(AIM rp between Sabra Knight's Zarya and my Rakasta).

“Tweedle dittle dee, looks whose in the tree? Tweedle diddle doo, now he’s after you! Tweedle dittle dee, now he’s after me!”

If Rakasta had to repeat that damn poem one more time she was going to explode. As sweet a lioness as she was, these cubs were seriously getting on her nerves. Earlier in the week, the indigo lioness had made the severe mistake of offering to babysit for one of her newfound friends, and only when the wild dog came to pick up her pups did Rakasta give herself the luxury of sitting down.

She leaned up against her shrine and sighed. “I swear, at this rate I’ll have enough muscle to be a Shifter.” And she meant it. With every day of cub watching, Rakasta could feel her muscles tightening. So long as she didn’t become burly and grotesque she didn’t mind it. A little exercise was always welcome, though usually in her den.

Walking on what appeared to be a worn trail the lioness hummed softly under her breath. Everything here was so new to her, so bright and warm. Though she was used to having some guide or other pride member hovering around her the lioness was actually content with the quiet offered. The new shrine, her shrine, was slowly being finished and the lioness was excited to finally be able to open the shrine of water to visitors. The gods should be happy with it. She smiled at the thought. All the shifters and carvers had worked so hard to make her shrine in the natural spring where a waterfall was. Her own den was behind the fall, a perfect sanctuary for her home.

Still she had come away today to give the workers space and to also explore. Zarya was new here and felt that it was about time for her to actually go out and meet others. Surely the guides and other workers weren’t the only ones living here. She knew she wasn’t the only keeper so why not visit the other shrines and see how the keepers were? As if the gods were waiting to grant her wishes the lioness found herself approaching a shrine. It was a beautiful spot with water as well, though no where near the amount that her spring and waterfall had, it was still nice. Zarya smiled. Of course she was biased to any shrine with a water source. It made her think of her own after all.

“Hello~” Calling out in her soft voice the lioness took a hesitant step forward before finally pushing herself to actually approach the shrine and the lioness resting there.

Due to the heavy usage of exotic flowers and scents, it was nearly impossible for Rakasta to be able to tell when a stranger approached. So it stood to reason that she only realized she had company when the other lioness spoke. As tired as she was, Rakasta lifted her head gracefully towards the other with a charming smile. She truly was the Mistress of her shrine. “What beautiful markings you have, my dear~ Almost like running water.” Rakasta purred in that thick, sultry accent of hers. “Why, that must make you our new Keeper!” In a movement as smooth as the air itself, Rakasta was standing and sashaying closer. “Sit, sit, sit. You’ve come to the right place if you’re seeking company.” She grinned, motioned the lioness towards a bed of flowers that was well worn, but still visually pleasing.
“Can I interest you in something to drink? Or maybe a bit of food?” Rakasta motioned to her wares with a wave of her paw. In a little nook, just south of her shrine, was a store house of fermented fruit and fresh meats, caught fresh just that morning.

Her nose wrinkled at the sudden arrival of exotic scents. Certainly she had come from the south but even this was a bit for Zayra. Yet at the same time her heart twisted at the memories it brought. Her sister would have had a field day in here with all of these flowers. Then again only if they were herbs. The thought made the lioness smile faintly, though she was saddened by the thought of a sister who she may never see again.

As the other lioness spoke Zayra felt her cheeks warm, “Well thank you.” She smiled warmly, “Though I have to say that your’s are lovely as well.” She was pleased to hear the part about running water though. Maybe that was how she was described in the pride? What a funny idea that she the keeper of water was described as water itself in a way. The thought made her happy though. It would be fitting after all to be seen that way. Pushing her personal thoughts aside the lioness looked at her new host. The lioness was pretty and definitely open to company. And the way that her voice purred…she had a feeling that she had heard talk of this keeper. But why couldn't she remember?

“That’s good to know.” Zarya grinned back, “I was hoping to stumble into another keeper out here. It’s nice knowing I’m not the only one.” She shook her head. It was a silly thought, but she hadn’t been able to glimpse other shrines and some of them were so far out…it was like she was on her own island back there. “A bite might be nice.” She had been about to reject it, but the growl of her stomach told her otherwise.

