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Reply [IC] Ithambo'hlabathi Lands [IC]
[M/PRP] Compassion (Quba x Njalo/Simo)

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Neon Fly

Tipsy Hellraiser

PostPosted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 2:49 pm
Publicity: Semi-Private
Weather: A dry heat lingers over the land today with only a subtle breeze to offer relief to those who don't have the luxury of a shady place to lounge.
Location: A shallow cavern where the injured Quba can rest and recover without being exposed to the sunlight all day.

[Since this occurs during the Meta I thought I'd include it as a Meta-RP.]

Njalo was practically purring with delight as she jogged towards the den where she knew the injured Quba to be. Dangling from her mouth--by its broken neck--was a completely intact gazelle fawn that the skilled, solitary huntress had caught early that morning. There was a blatant pride in the way the goofy female carried herself, having accomplished what she had set out to do with little trouble at all. It did seem as if these new lands were working out well and though she would miss the home she had grown up knowing, Njalo was glad that her cubs would have a safe place to be born where there was enough food and water for them to survive and flourish.

Pontan's death had left her somewhat rattled, but with the last lingering sign of sickness within the pride having finally vanished the bubbly lioness could now begin to devote her focus to the current troubles of the pride.

And focus she did.

Bringing Quba food and water in her spare time had become the dark umzingeli's main purpose, if only to distract herself from the sorrow of events now passed. Today, she had even managed to convince Simosihle to be her helper!

Njalo'sasa had convinced her to help bring supplies to the wounded huntress. Never in a million years would Simo have thought that such a thing would have ever been possible. She certainly wasn't about to admit it to anyone else in the pride!

You convinced Njalo to do things for you. Not the other way around.

Yet here she was, after a rather fruitless attempt to wriggle out of the responsibility, carrying water in an upturned skull, bleached by the sun to the shadow colored female with those intriguingly, exotic markings. Simo didn't particularly care much for Quba--she had after all voted to move and as a result was partially to blame for why she was now no longer looking at the familiar landscape of the terrain she and Nikon had played on as cubs. Njalo too, with her fence-sitting demeanor of choosing to leave everything in the paws of those she thought more capable of deciding.

They annoyed her both, but Njalo was a close friend who had taken the fall for her ridiculous antics more than once without complaint. So Simosihle couldn't--in good conscience--deny her when she had asked for assistance. Particularly because she knew that if it were possible for Nja to carry her kill and the water both to Quba on her own, she would have. Simply so as not to bother anyone else.

As they approached the mouth of the cave, Simo let Njalo enter first, lingering behind for a moment. Her companion seemed far less reserved about greeting Quba. Practically dancing in as she called out around a mouthful of fur, Quuuuuubaa! Nn'halo bro'h h'ood!
PostPosted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 3:49 pm

Quba spent most of the time sleeping in the small den, which was of no surprise. Even when she wasn’t injured, she was sleeping most of the day, and half the night away anyways. Dreams and nightmares plagued her mind, causing the dark pelted lioness to wince in her slumber, as she attempted to roll over, and away from whatever was causing her the discomfort. But unfortunately, the only way to escape a dream, was to wake up. The bright blue eyed female seemed to be having trouble doing just that.

Her mind tossed, visualizing the scene of the doomed hunt. However, the easy to catch wildebeest turned out to be larger than what Quba could remember. Instead of her trying to hunt it, she ran from it. Every time she thought she had gotten away, but every time that prey beast had caught her, crushed her. When that dream ended, it’d always lead up to the three stones. There Amanzi was, stacking those stones that she told Quba would make her a great huntress. Sometimes the darkly pelted lioness would reach for the stack, successfully stacking two of the three. When she reached for that third, her stack always fell. Whether it was a sign or meant something, Quba never knew. It was a dream after all.

Those once bright blue eyes held a slightly duller color than normal. She opened them slowly, blinking out the sun that had managed to drift into the shallow cave. How badly she wanted to go out and snooze under the sun! But she couldn’t. The wounds, although healing, were still too bad for her to move without tearing something back open. So she laid there, grimacing at the sudden jabs of pain she would encounter every so often just from jostling a bit.

She wasn’t really counting the days that she had been back. All Quba knew was that she was back. Alive. She thought she was going to die out there, while searching with Umoya for a rogue to mate with…

Umoya…She had to thank her, no…the lioness more so owed this other one her life. She had carried her back when she couldn’t walk (and had been passed out, to add a factor onto it), a feat that probably wasn’t too easy for the older female. The days really were all a blur for her. Had Umoya come to check on her? She couldn’t remember.

