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Alnitak had left early in the day, intent on heading out once more in search of more members for the pack. The last time had not taken her long to find someone, and she was wondering if this time would be just as lucky. She set out from the dens, making her way out as the rest slept, or readied themselves to. While she would have preferred setting out at night she had other things to attend to at such times. So with what little sleep she had gotten she was on her way in search on any more wild dogs that could be convinced to come back with her.

A quick meal was the only break she took. A rabbit not fast enough to escape her jaws. She wolfed it down quickly, leaving any remaining bits for some lazy scavenger to come have. Aln was not going to sit idle for too long, not out of her lands and away from her kin. She couldn’t, it made her skin itch.

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The dark purple male woke quickly from his rest, stretching out his legs slowly. A loud, waking yarn escaped his maw as he rolled on to his stomach and stood. “A new day. Perhaps just as grand as the previous?” Sumu hummed cheerily at the thought before exiting his little den for a drink. He padded slowly across the dirt, hopping off a small ledge in to the tall grasses below. The male continued on his path, ears perked forward. This path was one of the many he used for food. Each path leading to a watering holes or places frequented by prey lay at the other end, and he took advantage of them. This particular path was one that led to a small watering hole, one usually ignored by larger animals in favor of a larger water source not far off. However this one was less likely to have any unwanted company.

Sumu dipped his head down and lapped up his fill of water, ears swiveling back and forth as he listened to the sounds around him. Paw steps caught his attention as he finished, ears perking forward to listen. Not far off, it sounded like, and only one set of paws. Curiously he moved forward, peering over the tall grasses. Ahead, moving along a path of dirt was another wild dog. A red lady trotted along a path worn of grass from much use. With a grin on his face Sumu’vari exited his hiding spot, making his way towards the female. “Hello there!”

Alnitak slowed her pace for a moment to glance sideways. A dark male was coming towards her from out of the taller grassed, shouting a greeting as she did. She continued forward a few more steps before coming to a stop to wait for him to near. She was mildly curious as to what it was he wanted, though from the back of her mind crept forth the idea that perhaps he would like to return to the pack. However she was not going to hastily offer to this strange male entrance in to her home without knowing him a bit. Even the previous male she had at least seen chase off a leopard, even if unintentional, but this male she had seen do no such feat. He was still a potential threat at this moment.

“Greetings.” Aln finally replied as the male exited the tall grasses on to the path she had been walking along. She said nothing else though, and instead fell silent to simply watch him and see what it is he wanted.

The female had slowed down and simply watched as he bounded through the grass towards the dirt pathway. She finally spoke again once he was on said path, and he grinned broadly towards her. “I have not seen you around these parts before. I was merely curious to see why it was you were travelling through these parts.” His words were just as cheerful as his expression as he spoke, watching her curiously. This lady was certainly a curious one, mainly because of her eyes. They were not like any he had been before. Golden orbs floating in darkness. Even her colours seemed to add to the odd appearance, the reds of her fur ‘bleeding’ down in to darker legs.

“I seem to have lost my manners for a moment.” Sumu quickly pulled his attention away from looking over her appearance, not wanting to seem an odd one himself for looking a lady over in such a way. “I am Sumu’vari. Only dog I know in this small area, so it is certainly nice to find another around.”

Anitak furrowed her brow. “I have been travelling around for nearly a day now, I just happened to come through this part. My intention on being in this land is not really any of your business however.” She nearly spat the last sentence, but managed to keep her tone at least somewhat normal. Her business was certainly none of his, however this had not yet deterred her from thinking that he could be an addition to the Nyota, however she was still wary of this strange male.

Sumu nodded. “Yes, certainly. My apologies then. I had not meant to pry so much in to your business, was merely curious is all.” He fell in to silence, a smile still spread across on his face. “Oh, perhaps though if you are in search of something specific I might be able to be of some use? I admit I do not know entirely what lies further beyond, but if there is something here that you are in search of I might then be of some use?” Brows raised expectantly as he waited for her reply.

The male seemed unwilling to leave it at that. Alnitak watched him intently for a moment. He appeared harmless enough, and though she did not know his physical strength she wondered if it would still be worth offering to him a place in her pack. The worst that could happen is he causes trouble and the Colossus remove it. She doubted he could do much harm otherwise. “Perhaps you can aid me then. I have been in search of other wild dogs that I might bring them back to my pack, to join us. I shall extend this offer to you. If you are interested then i would like to return immediately, if not then I shall be on my way.”

Sumu’s ears perked forward curiously. “An offer to join a pack? Well, interesting. Certainly not that I had expected.” He fell silent, gaze shifting upwards as he mulled over the offer. Life here was certainly not a hard one, but it did get lonely. He was as social as any dog, and there were not many around, and those that were tended to be an unfriendly sort, at least around him. It was certainly a tempting offer. ‘Perhaps.” Was his reply, as he looked back to the female, smile widening to a grin. “I shall return with you then. Surely if this pack is not for me then I can leave, yes? I shall go then. We can leave right away if you are in a hurry.”

Alnitak gave a curt not at his reply. “Good, then we can go now.” She turned with no further words and started back along the path she had come, not bothering to look back to make sure he was following.

( Word Count: 1251 )