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Winter Solstice Elder Applications [Winner Announced!] Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Shy Mage

PostPosted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 2:51 pm



A foreign word, I know, as the term itself has long since been used in the appropriate manner. Elders are our elite Soquili, our leaders, the most mature and wisest of all the herds. They are not categorized by a particular species, for members from each group have the potential of achieving this honor, should they meet the criteria.

Below, you will find the definition of an Elder and the requirements of what it takes to have your Soquili become an Elder. If you feel your Soquili is qualified for Elderhood, you also have the opportunity at this time to enter an application.

If you have any questions, please read all of this thread to see if your question is answered here. If you still have a question after reading these posts, then feel free to shoot a PM to Uta or Nisshou H.

[Credit to Skye/Caj for the original application process and Cuter for the second from whence the bulk of these posts are derived from]
PostPosted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 2:52 pm

Part 1: What is an Elder?

If you’re reading this, you are either A) an involved person who believes in reading updates (in which case, good for you!) or B) owner of a potential elder. So I’m sure that you’d like to know what that potential is all about!

Basically, Elder is the highest stage a Soquili can attain. It’s purely optional, and only attainable through rp. Buying a life cycle Soq doesn’t mean you’ll get an elder if all you do is stick that pet in your sig, so don’t get bent out of shape that yours never makes it that far. Becoming an Elder is an RP PERK.

So, you have your pet and you rped it and now have all 100% stats. Why would you want to go elder? What are the benefits?

For starters, you get a new stage of your Soquili. A stage that only a few others have achieved so far. There is male and female elder art [see the Elders Information thread for images of other Elders], and elders will be upgraded to this beyond-adult stage that they might look as regal and dignified as they now are in their new in-character state.

Secondly, elders, being bigger and tougher than regular adults, are also capable of bearing more children! In any breeding where a parent (be it one or both) is an elder, that breeding will yield THREE baskets, guaranteed, plus have a chance at getting a whopping FOUR! (And for comparison, normal adult Soquili can have two baskets, three if they’re lucky, so this goes to show the breeding perk!)
*However, owners are still only allowed to keep one basket each; this just means more to give away!

Now, by this point, you’re probably thinking, “GREAT!” Who doesn’t love art and baskets? Why, I want EVERY SINGLE SOQ I OWN TO BE AN ELDER AS SOON AS THEY HIT 100%

Wrong answer. Sure, the perks are nice. But beyond the perks, there are a few basic elder truisms that need to be remembered.

Most importantly, the very name elder implies something about this stage. An Elder is often a leader; be it religious, or spiritual, political, or merely formal, Elder implies that the person (or in our case, Soquili) is an individual worthy and fit to have this role. Elders are leaders among the Soquili, individuals who can be looked up to by others and exhibit the necessary traits for the important role of elder. Just because they may be a kalona does not restrict them from becoming an Elder; if they fit the role within their breed, then they too are eligible. Roleplay development of these Soquili are key to a good Elder. And Elder cannot be customed or born at that rank, they achieve the status after hard work and development to obtain such a high standard of status.

Basically, elders are leaders/leadership material. Keeping this in mind, not all Soquilis are meant to be Elders. We hope that owners will be using their best judgment in putting Soquili candidates for elderfication forward, and to help you all decide whether or not to go elder, we’ve put together a basic list of what will be looked at when considering that Soquili for elderfication.


Responsibility and leadership. Obviously the elders need to be able to handle themselves and situations that come up; they are the ones to which other Soquilis will look in times of trouble, so they need to be up to the challenge. The definition of responsibility and of a good leader varies from breed to breed, and this will essentially be looked at on a case by case basis. What makes a Kalona responsible might be different from a Regular, and so on and so forth.

Rp development. Elders are supposed to have grown and matured to the elder stage through rp (see, it all links back to roleplay). Consequently, the roleplay of the Soquilis in question will be checked to determine whether or not the Soq in question has grown into a character worthy of being an elder. If all you have is mate-finding rp…chances are you won’t be elderfied.

So, keeping that in mind…


Shy Mage


Shy Mage

PostPosted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 2:53 pm

Part 2: Becoming an Elder

As mentioned in the introduction, becoming an elder is a multi-step process. So, in a new and streamlined list format…how to become an elder!

Step 1: Have all six stats at 100%
Step 2: Have trackable, readable rp (although this ought to already exist if your stats are at all 100s, it’s best to make sure)
Step 3: Post the elder application HERE in this thread. The elder application itself can be found in the post below.
Step 4: Wait for it! All applicants will be notified whether or not their Soqs have been approved for elder, so PLEASE BE PATIENT. Once approved for elder status the art will take time as well. Keep that in mind when applying!

