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[Public] The Lonesome One :: Kismet's Plot Thread! (Open!) Goto Page: 1 2 3 4 [>] [»|]

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 8:21 am

Welcome, one and all, to Kismet's Plot thread! I know this isn't the interesting part, so I'll keep this post short and sweet~

o - I prefer either guild, Skype, or AIM RP, since they can be logged and seem to be easier to be found.
o - I have a few plot ideas that I would love to have for her myself, but if you want to RP with her and don't like the current plots, feel more than free to post a new idea!
o - The best way to contact me would be by either quoting me or by sending me a PM.
PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 8:30 am

Table of Contents

1 - Welcome!
2 - Contents
3 - Kismet: The person, the history [brief]
4 - The life path [Plots]
5 - The journey [Applicants]
6 - The Forms
7 - Where she can be found [total RP's]
8 - Reserved
9 - Reserved
10 - Reserved



PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 1:18 pm

User Image

Who Am I?

Kismet is a wise and gentle Soquili, usually speaking in a mature and philosophical way. She has had an enormous love for spiritual connections with nature and the bonds creatures can have between one-another and even loves to think of destinies and fate. She is a very tolerant Soquili, but does not get along well with those tainted with darkness. Kismet even has a fear of thunder and lightning, and is known to become very anxious when even being shown an image of lightning. Although she will not show it on the outside, she will be definitely be fearful around them. She likes to choose sophisticated words to make her sound smart, because deep down she doesn't believe that she is [even though she honestly is bright individual]. She is quiet and has a high tolerance with her temper, but if she is pushed far enough she will snap; it has rarely happened in front of another Soquili, though. She is also a strong believer in fate and destiny, appointed to her by her adopted name that the mysterious mare that raised her had given her. She looks only to the inside, the very core of the individual, as she is far from being a shallow Soquili. She is also the kind of Soquili that when she gives her love, whether to a lover or a close friend, her love is unending and unconditional, and it will last forever within her. She is a peaceful kind of Soquili, but although she avoids violence she will use it when necessary without hesitation; and boy, does she have a strong kick!

Where I Have Been

Kismet was very fortunate to have been brought into the world by two wonderful parents and a sister. From the beginning, she was a soul who loved to explore the world, who loved to enjoy the little things life had to offer, and was filled with love for everything she saw, no matter what it was. The four of them lived alone without a herd and traveled together from place to place, simply enjoying each others' company. This all ended on an evening about six months after she was born, when clouds darker than she had ever seen before plagued the stars above them. Before anyone could take it in, water cascaded down upon the earth, causing anything that could have previously been visible through the void no longer in sight's path. With the wind roaring and the booming of thunder and rain beating on the earth, Kismet soon lost the voices she so delicately treasured, and before she knew it she discovered she was truly alone. Separated from her family, she tried to run aimlessly in any direction she could decipher, calling out and trying her best to balance herself on the forming mud that sucked on her hooves like quicksand. The energy she was exerting on her small body with began to fatigue her, and as she fell to the earth from slipping on the ice-like mixture beneath her, she allowed herself to lay there in defeat, the raindrops beating on her face resembling tears she somehow couldn't find to shed herself.

She awoke the next afternoon to a devastated meadow, or what remained of one at least. Dried mud had embedded itself in her fur, cracking and turning to dust as she steadied herself back onto her hooves. She was bewildered to see no other creatures and to see the total transformation of the enviornment around her. She was completely alone. Not a single butterfly, nor bird, nor cricket claimed their presence like she had known them to do. Not even the voices of her loved ones brushed her ears as she had known them to do since the day she was born. What could she do now?

She walked. At first, just wherever her hooves felt like going, but soon she felt this strange sensation to walk towards a strange urge that tugged on her heart. Without a thought or too much of an instinct, she trudged onwards, even ignoring the shifting sun above. As dusk began to fall, she was still walking and she was still alone. This was when, out of nowhere, a white Cerynei mare with airy beige tiger-like markings strolled lightly over to her. Whispy, long hair from her mane covered her face and neck, but her eyes were pure white. Child, are you lost? a voice whispered, for it wasn't her mouth that was moving. Kismet whipped her head around, looking for any other creature, but none were seen. Come with me, child, let me find you shelter.

[ There's a bit more to her history, but it's really simply about her and her adopted mother/mentor ]

What Catches My Eye

Anything related to nature and the environment appeals to her. She likes having intelligent, mature conversations, and enjoys the feeling of being outdoors. The other creature she is conversing with does not have to be smart, but mature conversations that interest her are great. She likes helping those in need, whether it be saving them from a chase or giving them advice on something. Anything or anyone that amuses or interests her is even great, as she can be very easily amused. She loves watching the night sky, as well. Watching or hanging out with foals also amuses her, for it reminds her of the purities of the earth as well as gives her some kindling to the energetic spirits they have.
PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 2:03 pm

The Life Path

o - Friends/enemies: Yup, the basic friends and enemies plot! Less enemies than friends preferred, though She travels a lot, so having time for friends or even sticking around others enough to become friends is nearly impossible for her. Having an enemy or two would be very interesting for her to interact with, but it may be a bit harder for her to make these (on her side) because she tries her best to avoid negative bonds.

o - Have you seen what I've seen?: It would be wonderful to have Kismet meet and talk to another Soquili who either loves to travel or for some reason has seen much of the world around them. This mare or stallion would be very great to become a best friend of hers, or maybe even become her occasional traveling partner if they wished to be.

