User ImageThis was only her second visit out to the borders, well she had bee there before but never with any real purpose except for to find things to make her garments with. Today she was heading out for a specific reason and she faintly recalled why she didn't often come out this far. Her back was killing her. It didn't really matter how slow she walked eventually the scar on her spine would cause her to start hobbling. She moved fairly quietly through the underbush but her gait was slow careful, each step causing an extra crumple of her forehead.

She had promised to come back though, she had promised Tam that she would return and bring gifts for his kindness and that was what she was doing. She came bearing gifts, for his girls, as he called them, she hadn't met them but Tam was like their father, or so it seemed to her and she was bringing something nice for them, something she hoped they would like.

The charcoal lioness paused for a moment and stretched out her limbs before picking herself back up and heading straight for the rose bushes. She felt almost excited to be returning here, it was a long way to come but she had found good company within the roses. She smiles her crooked smile which was often misconstrued as a snarl because of the tear that pulled her mouth back on one side in to a sneer. "Tam?" She calls her voice barely more than a whisper grating and gravelly in tone. She hoped he was here, it was a long way to go back home again without a little rest.