*Approval of elders is done via group. Specifically, a panel of individuals will be considering each application and jointly deciding if your nomination is valid. As mentioned above, owners will be notified of the verdict regardless of whether it’s affirmative or not (aka, we'll make an announcement post once everything's decided, so keep checking THIS THREAD, and not PMs!)

***In addition, if your Soquili is rejected for elder once, you are welcome to try again later after working more on your Soquili’s character in rp. However, for reasons of scope a Soquili may only be submitted for Elder status three times before you are put on probation. So if you're rejected thrice, after the third time, you must wait a full physical year from that rejection before you will be permitted to enter for Elder application again. (This is an attempt to show you that this honor is a BIG DEAL, so merely throwing your horse up for the chance of NEW LINES and MOAR BABIES is simply a waste of your time and ours).

****The staff reserves the right to change details as circumstances merit. No changes will be retroactively applied, and all changes will be clearly indicated.


[b]Name of Soquili and Link to Image:[/b]
[b]Link to Teepee:[/b]
[b]Do you remember when your Soquili first maxed out?[/b] [Month and year if you do.]
[b]Links to RP(s) that show how the Soquili has grown over time, proving his or her development into an Elder:[/b]
[b]Why would your Soquili (IC) choose the Elder path?[/b]
[b]Why have you chosen the Elder path for your Soquili OOC?[/b]

Elder Application Status Is Currently: Open until December 31 4PM MST.
PostPosted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 2:55 pm


• Read the above. If you don't, we won't read your entry.
• This is a free service, Elders cost nothing.
• There is no pre-determined amount of Elders we accept each time.
• Custom edits always appear on Elders. You can request Trading Post items to be re-added freely, to match the previous adult stage or altered.
• If your Soquili doesn't get picked, take it like an adult. We don't reject for petty reasons like "OMG THAT PERSON TOTALLY RIPPED ME OFF IN THE EXCHANGE" (though if you are that person, I will be dealing with you later), but we reject based on required criteria missing from your entry. If you would like to discuss what you can do to improve for next Elder opening, we would be happy to give pointers/advice if you PM this account.
• The colorists currently doing Elder upgrades *vary* - you do not get to choose who does your upgrade. When possible the original artist will have first choice of doing the Elder.

If you have any questions, please PM Uta or Nisshou H.


Shy Mage


Shy Mage

PostPosted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 2:57 pm

Frequently Asked Questions

    Q: Who are the judges?
    A: Aside from me, the judges are secret and do not have to identify themselves in any way if they do not want to. This is to prevent people from pressuring them into decisions.

    Q: Will you pleasepleaseplease accept my application? This is my Soq's third time applying!
    A: Only if your Soquili fits the criteria. Remember, three rejections only means you have to wait a year before reapplying, not that your pet is down and out for the count.

More will come from questions PMed to me that are important for everyone to know.
PostPosted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 4:11 pm


User ImageName of Soquili and Link to Image:


Link to Teepee:

Homeward Bound

Do you remember when your Soquili first maxed out?
Estimating about April/May 2010

Links to RP(s) that show how the Soquili has grown over time, proving his or her development into an Elder:

RPs are listed in order of the timeline but may have been done out of order.

  1. Memories - This is one of the first RPs Maion had after leaving his home high in the mountains, he shows his naivity to the world, but also reveals a secret pain that has been eating away at him. He has a hatred for all Skinwalkers after he watched one kill the mother of three foals, at the time he had not been strong enough to look after them so left them with a friend with the intention to find them once more as they young adults.

  2. The Moonlight Lake - Maion learnt that he did not need to be so consumed about the Ocean, that there were in fact other things equally important. It marks the beginning of his long journey of discovery.

  3. Condemnation - Tough lesson learnt here, Maion sees that he needs to have perspective in life, and although it is key that he does his duty he also needs to open his heart to the other possibilities around him. The other lesson he learns is that not everyone can be saved.

  4. Caught up in the Snow - Maion takes a student in the form of a young foal called Taharial. After their meeting he passes on all the lessons he was taught by his own mother, and forms a longing to one day have children of his own so he can do the same with them.

  5. The Tide Turns - Maion helps Abloec come to terms with his past, and learns alot about himself in the process.

  6. A Touch of Silence - Maion stumbles into Sengdroma and although he believes her to be a mute he never holds it against her or treats her with anything other than respect. He fights with the beliefs his mother taught him and knows that she is wrong, it doesn't matter what breed you belong to every one has an inner light -they just need an opportunity to shine. He gives the mute the name Moon, because he loves the moon and after their dance this delicate mare before him came to mean a lot to Maion. Moon is Sengdroma.

  7. A Fateful Encounter - Being of the Angeni breed Maion becomes aware of the ideals and expectations other have around him.

  8. Oh, How Embarassing - Maion becomes welcomed into a family which provides him with a reason to become a 'protector', he wants to be able to keep his family safe from the evils that still torment his mind.

