And most importantly, singing over her! She narrowed her eyes, standing from her smooth rock she had been perched on.

It didn’t take long to see the sandy colored lion, and she grumbled. Oh well, it was time to make sure the other stopped singing.

Over the gentle sound of his humming voice, Omari could hear another voice not too far from his location. His ears perked up, searching for the source of the (female) voice. He’d made sure to be far enough from the heart of the pride so as to not be disturbed but close enough that he wouldn’t risk another encounter with a Viking anytime soon. Omari still bared the scars of that day and the feelings it had roused from deep within him.
“Who’s there?” he asked softly to the wind, searching the darkness for whatever female had been singing just a few moments before.

She showed herself from the moonlight, almost as if she was a dream or some sort of vision. She preferred night time also because it made her look more ethereal. All the easier to pull in the males that she wanted to attract. But this male, looked identical to the one she had met before. He had hit on her continuously, and she had given him a sanddollar for his efforts. Surely though, that wasnt what he had been wanting.

"You. Who are you? Thats a better question."

She was beautiful.
Even Omari, a young lion who didn’t give much thought to the opposite sex save for a small number of exceptions, could – was forced? – to appreciate the dark lioness’ beauty. But such things had yet to become part of his interests and, at least for now, the young lion was far more drawn to the lioness’ voice than he was to her body.
“Es’Kuro. Pirate of the Maestros.” He said, sitting down in the wet sand as his blue eyes took in the sight of Katerina on the rock. He did not look inclined to move any closer. She seemed to be somewhat forceful but Omari was used to forceful females – his sister Zamora had long taken the prize on that department. Still, he was curious. Who was this lioness? “You have a beautiful voice.”

"I know I do. Its a shame when someone outsings it." She said, raising an eyebrow as she looked down at the male. Leaping from her smooth rock, she landed in the sand gracefully. She always had that ability.. The ability to be graceful in all situations. With a snort, she eyed him over.

"Do you have a brother, little Pirate?" She asked, though she knew the answer already. He surely did, otherwise his mother had been messing around more than just once. Not that she really could talk.

Omari watched her approach silently, trying to come up with a way to disagree with her statement but failing to find a way that wouldn’t make it sound like he was faking modesty, the sand-colored lion remained silently until she suddenly asked him a rather personal question.
“Why do you ask?” Omari replied quickly, rather defensively. He did not know this lioness and he certainly didn’t give away information regarding his family lightly… also, he was rather annoyed by the fact he was being called “little” by anyone other than his mother. But perhaps she was new to the pride and had seen one of his brothers. “Are you part of the Sea Masters?”

She laughed as if that was an extremely funny joke he told. She shook her head, amusement in her eyes.
"In their dreams. Im no pirate." She scoffed, rolling her eyes as if it was rather disdainful to be. Even though she'd take a pirate over a Stormborn anyday.

"Do I look like Id join the Pirates? Really?" She asked, looking as if the idea pained her a bit.

"Im Katerina of the Mermaids. Sirens of the sea. I ask, because Im curious. Ive met another and he looks remarkably similar to you."

A mermaid! A flighty creature of lore she was then and he should thread carefully in his words and actions. The mermaids’ beauty often came with a heavy price attached and Omari was still aware than he was too small and unskilled to properly defend himself. The encounter the Viking had been a painful lesson in that regard.
“No, you do not. But with the exception of her trinkets, neither does my sister. And you remind me of her.” Omari said slowly – cautiously even – as his blue eyes suspiciously avoided looking at Katerina’s body. It seemed the introduction had both served to help the adolescent open up and grow in vigilance. “I have brothers.” Omari finally admitted after a brief silence. For a moment he seemed to relax and a tiny grin even graced his expression as his speech fell into the usual pirate pattern. “So dear lady, have ye come to bring this poor sailor to his doom in the dark waters thar?”

"Hardly." She said as if she were bored. She listened to the males story, about his sister and his brothers. Truth was she really didn’t care much but she would look like she was listening.

"You were singing, and I couldn’t hear my own voice. I came to make sure you stopped. Haven’t you ever heard it’s dangerous to sing at the shoreline at night? Its a way to call to a mermaid." She informed, knowing he was likely unaware of it.

"But if you aren’t careful you could attract the wrong mermaid. We wouldn’t want that, would we, little Pirate?"

Oh no, Omari certainly didn’t know that.
Not that he would stop singing at night but he would surely be more careful in the future when he found himself in a musical mood near the crashing waves. He couldn’t tell if Katerina had been simply annoyed that he had interrupted her singing or if she was truly concerned for the “little pirate” that was calling out for danger in the night.
“Thank you for the warning.” He said seriously. He’d have to talk to the rest of the crew about this sort of things so he wouldn’t get into trouble over a stupid mistake. And now that she’d just basically told him that she had approached him just to shut him up, he felt like he should dismiss himself. He wasn’t exactly sure how he went about doing that without appearing overly rude. He figured leaving before the mermaid had expressed her own desire to part ways first might anger the sea temptress.
“Well... I will leave you to your singing then.” He said with a little nod, closely watching the lioness’ reaction before finally being able to trust the beautiful mermaid enough to turn his back on her.

- FIN -