Quest Accepted =/= Enrollment!

A friendly reminder that having your quest accepted does NOT guarantee enrollment! In fact, it doesn't affect your chances of getting your character in any way!

When your quest is accepted, it simply means that at the time your quest was accepted, a member of staff felt that your character fit into the world's setting. You are still free to edit and add onto your quest, but if you do this please remove the "accepted" from the title so that staff may doublecheck your changes.

Do not change your quest title to [Enrollment] until a member of TiH staff contacts you and tells you to do so! This also goes for posting in the enrollment thread. Any threads that are listed for [Enrollment] when they are not supposed to be will have it changed back to [Quest]; any questers posting in error in the enrollment thread will have their post removed.

Repeated offenders may be greylisted.