  9. The Lake of Hidden Secrets - Placed in a unusual situation Maion makes the hard decision to help his future mate (Sengdroma) reach her goal by letting her go and not interfering. His protective nature prevents him from teaching her combat himself as he is worried that he would bring her harm.

  10. Just Act Tough - Forced to accept his decisions Maion watches as the world starts to form new links and connections around him. He knows he must become stronger in order to fulfil his mission as protector.

  11. OMG!!! - Maion meets his children for the first time, he feels the guilt of the world on his shoulders for not being there when they where born but vows that he will make it up to them, protect them, show them the ways to live honorably. Maion feels a longing to give them everything that he can -but he doesn't know what is missing or how he can achieve this.

  12. In need of some advice - Maion is confused and longs for Sengdroma to become his mate and to give her something more than just himself. He finds Lovey Dovey and she gives him some advice which leads to him claiming Sengdroma as his mate and swears to be forever faithful to her and their future. The Miakoda herd is formed, accepting anyone who needs a place to call home -always under the watchful eye of their Alpha and their Guardian. Maion becomes that Guardian.

  13. Something seems so familar about this protector-in-training - Maion finds himself looking at the world in a different way, he takes pleasure in sharing his skills and knowlegde with others, including those outside of his herd with the belief that with the right skills anyone can reach their goals.

  14. An alliance if formed - Maion knows that as the guardian of the herd it is his responsibly to seek the safety and future of the herd, and so he sets out to form an alliance with the Imp herd. Part of the reason for him doing this is because he knows he will not be around forever and he wants to ensure that those he holds dear will be safe forever.

  15. Be Mine... - Maion uses his strength to save Haishan Fai and Tuulikki from a skinwalker attack, he then uses all his strength to try and heal the wounds of Haishan Fai. This encounter shows him that he is not as good with every aspect of his being, and although he can heal he must rely on others to finish what he can not. He understands the need for unity and teamwork -and that together his herd can do anything.

  16. Lost in the Woods - Maion only makes a brief appearance in this roleplay but he soon starts to understand that there are things out of his control, that he can't be there to protect everyone all the time. This only makes him more determinded to do so when he can.

  17. Flying Lessons - After wanting children for so long Maion embraces them, despite being a little over protective of his two daughters he always encourages them to do their best. In this roleplay Maion teaches Chandra and her friend Sonnet to fly. He knows that as the protector of the herd it is his duty to allow his herd members to grow and learn at their own pace. He plans to teach both of these foals the importance of loyalty, friendship and knowlegde.

  18. Unwelcome Advances - There is choas in the herd lands due to the appearance of skinwalkers, Maion rises quickly to his role as the herds protector and will not rest until he has ensured they are safe once again.

  19. Together we are strong! - Maion interacts with other members of the Miakoda herd, the attack is fresh in everyones memory and their injuries are still strong.... but the good news helps the memory to fade and for hope to grow in their hearts once more, children have a way of making you forget everything bad and wrong in the world, even if it is only for a short moment in time. Maion grows close to his herdmates, bound together through their experiences.

  20. Here to lend a hoof! - Maion runs across a little mare called Maisie, his sheer size causes her to freak out and she falls off a cliff. Maion uses his patiences and powers to save her, and afterwards simply talks to her in an effort to help her with her confidence.

  21. Everyone needs a friend! - Maion takes his daughter to meet Maisie, the mare he had safed from falling off a cliff. His intention is to introduce them that the quiet and shy mare can finally have a friend, someone her own age she can trust and rely on. The only problem is, Maion starts to realise that his little girl isn't so little any more and has to come to terms with her growing up.

  22. Leading is all about choices! - Maion finds himself with two pregnant mares to protect, and a herd that is only now starting to calm down after the ripple effects of the skinwalker attacks. Maion feels a sence of duty to everyone, and knows that by being seen he can help the moral of his herd... still he worries that his daughter is being left out, in an effort to get rid of his worry about her he decides to hire Jarlaxle to keep an eye on her.

  23. Courage and Change. - Maion finds himself being asked for permission for his daughters hoof in matehood with Sonnet. And although part of Maion is happy that Chandra has found love he can't help but feel old, his little girl no longer so little.

  24. Welcome to the Family - During his patrol of the herdlands before setting back for the night he runs into Aether (Sengdroma's brother), he can see potential in the other stallion so offers him his wish -to see his family and stop wandering- and in return Aether is to become one of Maion's protectors.

  25. Swept Away - Maion finds himself in a storm... but he is not alone! The decision to use his powers over the Ocean are easy given that there is a basket, an innocent, in danger. Maion takes the little one in and swears to it that he will do everything in his power to keep it safe.

  26. Do not fear... - After failing to find the baskets parents Maion and Sengdroma decide to adopt it as their own, to teach it and care for it as if it was their own flesh and blood. The basket is adopted into Maion's family and the Miakoda herd alike.

