1. Character name: Zarbon
Race: Zoran
HP: 20,000 - subject to change
Stamina: 30, 000
Normal attack: Twin shark missile - summons two ki blasts in the shape of twin Great White sharks (uses 10, 000 stamina)
Super attack: Transformation followed by a simple punch or kick, thus poisoning the foe. Initial damage is equal to Vegeta's final flash attack. (uses 15, 000 stamina)
Ultimate attack: The Garden smasher - buries the foe alive. (all stamina is consumed)

How he fits into the story: being one of Empress Dee's secret kings, he turns against Dodoria and Frieza's henchmen, thus taking the pink puff-ball by surprise. Dodoria also learns at this time that Zarbon has 6 hatchlings in the Renaissance Galaxy on a planet called Hyrule. Dodoria leaves Vegetasai without telling Zarbon and now Zarbon hasn't a choice. He must serve Vegetasai's saiyans as a Zora.