Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 4:54 pm
I have been reading through the Feedback forum as well as the main shop thread, and I found information on stats and co-owning from back in November 2010 (Thread here). In particular, I found some of my answer with mouselet's reply:
mouselet All right, here is the official response. The stats system is not changing. It is set up to reward the people who RP, not the pet. If only one owner RPs the pet in a given month, only that owner will receive credit for that pet. For breeding purposes, you are welcome to link to the teepee with higher stats. To recap: Stats are only raised in the teepees of owners who have RPed that month If a Soquili's stats are not in the teepee of the owner who RPed, that Soquili's stats will not be increased that month Either teepee can be used for breeding purposes This is the staff's final decision on this matter. My question is this... Since I have recently got a co-own with LydaLynn, do I send a request to the teepee's mule to have her added to my teepee with her current stats, or do I go ahead and start a new set of stats and roll for them on my own.
For some reason, I always thought that a Soq could ONLY be in 1 persons teepee.
Thanks in advance for the help, and I apologize in advance if the information is listed somewhere and I am missing it.
Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 5:44 pm
Hmmm, I have seen it where it is added to your teepee with its current stats and then it is added to that nwn.
There was a thread a bit ago by Chesire about stats pertaining to a soquili her and Nyx owned. I think in that situation the horse went into the teepee with the stats it had from the original owner. But from then on would be added on from who rped it.
But thats not a 100% sure answer x'3;;. Just recaling what I think I saw in the past<3.
Good luck 4laugh .
Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 9:34 pm
Alright, from my understanding you must have rights to the teepee listed in your co-ownership agreement in order to be able to have the soquili and their stats added to your teepee. If you do have that you send the link for the other owners teepee and yours as well as their cert/whatever else you use for their picture in your teepee. They SHOULD be able to transfer stats between each teepee but the only stats that will raise are those who RPed the individual soquili that month when they go to update the stats. If the owner did nothing to them then the stats should not raise further in their teepee beyond what was recorded in them before. While if both owners RPed the soquili they would both see the results in their respective teepee's. This I believe is meant to be an incentive to RP so that when breedings roll around the person who did the work of RPing to get the stats to raise their chances of a larger basket count would get benefits. If that makes sense?
So only one owner will get their teepee updated with the new stats if they RP'ed them. If they did not then they won't. Although, I believe they update them anyways just to keep it consistent.
Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 9:45 pm
-peeks out- Actually, from my understanding of the debate some months ago, one can use whichever set of stats for a given soq are higher for things like breedings,...or whatever else stats are used for. It doesn't matter what YOUR teepee says if your co-owner's are higher, you can use theirs.
-goes to hunt down the exact post to make sure she is remembering right-
edit: Derp. You've got it right in the first post. -feels silly- Mouse is quoted saying that you can use the stats in either teepee for breeding purposes. And that that was the official shop stance/final decision on it.
edit2: To actually answer your question, in the past I have simply PM'd the teepee mule to have stats added to my teepee with a new co-own. Just copy paste the current set of stats and plug it into the stat rolling skeleton. Make sure to include a link to the co-ownership agreement and typically in a few days it will be done. :3 Hope that helps!
Nyx Queen of Darkness Crew
Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 9:56 pm
True. As Chesh and created the thread and had several inquiring questions about this--unless Niss plans or has changed things then this is what happens.
1. Stats may be in both teepees, only the person who RP's WILL stats for the month. They will not update them to keep them consistent. Whatever stats that are available when the co-owner gives you rights you can use.
2. You can use the higher stats from whichever teepee. Even though it's the same horse it can have different stats. Example--if I max my soq that I share with Chesh--Arden, and she hasn't maxed him yet, I can still get him to Elderhood. Once he's eldered, she can use his elder form and stats for breeding purposes as the horse cannot exist in two seperate states.
Recap: Want new stats? RP.
New ownership? You get the stats they had already.
Which do you use? The one that's higher obviously.
Edit: I'm not cranky. I just finished NaNoWriMo. Words...they hurt *dies*
Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 11:49 pm
I believe this is actually a question for the mule. ^^
Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 6:31 am
I didn't list stats in the co-owner agreement - I didn't think about it. But I have no problem with stats porting to Looney's teepee. If I need to do something for that, let me know.
Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 12:18 pm
Thanks guys for all your input and answers.
Bee, Sorry if this post shouldn't be here. I did PM the mule a week or so ago with stats for another Soq. I had questions, but at that time, for some reason, was under the impression that a Soq could only be in 1 persons Teepee... I didnt want to send multiple follow up PM's clarifying or asking new questions. I thought I might be able to get a little more of an idea from the rest of the community before being a bother by send PM's, and cutting down the number of updates that have to be made to my Teepee.
Now I feel a little more educated in the world of Soquili.
Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 1:02 pm
Looneytaz82 Thanks guys for all your input and answers.
Bee, Sorry if this post shouldn't be here. I did PM the mule a week or so ago with stats for another Soq. I had questions, but at that time, for some reason, was under the impression that a Soq could only be in 1 persons Teepee... I didnt want to send multiple follow up PM's clarifying or asking new questions. I thought I might be able to get a little more of an idea from the rest of the community before being a bother by send PM's, and cutting down the number of updates that have to be made to my Teepee.
Now I feel a little more educated in the world of Soquili. It can be posted here, there's nothing wrong with that. You'll just get a definite answer from the mule, rather then speculations from other owners. <3
Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 3:01 pm
Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 4:39 pm
Just to update anyone else that may be wondering... I spoke with Samus. The stats were indeed copied over from Lyda's teepee, and I didn't need to adjust the co-own agreement in order to have them posted.