  27. Opening on Hope! - Maion gets to witness the arrival of Pele to the world, it stirs many emotions in the old stallion.... especially since he had not been there for his first three children's arrival. He and Sengdroma are overwhelmed with joy for their new baby girl.

  28. Return of the Long Lost Son - Maion only makes an appearance in the RP, Drashi's son Xanthus returns to the herd for training and Maion is there to greet the stallion upon arrival but also to give him his blessing to be in the herdlands and to be taught battle skills from his father Drashi. Maion teases Xanthus a little in this, showing that even a leader knows how to have a little fun every once in a while.

  29. Duty of the Heart! - After one of Maion's protector assignment meetings he ends up having a heart to heart with his son Drashi. Maion gives him advice and hopes will all his heart that his son finds happiness and peace soon. Herd business is also discussed, mainly how best to prepare the foals for the future in terms of their safety.

  30. When I grow up... - This is a sweet RP where Maion gets lots of attention from one of the new foals to the herd Crown, Crown is overwhelmed by the strength and size of Maion and hopes that one day he could be just like him, during their conversation Maion tries to give the young colt some advice that will hopefully help him when he is an adult.

  31. A walk turned into a kidnapping - Maion takes one of his protectors and the new foals out to learn more about the land they live in, but as they are walking a demon attacks them. Maion does his best to protect everyone, and even jumps in the way of a foal to save their life.... however Maion becomes badly injured and couldn't move. He knew that with the foals there they stood no chance so he orders Drashi to take them to safety. He sacrifices himself for the good of his herd and gets kidnapped. This is only the beginning of a plot that is currently being played out, for more information check out the plot thread.

  32. We can't all get along! - Maion is scouting the area out to find the easiest route to safety after he and the other prisoners escaped.... but he runs into someone, someone just as delussional as the kalona's he just escaped. The encounter leaves him with a firm knowlegde that standing by your belief and honour code is the only way to live.

  33. Duty by the Ocean - Maion finds himself being called to the Ocean, and always he believes it is for a reason, when he comes across Thane.

  34. ...And Found - Maion is checking up on the herdlands when he comes across an injured stallion, Karloff, he offers the stallion aid, food and shelter... and as things progress he hopes to show Karloff that there is a goodness within anyone, and break through some of the trust issues the young stallion has.

  35. A Big surprise! - Maion discovers that he is going to be a grandfather.. his first thought is, his little girl is growing up. In this moment Maion can't help but feel his age.

  36. The Cold Kiss of Winter. - Maion tried to find a balance between the herds needs, the dreams and wishes of his grandaughter Heze and what he believes in. This is a cute little RP that has him getting to know Heze a little more, and gives him an opportunity to let his hair down and have some fun.

There are more RPs (group and solo) listed within my teepee.

Why would your Soquili (IC) choose the Elder path?

User ImageMaion was taught by his mother the virtues of life, charity, strength, wisdom, respect, valor and most importantly to her honour. It is by this 'code' that he has always tried to live his life, but time and time again he has found himself never quite comparing to the expectations of others. This drove him to improve himself so that he could prove his worth as an Angeni, a Protector and Guardian of the Miakoda herd, mate and friend.

He has shared his skills and knowlegde with foals and adults alike, hoping that with each encounter he has made he has managed to leave them with a 'gift', something to carry with them through their life, just like he will carry their gifts to him with him always. Maion is happy to accept that he is not perfect, not the best at everything, but also understands the importance of the differences and how they can become a strength or a weakness simply by looking at it from an alternative perspective. He knows that to be part of a team is to rely on others from time to time and to always try your best.

His perpespective in life has changed and he has begun to understand the cycle of life, even accept the exsistance of Skinwalkers so that his hatred for them has now become merely a protective urge rather than a hungry longing for their blood and swift death. This allows him to think more clearly rather than being consumed in both the past and the presence. He embraces and lives for each moment, savoring them. Especially after having fought againts two skinwalkers, with the fear that he would fail in his task and lose one of his beloved herd/family members.

To Maion, becoming Elder has always been his dream. However he now no longer wants it so that he can show others that he has proven himself, but instead so that he can help guide others and protect those he holds so dearly to his heart, for that is the origin of true strength. By reaching Elderhood, Maion knows that he will have the power to protect those he loves for the rest of his life.

The experiences he has had in life have taught him a great deal, and as his wings and pelt begin to grey he hopes that he can leave a legacy behind him - as well as show those around him that this old stallion still has a trick or two left in him. His hope is to find someone, or a group of individuals who he can pass his knowlegde down to and leave his legacy to when the cold hand of death finally steals him from this world and back to the Moon.

Why have you chosen the Elder path for your Soquili OOC?