“Do you really think so? I find them a bit plain, myself. Just accents, really.” Rakasta pouted and innocently pawed at her wristlet marking even when she was beaming with pride on the inside. She was gorgeous, and she knew it, but best not to let on, otherwise tales may spread of her ego. Even as she sat, Rakasta knew the perfect way in which to angle her neck, and how best to arrange her paws to display her feminine charm to its fullest. “You’ll have to excuse me, I never properly introduced myself.” Rakasta placed a paw over her chest, all the while looking forlorn. “My name is Rakasta, and this-“ she swept her paw out in the air “-is my shrine, Pleasure.”

Rakasta smoothed herself out amongst the flowers, freeing her stocks up to her fellow Keeper. She nuzzled into the flowers, burrowing her head in their sweet touch. “Have as much as you like, dear. Better to share with a friend than to see it go to waste in a hoard.”

Zarya just shook her head at the lioness’s reply. “If other’s say other than what you believe then maybe you should think on it.” Still she just shrugged. Watching the lioness move Zarya felt very boyish all of a sudden. Did she even move like a female? Only like a fish in the water…did that count? Really why was she suddenly worried?

“Rakasta.” Of course. Zarya nearly laughed as the keeper of pleasure introduced herself. No wonder the shifters had talked of Rakasta! She was certainly a favorite around here, especially with the free males. Maybe even the taken ones as well – who knows? “I am Zarya and I and the new keeper over the shrine of water.” Reaching to take a bit of food the lioness chewed quietly before swallowing. “Maybe I can introduce you to my shrine once it is officially finished. I love how the shifters and carvers have helped so much to build it. I just pray that the gods approve.” She smiled warmly. Wouldn’t it be great if a god really did stop to visit the shrine dedicated to them?

“Oh Dear, I already know who you are. There is a gossip network in this place that runs like the seasons if you can tweak just right.” Rakasta prided herself on that fact. She could learn anything she wanted by just asking a few questions from one of her many frequent visitors. Not to say that she ran a brothel out of her den, oh no. Rakasta was more a coquette than a slut, but when she wanted a carnal visit, she didn’t have to look far.

“How can they not? With as much love and respect that goes into creating these shrines, I would imagine that the Gods would more than pleased.” Rakasta rolled onto her side, propping her back upon a well placed stone so she could more easily chat with her new friend. A dreamy look passed upon her countenance. “One day, I hope the God of Pleasure will swoop down to visit me, and see it all. Or a Goddess. I’m not picky.”

“Oh.” Zarya flushed lightly. Was there really? Then again the notion didn’t surprise her. Everyone she had met so far seemed to be chatty and open about everything. So much for a pride to keep secrets in. The thought amused her. Good thing she didn’t have some dark past! “Well that’s interesting.” She smiled at Rakasta before stretching out again. It felt so good to just relax like this.

“I hope so.” The thought made the lioness proud of the pride she now called home. After just seeing this shrine it made her imagine how much work must have been put into the others. Now she was more eager to see every shrine that had been set up so far. Each of them were all unique, but beautiful in their own way she was sure. “Ah.” Zarya shook her head with light amusement at Rakasta’s obvious expression, “I would love to see a water god visit my shrine as well. Though I don’t know much about how these divine visits would go.”

Rakasta stretched out beside Zarya, lazily pawing at the sky. “It’s something to think about though, isn’t it? Gives you something to dream about at night.” She always imagined a handsome stranger with large, illuminescent wings that would take her flying before laying her down in a soft bed of flowers and- but that was her vision, not Zarya’s.

And before she really knew it, the lioness felt herself drifting off. It was so lovely, to have charming company and a soft bed to envelop you after such a horrific day. The velvet lioness yawned, tucked her head into the crook of a plant root, and was soon lost to Morpheus himself.

“I suppose that’s true.” Zarya nodded sleepily. Something about the shrine here made her just want to curl up and take a nap. Maybe it was just where she was so tired from all the rush of preparations…but a nap did sound nice. Watching Rakasta drift off to sleep didn’t help either. Figuring it wouldn’t hurt to close her eyes for a few moments the lioness drifted off to sleep as well next to the other keeper.

Maybe just maybe at least in her dreams she would meet a god herself.

(WC: 1,823)