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[MPRP] Don't shame me! (Onaedo & Umoya)

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Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 5:21 am
Weather: Clear starry skies.
Location: Outside new dens.

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The move had gone...She wanted to say well, with some sad circumstances. Since the movement to to the new prides lands she had not slept well at all. Every little movement woke her, every time someone rolled in their sleep she shifted and rolled and moved to get more comfortable, yet no matter how much twitching she did, sleep seemed to evade her.

She could see the stars bright, shining, clear, she loved the stars but she really wished they wouldn't be so bright right now, she was having enough trouble sleeping. With a sigh the older lioness gets to her paws and moves away from the sleeping creatures, perhaps a little drink would calm her enough to make her sleep?

With that in mind the pale lioness moved quietly towards one of the small pools....
PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 8:22 am
    It wasn't like it took much convincing on Quba's part to get Umoya to agree. The pride's numbers were going down, the Abholi knew what was right. No matter how much her mother might have thought she knew better, she was not the one that made the decisions. That didn't mean she didn't fear her mother's anger. She wanted her mother to be proud of her and the decisions that she made, but how could she when her mother's views were so different from her own?

    So she'd decided to sneak out. It wasn't the worst thing that Umoya could do, she was a grown lioness! But what her mother did not know would likely hurt her less than what she did know. Unless she found out. But she wouldn't, right? So as she sat at the small pool her gaze was on the skies. Her mother would be asleep, everything would work out fine. She heard the approaching pad falls and didn't bother looking to see who it was, though it was a shame the wind was not in her favor because she also did not scent the other. "Eish! It sure took ya long enough Quba, wha' were ye dilly-" But her words cut off as her gaze drew down and landed on her mother. Instantly she was stumbling to her feet. Crap!


Blessed Hunter

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 10:03 am
The pale sandy coloured lioness raised a brow "Daughter" She smiles lightly giving her daughter a head butt greeting. "Why are you out so late? Couldn't sleep?" She smiles and bends down to take a quick drink from the water though her dip was interrupted when she thought of what her child had just said.

"Why are you waiting for Quba? You girls shouldn't be out so late." She turns and sits up straight eyeing the beautiful female before her, she was very proud of her children, though she often wondered about them, they did often get pulled in to things they shouldn't.

The light coloured lioness opened her mouth to comment only to close it again. "It's a little late to be out hunting dear, come back to the dens with me, now." She states simply, getting to her paws and nudging her child's shoulder gently, all thoughts of water having slipped her mind.
PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 10:43 am
    Umo dipped her head in a return greeting to her mother, purring slightly when her mother bumped heads. Instantly she felt guilt seep into her being, and she felt slightly cheated. Why should she have to feel guilty? It wasn't like what she was doing was wrong. It wasn't as though she was going to galavanting off with Quba to find a rogue while a rogue swap was not happening. "Not exactly.." she stated quietly, almost mumbling the words.

    She winced as her mother asked her about why she was waiting. She was not comfortable full out lying to her mother, even if they disagreed on a lot of things. "Er… abou'that…" But it seemed her mother had another idea in mind and she got up, expecting Umoya to follow her.

    Her ears flickered back to her skull and she followed a step. "Ma thas' not exactly… we're not going out huntin' exactly." She said, this time her words were stronger. "I'm not ready teh come back to the den jus' yet."


Blessed Hunter

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 11:35 am
The older lioness raised both brows at her daughter. She wasn't used to being told no, or not ready, she was after all a mother and she should be obeyed as good mothers were and daughters were obviously there to obey.

"If you're not hunting, why are you out here? Don't lie to me now I am your mother you should respect my word, now tell me or come back to the den and sleep." She sits in a very upright formal manner her forepaws pressed together a stern look on her maw.

"It's really not good for you to be up so late, and alone, you should have asked Quaba to meet you in the den." She sighs lightly "There could be rogues out here!" She states a hint of scandal in her voice.
PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 12:02 pm
    Now she definitely couldn't even stretch the truth... and she really didn't feel like it, either. Her anger was getting the better of her, though she was trying very hard to reign it back in. At least she hadn't shouted or anything, but she was sure her mother would spot the anger thick on her maw. "It's nae tha' easy ma." She growled out, though she was cringing back. She didn't really want her mother to get upset, but that was hard to avoid at this point.

