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Once Upon a Raffle... Raffle Winers PG 57! Goto Page: 1 2 3 ... 4 ... 54 55 56 57 [>] [>>] [»|]

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 12:17 pm

User Image

Opens Now!

Closes:November 15th at 10pm CST
Rolling some time after that.

User Image

1. Swamp dweller - Mobbu
2. The Frumious Snapper of the dreary Tumtum Tree wood - Mindsend
3. The Burbling Beast of the deary Tumtum Tree woods - Beejoux
4. Dusky Bonefish - Rapid
5. Glasgow Cat of the Isles of Madness - Agneza
6. The Ogre Killer ( Unpelted ) ( Feral Form ) - Mindsend
7. The Lupine Curse - Ririka
8. Mutilated Mermaid Twins: Blue - Agneza
9.Mutilated Mermaid Twins: Green - Agneza
10. The Drowned Mare - Hanging
11. Ghost Fire - Neph
12. Frostbitten Maiden - JulianMomo
13. the Smoking Prophet - Beejoux
14. Mare with verde ribbon - Beejoux
15. Sugar Skull Day of the Dead stallion - Mobbu
16. Gildedhair And her trio of Victems - Rapid
17. Jester / Unmasked - by Mobbu
18. Toxic Size Shroom - By Mindsend (my part of the joint auction goes to those not paid directly by the raffle)

+ 2 special additions from Sirenz -- the Seafoam Maiden and Dragon Fairy Godmother will be rolled after the other prizes have been chosen.


To Order, Please use the following Form (filling in the __ with the ticket recipient's name and the # with the number of tickets and the XXX with Gold amount.):

[align=center][b][size=18][color=brown]I want you to tell[u] ______ [/u]a story #- Pages long![/color][/size][/b][/align]

[b]Gold sent:[/b] XXX


I want you to tell Soquili-Activities a story 100 Pages long!

Gold sent: 10,000

User Image
PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 12:32 pm

YOU CAN NOW PURCHASE TICKETS AS MANY TIMES AS YOU WANT. Because of the problem with the new trade system it will be very hard for the early people to get their trades accepted with all the new ones coming it. It is unfair to make them wait. There is no long a limit to adding to your trade one other time. You can add as many times as you please but MAKE SURE YOU SAY THAT YOU ARE ADDING TO YOUR TRADE when making additional purchases. This is beyond important.

Raffle Rules

1. Tickets are unlimited; you may buy for yourself or others.
2. Payment must be PURE ONLY, and each ticket is 100 gold each. So if you're buying 100 tickets, you'll be paying 100 gold x 100 tickets = 10,000 gold payment. 1,000 tickets would be 100k, 10,000 tickets would be 1 million.
3. You may only win once in the raffle, and are only eligible to own/co-own up to 1 horse in the raffle section of the event.
4. If you fail to send the proper amount, I WILL cancel the trade, but you're free to try again (so please check your math...please? ;; )
5. All trades are to be sent to this account (aka. Soquili-Activities).
6. You must order a minimum of 20 tickets per order.
(sorry guys, I seriously cannot take much more of the 200 orders of 3 tickets a person thing ;;' *wimp* )

The following are not eligible to buy tickets for themselves or have tickets bought for them:

Mobster Goose
xNephilim Queen
Nisshou H
Wyntre IceBlade
Hanging Gallows
Samuel Carlin

(more may be added as Staff Volunteer to do work)



PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 12:34 pm

Ticket listing!