o - You don't scare me...: If Kismet could run into a Kalona, Purewalker, or Skinwalker (mixed or pure blood doesn't matter, as long as their personality is harsh/mean, etc.), it would be interesting to see them try to scare or intimidate her since she was trained/taught to have a stone face in such situations. Kismet may or may not snap, since she will honestly be scared and may become unable to control her fear, so it would be very interesting to play out. I don't want her to get killed/seriously injured, but getting bitten or kicked or sustain minor injuries would be acceptable if you wish.

o - Child, are you lost?: Do you have a foal that was abandoned, has bad parents, or is simply fed up with their family for no said reason? Given the chance, Kismet would absolutely love! to adopt the foal as her own and raise it, almost like her old mentor had done for her. She would try to teach the foal about the bonds of the world and of the respect of nature, but the foal would not have to "mold" to the teachings. Having an adopted foal would even give her the chance to act more foalish and energized herself, rather than the laid-back usual self that she is. Even if the foal wished to leave at a time to return to its natural family, she would still take it in and raise it as her own before it makes its final decision.

o - Do I know you?: To be able to run into a white Cerynei would allow her to reminisce about her old mentor that she hasn't seen since she "released" her into the world on her lonesome. This might cause Kismet to go into a "story time" session about her past, being that she hasn't told another Soquili about it yet.

o - Ah, the fabled abyss~: Kismet has never been in-love before, but has heard many stories about it as well as lent advice countless times to the lone traveler or couple. She sees no gender, as it is the spiritual bonds between every living thing that she cares about, so mare or stallion wouldn't matter to her. Nobody has been able to capture her heart or spirit; they would have to be a respectful person, but they don't have to be exactly like her.

o - The gift of life: Kismet absolutely loves anything to do with nature, helping others, and the intricate bonds between everything upon the face of the earth, so if she were to meet a stallion couple who wished for a family of their own, Kismet would be more than happy to surrogate for them! (Of course, this may or may not turn out to be a full breeding, depending on when plots are offered, the stallions, and if I make life-mate plots for her before this starts/has offers)

[ More to be added! ]



PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 2:55 pm

The Journey
Those who have applied



Have You Seen What I've Seen?:

o - Hoshi Lockhart; Aiolos

` `Have You Seen What I've Seen? Part 1

You don't scare me...:

o - sbuggy166; Frostbite **Did not apply in-thread; however I have inquired in Buggy's plot thread about it**

` `You Don't Scare Me... Part 1

Child, are you lost?:

o - sesshy552; Nana
Child, are you lost? Part 1

Do I know you?:


Ah, the fabled abyss~:

PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 4:38 pm

The Forms
Fill these out~!

To apply for a plot already created:

[color=indigo][size=14]I - W A N T - I N ![/size][/color]
[b]Your Username:[/b]
[b]Plot you're applying for:[/b]
[b]Soquili involved:[/b] (please link their name to their image and provide a small description of their personality)
[b]What you're expecting:[/b] (basically what you want out of the plot or what exactly you want for your Soquili within the plot)
[b]Anything else?:[/b]

To suggest a new plot:

[color=blue][size=14]T H E R E 'S - S O M E T H I N G - M I S S I N G ![/size][/color]
[b]What do you have in mind?:[/b]
[b]Why?:[/b] (any particular reason? why do you think this would be "good" for Kismet?)



PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 4:41 pm

All Places Where I Can Be Found
(( All RP's she is in/has been in // Goes from oldest -> most recent, as best as I could ))


*looking for RP's from 2008-09*


o - Could it be my place to stay?

o - Let's start something


o - Have You Seen What I've Seen? Part 1

o - You Don't Scare Me... Part 1

o - Crossing a New Path

o - Secret Garden

o - Child, are you lost? Part 1

o - Who am I?

o - Spirituality

PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 4:59 pm

ll Reserved ll



PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 5:02 pm

ll Reserved ll
PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 5:09 pm

ll Reserved ll



PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 5:12 pm

Aaaaand this is now open for plotting and chatting! <3
PostPosted: Sat Oct 22, 2011 8:35 pm

ll Bump~ ll



PostPosted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 8:57 am

ll Bump~ ll
PostPosted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 8:48 am

ll Bump~ ll


Hoshi Lockhart

Eloquent Muse

PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 2:14 pm


I - W A N T - I N !
Your Username: Hoshi Lockhart
Plot you're applying for: Have you seen what I've seen?
Soquili involved: Aiolos
Aiolos is a quiet little guy. He's not very good with social interactions, never knowing how to act or what to say. Thus, he can come off as a bit cold. 'Specially with that ever present serious look on his face. Some would be surprised to learn he is the leader of the Putti race, with his pensive attitude. How could someone so utterly serious lead an entire race correctly? You don't lead your people with an iron fist, after all. They would rebel against you.
Aiolos attitude can be credited to the fact he was mostly raised by his father's advisers. Old stallions. He doesn't like change, preferring a constant schedule. Or at least an organized one. Spontaneous plannings aren't his thing.
What you're expecting: He needs travel buddies, himself. He's seeing the world of Kawani before he settles back into his role of a Leader by founding a herd. There are many months between my winning him and now, so I'm sure he's seem a lot of the lands. Hasn't met many other Soq, but has seen the lands. And since he participated in the Mini migration, he has knowledge of lands she hasn't seen. Can't find many like that, even with the new Soq breeds. ;D
Keep in mind he doesn't actually enjoy the traveling. He just knows it's in his best interests to get as acquainted with his new home as possible.
Anything else?: Once he has his fill of traveling, he's going back to his roots of leading a herd. But I doubt that's for a while. I wanted him to find a lifemate, first. So if they hit it off, he'll be leaving her to do that.
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