Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 7:15 pm
Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 1:53 am
biggrin Pretty fish... can't wait til his fins are all healed up
Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 8:16 am
Moroseth Anaratharach biggrin Pretty fish... can't wait til his fins are all healed up Me either! He's so funny. Took him like 2 minutes to realize food was coming from the other side of the tank, not from above where he was sitting LOL He's just alittle bit spacey xd I hope he really is a marble and gets some color on his body. His big black eyes are kind of awkward rofl
Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 12:28 pm
Theres a chance I might be keeping him biggrin
I'm going home next week, and my mom has another betta of mine, in an Eclipse System 3 (most expensive 3 gallon tank ever @.@ Thankfully, my uncle gave it to me LOL), and when I upgraded my 20 long to a 29 gallon (same footprint, just a bunch taller), I put the 20 long away, where I wouldn't see it and set up again.
Anyway, I'm hoping that mom'll let me set the 20 long up for her, and I can divide it and let Katsu Kaida (the betta she has), and Hotaru take over it. I'll plant it all up, make it look all pretty, and it it'll be a nice low-maintanence tank for her to enjoy, and I get to keep Hotaru all for my self (but he'll live 10 hours away....).
I hope she goes for it. The 3 gallon is giving her algae trouble, and she had to go out and buy a toothbrush so she could scrub it off every day LOL With the 20 long, if
Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 9:59 am
Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 12:47 am
Awww... He kinda looks like my Yaoi, except Yaoi's eye's glow red when you look right into them. He also has seeing problems so he looks all goofy and kinda dorky when he curves his body to corral food in attempts to get it and swims in circles doing so. He also does this when he's trying to focus on rocks or anybody in his tank. ^_^
I took the chance with him, my female Itty Bitty, and an albino red-tailed shark to do a community tank. I know it's very rare to have them be fine with each other, but they haven't bothered or tried to hurt each other at all. ^_^ The tanks been up for a while and no problems. There's a divided space on once side just in case something happens though.