The smell of blood was lingering just near the entrance of the cave. The almost metallic scent that needed not to be touched with her tongue, to taste it alright brought a different look to those blue eyes. It was almost fear, but also hope shined through. Had someone else been injured too in which Quba now would share the den with? Or maybe she would get a visitor. She did like having someone to talk too. Being cooped up here meant she couldn’t hear what was going on in the pride. What had happened to that mysterious lioness anyways?

A small smile plastered on Quba’s maw as she saw the happy lioness dragging in a small kill. So that was where the blood was coming from. Njalo had brought her food! She barely noticed Simo follow in behind the bubbly female. ”Food?” Assuming that is what Njalo had said. And just at the opportune moment too, as her stomach gurgled as she gazed about the dead carcass.

She knew the pride was helping her out greatly by providing whatever meals were left, but it appears Njalo was offering her something still intact, and not devoured already by a pride member. ”Wow…thank you.” her voice was quiet, just above a whisper.

”Please tell me you will share it with me?” Something told her it wouldn’t be the wisest idea to consume a whole fawn on her own with the mangled abdomen. Not only that, the darker lioness would feel TERRIBLE if she was brought a whole meal to consume, without another enjoying the fresh meat. Especially if they were the ones who caught the kill.


Moonlight Hunter

Neon Fly

Tipsy Hellraiser

PostPosted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 5:21 pm
Prancing deeper into the den, the Bongo-marked lioness nuzzled her forehead to Quba's affectionately--in the same manner she did with everyone in the pride who would allow her close enough--and carefully laid the meal atop the female's paws. Head bobbing excitedly as a giddy smile curled her pale maw with an expression somewhere between pride and sheer delight. Ah-huh! The Abholi are mad at Nja cause she wanted to bring it to Quba, but it's okay now! They let Nja bring it 'cause Nja promised to catch a bigger prey for the pride to share!

Simo could hardly believe what she was hearing as she stood just at the entrance, shoulders deep into the den. Njalo had never been the brightest star in the sky, but to go against the wishes of the Abholi could get a lioness killed if they were in the wrong sort of mood. She herself would have never even considered it and given the huntress' follower ways would have never suspected Njalo to question their orders either.

Certainly goes to show you never really know what a lioness is capable of. Perhaps the girl's brainlessness equated to fearlessness as well. One couldn't fear what they didn't know. Surely the fact that she always made good of her promises and otherwise was an unerringly loyal member of the pride had suited her well in this instance.

..brought water. Distracted thoughts were interrupted by a cheerful though questioning tone, leaving her blinking awkwardly at the brilliant yellow eyes that peered back at her. Huh..?

Nja was just saying to Quba that Simo brought water! She giggled amused to have caught her friend lost in thought, though a bit impatient to show their pridemate the second part of their offering. Tail flicking eagerly with the invitation to join them in the shade. She really didn't understand why Simo had been so distracted as of late, but it concerned her to think that there might be trouble brewing behind those big, beautiful brown eyes.

Somewhat reassured when the slender frame of Nahmba's daughter finally entered and set the dish-like skull down near the fawn, Njalo's attention was drawn back to Quba. It's really dry today! Makes your tongue feel all dusty!

Animatedly, the lioness smacked her jaws together, clicking her tongue off the roof of her mouth as if there were sap stuck to her teeth in an attempt to express how the weather was making everyone feel cotton-mouthed. Adding afterwards with a wiggle, So Simo and Nja brought water too!

A-actually, Njalo fetched the water. She just asked me to carry it for her. This is all from Njalo, really. Simo corrected softly, while averting her eyes. Considering she hadn't particularly wanted to come in the first place, she wasn't about to take credit for an offering that she'd really had no part of, though Njalo was willing to share the credit.

No! Simo carried the water all the way here! So it's from Simo! Sometimes she insisted on it.

Giving the honey sweet, but often clueless umzingeli an exasperated stare, Simosihle decided this was a battle she wouldn't win and gave in quietly. Watching as Njalo's pink tongue flicked over Quba's head and ear. Tenderly grooming the injured. It was hard not to love her. At least with this daughter of rogues you knew where you stood. There was no favoritism. No consideration for fur color, affiliation or past transgressions. She cherished everyone equally. Of course this often concerned Simo as well, considering she did so little for herself. How would she ever bare the cubs she longed for when she was so busy running herself ragged attempting to care for the rest of the pride?

Share? But.. Nja brought it just for Quba! The dusk blanketed lioness' voice wavered with confusion, obviously not understanding why she wouldn't have been glad to have a whole fawn all for herself. Especially after Njalo's efforts to obtain it for her.
PostPosted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 4:49 pm
They were…mad at her? For wanting to bring food? Quba’s ears drooped down. She hated being a burden to the pride. This injury just needed to heal up so she could get out of everyone’s hair. It was time for a change, and being stuck inside the small cave wasn’t helping her. She gave a small smile afterwards, however, the thoughts still rummaging through her head. Nja shouldn’t have had to work extra hard for the pride, just to help her.