    Her tail lashed as her mother mentioned the rogues and she frowned deeply. She understood that they should respect and follow their Abaholi but that also meant that what they said was right, and they had decided on the rogue swap! How could her mother and some of the other females still frown upon this practice? Especially at such a dire time in the pride! "Well maybe rogues are exactly wha' we're lookin' fer, ma!" She spat out in her haste, instead of trying to word it in a better manner.

    She cleared her throat, turning away in a huffy manner. "I won' come back with yeh, I promised Quba I'd meet'er and thas' what I'm gunna do. I don' see why yer so against this! The Abaholi aren't!" Well, she wasn't positive they fully liked it either.


Blessed Hunter

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 12:31 pm
The older lioness blinked owlishly. "Don't speak to your mother like that young lady." She frowns and gets to her paws stalking up to her daughter. "I am your mother and you will treat me with the respect I deserve." She takes a deep breath clearly calming her mind, her soul, her thoughts.

"You're here, searching for, for rogues?" She closes her eyes for a moment, her brow creasing deeply. "I cannot believe, you, YOU of all females would go and, and do that, do you know the shame I feel? Do you care?" She whispers, her voice strained.

"I know what the Abholi have said, I know we have been in trouble, but, times, things, they will change and the Abholi will once again provide for us that which you, you would seek an... an outsider for!" She huffs. "You'll bring shame on me if you do this Umoya!"

She takes a deep calming breath, and closes her eyes for a moment rubbing a paw over her own face "Now, forget this silly headedness and come back to bed. Let Quba be one of those...." She trails off, she had plenty of words she wanted to say, tramps, strumpets, harlots, but she restrained herself "Let Quba find what she needs away from the pride, you have everything right here."
PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 5:31 pm
    She ducked her head, slightly ashamed because of her mother's anger but she would not give up the belief she held that some rogue blood once in a while was good for the pride. "I apologize." She said weakly, her tones still caked with anger.

    Her ears remained firmly back against her skull though, not understanding why she of all females was even a point... "Wha', cause yer my mother?" She spat out the words before thinking them through. Sometimes her mother was so stuck in the old ways, and it was infuriating!

    Shame, shame, shame! Why did her mother have to throw that word around so much? Couldn't she be proud of what Umo was doing! Her chest puffed out as she exhaled a deep breath, almost as though she was unsure what to do with her anger. "Silly... silly headedness?" She snapped, looking taken aback and slightly offended. "On of those wha' ma?" She snarled the words, suddenly even more upset. She was daring the other to finish that sentence, but instead she changed it. Quba was one of her closest friends in the pride, even though she was sure her mother would detest that fact.

    "You're righ', I 'ave a lot here ma, I have friends an' family... an' this is my pride, and I am doing what I think is best fer the pride. Yeh have teh except that!" She pleaded, her words slightly miserable but very final as she turned away from the lioness that had raised her.


Blessed Hunter

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 5:59 pm
"U..MO..YA!" The older lioness yelled her brow furrowing in a deep angry scowl. "Don't you dare..Don't you DARE!" Se marches after her daughter catching her child's tail between her teeth and yanking.

"I don't care what the others say, I don't care about that I care about you! It'll all go..go wrong if you go out there let the others go out and do that. Don't put me in this position where I have to deny you. I am your mother you have to do as I say!" She takes a deep shuddering breath trying to calm her nerves. This was her belief, her undying belief the one she had been raised with. She knew what the Abholi had said but that didn't mean her daughter had to go out and do it.

"Don't do it, please..Just don't..You'll bring a shame on your mother, they will think less of me if you do this Umoya! We have always been a family of tradition and you will do as I say, don't turn your back on me, don't walk away and become one of those..those HARLOTS!" She squeaks the word out, her voice cracking in all the right places as she tried to calm her frayed nerves, she just couldn't believe her beautiful daughter was doing this!
PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 6:35 pm
    Shoot, she was going to get it now! She wanted to hiss at her mother to be quiet, to calm down... but that would really just make things fifty times worse! She yipped slightly as her tail was caught in her mother's jaws, hissing slightly as she felt the yank! She half turned. "Ma!" She yelped the word, she'd never seen this side of her mother before. Sure she could chide and she was a little stern... but she'd never freaked out before! And this... this was... "Let go!" She hissed, her anger slipping into something more of panic and quilt. Her voice was quiet though, trying to counter her mother's loud cries.

