(sleeping is for dreaming)
Name: Miku
Species: Human
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Orientation: Lez/Bi

User Image
5'2"; 115lbs.; Blonde, cropped hair; Hazel eyes;
Wears a revealing neko-costume of a snarky black cat when on duty and in character
(the tail inexplicably has the ability to move as a real one)

As a student, Miku was kind, and exceedingly cheerful. She was bright, creative, and loved cosplay and comic-books. She enjoyed reading, street-style inline skating, and her pets...

When she was taken as a slave by her first master, her personality still gleamed beneath her exuberant obedience. She was broken extremely well, and developed a lust for sexual sadism through the course of her own torture. She obeyed her first master without question, and would still if they were ever to be brought back together; it remains to be seen how far she would let a stranger push her.

Miku grew up like any ordinary girl in Japan. She had a loving family in a modest apartment in downtown Kyoto. She was a strong student but took to frequent ditch parties to watch the older boys skate behind the school. With her best friends, Kotoe, Ayumi, Sakura, and Hotaru, she liked to spend her weekends watching movies and playing games, two of her friends were even singers just on the fringe of breaking into the music industry. Her life was full of joy, and it only made her own nature radiate more brightly. It was how her life used to be...

One day not long after her seventeenth birthday, while waiting inside a crowded traincar on her way home from school, she was violated by a strange and silent assailant. The man forced his advance ever descretely, and she made not a sound as he molested her before slinking away into the crowds again, leaving Miku tearing at the train door; salvation if only the train had been stopped. If only he'd come later. The man returned day after day, to repeat his depravity, and she'd eventually come to know the identity of her assailant; her history professor. It didn't matter in the end, because his repeated advances slowly began to wear her down and break her spirit.

Meetings became more lengthy and involved, and had relocated to a bathroom stall in the train station, yet in all this time he never did more than touch her; and she was made to do no less. She could still remember that day; the day he broke her in for good. It was a meeting like any other, the professor seated and Miku on her knees, but something there snapped, and she couldn't control herself. She found her own desires tangled in a heated mess of lust and sensation. She begged for him; she begged at his feet for him to take her with all of his form. She called him Master from there hence.

She was his first, but he lured in more just like he did the first time, and Miku willingly aided in his acts of depravity and manipulation as he reeled in each of her closest friends. It was through that participation that she discovered the depths of her own sexuality, and she found herself even more at peace with her duties to her master. His body was her reward, and she would do anything to settle those cravings. It was only better that she could enjoy herself in the process.

Unfortunately for Miku, her time with her beloved Master would not last forever. Her friends went first, one by one; sold to the highest bidder, but Miku never dreamed that the day would come that he would let her go to that dreadful associate his that had started this two-year snowball of events into motion in the first place. She heard months later that the payout on her was the biggest he'd ever received, and that final service to her Master filled her with tremendous pride. She shook of her angst of losing her protector and providor, and kept her chin up as she looked into the future... Besides, she'd been bought by Traders, not Buyers; Hotaru had been bought by an ogre of a man, who seemed opposed to bathing and completely void of intelligence; a deal that was meant to punish her, more than reward him. Miku was thankful she'd never needed such correction under Ayabe's wing. She could never betray him...her love.

Notes for the Buyer:
Miku is a little of both worlds when it comes to her temperance. She is extremely submissive, making her incredibly obedient. This "can do" attitude also means owners typically have no difficulty in giving her authoritative roles when working in a multi-slave environments. Her primary pathos is sadism ((though she can work well as a pet, or house-slave, in which many of the sexual extremes will be lessened and/or eliminated)), and when given the opportunity to act as her Master's hands during various modes of torture, her dominant nature manifests.

She is best suited for a calm and collected Master who is intelligent, and crafty. Her successes with her first master have made her considerably arrogant among her peers, reflected clearly by her work ethic; she is quality merchandise and she knows it, as such she will have a tough time accepting submission from a man who isn't able to emulate her first's tactile and devious plots. If she feels her Master has no ambition or goal ahead of him, her own ambition to please her Master wanes.

When cohabitating with other slaves, she tends become forward and flirty with female slaves, especially when she doesn't feel her Master is finding ways to reward her for her efforts to please him. She has an incredibly powerful libido, due to the nature of her conditioning, as such she craves release frequently, and if under a master who utilizes her for more domestic purposes, be forewarned, she may end up seeming exceedingly unfocused as the day wears on.

[Pre-Requisite: Lit-RP/Semi-lit; Plot/Story driven RP -- PM inMadness if interested.]