(An AIM rp between Keantha and myself.)

Eshe looked down at her reflection in the murky water surrounding her. It was dusk, and a fog had collected in the swamp, hiding her white pelt for perhaps the first time in her life. Her slender frame glided through the muc further into the swamp after she'd had her fill. There was only so many times one could look at their reflection, and imagine the mother she would never see again. In the day light, she had blended in perfectly with her new pride, but at night...she still pondered. A longing that would never rest buried itself in her soul. causing nightmares and restless nights. Until she'd found the cure. A walk, after her mate had fallen asleep, to tire herself out so she would sleep always did the trick.

"Eshe dear? What in the world are you doing out here alone, it's dangerous sweetheart?" The soft husky voice of Kabusha broke the silence of the night as the heavy set lioness moved from her spot among the downed trees. Her violet eyes were dark with worry but at the same time filled with love for her newest 'daughter'. "Is everything alright?"

Eshe spun around so fast that she lost her balance, just barely catching herself before she toppled over. She hadn't expected company, and least of all her mother-in-law. So when she saw the stalkier lioness coming her way, her olive eyes drifted down. "Everything’s fine," she smiled, tilting her head back up. The harder she tried to be happy, the harder it was to fight the tears. "I just...needed some air...thats all."

"Sweetheart...don't lie to a mother." The gentle voice was full of love and understanding as Kabu sat down a few feet away so as not to crowd her. She studied the slender lioness that had won her smaller son's heart, the poor girl was hurting and sweet but oblivious Tan..Eku probally had no notion. "What's amatter dearheart?"

Eshe's sigh was enough to bring her entire body to a slumped sit. Even with her head down, she was still taller than the other female. In truth, she had only heard the last of what Kabusha had said, but it was enough to get her talking. "I like it here. I didn't at first, but I do now, really I do, it's just that...I miss home."

"Ah," In that one word was a wealth of understanding and sympathy. Kabu moved closer so the younger female could lean against her warm bulk. "Poor baby, it is very hard giving up everything you know for something new. I atleast had my brother with me then. All you have is Eku...sweet but rather..." she trailed off trying to think of a word to discribe her son. He had a big heart and loved everyone but could be rather slow to figure things out at times.

Eshe didn't try to hold back her tears. She snuggled up against Kabusha, cuddling up as close as possible, with trails of salt water draining from her eyes. "I love Eku," she sniffled, her ears pined back against her head, making it even harder for her to hear. "I don't want to worry him, so I...." She sniffed. "...maybe I'm not strong enough...the adols, they go out...but I...I'm already grown." Maybe he deserved someone better, someone who could handle a change of scenary without blubbering about it. Someone who could listen when he whispered, and think things through instead of yell.

Kabu just hummed softly to start with, gently licking Eshe's mane much as she would her own cubs when they were distraught. When she finally trailed off Kabu gave a soft chuckle, as she nuzzled her." Oh my sweet, sweet girl. You are more than strong enough for my son, he wouldn't have brought you home for his own if you weren't. Try talking to him love, you might be suprised. : She gently wiped the tears away with the back of her paw.

"I cried the entire first month that I left home." Kabu chuckled at the look Eshe gave her. "It's true I did. My brother complained all the time that my crying scared away all the game in the area. " She sighed softly, the pang in her chest that always came when she meantioned her lost family stirred but she kept on. "It is never easy to leave one's home and family child, wither it be to join yor life with someone new or just to go see the world. Tana himself, he shook like a new born gazell the day he left us to go out in the world. It is never, ever easy but that is why you have friends and family child. "
The younger lioness felt calmer than she had in weeks under the calming influence of her mother-in-law. When she started to lick her mane, Eshe was reminded of her own mother, out in the grassland, with her cubs tucked next to her adolescent body. It hadn’t been easy for her, but her mother never cried. Just smiled.
Eshe closed her eyes, instinctively ducking away from Kabu’s paw like a petulant child, even though she smiled. Still, she gave her mother – in –law a weird look, which was received with a chuckle when she told of her own circumstances. “You cried? For that long?” At least she didn’t scare away food, she thought with a stronger smile. “Thank you. For everything.” She brushed her cheek up against Kabusha’s, wiping at the remaining tears with a quick swipe. “I didn’t know that I wasn’t the only one, and it helps, knowing I have people to turn to.”
"Oh sweetheart! Of course you do. " Kabu's smile was loving and full of a mother's welcome. "I know you probally have your own mother whom you miss very much, but if you ever just need a hug or someone to talk to, I am always here for you, for all my children." With those few words, she laid her own claim on Eshe aswell, one of love and comfort offered at any time for any reason.

Eshe's tears gained strength, but not in sorrow. Happiness claimed them, as well as love and belonging. She smiled through her tears, sniffling with a laugh. It just seemed like once they started, they wouldn't give in. "I should probably get back now...just so...Eku won't worry or anything."

"If he says a word tell him you were talking to me and it's none his business," Kabu winked in a sassy manner smiling at the younger female. "And if he plauges you anyway, tell him he hasn't gotten to big for me to still whoop that butt."

Eshe burst out laughing. She tossed her blonde forelock of mane to and fro as she fought to control her giggles. "Trust me, I can handle him on my own." She grinned, then giggled. "But I'll be sure to tell him anwway, just to make sure."

"Good girl," Kabu smiled, wincing some as she got back to her feet. The cold mud was doing nothing for her joints and she was more than ready to go climb back in the warm den with her loving mate. "Now go cuddle with that boy and warm up while I do the same. And Eshe?" She smiled gently, " Remember, Eku is not the only one here that loves you for who you are child."

"Yes ma'am?" The slender lioness had already been standing, but now she looked back to her mother-in-law thoughtfully. Her eyes softened. "Forever and always." With that, she turned back to walk towards her den, so she could snuggle up with her mate, and sleep the day night away.

(WC - 1,284)