Introductions Are In Order

Hey all. My name's Raniala but you can call me Rain for short, though some people call me Raindrop too. It's up to you really. Anyway, I'd really like to do a 1x1 through pms. I can do straight if I'm the girl or yaoi if I'm the submissive boy. There is a bit of an issue in rping with see...I'm a published author in real life and therefore my standards for rping are incredibly high. And unless you can keep me interested it just won't work. So first I'll post my standards for rping. Then below that if you think you're up for the challenge, will be a list of rp idea's I have with bold parts being the one I would like to be.

Standards of Role Playing

1) NO god modding. If you want the story line to go a certain way or have my character do a certain thing, stop, take a minute, and talk to me about your idea OOC and most of the time I will gladly comply.

2) Must be Literate! I hate people who half a** their posts.I can understand writers block but you must try for at least one paragraph a post! Also write like you're writing a book (3rd person prefered) and any symbols other than .,!?"" ' '... are to be used only to show you are OOC. I don't care what symbols you use to show OOC however.

3) Do not DITCH me. If you decide you are tired of the rp and want to drop it, or you have to leave gaia for an extended period of time, give me a heads up! I will always warn you if I get close to my books deadlines and I have to leave for a few weeks to focus. Same with if tire of the rp, I'll take a moment to say, " Hey, it's not really doing it for me, I'm really bored. I hope you'll understand if we could maybe drop this." HOWEVER if you think you can keep the rp going and fix it so its interesting, I give everyone 3 chances.

4) Again I only play GIRL in straight and will do Yaoi if I'm the submissive/sweet/UKE/boy on bottom. Also, age requirement in (20-27)

5) I don't mind ratings of pg 17 and up, but my rps are not cybers in which everything is just about that! There is actual romance and a story line that goes along with it.

6) For based rp idea's, if you are playing a premade character from another series or show, YOU MUST KEEP THAT CHARACTER AUTHENTIC! Don't change their personality to fit your whims. If a character is an as$, keep him a bit of an as$, don't turn him into a pansy.

7) This is just a personal little thing but, no real life photos. Anime or fantasy only please. I just don't like em.

Original Role Play Idea's (again; bold are me)

Kidnapper x Kidnapped

Human x Demon Lord during Mating season.

Pirate x Princess stowaway

Rich guy x Mermaid washed into his pool during a storm.

Human x Neko

Neko x Neko

Demon x Angel

Cute girl with not alot of confidence x Photographer who tries to convince her to be his model.

Series Based Role Plays
(all anime series can be found on If you don't know the series, read the first chapter of it and you'll get a good idea about what its about and the characters.)

Original YuGiOh (Seto Kaiba x OC)

Inuyasha (Sesshomaru x OC)

Midnight Secretary ( OC Vampire boss x OC Human Secretary)

Ouran Host Club (Kyoya Ootori x Haruhi's cousin )

Kaichou Wa Maid-sama ( Girl secretly working at Maid cafe x Guy who finds out her secret )

Kiss X Sis reversed ( Sweet girl/boyx Twin Step brothers who both love her/him and want her/him for their own)

Honey x Honey drops (OC rich guy x OC scholarship student )