Hello! These are my slave profiles. Don't hesitate to PM me if you're interested!

A lot of things you deserve you never get...
Name: Choi Iseul
Nickname: Iseul
Age: 19
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Orientation: Straight
Bio: Iseul was raised in a small suburb outside of Seoul, South Korea, an average child with an above-average intelligence and enthusiasm for the future. He eventually graduated high school and enrolled in the local university, his planned major being Psychology with a minor in Western Studies.
He fell out of favor with a local gang sometime during his freshman year, but didn't even notice (his dreams were so high, and it seemed like everything was working perfectly for him) until he was cornered and beaten senseless on his way to the local boys' hostel. His attackers left him for dead outside of town, and he lay bleeding and senseless in a ditch for days until he was discovered and brought back to health by a number of slave traders, who proceeded to take him to the marketplace and sell him into slavery.
The only thing that keeps him from giving up is the hope that this is all a dream, and he's still lying in that ditch, waiting to be found.
Seme, uke, or seke? Wakarimasen sweatdrop
Anything else relevant: Iseul is a good-natured, smart boy who dreams of freedom and going back to school. He is slow to anger and quick to calm back down, but is very responsible and is not afraid to defend himself. He is quick-thinking and pays sharp attention to the details. He is playful but keeps a moral code, despite his station. When he was a child, he lost his voice while singing in an elementary talent show. He recovered, of course, but since then he's always been afraid of being put on the spot, and extremely reluctant to sing or perform at all.

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... and a lot of things you get you don't deserve.

((WRITERS NOTE: Iseul is a character I've had developing in my head for some time. I think the best way to bring out his character is through extreme situations involving a threat to either his mind or his body (Kekeke That's my psychology comin' out xd ). I don't care what kind of master he gets, as long as it gives an opening for awesome character development! Please PM me if you're in the least bit interested!))

[[Presently owned by Master Troy]]

Always be smarter... *

Name: Jai Ran
Nickname: Either Jai or Ran.
Age: 17
Race: Hermat
Gender: Hermaphrodite
Orientation: Bisexual
Bio: Ran was disliked by hish parents, who hadn't planned on giving birth to a multi-sexual mutant as their first child and heir. They sent herm to a convent to be raised as an orphan. That only lasted until Ran was about thirteen and the nuns finally realized that s/he wasn't really a girl. S/he was then sent to a boarding school, where s/he was educated with strict discipline and high standards of learning. However much Ran learned, s/he still hated it there because of how s/he was always being discriminated against. Finally Ran ran away, only to be captured by slave traders.
Seme, uke, or seke? Uke or seke.
Anything else relevant: Ran is a hermaphrodite, which means that s/he is both male and female. Thus the funny-looking pronouns. S/he is often mistaken for a young girl or a sickly boy, but s/he is actually very strong, mature and intelligent, and gets very irritated with stupidity and ignorance. S/he is something of a politician - s/he is the type that could tell hish opponents to go to hell and make them look forward to the trip. Despite being a slave, Ran can also be an invaluable adviser and consultant in several situations from business to politics to personal life.

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* ... than those who own you.

((WRITER'S NOTE: Ran is a very adaptive creature who can easily adjust to what best keeps his master happy and placated, and would go pretty well with any master you throw at him. Please don't hesitate to PM me! I want to play! xd ))