User ImageWho knows how much time passed in the haven of the gods. It was... timeless. Clouds were just here and there, some gods roamed the other side of the realm, and some just sat in their own stretch of clouds, alone and unable to be perceived. One such individual was the black masked figure, brooding in place. He had been sitting here since the day he realized he would be left alone, since the day Bast came for a visit, and since he knew it was his place to stay here and mourn over what he had done, and what resulted from it.

He had learned to let another into his life, and regretted it. It was a pain that could not be undone, but he could grant no more pardons if another had came his way seeking his trust.

His domain helped his isolation, and was the cause of it.

And he kept it that way.

User ImageHah! Here he was, still young, inexperienced, and unknowing of what laid in both the mortal and god realm. What he did know was that he had a good mother and a good father, and that he and his siblings had not seen father for way too long. Where had theirbig olf fluff of a Mushkeli gone to, and why wasn't he visiting? So the little young pirate godling flew from his home, the place all of his siblings had been staying at, and brought all of them along with him. He knew where to look! They just had to look in all the good places!

And there were clouds here! No wonder their father had swooped up to this area to rest. It was fun! Even though there was no one here, the young cub was enjoying his time flying through the mist and general feeling of... emptiness and some purgatory.

He told his siblings to wander back so he could do this thing more easily. He felt like he could concentrate if he was alone. Maybe that was how it worked. But he could... he could sense his father near! Golden eyes looked left and right, curiosity striking him. And oh, there was another god over there!

"Look!" he called, though realized he was alone.

Aww, he shouldn't have left the rest of his siblings back there. Maybe Viraji could have been fun company - at least one other would have been nice. Or Xia? Xia was a little too calm for him at times. Oh, well. Maybe this was just another step in learning how to be as big and grown up as their father. Freedom!

He kept going through the clouds, wandering and zipping here and there. He felt... closer with each foot he went through. He was almost there, he could definitely tell!

"Daaaaaaaad!" he yelled; he knew it!

He knew he found find their father.

"Dad dad dad!" came the words from the black tiger striped lad, bounding very ferociously yet enthusiastically towards the big old father he knew.

Their giant black father had been very, very still. Nothing broke his concentration, yet there was nothing there to do so. It just so happened that the little peeps from his child flying towards him were faint whispers, until he remembered the voice. That voice! Was it..?

He opened his very blue eyes to see a dark figure bounding towards him from the clouds. Takadamu was flying! Even he had to gape at the sight, though it was a very pronounced, surprised gape. He never thought he would have seen any of his children again. It couldn't possibly mean... Nalini was there? No, Nalini would have been the first to show up if their children came. He knew. There was no more hope for that chance.

"Takadamu," he called, though he did not shift from his spot - the lad had already flew over to his side to snuffle at his wings.

Honestly, he had to be a little amused. Where his mouth had held a frown was a small, ever the slight smile. It was Takadamu.


"Father!!" Takadamu was excited and proud of his discovery, zipping over to Mushkeli's side and nipping at those large black feathery wings.

"I found you!" he said out loud, almost in a taunting way.

Oh boy, was he proud! Now he had to rub it in Upinzani's face that he found their father in just a matter of time. It was like Upinzani to say Takadamu wasn't smart enough to do it. But he did!

"Yeah, father! It was easy. You're easy to find, you know that?" he said, laughing out loud now.

Takadamu had such a boastful and delighted behavior, sort of like their mother. But he still had his boyish rough edges. It made Mushkeli wince at remembering Nalini, but yet, his son was here, in front of him now. Bast would have known what to do, but all Mushkeli felt was that he only had it in him to appreciate the presence. At the same time... Takadamu was another reminder of his loss and devastation.

"Takadamu... Is anyone else with you?" he asked.

"It seems you have learned about your powers early."

It wasn't surprising, for both Mushkeli and Nalini had been powerful gods, and excelled in their duties since they had been born into the world.

"Yes, I brought everyone!" he stated again in a boisterous tone this time.

Ahh, the leader of all five of his siblings. They all played follow the leader and he led them well! He was so good.

"Viraji, Sitiri, Xia Hua, Salima, and Upinzani. I told them all to stay behind because, uh, they were all getting annoying. You know how Upinzani gets when one of us does something better than him. And Viraji is weird. And you know... Aren't you proud of me, dad? I found you! None of them helped, too!"

Ah, the lad was excitable. It was a little sad that Mushkeli could not return the enthused greeting. But it seemed like Takadamu did not mind so much, so...

"All of them, I see... Yes, Takadamu, it seems you have learned how to yield your powers of navigation well. At a young age. Just like... your parents."

He offered a chuckle for the lad only, hoping to keep his son's spirits high.

"I suppose... the others are waiting for me."

Of course his father had to be proud! Navigation was his thing, and he could navigate to anything! He was a true leader. He would lead just about anything that needed his leading, and he could lead them anywhere!

"Yeah, they're all waiting for me and you, dad! We all missed you. You know... I want to grow to be as big as you, dad! Do you think I can?"

His head cocked, seriously wondering whether he would be as big as his father. He was barely the size of Mushkeli's paw!

Mushkeli gave a slow nod, acknowledging the question.

"Yes, you have... strong genes running in you, son. Show me where the others are. I suppose... I shall see them."

"This way, dad!" Takadamu said happily as he was satisfied at that prospect.

Ahh, what a fun and good day this would be!