This is the main forum.
This is for discussions only, no questing things or begging here.
If you do, your topic will be moved to the correct forum.

gaia_angelleft Guild Guidelines gaia_angelright

gaia_star Have fun while you're here, stay awhile~
gaia_star Obviously, follow the ToS.
gaia_star Be respectful to everyone, no exceptions.
gaia_star I don't really have a problem with cursing but try to keep it to a minimum. Just because I don't have a problem with it, doesn't mean our other members won't.
gaia_star Everyone is always welcome, so don't be intimidated or afraid to talk to anyone or me personally, I love talking emotion_yatta
gaia_star Donations to the guild are always appreciated, but please send them to the guild mule to fund for contests and other games
gaia_star Feel free to host your own contest, you don't really need to ask for my permission. If we don't like it though; me or my guild captains will let you know.
gaia_star Please keep in mind that I too, have a life outside of Gaia Online. I also like buying some stuff for my own gaia so if don't get mad at me if I'm questing something for myself. I've got to treat myself first sometimes razz