1-100000 AlexiaSilver
100001-100200 Roman Foi
100201-100300 Tara de Draoicht
100301-119300 mewsings of an angel
119301-120600 Roniel Targaryen
112601-121900 Yuuka Kurokawa
121901-123100 Rein_Carnation
123001-133000 Nymphalidae
133001-133600 II--Gen3sis--II
133601-143600 LunaRei_SilverBlood
143601-143700 RockerWolfie1616
143701-143720 Pollack
143721-144220 SilverShieldWolf
144221-144320 chi honda
144321-145320 DemonWingedPoetGirl
145321-146320 Vistada
146321-146820 Deadly Nonchalance
146821-151820 JetAlmeara
151821-154320 Nukido
154321-154820 ~Spazzy_the_Wolfie~
154821-156820 x Yuki Bear x
156821-159820 SylverStar
159821-164820 Kirowyn Love
164821-174820 Redbud-Tree
174821-176820 musicaloner7
176821-177320 Muffinsbaby
177321-177370 magnadearel
177371-177870 Edototo
177871-187870 [+Katch+]
187871-187970 chi honda
187971-287970 Nyx Queen of Darkness
287971-387970 Cheshirekitty
387971-487970 -[The Spoof]-
487971-487990 Prolixity
487991-488010 Fayth-x
488011-488030 demon_pachabel
488031-488050 Haisyn Fierra
488051-488070 Lolli McHotpants
488071-488090 Nyhility
488091-488110 saedusk
488111-488130 NinetailedNightmare
488131-488150 Lady Ourania
488151-488170 Tsunake
488171-488190 Kaiyumi
488191-488210 Melodine Cantus
488211-489210 DemonWingedPoetGirl
489211-494210 Corsair Vitari
494211-504210 Ragers
504211-504410 vballlvr5
504411-505410 Divena
505411-506410 Divenasmom
506411-507410 Jezbel
507411-508410 Bardess Ookami
508411-509410 Angelique Delamorte
509411-509430 Ragers
509431-509450 Kamiki
509451-509470 Yuuka Kurokawa
509471-509490 Snowbelle Thundara
509491-509510 Phoenix soarys
509511-509530 Lonewolf Eyes
509531-509630 The Ariadelle
509631-510630 Kailey Koreco
510631-510830 Amasis
510831-511030 --CosmicNeo-QueenBunni--
511031-511230 Seiana ZI
511231-511430 Pollack
511431-511630 Katch
511631-512130 II--Gen3sis--II
512131-513630 ~Twilight…Angel~
512631-517630 Kirowyn Love
517631-537630 Corsair Vitari
537631-538630 Mameha Otome
538631-542797 LOLTERNATIVE
542798-542847 Bardess Ookami
542848-542897 Divena
542898-542947 Jezbel
542948-542997 Sunchaser9000
542998-543047 Angelique Delamorte
543048-543097 Divenasmom
543098-543517 ~Kiana_Nala~
543518-544517 Jynk
544518-545517 Andranis
545518-546017 Etherial Requiem
546018-549017 Lolli McHotpants
549018-550017 DemonWingedPoetGirl
550018-550117 Ramenli
550118-560117 stormflower
560118-560617 ~Spazzy_the_Wolfie~
560618-561617 DemonWingedPoetGirl
561618-564617 _-Cheeky-Chobit-_
564618-569617 JetAlmeara
569618-570617 XxPrimevalPandaxX
570618-571117 ChaosTheories
570118-571167 Kamiki
571168-571667 Etherial Requiem
571668-581667 LunaRei_SilverBlood
581668-585667 Dixie
585668-595667 Sabin Duvert
595668-599834 LOLTERNATIVE
599835-600834 Mameha Otome
600835-605834 Kirowyn Love
605835-610834 Nymphalidae
610835-630834 Corsair Vitari
630835-631834 Divena
631835-631934 Divenasmom
631935-632034 Jezbel
632035-632134 Bardess Ookami
632135-632234 Angelique Delamorte
632235-632434 Ishtanballa
632435-636434 Darkmoon Dancer
636435-636534 Tara de Draoicht
636535-636634 Insane Butterfly
636635-636734 Sadi Sidhe
636735-637234 Jynk
637235-639234 Syaoran-Puu
639235-639334 Thamin
639335-640334 harukaharu
640335-642334 Mameha Otome
642335-642834 Etherial Requiem
642835-644334 Strawberry Gumi Bunny
644335-645334 She-Ra of Etheria
645335-646334 JadeEye
646335-646634 Alanna the Pirate Queen
646635-646834 samus x
646835-647334 dbz2010
647335-651334 MoochiLove
651335-651834 StarieMichie
651835-652334 O L I V Extract
652335-652834 les vagues
652835-653334 Invader Tekk
653335-653834 derivative
653835-656334 Lolli McHotpants
656335-656354 Pollack
656355-658354 DemonWingedPoetGirl
658355-658454 Mei Silja
658455-659654 ~Masamune~
659655-661654 dawns_aura
661655-661854 moonlit-raven
661855-711854 TanuKyle
711855-721854 RockerWolfie1616
721855-722354 II--Gen3sis--II
722355-722404 Thamin
722405-725404 _-Cheeky-Chobit-_
725405-725904 Fea Line
725905-729904 kaliskanny
729905-730904 Moxxiie
730905--731904 Lady Ourania
731905-732404 Nyhility
732405-734404 Kesmi
734405-734424 Icipher Infinite
734435-735024 Icipher Infinite
735025-735274 JadedTiger22
735275-736074 Dragonhunter66
736075-736174 Deadly Nonchalance
736175-737174 Divena
737175-737274 Divenasmom
737275-737374 Jezbel
737375-737474 Bardess Ookami
737475-737574 Angelique Delamorte
737575-738074 Etherial Requiem
738075-742241 LOLTERNATIVE
742242-742741 elvyralani
742742-742841 DemeterJade
742842-742941 Fawnzy
742942-747941 stormflower
742942-752941 ~Twilight…Angel~
752942-753941 Divena
753942-754041 Divenasmom
754042-754141 Jezbel
754142-754241 Bardess Ookami
754242-754341 Angelique Delamorte
754342-754541 Purrasha
754542-756541 DemonWingedPoetGirl
756542-759541 _-Cheeky-Chobit-_
759542-764541 LunaRei_SilverBlood
764542-765541 JetAlmeara
765542-768541 Moxxiie
786542-768791 Looneytaz82
768792-775791 Faid Shadowlight
775792-776291 Etherial Requiem
775292-776791 ~Twilight…Angel~
776792-776891 Celestial Archer
776892-776991 Leopleuradon
776992-779991 DemonWingedPoetGirl
779992-781591 Divena
