After being a member of the guild for quite a while now, I realized I hadn't made a roll call post.


I can be really dense.


I'm Cortney. Hi!

Don't let me offensive username fool you; I'm really quite a nice person. I just have a twisted sense of humor, and am the monarch of a Yaoi guild.

Well, on Gaia, I have more than 20 accounts, most of them cosplay mules.

My main and first account is Dyzzi, which I've had for 6 years or so, and haven't ever changed the name. Since then, a lot of copycat names have sprung up. I'll take credit for those. cool
I'm a LD, LI, AF, and CB lurker and conversationalist.
My crowning moment of lifetime achievement was when I did The Chicken Dance with Lanzer and DJ Helsing in front of a crowd of Gaians, on the live webcast at Fanime 2011.

Offline, I'm a community college kid in California trying to save up to transfer to UC Santa Cruz.
I have a purple belt in Hakadoru Kenpo, which I love learning, but regrettably cannot afford in these harsh economic times.
I'm majoring in English and Psychology, and rhetorical analysis is my passion. <3

Connotations and Denotations and Parallelism and Metonymy and eeuukjfhsug /j**z

I'm a rabid anime fan and cosplayer as well.

I didn't know this until recently, but despite keeping to myself pretty well, it seems I'm well known around town, due to my constantly changing neon hair colors, tendency to dress like goth-vomit, and my beat up, faded red convertible Camaro.

I've been trying to learn Japanese on my own for about 5 years, since no schools in the area offer it. It wasn't until very recently I was able to take a basic Japanese class, and since then I've progressed by leaps and bounds. (Although I still can't even hold anything more than basic conversations)

Because I love you lovely people, I'll let you in on a cool secret:
THIS program may look a bit odd or suspicious, but during my senior year of high school, I got brave and filled out an application.

No one believed it was legit. Everyone thought it was a scam to get my SSN or kidnap me or something dangerous.


It IS real, and I did it, and it was the best thing ever!

You work as a camp counselor most days, teaching kids and playing with them (which is equally as fun as it is work), and in exchange, you get:

1. FREE trip to Japan
2. FREE food
3. FREE places to stay
4. FREE traveling
5. Immersive experiences (you rarely stay in hotels. It's usually Ryokan-type places in very scenic locations.)
6 Support while you're there. Constant support.

As in, we found ourselves stranded in Fukuoka City in the middle of the night, since we had missed the last subway back to our hotel's area, and with one phonecall to our Japanese staff, we had 5 taxis there within half an hour.

7. An awesome team and staff to work with.

I had the best summer of my whole life.

You guys should all apply.

USA Summer Camp is the best thing ever. Especially if you love working with kids. I want to be a teacher, so this was just a huge win-win.

Oh gosh.
This post turned into an advertisement.