In truth, I have always thought that Maion possessed the characteristics to one day become an Elder, he has upheld the virtues that he holds so dear to his heart and developed as a whole during his RP (with several surprises to him and me!). No longer the niave young adult he once was but instead now a mature wise old stallion. His instincts and leadership skills have resulted in many lessons being taught and learnt and I would love to see him rewarded for his hard work. Maion is my most cherished Soquili, especially since he was the first I ever owned on my own. It took him over a year and half to get a breeding slot but that only proves that I will never give up on him. =D
*loves him and all the art of him and his mate*

To me Maion embodies what it is meant to be a leader. A leader is a person who has a vision, a drive and a commitment to achieve that vision, and the skills to make it happen.... and these are all things I believe Maion has shown throughout his RPs.

As a little bonus.... Maion recieved the spotlight with his mate Sengdroma in August 2010!
User Image

Spotlight Comment:
"They're lifemated, and share a wonderful story. Although some might think that its a normal romance, if you look into all the plotting and RP behind this pair, you might think otherwise! From their meeting to their courtship and "separation" to their eventual reunion, Dixie and Sya had managed to bring together two unique souls to form a really dynamic relationship. Like a real relationship, it has its ups and downs; in fact, with their reunion, I think its a new beginning rather than an ending because their life as parents start. I think that the love of these two had really stood the test of time, and well, I wish them the best on their quest to elderhood!"


Note for colourist should Maion get accepted to become an Elder:
I know that Maion has a lot of hair, so if he is lucky enough to become an elder I am completely open for him to have a hair cut or a change of style or whatever to make it easier for the colourist (braids loved). Either way he will always be Maion. I would also love if he could gain a few scars, after all he has been in a fight against pure skinwalkers and kidnapped by kalona's so there is bound to have a new mark or three upon his pelt.


Enduring Werewolf

10,275 Points
  • Team Edward 100
  • Object of Affection 150
  • Team Jacob 100

Revolutionary Roniel

Indestructible Dragon

PostPosted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 12:09 pm

Name of Soquili and Link to Image: Samsara
Link to Teepee: Here!
Do you remember when your Soquili first maxed out? Not quite sure. Since I RPed her pretty consistently, probably somewhere around November-December 2008.
Links to RP(s) that show how the Soquili has grown over time, proving his or her development into an Elder:
What was that? -Samsara the foal finds herself away from her parents. She's skittish without them, but she meets a new friend to keep her company.

Blood is not thicker than water. - Samsara spends some time with her sister, who coaxes her to embrace her kalona heritage.

Blood tales- Samsara as an adult spends more time with her sister and tries to reconcile caring for Adour with the dark themes she embodies.

Haya's fight school - Samsara joins Haya's self-defense lessons but still feels out of place within the context of the herd.

Fire burning through us - Samsara struggles to understand what has happened to her in her first night of being a skinwalker. Fortunately, there is someone there to help teach her...

Of all the things that could have happened - Samsara encounters her father who is shocked and horrified at her transformation. Devastated and furious with Hayagriva's rejection, Samsara vows to make him pay for the pain he has caused her.

Pain for me, pain for you - Samsara attempts to kill her first soquili prey, but finds that it's more difficult than anticipated.

The death pact - Samsara encounters a familiar skinwalker and convinces him to join her nefarious plot to kill her father.

Join us - Samsara gains a dangerous new ally.

Monstrous empty fate - Samsara and her skinwalker group launch their attack on Hayagriva but are ultimately turned back by him and other Padmapani herd members.

Lessons - Samsara finds another of her kind and teaches her what it means to be a skinwalker.

Deadly foolishness - Samsara finds a gullible stallion and tempts him to harm others.

Drag you deeper - Samsara meets again with the gullible stallion after tricking him into attacking an innocent soquili.

Whispers in the dark - Samsara uses information she has gathered on Deanneth Chamberland to sway him to doubt his family.

Anger's price - Samsara takes advantage of squabbling cousins to send a bloody message to her father.

Enter Mahapadma - Samsara recruits for her dark answer the the Padmapani herd.

Why would your Soquili (IC) choose the Elder path?
In Samsara's deepest heart, her choice would stem from her hatred of her father. Hayagriva is an elder and stands for the acceptance of one's ability to do and be good, even coming from unideal backgrounds or bloodlines. Samsara wants to do just the opposite. She wants to bring out the worst in the soquili around her. She wants to use her dark influence to encourage soquili to embrace the cruel impulses within them. She would choose elderdom to continue leading soquili to attack each other and hate. She has already brought a group of skinwalkers together once in a common goal of carnage. Though she has no permanent skinwalker group, she has proven herself able to influence and lead them and will continue doing so. Because skinwalkers are very erratic allies, she has instead gathered a group of dark-minded soquili into a group which she calls Mahapadma. She uses these soquili to carry out evil to limits which she couldn't achieve alone.