781592-781691 Divenasmom
781692-781791 Jezbel
781792-781891 Bardess Ookami
781892-781991 Angelique Delamorte
781982-782491 She-Ra of Etheria
782492-782591 Natusko-neko
782592-783591 icy serenade
783591-785091 LydaLynn
785092-795091 Mameha Otome
795092-795191 Dooma
795192-796191 JetAlmeara
796192-797191 Andranis
797192-798191 Akira-Kisho
798192-798491 CreativeKender
798492-798591 RockerWolfie1616
798592-800591 DemonWingedPoetGirl
800592-805591 Junglerunner
805592-806091 harukaharu
806092-807091 Moxxiie
807092-809091 JetAlmeara
809092-809491 Tekkianna
809492-809791 magnadearel
809792-814791 stormflower
814792-814891 Thamin
814892-815391 Etherial Requiem
815392-817391 Lady Ourania
817392-817891 ~Spazzy_the_Wolfie~
817892-837891 slimycrow
837892-840391 Lolli McHotpants
840392-841391 sage_the_vampirc_angel
841392-846391 Kirowyn Love
846392-846891 Jynk
846892-847891 MoochiLove
847892-847991 Celestial Archer
847992-852991 Lady in the Golden Wood
852992-855991 Tiger_Kisa699
855992-856991 bella dea
856992-857011 Pollack
857012-867011 kaliskanny
867012-868011 mewsings of an angel
868012-868211 Leez0rz
868212-868261 Thamin
868262-868761 Skypriestess
868762-873761 LOLTERNATIVE
873762-874261 II--Gen3sis--II
874262-875861 Divena
875862-875961 Divenasmom
875962-876061 Jezbel
876862-876161 Bardess Ookami
876162-876261 Angelique Delamorte
876262-876661 Zee Oddwyn
876662-877661 Mameha Otome
877662-887661 Rita Zyon
887662-889661 DemonWingedPoetGirl
889662-890161 She-Ra of Etheria
890162-890261 ~Kiana_Nala~
890262-892261 Moxxiie
892262-893861 Divena
893862-893961 Divenasmom
893962-894061 Jezbel
894062-894161 Bardess Ookami
894162-894261Angelique Delamorte
894262-895261 Yumitoko
895262-899261 Syaoran-Puu
899262-919261 -[The Spoof]-
919262-939261 Cheshirekitty
939262-939761 Lord_Lilith
939762-942461 DemonWingedPoetGirl
942462-942961 ~Spazzy_the_Wolfie~
942962-943011 Thamin
943012-943111 littletomol
943112-943611 Etherial Requiem
943612-948611 Feathered Lunra
948612-953611 LOLTERNATIVE
953612-973611 Faithofthefallen
973612-974911 Seruta
974912-975911 crayons 4 the color blind
975912-981311 [.Silvr-Moon.]
981312-987311 XxPrimevalPandaxX
987312-987811 Jynk
987812-997811 kaliskanny
997812-1002811 GrnGriff
1002812-1012811 Kamiki
1012812-1013811 dawns_aura
1013812-1016811 JetAlmeara
1016812-1017011 Insane Butterfly
1017012-1018011 She-Ra of Etheria
1018012-1019611 Divena
1019612-1019711 Divenasmom
1019712-1019811 Jezbel
1019812-1019911 Bardess Ookami
1019912-1020011 Angelique Delamorte
1020012-1021011 Andranis
1021012-1031011 Mameha Otome
1031062-1036061 tefla
1036062-1036561 vballlvr5
1036562-1136561 Nymphalidae
1136562-1137061 Lady Aria Starstone
1137062-1137661 Icipher Infinite
1137662-1138161 Cowboy Peep
1138162-1138361 pippi18848
1138362-1138561 Duelist of Pokemon
1138562-1140561 DemonWingedPoetGirl
1140562-1145561 Jinx Creed
1145562-1145761 Ishtanballa
1145762-1145961 Leez0rz
1145962-1147461 bella dea
1147462-1147961 Etherial Requiem
1147962-1152961 Nikui
1152962-1154561 Divena
1154562-1154661 Divenasmom
1154662-1154761 Jezbel
1154762-1154861 Bardess Ookami
1154862-1154961 Angelique Delamorte
1154962-1156961 musicaloner7
1156962-1166961 AlexiaSilver
1166962-1171961 Nikui
1171962-1172461 ~Twilight…Angel~
1172462-1172511 Thamin
1172512-1172811 Rueka
1172812-1174511 Divena
1174512-1174611 Divenasmom
1174612-1174711 Jezbel
1174712-1174811 Angelique Delamorte
1174812-1177311 stormflower
1177312-1179311 DemonWingedPoetGirl
1179312-1179351 [X]Natty-Chan[X]
1179352-1179851 II--Gen3sis--II
1179852-1179871 Pollack
1179872-1180071 Leez0rz
1180072-1180171 A Th e a r t
1180172-1181871 Divena
1181872-1181971 Divenasmom
1181972-1182071 Jezbel
1182072-1182171 Angelique Delamorte
1182172-1182471 JadedTiger22
1182472-1182871 ShinosBee
1182872-1184871 JetAlmeara
1184872-1194871 XxPrimevalPandaxX
1194872-1204871 bella dea
1204872-1204971 Thamin
1204972-1214971 Kara Asumie
1214972-1215071 Rueka
1215072-1235071 _-Cheeky-Chobit-_
1235072-1240071 AlexiaSilver
1240072-1240271 Leez0rz
1240272-1241271 She-Ra of Etheria
1241272-1242971 Divena
1242972-1243071 Divenasmom
1243072-1243171 Jezbel
1243172-1243271 Angelique Delamorte
1243272-1248271 LunaRei_SilverBlood
1248272-1250771 dawns_aura
1250772-1251771 Marzipanz
1251772-1252771 Andranis
1252772-1254471 Divena
1254472-1254571 Divenasmom
1254572-1254671 Jezbel
1254672-1254771 Angelique Delamorte
1254772-1256271 Nymphalidae
1256272-1256371 II--Gen3sis--II
1256372-1256471 Nukido
1256472-1256571 Kamiki
1256572-1256671 Sabin Duvert
1256672-1256771 Faid Shadowlight
1256772-1258271 x_nagatai
1258272-1258771 -- ponytales
1258772-1258971 Jynk
1258972-1260971 DemonWingedPoetGirl
1260972-1261121 Natelie
1261122-1261171 Thamin
1261172-1263171 venafydan
1263172-1273171 ~Spazzy_the_Wolfie~
1273172-1274871 Divena
1274872-1274971 Divenasmom
1274972-1275071 Jezbel
1275072-1275171 Angelique Delamorte
1275272-1275471 sage_the_vampirc_angel
1275472-1275971 She-Ra of Etheria
1275972-1276171 Leez0rz
1276172-1277171 Lady Argentum Draconis
