Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 5:09 pm
Some of us have Soquili that are unable to lifemate due to type (read: skinwalkers), but would still like to set it in that they have exclusive mates. Could there be a form made for the Mates & Permissions thread to include exclusive non-lifemated couples? Or would a Selective Breeding form cover a couple for all breedings?
Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 3:41 am
Perhaps change the "Until a slot is obtained" into "Until 3 slots are obtained" (or even 2). That eliminates the necessity for a new form. Though I don't think posting the breeding form 3 times is that much of a hassle?
Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 7:29 am
I agree with Ninja. Often times if Im planning to breed a couple more than once but do not want to lifemate them, or cant, I just put */3 breedings.
* = the number of breedings Im looking for, and its never been a problem so Im not sure you really need an entirely new form or a modified form.
I think sometimes it just takes a little initiative and some common sense. Im pretty sure no ones going to flip out if you take it upon yourself to make things clear as to what you want from your agreement, seeing as all they want is just the ability to see that the mating is legit with no drama attached. On top of that, your mating partner does have to agree, so there is already that 'checks and balances' in place by default.
Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 7:34 pm
i think I'll put this on the staff agenda since meeting is over now.
Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 7:05 pm
ok back to this. SW cannot have official lifemates so won't be able to list exclusive mates. It isn't their personality to do so. Any other soq is welcome.