She truly wants to press the limits of what skinwalkers can do. She knows that she came from humble and insecure beginnings before she bloomed into the terror she is now. She's going to see that other soquili get that same opportunity.

Why have you chosen the Elder path for your Soquili OOC? I've been hugely intrigued by the idea of an evil elder for some time now. I chose the Elder path for Samsara partially as a challenge for myself, to see if I could figure out a way to pull an influential leader out of a soq breed known for their hatred and solitude. The other huge influence on this choice was pure excitement at the idea of the plotlines. I love exploring the rivalry between Samsara and her father. They are both such complex characters with interesting storylines that it is a joy to write and plot for them. Though Haya and Sam have already had their first major clash, it is far from over. Sam is easily one of my favorite soquili and it gives me chills thinking of what she could get up to if she achieved elderdom...
PostPosted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 8:12 pm

Name of Soquili and Link to Image:Shoshana
Shoshana uncert
Link to Teepee: xXx
Do you remember when your Soquili first maxed out? Um... I wanna say some where around Nov. of 2010.. I rp'd her pretty continuously after I got her.
Links to RP(s) that show how the Soquili has grown over time, proving his or her development into an Elder:
- New Places and snow. (Sho has first stumbled upon the soquili lands. The winter landscape had her all turned around and she finds herself lost only to make an unexpected friend of a mutant kalona mare who doesn't seem very thrilled about her still they get along well enough. This is her first entry into these new lands. Her naive ways are quite strong in the sense that she willingly trusts something that could have meant her doom.)
- Live life to its fullest (Exploring this new land, she stumbles upon a coalt practicing his dancing and singing. How ever much the foal may be lacking with these, she still encourages him to try, not having the heart to say anything discouraging. She leaves him with the advice to "live life to it's fullest")
- Moonlight meetings (Her second encounter with the kalona breed, she astounds Illidin with her open mindedness and ability to look past his hash exterior and attempt to find the good within him. They strike up a friendship that evening and he escorts her to what will ultimately become the heart of her herd's small plot of land in the future.)
- Beat the heat (Shoshana meets her first Cerynei. In their attempt to beat the summer heat the take a trip do a shaded area and grow a bit close along the way. She learns a lesson in humility when a bee stings her in a most awkward area. She Finds herself fond of Oracle in a friendly manner and this is the start to something wonderful for her.)
- Making friends (In this meeting she learns a valuable lesson. She learns that friends will sometimes risk themselves to save one another when they're in danger. She also gains a fear of the ocean as she's nearly swept out to sea.)
- A kind word. (She meets a stallion who's lost his memory say for his name. Her caring nature only increases as she looks out for him through his near black out.)
- Ah we meet again (In this RP shoshana has met back up with Illadin and after telling him of her fear of the ocean, he tries to help her over come her fears. She agrees to let him help her though reluctantly. While she doesn't over come her fear, it's the start to something she'll struggle with and ultimately become determined to get over some day.)
- Friendly Faces. (Her first encounter with a pregnant mare. As she makes friends with Renesme, she also asks many questions to learn more about her herd and the safety that can be found within them. This causes her to start pondering further about possibly settling down in a herd like set up within these lands she's come to like so much.)
- Must be something in the water ( Starting to show her first pregnancy, she's ran back into Renesme. During this meeting, she meets one of Renesme's children, learning that she had three of them. Renesme also asks her about having a midwife. It's a time for the friends to catch up and her to learn a little bit of what to expect while expecting.)
- Bonds that tie us together (In this RP she has informed two of her closest friends of her pregnancy and met Kisha's "kitten" the foal that had been just a basket when they'd met. In the interest to form a safe place in which to raise the young ones, they decide to all band together and form a herd of their very own. This marks the start of the Primrose and Hope herd, So named for the hope that they share of the making a slice of the world where no one's judged based on appearances alone and the favorite rose flowers of the new lead mare.)
- An unexpected coupling. (Battling her own fears of rejection, she seeks out Oracle to inform him of her condition and that he's to be a father. While they both agree that things happened in a surprising way she's glad to know that he decides not to abandon her and their unborn children. She leads him to the heart of her herd lands where they prepare for the arrival of their young ones.)
- Face your fears ( After being unable to face her fears when her friend tried to help her, she runs into another mare who's a fairly good swimmer. Success at last! Shoshana has a break through with the aid of the other mare's slow goings and overcomes her long time fear.)
- Like a fox to Hens (Sho's herd gets a shaking up by an intruder she can't reason with. The kalona tears a chunk out of Briallan's shoulder and while this is a slight wake up call to things her mate's been telling her, she still feels the need to accept that Demon's just one of those poor souls who cannot be anything more than he is. Her beliefs aren't shattered so much as strengthened in the thought that if one's left far too long with being treated as a brute that they learn nothing more than to be a brute.)
- The Grandest Adventure (Briallan's become a mother making Shoshana a grandmother. It's her first time seeing both the new additions and her daughter's mate. Pride beams through her at this happy time and what ever anger she had over Rakshi 'stealing away' with her daughter are forgotten as she sees the precious little ones.)