1277172-1279171 Darkmoon Dancer
1279172-1281171 dndrules3
1281172-1281751 Insane Butterfly
1281752-1281951 Jynk
1281952-1282451 Plain Old Trudy
1282452-1284151 Divena
1284152-1284251 Divenasmom
1284252-1284351 Jezbel
1284353-1284451 Angelique Delamorte
1284452-1284951 A Th e a r t
1284952-1294951 Faid Shadowlight
1294952-1295051 Nymphalidae
1295052-1297051 Faithofthefallen
1297052-1307051 Cheshirekitty
1307052-1307251 ~Kiana_Nala~
1307252-1309251 DemonWingedPoetGirl
1309252-1311251 JetAlmeara
1311252-1311791 Syaoran-Puu
1311792-1312791 Daijonakain
1312792-1314791 Faithofthefallen
1314792-1315791 Faid Shadowlight
1315792-1316091 Phoenix soarys
1316092-1366091 Sabin Duvert
1366092-1416091 Kamiki
1416092-1417791 Divena
1417792-1417891 Divenasmom
1417892-1417991 Jezbel
1417992-1418091 Angelique Delamorte
1418092-1418591 Looneytaz82
1418592-1419091 Eftemie
1419092-1469091 Nymphalidae
1469092-1469591 II--Gen3sis--II
1469592-1469791 Roniel Targaryen
1469792-1472791 She-Ra of Etheria
1472792-1477791 stormflower
1477792-1478291 Leopleuradon
1478292-1480291 DemonWingedPoetGirl
1480292-1480791 II--Gen3sis--II
1480792-1481791 Daeril-sama
1481792-1531791 Sabin Duvert
1531792-1581791 Kamiki
1581792-1581841 Thamin
1581842-1583841 AlexiaSilver
1583842-1583861 Tara de Draoicht
1583862-1583881 tefla
1583882-1593881 _-Cheeky_Chobit-_
1593882-1596881 Lady Ourania
1596882-1596901 Nerpin
1596902-1616901 Bluefire Dragonz
1616902-1617101 Merci'
1617102-1617301 Leez0rz
1617302-1619001 Divena
1619002-1619101 Divenasmom
1619102-1619201 Jezbel
1619202-1619301 Angelique Delamorte
1619302-1620301 Lady Argentum Draconis
1620302-1622301 DemonWingedPoetGirl
1622302-1623301 Mameha Otome
1623302-1624301 Lady Argentum Draconis
1624302-1625301 Mameha Otome
1625302-1626301 Lady Argentum Draconis
1626302-1627301 Mameha Otome
1627302-1629001 Divena
1629002-1629101 Divenasmom
1629102-1629201 Jezbel
1629202-1629301 Angelique Delamorte
1629302-1629501 ~Kiana_Nala~
1629502-1639501 Faithofthefallen
1629502-1642501 Demite
1642502-1652501 _-Cheeky_Chobit-_
1652502-1654501 DemonWingedPoetGirl
1654502-1655501 dndrules3
1655502-1657501 Jezbel
1657502-1659501 Divena
1659502-1661501 Bardess Ookami
1661502-1663501 Angelique Delamorte
1663502-1665501 Sunchaser9000
1665502-1667101 Fatal Irony
1667102-1668101 XxPrimevalPandaxX
1668102-1669101 bella dea
1669102-1669151 Thamin
1669102-1674151 JetAlmeara
1674152-1674651 Etherial Requiem
1674652-1675151 saedusk
1675152-1676151 [Mistress Morbid]
1676152-1677151 Leopleuradon
1677152-1687151 Nymphalidae
1687152-1697151 Lonewolf Eyes
1697152-1697401 Matisha
1697402-1697651 Sephiros Immortalis
1697652-1697901 Lithia Brandon
1697902-1698151 Etherial Requiem
1698152-1698401 Nerpin
1698402-1698651 derivative
1698652-1698901 Zee Oddwyn
1698902-1691151 Roniel Targaryen
1691152-1700851 Divena
1700852-1700951 Divenasmom
1700951-1701051 Jezbel
1701052-1701151 Angelique Delamorte
1701152-1706151 AlexiaSilver
1706152-1707151 XxPrimevalPandaxX
1707152-1708151 bella dea
1708152-1708351 RockerWolfie1616
1708352-1711351 Lady Ourania
1711352-1712351 XxPrimevalPandaxX
1712352-1713351 bella dea
1713352-1714351 catmagick
1714352-1716751 DemonWingedPoetGirl
1716752-1726751 Cheshirekitty
1726752-1731751 _-Cheeky_Chobit-_
1731752-1732666 Ice_Dragon_Demon
1732667-1734666 XxPrimevalPandaxX
1734667-1736666 bella dea
1736667-1737666 Akira-Kisho
1737667-1738666 purrasha
1738667-1739666 Caneton
1739667-1739716 Thamin
1739717-1741416 Divena
1741417-1741516 Divenasmom
1741517-1741616 Jezbel
1741617-1741716 Angelique Delamorte
1741717-1742216 ~Twilight…Angel~
1742217-1742236 Pollack
1742237-1742256 XBlind-DarknessX
1742257-1743256 DemonWingedPoetGirl
1743257-1745256 Darkmoon Dancer
1745257-1746006 Kamiki
1746007-1746306 JadedTiger22
1746307-1756306 Elf Princess Flannery
1756307-1766306 TrigunKittie
1766307-1776306 stormflower
1776307-1777306 Akkhima
1777307-1778306 DemonWingedPoetGirl
1778307-1788306 Purely Anonymoose
1788307-1793306 _-Cheeky_Chobit-_
1793307-1793806 Etherial Requiem
1793807-1802306 Shesha Sama
1802307-1806306 AlexiaSilver
1806307-1811306 XxPrimevalPandaxX
1811307-1816306 bella dea
1816307-1817306 S u r f For L o v e
1817307-1819306 She-Ra of Etheria
1819307-1824306 Jinx Creed
1824307-1824806 II--Gen3sis--II
1824807-1854806 iJimmytheKitty
1854807-1874806 StarieMichie
1874807-1876806 DemonWingedPoetGirl
1876807-1878806 Rein_Carnation
1878807-1879306 Fea Line
1879307-1884306 _-Cheeky_Chobit-_
1884307-1914306 Nymphalidae
1914307-1914356 Thamin
1914357-1934356 Corsair Vitari
1934357-1935356 DemonWingedPoetGirl
1935357-1937056 Divena
1930757-1937156 Divenasmom
1937157-1937256 Jezbel
1937257-1937356 Angelique Delamorte
1937357-1937556 Ishtanballa
1937557-1937756 Jynk
1937757-1939456 Divena
1939457-1939556 Divenasmom
1939557-1939656 Jezbel
1939657-1939756 Angelique Delamorte
1939757-1949756 _-Cheeky_Chobit-_
1949757-1951756 JetAlmeara
1951757-1952256 Etherial Requiem
1952257-1952456 Insane Butterfly
1952457-1954156 Divena
1954157-1954256 Divenasmom
1954257-1954356 Jezbel
