Hi all, I am the new and approved Squad 5 Captain. I have just a couple requirements that I would like met character wise for a spot in Squad 5. I also have a couple requirements for the player of the character.


1.) Character Profile must be complete and accepted by the Guild leader or anyone who is capable of approving profiles.

2.) Character must know and use kido, regardless of their Zanpactau's abilities.

3.) Characters who are Squad 5 officers or members must be active posters the majority of the time, as I am an active poster regularly and like to "train" with my Squad members.

4.) Characters must at all times be mindful of their captain's posts (mine) as sometimes there are posts directed toward certain members of the Squad. I will return the favor and keep an eye on your posts as well.


1.) Players must remain as active as possible the majority of the time.

2.) As a player playing a Squad 5 Character, please keep your posts as free from slander and vulgarity as possible, use the **** if needed to blank out words...I believe this is a general Gaia thing...


Once your character profile has been approved, if you wish to become part of Squad 5, send me a private message with a sample RP.

if Applying for LT, this is a must. I will not accept you as my LT without a Sample RP and an approved character profile.

If applying for any Numbered seat below LT...(3rd, 4th, 5th, etc. seat) Please send me a PM with a sample RP as well. Your character profile must also be Guild approved.

Please Also see the Squad 5 Area in the Seireitei section of the forums. This is where we will create our Squad areas and you can find further instructions there.

I look forward to seeing your applications with me and will respond quickly.

Thank you,

Nezumiiro Narabi

Hadaka Asami - Squad 5 Captain