(there are more rp's in my teepee for her if you'd like to look them over)
Why would your Soquili (IC) choose the Elder path? Her memory of her values digs deep from the parents and family she left as a foal long before coming to the soquili lands. From the day she first wandered into these lands, she's traveled and met new soquili trying to help instill in them some of her own beliefs that not all who look evil are as such. Sure it has it's ups and downs, but for the most part she's found it a good philosophy. Never turn away a soquili in need always help when you can. She's taught a few the value of just being themselves and nothing more for no one else, giving them confidence in themselves. Her beliefs are that no matter how horrible and individual, there's got to be some good with in them. Baring the pure bred Skinwalkers, as they're the epitome of pure evil incarnate. To her becoming an elder is a dream for her, a way to reach out further and spread her beliefs among the others so that they too might help to make the lands better through understanding and doing away with the ugly prejudice of breed stereo types. Being the lead mare of the Primrose and Hope herd has guided her down the path of leadership. Her every decision weighing heavily on her mind since it no longer just effects her, it effects her herd as a whole. Elder-ship would be one more thing to help her lead those she cares for down the best paths, to help keep them safe from harm and help mold the young minds as they grow.
Why have you chosen the Elder path for your Soquili OOC?
Truthfully, I've always fancied the idea of my mare striving to become an elder so that she could try to help bring the races to a better understanding with one another. Sort of like a Soquili Dr. Martin Luther King Jr if you would. Though she doesn't wish to right out tell everyone how to think, she has always strived to enlighten others that their differences just make them unique and it's what's inside that counts the most. She's always held strong to her beliefs and lead her family to hold them to their hearts. Even after their world was turned upside down by a mean spirited kalona, she never stopped trying to see the good in others and lead those she's met along the way to do the same. Through her rp's she's grown less naive about life and more set in her views that the change has to start some where and even a voice no matter how small should be heard if there's to be any differences made. Her story is far from over and it's got a special spot in my heart as she was my very first Soquili I ever owned. I'm looking forward to seeing how her journey continues through life as more plots surface and rp's happen for her.


Dangerous Lover

xo maho

Dainty Dreamer

PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 11:34 pm

Name of Soquili and Link to Image: Calixte ("Cali" to most friends & family. And me.)
Link to Teepee: [x]
Do you remember when your Soquili first maxed out? October 2011
Links to RP(s) that show how the Soquili has grown over time, proving his or her development into an Elder: Important note: Some of the RPs listed died or are not finished; if these will be counted, the effects of what occurred in them on her character are described. Listed in chronological order of occurrence in Cali's life:

1. Newcomers (unfinished/dead) - Cali runs into another dryad on the beach. She begins to relate her sob-story about her missing mate, Areion, to this stranger who is also new to the Kawani Lands. [RP died.] Now hopeful that she will eventually find others of her own kind, Cali ventures forth to find a forest as she tries to shake off the effects of her long voyage across the sea.

2. Unwelcome In This Land - Cali, shortly after disembarking the vessel that brought her ashore on the coast of the Kawani Lands, finds a forest to rest in and dazes off. In her tired, disoriented state, she comes face to face with Einar, a cursed skinwalker who threatens to eat her in the place of the prey she made him lose. Rather than being frightened witless, Cali's numb mind reacts with fervor at a different offense - she takes offense to some of the things that would probably be said in everyday conversation. She also seems to have temporarily forgotten her run-ins with monsters much more fearsome in her homeland... But in the end, remembers her reason for journeying across the sea: her lost love. She also made an unlikely friend out of Einar.

3. A Lesson - While wandering the forest, Cali runs into a small, golden filly named Sitareh. The foal claims to be able to speak the languages of nature (tree, shrub, etc.), which is something that boggles Cali's mind: she was taught that one need only listen to the trees to attend their needs. As Sita plays in a stream, Cali watches it closely, and beckons her away - having heard its disgruntled burbling, Cali uses the opportunity to teach Sitareh to be aware of her surroundings, the way she herself was taught. In turn, Cali asks the foal to teach her to speak tree, though she already knows she will never be able to. Only mildly disappointed, Cali departs once Sitareh's father is heard in the distance. This, being her first encounter with a foal, gives her a slightly better understanding of a child's mind.