1954357-1954456 Angelique Delamorte
1954457-1955495 Nafretiti
1955496-1955695 Freaksrus
1955696-1956355 Edototo
1956356-1958355 JetAlmeara
1958356-1963355 _-Cheeky_Chobit-_
1963356-1964355 Dixie
1964356-1965355 DemonWingedPoetGirl
1965356-1966355 Mameha Otome
1966356-1967355 Lady Argentum Draconis
1967356-1969855 sage_the_vampirc_angel
1969856-1999855 [+Katch+]
1999856-2000355 II--Gen3sis--II
2000356-2001855 Pixel-x-Bunny
2001856-2002855 She-Ra of Etheria
2002856-2003855 DemonWingedPoetGirl
2003856-2005555 Divena
2005556-2005655 Divenasmom
2005656-2005755 Jezbel
2005756-2005855 Angelique Delamorte
2005856-2005875 Pollack
2005876-2005895 XBlind-DarknessX
2005896-2009508 stormflower
2009509-2012408 Shikon Miko
2012409-2012508 xKOVAKtheWOLFx
2012509-2014208 Divena
2014209-2014308 Divenasmom
2014309-2014408 Jezbel
2014409-2014508 Angelique Delamorte
2014509-2015508 DemonWingedPoetGirl
2015509-2017508 JetAlmeara
2017509-2017608 chi honda
2017609-2017708 White Neko Chan
2017709-2017808 Caitlyn Hellstorm
2017809-2017858 Thamin
2017859-2018358 Etherial Requiem
2018359-2019358 Dixie
2019359-2022358 _-Cheeky_Chobit-_
2022359-2024058 Divena
2024059-2024158 Divenasmom
2024159-2024258 Jezbel
2024259-2024358 Angelique Delamorte
2024359-2034358 XxPrimevalPandaxX
2034359-2034558 GallusDomesticus
2034559-2034658 Kamiki
2034659-2034858 RockerWolfie1616
2034859-2034958 TanuKyle
2034959-2036958 JetAlmeara
2036959-2038958 DemonWingedPoetGirl
2038959-2048958 kaliskanny
2048959-2049958 JadeEye
2049959-2079958 Laroawan
2079959-2081458 iJimmytheKitty
2081459-2086458 crayons 4 the color blind
2086459-2091458 Seruta
2091459-2091858 Leez0rz
2091859-2093858 DemonWingedPoetGirl
2093859-2095558 Divena
2095559-2095658 Divenasmom
2095659-2095758 Jezbel
2095759-2095858 Angelique Delamorte
2095859-2095958 ATh e a r t
2095959-2096058 Jynk
2096059-2096158 IvoryRyu.20
2096159-2097158 AislingJuno
2097159-2097178 Pollack
2097179-2097198 XBlind-DarknessX
2097199-2097218 sage_the_vampirc_angel
2097219-2097318 Bardess Ookami
2097319-2097418 Divena
2097419-2097518 Jezbel
2097519-2097618 Divenasmom
2097619-2097718 Angelique Delamorte
2097719-2097818 Sunchaser9000
2097819-2097868 Nyx Queen of Darkness
2097869-2097918 cheshirekitty
2097919-2098918 DemonWingedPoetGirl
2098919-2108918 Nymphalidae
2108919-2110618 Divena
2110619-2110718 Divenasmom
2110719-2110818 Jezbel
2110819-2110918 Angelique Delamorte
2110919-2112918 JetAlmeara
2112919-2113418 DemonWingedPoetGirl
2113419-2115418 AlexiaSilver
2115419-2142418 The Dawn of Twilight
2142419-2166418 Huroggmeten
2166419-2176418 Rita Zyon
2176419-2176461 Syaoran-Puu
2176462-2176961 DemonWingedPoetGirl
2176962-2179381 Renegade Athena
2179382-2181081 Divena
2181082-2181181 Divenasmom
2181182-2181281 Jezbel
2181282-2181381 Angelique Delamorte
2181382-2181431 Thamin
2181432-2182431 JetAlmeara
2182432-2183431 Dixie
2183432-2186431 Lady_Ourania
2186432-2186631 Ishtanballa
2186632-2186831 Leez0rz
2186832-2186851 Pollack
2186852-2186871 XBlind-DarknessX
2186872-2187871 DemonWingedPoetGirl
2187872-2189571 Divena
2189572-2189671 Divenasmom
2189672-2189771 Jezbel
2189772-2189871 Angelique Delamorte
2189872-2190871 Mameha Otome
2190872-2191871 Lady Argentum Draconis
2191872-2192871 Mameha Otome
2192872-2193871 Lady Argentum Draconis
2193872-2194871 Mameha Otome
2194872-2195371 DemonWingedPoetGirl
2195372-2205371 Moxxiie
2205372-2205471 The_Sil
2205472-2225471 Nymphalidae
2225472-2268876 LOLTERNATIVE
2268877-2338876 Cheshirekitty
2338877-2388876 Nyx Queen of Darkness
2388877-2408876 TrigunKittie
2408877-2410876 Kettyn
2410877-2411376 II--Gen3sis--II
2411377-2412376 Strawberri Stardust
2412377-2412876 DemonWingedPoetGirl
2412877-2417876 Faid Shadowlight
2417877-2419876 JetAlmeara
2419877-2420576 Plain Old Trudy
2420577-2421576 Dixie
2421577-2421596 Pollack
2421597-2421616 XBlind-DarknessX
2421617-2421636 Thalea
2421637-2421656 Ac. Wings
2421657-2421676 Leez0rz
2421677-2421696 sage_the_vampirc_angel
2421697-2431696 LunaRei_SilverBlood
2431697-2432696 DemonWingedPoetGirl
2432697-2433196 Etherial Requiem
2432697=2434896 Divena
2434897-2434996 Divenasmom
2434997-2435096 Jezbel
2435097-2435196 Angelique Delamorte
2435197-2440196 Darkmoon Dancer
2440197-2440696 JadedTiger22
2440697-2441696 She-Ra of Etheria
2441697-2442196 DemonWingedPoetGirl
2442197-2442696 vballlvr5
2442697-2447696 Faithofthefallen
2447697-2452696 SylverStar
2452697-2454696 JetAlmeara
2454697-2455196 DemonWingedPoetGirl
2455197-2460196 AlexiaSilver
2460197-2470196 Moxxiie
2470197-2470396 Jynk
2470397-2470896 Sheacka
2470897-2475896 Lady_Ourania
2475897-2480896 Nymphalidae
2480897-2482896 Akkhima
2482897-2483705 Falenpants
2484706-2483855 The Ariadelle
2483856-2484855 Darkmoon Dancer
2484856-2485855 Lady Argentum Draconis
2485856-2486355 AislingJuno
2486356-2486855 DemonWingedPoetGirl
2486856-2497855 Avid_RPer18
2497856-2498355 Looneytaz82
2498356-2498855 catmagick
2498856-2499355 tefla
2499356-2499855 Natelie
2499856-2500855 Moxxiie
2500856-2501355 DemonWingedPoetGirl
2501356-2506355 Corsair Vitari