    As her mother began to speak again Umoya lashed her tail away, turning to fully face her mother again. Her gaze was pleading and confused, but she was also feeling very stubborn. Couldn't her mother see it from her point of view a little bit? "I do! I do everything you say mother!" Well, that wasn't entirely true... but for a lot of her life she had! Without question... but when she and Quba had become fast friends... well Umoya's ways of thinking had begun to change. Wasn't that okay? "I... I try teh.. yeh know I try..." She struggled with what to say, a deep frown etched in her features. "Please.." She said softly, though she wasn't sure if she was begging her mother to quiet down or to understand...

    "I'm... isnae shameful ma!" She cried out, couldn't she see that? It was just new! What was wrong with that? Umoya would still follow the Abaholi and she would be a great pride member! "Yeh have! Jus' yeh!" She added, though at one point in Umoyas life she probably could have been considered a traditionalist... but when you were young you didn't understand what you wanted out of life. "They're NOT!" Her voice suddenly matched her mothers, another flash of anger passing through her mind. Quba was not a harlot! "And I am nae one either ma, how could yeh say tha'!" She was torn inside, hurting that she was hurting her mother. Angry that her mother wouldn't listen.. confused...


Blessed Hunter

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 4:16 am
"You have clearly been lead astray Umoya!" She barked her eyes flashing angrily. "Those..Those girls you hang around with, what have they said to you to make you do this to ME? How could you turn your back on all that we are?" She lets out a strangled sob. "I swear Umoya I will never, ever speak to you again if you walk away from me. Don't become one of those tramps. Stay here be good and wait your turn. It will come.." The older lioness trails off, her eyes closing as she takes a deep strangled breath pulled through her teeth. How could this be happening to her of all lionesses?

"Now come back to the den, this instant, and I will forget this ever happened. You won't speak to that..That..." She pauses restraining herself from barking angered words "Stay away from Quba. I won't have MY child lead down this path and YOU will obey me! I am your mother and I forbid this, I FORBID IT!"

Onaedo frowns. She had never felt such a huge powerful sorrow before. The shame that washed over her, the feelings of betrayal. How could Umoya do this to her? Didn't she love her enough? Couldn't she wait her turn like everyone else? Why was she so, determined, so set in her mind to go and find a dirty rogue out there? "Please..Umoya, come back to bed we'll forget about this whole thing, have a good nights sleep, it will all be so much clearer in the morning when those...Girls..have gone." Girls, little manipulative sluts they were leading her poor innocent child down this track of pure filth! How dare they! How VERY dare they lead HER child astray!!
PostPosted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 8:55 am
    She felt slightly bitter towards her mother's words, they weren't fair at all! Lead astray? She merely was showing interest in how the pride was evolving, wasn't that good? "If yeh sit and keep teh the old ways yer jus' gunna die out ma! This pride... change... change is always 'appenin! Wha's so wrong with change? Isnae like we're gettin' ridda tradition entirely!" She was shouting the words too, slightly afraid they'd woken many of the other members in their pride up. And to blame it all on her friends? "I'm not doin' this teh yeh ma!" She cried out, but no matter how many times she spoke these words to her mother she knew the female would not understand!

    Tramps! "They're nae ... nae that ma! They're good lionesses! Strong hunters who love they're pride!" They wanted what was best for the pride, Umoya was certain of it. She knew her mother wanted best as well... but she could not see how waiting her turn to repopulate the pride was going to do them any good now! "Wha' if the sickness hits twice as hard an' we don't even know it's comin'?" Sure it seemed like things were getting better since they'd moved, but perhaps it was just the quiet before the storm.

    This was breaking her heart, she had not wanted it to come to this. She was not choosing between her mother and her best friend, though her mother was trying to make her make that choice. Her eyes were mostly full of sadness now, though the quiet anger still bubbled beneath the surface. She did not know what to say in response to her mother's words, because nothing would help. Her mother's mind wouldn't change... and neither would hers.

    "Goodnigh' ma..." She whispered, looking apologetic, miserable and stubborn all at once as she turned, springing into a run. She was a good runner, a fast runner. Her mother would understand one day... she had to. She wouldn't really disown Umoya over this, that was what the young lioness had to believe.


Blessed Hunter

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 12:42 am
She didn't know what to say, she couldn't believe it. How could her daughter do this to her? "Umoya.." She whispers her voice cracking as she watched her child storm away.

She wouldn't be able to face any of her friends after this. She was certain she would be shunned in higher circles and her relationship with her beautiful daughter, well, she wasn't sure if they could recover.

The older lioness sighs and turns to go back to the dens. If sleep had evaded her before it wasn't going to come now was it? She doubted she would ever sleep easy again.
[IC] Ithambo'hlabathi Lands [IC]

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