The bright blue eyes turned towards Simo. “Thank you,” her voice was soft. One thing good about the cave was it didn’t leak in as much heat as in the lands hit directly by the sun. Quba just had to take the other female’s word about how dry it was. She was thirsty though, and was very thankful of the small bowl of water.

“Thank you both, how does that sound?” She grinned, her glances being exchanged between both Njalo and Simo. Both had come to visit, so both would be given thanks to. Even though the darker female spent most of her time sleeping in the cave, whenever she was awake, she was glad with any sort of company. She chuckled at the bickering lionesses, stopping after a moment when the pain begin to pin at her sides. Laughing was not a good idea.

Quba’s frown faltered somewhat. Was there a way to explain the female that the possibility of consuming the whole fawn at her injured state could throw a chance of causing more harm to her. But that feeling of remorse was settling in. Here Nja was, had almost been in trouble because she was doing a good deed for Quba, and here Quba was, trying to offer her ‘prize’ back at her. The young lioness could see where she’d get confused. Her eyes turned to Simo just for a moment, she sighed, returning a jovial smile towards Nja. “Well…thank you then…I’ll try to eat it all. Though, you should come back later, and if there is any left” (there would probably be a lot left, actually) “you are welcome to share it. How does that sound?” She smiled. “And since you helped bring water,” she turned towards Simo, “you could have some too?” After the two would leave, the darker lioness would dig into the meal. It would be rude to eat without the others sharing in too.

“What has been happening in the pride…I hear bits and pieces…but never the whole story.” Being bed ridden sucked.


Moonlight Hunter

Neon Fly

Tipsy Hellraiser

PostPosted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:47 pm
You're welcome.. of course. Simosihle assured quietly with a small bob of her head and a slow smile. I hope it helps you recover a little quicker.

She meant that honestly, nobody in the pride liked to see others suffer. They--particularly the lionesses--all worked as a unit. When even one of them was injured, it was a heavy weight upon everyone. Not that Simo wanted to think of Quba as a burden, that wasn't what she meant at all.

Taking a step backwards to give the female space, Njalo crowded her enough for the both of them, the slate female settled on her haunches. Their bubbly companion was still affectionately lapping at Quba's ear and she purred with pleasure at her decision to thank them both. Si was doubtful the cheerful huntress would have noticed whether or not she was thanked at all considering how she was pleased enough with herself for being able to take such good care of one of her own.

Qu's attempt to appease her caregiver was well received as Nja butted her head against the forehead of the strangely marked lioness in agreement and settled to lay down beside her so that their shoulders touched. Chirping with a broad, cheery grin. Okay! Nja will come and check later!

That's not a bad idea. Njalo'sasa could use what extra meat she can get. Brown eyes drifted to her friend with a fond expression before giving Quba a wry sort of smirk. Our little bubble head sister here is expecting a litter of Matifu's cubs, while we're speaking of happenings in the pride.

Laughing at the way Njalo flushed with embarrassment and beamed with pride and pleasure in the same instant. Simo couldn't blame Nja, in fact, she felt a bit envious. Matifu was a good Umholi, together they would birth fine offspring that were--hopefully--a little less gullible than their mother. With a flick of her tail Simo added in a less pleasant after thought, she hated to drag down the mood, but it was important for Quba to be enlightened for when she returned to regular life. Voice solemn with loss. Also.. Little Pôntàn, Amara's cub... is no longer with us. The seer said that Biti was the cause of all our troubles.. the pride has since gotten together to decide what should be done with her, but even Amara pleaded for mercy on Biti. So she's been pardoned from the accusations...

Pausing, Nahmba's daughter gave her shoulders a wiggle. Something about talk of that seer made her fur crawl. Perhaps it was just the idea of seers that made her uneasy. They were a strange breed. Predicting things that no one could know beforehand. She still wasn't certain what she believed. Wanting to think of something else, Simo continued. And.. there have been two rogue males lurking. At first they were only pacing along the borders, but they've since entered the pride. I'm not sure that it's their intention to cause harm, but if so.. you're a sitting duck here, so be careful..

With the soft warning spoken, Simosihle fell quiet, brows furrowing apologetically. Being the barer of bad news was not her idea of a good time and even Njalo crinkled her nose at the unpleasant talk, but at least Quba would be forewarned. Just in case.
[IC] Ithambo'hlabathi Lands [IC]

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