2506356-2506855 ~Masamune~
2506856-2507355 II--Gen3sis--II
2507356-2509355 JetAlmeara
2509356-2529355 StarieMichie
2529356-2530355 Leopleuradon
2530356-2530555 Insane Butterfly
2530556-2531555 Dixie
2531556-2531805 kaliskanny
2531806-2532055 Merci'
2532056-2532555 Muffinsbaby
2532556-2533055 DemonWingedPoetGirl
2533056-2533155 Thamin
2533156-2536155 stormflower
2536156-2544155 cheshirekitty
2544156-2564155 _-Cheeky_Chobit-_
2564156-2564655 SilverShieldWolf
2564656-2565155 AislingJuno
2565156-2565655 DemonWingedPoetGirl
2565656-2567655 JetAlmeara
2567656-2568655 sbuggy166
2568656-2569655 Caneton
2569656-2570655 purrasha
2570656-2571155 Etherial Requiem
2571156-2596155 [Eskimo]
2596156-2597855 Divena
2597856-2597955 Divenasmom
2597956-2598055 Jezbel
2598056-2598155 Angelique Delamorte
2598156-2598655 DemonWingedPoetGirl
2598656-2601655 Rein_Carnation
2601656-2602655 Mameha Otome
2602656-2603655 Lady Argentum Draconis
2603656-2604655 Mameha Otome
2604656-2605655 Lady Argentum Draconis
2605656-2607655 JetAlmeara
2607656-2657655 Nymphalidae
2657656-2662655 _-Cheeky_Chobit-_
2663656-2663655 Lolli McHotpants
2663656-2664655 O L I V Extract
2664656-2665655 Dixie
2665656-2685655 Lonewolf Eyes
2685656-2686055 ladyfirefox89
2686056-2686255 Darkmoon Dancer
2686256-2686455 Roniel Targaryen
2686456-2686655 pippi18848
2686656-2686855 Marzipanz
2686856-2687055 Ishtanballa
2867056-2691055 Amira Keller
2691056-2691105 Thamin
2691106-2692105 Dixie
2692106-2692605 DemonWingedPoetGirl
2692606-2692805 Tekkianna
2692806-2695805 Demite
2695806-2705805 slimycrow
2705806-2715055 Upside.-.Down
2715056-2715555 Leez0rz
2715556-2716055 ~Twilight…Angel~
2716056-2717355 Darkmoon Dancer
2717356-2717855 DemonWingedPoetGirl
2717856-2718355 AislingJuno
2718356-2718855 mangshra
2718856-2719355 Moxxiie
2719356-2721355 JetAlmeara
2721356-2722355 Dixie
2722356-2723355 Leopleuradon
2723356-2723855 Etherial Requiem
2723856-2724055 ATh e a r t
2724056-2725055 AlexiaSilver
2725056-2725555 AislingJuno
2725556-2725585 cyhorse
2725586-2725615 [Lady_Kiya]
2725616-2727615 She-Ra of Etheria
2727616-2728115 DemonWingedPoetGirl
2728116-2730115 Snow_Leopard_Anthro
2730116-2730615 II--Gen3sis--II
2730616-2735615 _-Cheeky_Chobit-_
2735616-2735635 Pollack
2735636-2735655 XBlind-DarknessX
2735656-2735675 sage_the_vampirc_angel
2735676-2735695 Thalea
2735696-2735715 Ac. Wings
2735716-2736215 DemonWingedPoetGirl
2736216-2737215 Tygress Dream
2737216-2738215 Mameha Otome
2738216-2739215 Lady Argentum Draconis
2739216-2740215 Mameha Otome
2740216-2741215 Lady Argentum Draconis
2741216-2742215 Mameha Otome
2742216-2745215 Zee Oddwyn
2745216-2746915 Divena
2746916-2747015 Divenasmom
2747016-2747115 Jezbel
2747116-2747215 Angelique Delamorte
2747216-2747715 DemonWingedPoetGirl
2747716-2749715 irishgirl1017
2749716-2751265 stormflower
2751266-2751765 RockerWolfie1616
2751766-2751865 TanuKyle
2751866-2754865 Darkmoon Dancer
2754866-2755365 DemonWingedPoetGirl
2755366-2755415 Thamin
2755416-2755465 Lolli McHotpants
2755466-2755515 Roman Foi
2755516-2755565 [+Katch+]
2755566-2755615 Pollack
2755616-2755665 Leez0rz
2755666-2755715 volleyballrocks91
2755716-2755765 Thamin
2755766-2757765 JetAlmeara
2757766-2762765 _-Cheeky_Chobit-_
2762766-2764445 LydaLynn
2764446-2765445 Dixie
2765446-2765945 Etherial Requiem
2765946-2775945 Nymphalidae
2775946-2776745 dolphingurl
2776746-2776945 samus x
2776946-2777445 DemonWingedPoetGirl
2777446-2779445 Three Tailed Fox
2779446-2779695 ArashiX
2779696-2780195 AislingJuno
2780196-2780845 RockerWolfie1616
2780846-2781895 Roniel Targaryen
2781896-2782395 DemonWingedPoetGirl
2782396-2782835 Nikui
2782836-2784535 Divena
2784536-2784635 Divenasmom
2784636-2784735 Jezbel
2784736-2784835 Angelique Delamorte
2784836-2785335 DemonWingedPoetGirl
2785336-2785435 purrasha
2785436-2795435 Kiara Lime
2795436-2795935 Daeril-sama
2795936-2815935 Moon_Princess_Yuki
2815936-2817935 JetAlmeara
2817936-2817985 Thamin
2817986-2818085 Celeanor
2818086-2819085 Dixie
2819086-2819385 Yuuka Kurokawa
2819386-2819885 Etherial Requiem
2819886-2821585 Divena
2821586-2821685 Divenasmom
2821786-2821885 Angelique Delamorte
2821886-2831885 Nymphalidae
2831886-2832385 DemonWingedPoetGirl
2832386-2833885 Seruta
2833886-2834385 AislingJuno
2834386-2838385 Keliptis
2838386-2848385 Cheshirekitty
2848386-2849385 Bardess Ookami
2849386-2889385 Moon_Princess_Yuki
2889386-2889405 Pollack
2889406-2889425 XBlind-DarknessX
2889426-2889445 Ac. Wings
2889446-2889465 sage_the_vampirc_angel
2889466-2891165 Divena
2891166-2891265 Divenasmom
2891266-2891365 Jezbel
2891366-2891465 Angelique Delamorte
2891466-2897870 tefla
2897871-2898520 Darkmoon Dancer
2898521-2899020 DemonWingedPoetGirl
2899021-2899520 Jynk
2899521-2900520 Mameha Otome
2900521-2901520 Lady Argentum Draconis
2901521-2902520 Mameha Otome
2902521-2903520 Lady Argentum Draconis
2903521-2904520 Mameha Otome
2904521-2905020 DemonWingedPoetGirl
2905021-2907020 JetAlmeara
2907021-2908020 Dixie
2908021-2908070 Thamin
2908071-2908090 Apotropaics
2908091-2918090 Nymphalidae
2918091-2923290 dawns_aura
2923291-2924290 Dixie
2924291-2924790 II--Gen3sis--II
2924791-2925290 DemonWingedPoetGirl
2925291-2925590 AislingJuno
2925591-2927290 Divena
2927291-2927390 Divenasmom
2927391-2927490 Jezbel
2927491-2927590 Angelique Delamorte
2927591-2927690 Darkmoon Dancer
2927691-2927790 DemonWingedPoetGirl
2927791-2927890 Darkmoon Dancer
2927891-2927990 DemonWingedPoetGirl
2927991-2928090 Darkmoon Dancer
2928091-2928190 DemonWingedPoetGirl
2928191-2948190 Moon_Princess_Yuki
2948191-2950190 JetAlmeara
2950191-2955490 Mameha Otome
2955491-2956490 Dixie
2956491-2956690 Insane Butterfly
2956691-2957290 Angelique Delamorte
2957291-2957490 Divena
2957491-2957590 Jezbel
2957591-2957690 Nafretiti
2957691-2957790 Darkmoon Dancer
2957791-2957890 DemonWingedPoetGirl
2957891-2957990 Darkmoon Dancer
2957991-2958090 DemonWingedPoetGirl
2958091-2958140 Thamin
2958141-2968140 II--Gen3sis--II
2968141-2978140 Nymphalidae
2978141-2978640 Etherial Requiem
2978641-2979140 Leez0rz
2979141-2979240 Darkmoon Dancer
2979241-2979340 DemonWingedPoetGirl
2979341-2979440 Darkmoon Dancer
2979441-2979540 DemonWingedPoetGirl
2979541-2982540 Lady_Ourania
2982541-2984240 Divena
2984241-2984340 Divenasmom
2984341-2984440 Jezbel
2984441-2984540 Angelique Delamorte
2984541-2984790 JadedTiger22
2984791-2986790 Kyaishi
2986791-2987090 AislingJuno
2987091-2989090 Moxxiie
2989091-2990790 Divena
2990791-2990890 Divenasmom
2990891-2990990 Jezbel
2990991-2991090 Laroawan
2991091-3011090 Moon_Princess_Yuki
3011091-3011590 DemonWingedPoetGirl
3011591-3012590 AlexiaSilver
3012591-3013590 The_Great_Book_Wyrm
3013591-3015590 JetAlmeara
3015591-3016590 Dixie
3016591-3016610 ChezaRain
3016611-3016630 Pollack
3016631-3016650 XBlind-DarknessX
3016651-3016670 sage_the_vampirc_angel
3016671-3016690 Pollack
3016691-3016710 Ac. Wings
3016711-3016730 Pollack
3016731-3017230 DemonWingedPoetGirl
3017231-3017280 Thamin
3017281-3022280 She-Ra of Etheria
3022281-3023280 Leopleuradon
3023281-3025280 Lady_Ourania
3025281-3035280 Nymphalidae
3035281-3035780 II--Gen3sis--II
3035781-3035880 Bardess Ookami
3035881-3035980 Divena
3035981-3036080 Jezbel
3036081-3036180 Angelique Delamorte
3036181-3036280 Divenasmom
3036281-3036380 Nyx Queen of Darkness
3036381-3036480 Cheshirekttty
3036480-3037480 Dixie
3037481-3038480 AlexiaSilver
3038481-3038680 Jynk
3038681-3039680 Rein_Carnation
3039681-3040180 Etherial Requiem
3040181-3040680 Tygress Dream
3040681-3041680 Mameha Otome
3041681-3042180 DemonWingedPoetGirl
3042181-3044180 Divena
3044181-3059180 Lunadriel
3059181-3069180 stormflower
3069181-3079180 Cheshirekttty
3079181-3080180 Insane Butterfly
3080181-3080680 DemonWingedPoetGirl
3080681-3081680 Mameha Otome
3081681-3086680 _-Cheeky_Chobit-_
3086681-3106680 JetAlmeara
3106681-3106980 Of The Epidemic
3106981-3107480 Etherial Requiem
3107481-3108280 Vistada
3108281-3109080 angryangrytigers
3109081-3114080 II--Gen3sis--II
3114081-3124080 Nymphalidae
3124081-3125080 Mameha Otome
3125081-3165080 Sabin Duvert
3165081-3166080 Looneytaz82
3166081-3166280 Insane Butterfly
3166281-3168280 AlexiaSilver
3168281-3168480 Ishtanballa
3168481-3173480 Moxxiie
3173481-3173980 DemonWingedPoetGirl
3173981-3174830 Dixie
3174831-3175830 She-Ra of Etheria
3175831-3176130 [ Lady Kiya ]
3176131-3176380 dbz2010
3176381-3176479 Syaoran-Puu
3176480-3176579 The_sil
3176580-3176829 dawns_aura
3176830-3177329 Angelique Delamorte
3177330-3177629 Divena
3177630-3177829 Nafretiti
3177830-3178329 Deadly Nonchalance
3178330-3178829 DemonWingedPoetGirl
3178830-3178929 Darkmoon Dancer
3178930-3179029 Akkhima
3179030-3179129 Darkmoon Dancer
3179130-3179229 DemonWingedPoetGirl
3179230-3249229 Kamiki
3249230-3279229 Sabin Duvert
3279230-3279249 Tara de Draoicht
3279250-3279837 Huroggmeten
3279838-3284837 Lady_Ourania
3284838-3334837 Nymphalidae
3334838-3336837 Divena
3336838-3337337 Jynk
3337338-3367150 Kirowyn Love
3367151-3367650 II--Gen3sis--II
3367651-3367750 chi honda
3367751-3367870 Lolli McHotpants
3367871-3368370 iJimmytheKitty
3368371-3373370 AlexiaSilver
3373371-3373477 -Nessus-Euenos-
3373478-3378477 Leez0rz
3378478-3393977 Cheshirekttty
3393978-3394477 Fea Line
3394478-3396477 Mameha Otome
3396478-3406477 Nyx Queen of Darkness
3406478-3406577 Bardess Ookami
3406578-3408577 Divena
3408578-3408677 Divenasmom
3408678-3408777 Bardess Ookami
3408778-3408877 Jezbel
3408878-3408977 Angelique Delamorte
3408978-3409077 Nyx Queen of Darkness
3409078-3409177 Laroawan
3409178-3410577 Divena
3410578-3411577 Moxxiie
3411578-3412077 DemonWingedPoetGirl
3412078-3412827 tefla
3412828-3413127 Roniel Targaryen
3413128-3413627 The_Sil
3413628-3417627 Kettyn
3417628-3417804 stormflower
3417805-3418236 Nafretiti
3418237-3418736 AislingJuno
3418737-3418796 The_Sil
3418797-3418851 Hyperthymesia
3418852-3419851 Pollack
3419852-3423351 sage_the_vampirc_angel
3423352-3425351 AlexiaSilver
3425352-3426351 Looneytaz82
3426352-3426371 Tara de Draoicht
PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 5:42 pm

I want you to tell AlexiaSilver a story 100,000 Pages long!

Gold sent: 10 million. (This is the book that never ends~)


Welcoming Ladykiller

In Good Faith

Dapper Entrepreneur

PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 5:50 pm

I want you to tell Roman Foi a story 200 Pages long!

Gold sent: 20k
PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 5:51 pm

I want you to tell Tara de Draiocht a story 100 Pages long!

Gold sent: 1ok

Tara de Draiocht

Naughty Man-Lover

Mewsings of An Angel

Excitable Anubutt

16,725 Points
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 5:51 pm

I want you to tell Mewsings of An Angel a story 19,000 Pages long!

Gold sent: 1.9mil
PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 5:51 pm

I want you to tell Roniel Targaryena story 1300 Pages long!

Gold sent: 130k

I want you to tell Yuuka Kurokawaa story 1300 Pages long!

Gold sent: 130k

Yuuka Kurokawa

Romantic Elder

8,625 Points
  • Tycoon 200
  • Treasure Hunter 100
  • Signature Look 250


Devoted Werewolf

18,175 Points
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  • Fantastic Fifteen 100
PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 5:53 pm

I want you to tell Rein_Carnation a story 1200 Pages long!

Gold sent: 120K
PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 5:54 pm

I want you to tell Nymphalidae a story #10,000 Pages long!

Gold sent: 1 million.



Wild Creature

63,800 Points
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Dangerous Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 5:56 pm

I want you to tell II--Gen3sis--IIa story #500 Pages long!

Gold sent: 50k
PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 5:56 pm

I want you to tell RockerWolfie1616a story 100 Pages long!

Gold sent: 10k


Timid Wolf

14,400 Points
  • Married 100
  • The Wolf Within 100
  • Bookworm 100


PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 5:56 pm

I want you to tell LunaRei_SilverBlooda story 10,000 Pages long!

Gold sent: 1,000,000g
PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 5:59 pm

I want you to tell Pollack a story 20 Pages long!

Gold sent: 2000


Fashionable Mage


Alien Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 6:01 pm

I want you to tell SilverShieldwolf a story 500 Pages long!

Gold sent: 50k

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