4. Forest Folk - A little while after meeting Sitareh, Cali makes her home in the deep places of a forest near a stream, where the heat of the summer will not affect her as much. She begins to sing absentmindedly and attracts a Cerynei stallion named Kenton. They swap stories; he is from the destroyed Cerynei Lands. The formal edge on her words slowly begins to fade as they talk more about their respective lives... And when he reports that he's never seen a stallion in the area that resembles Areion, Cali resolves that his ship crashed. Her first episode of dehydration in the Kawani Lands takes place shortly after they begin playing in the stream - she collapses and falls asleep as her body tries to conserve water. Unsure what would happen to her if the stream dried up or froze (in the winter), Cali asks to travel with him, something she would not have done before she came to the Kawani Lands.

5. An Accidental Reunion - Usual playful mood reinstated, Cali is playing hide-and-seek with Kenton when she runs into his son. Not recognizing the defining features right away, Cali begins to think lightly on the idea of forming a herd around the concept of the great Cerynei herd that was destroyed by fire. Brainstorming the herd idea with Trovin, Cali decides to go through with it, and Trovin tags along. Cali's maternal instinct begins to emerge almost imperceptibly as she and Kenton agree to start their Cerynei Herd. When Trovin's mother comes to see them off, Cali gets a little nervous - subconsciously anxious to be in the presence of Kenton's ex-mate. However, she steels herself and decides that it is an honor to be introduced to Kenton's family. Happy and ready to undertake the task of forming a herd with her best friend, the journey to find members begins.

6. The Meeting of Two Nymphs & A Cerynei (unfinished/dead) - Calixte meets her first herd recruit, Mizuki. She also has slightly unfriendly words with the sea nymph that is there, as well. This is the first manifestation of Cali's dislike of sea nymphs, or really any water creature. She has found, in the past, that most of them are shallow and vain.

7. A Grove Keeper & A Dryad (unfinished/dead) - Cali meets a kindred spirit: a grove keeper named Celegras. [RP died.] He is the first stallion she becomes mildly infatuated with in the Kawani Lands, and almost acts as a rebound for Areion, whom she is sure has shipwrecked. Instead, she pulls herself together in a way she would not have been able to in Greece, and invites Celegras to join the Cerynei Herd. The Kawani Lands have forced her into situations where maturity and self-control are imperative.

8. The Future Masters - Once again wandering on her own to find recruits for the herd, Cali has begun to become wearied by the monotony of the trees, something she thought would never happen. As she is on the brink of stepping onto the plains to begin searching the wide open spaces, she encounters a stallion named Fayearan. She is instantly drawn to him, but not necessarily in a romantic way. Instead, she offers him a position as the herd's master of ceremonies, as she believes he has the right characteristics to fill the position. Impulsively, she also creates the position of mistress of ceremonies for herself once another Cerynei can be found to take the position of alpha; she is tired of doing all of the leading by herself, and would rather be the spiritual/ceremonial leader rather than the decision maker for the entire herd. Her maternal instinct shows a little more around her butterflies and when her bear cub familiar is mentioned.

9. A Tentative Idea - The herd, having been a great success with approximately twenty members, has become exceedingly serious. Having fallen away from childish fun herself, Cali is bothered by this and has a discussion with Faye about it. He says that foals would lighten the mood... And she agrees, an idea that is 'for the good of the herd' slowly taking shape in her head. Having raised Oke from the time he was a tiny cub, she thinks that maybe putting the herd's happiness before her own could lead to her own happiness. So she asks Faye for his help: she wants to have foals, and for them to be the first children of the herd. They agree on this arrangement, though Cali feels a slight twinge about not telling Kenton...

10. An Unexpected Secret - A bit restless but no longer wearied by the trees, Cali seeks solace in the forest. Confused and anxious about being pregnant and no one knowing, she is knee deep in angst and panic when Kenton shows up. He consoles her, and, once again, Cali finds the strength to ask for help when she needs it. He agrees to be the foster father of the children, and happiness is reinstated, along with their decree of life-mating. Cali is finally content, at least for a little while.

[Time gap: Children are born, celebrations ensue. Cali and Kenton teach them the basics of herd life. Cue next RP.]

11. The Tip of the Iceberg (in progress) - Tinuviel and Enaran, Cali and Kenton's children, are attacked by purewalkers. Cali's protective instincts kick in, [RP yet to be finished] and she and Kenton make Rishy and her foal leave. However, Cali's interruption of Frostbite's fight with Tin means that it must be finished later, and a rivalry between the purewalker clan and the Cerynei herd has begun. Cali, Kenton, and Faye will lead the herd in coming up with and carrying out defensive tactics. Cali is a key factor in these strategies, and learns quickly to keep a calm head and provide solutions rather than arguing problems.

[Next RPs (chronological order): Cali and Kenton lead the herd to the old lands to pay tribute to Kenton's old herd; Tin is groomed for the position of mistress of ceremonies; Tin and Enaran have their growing ceremony; purewalkers attack; Cali learns of a crush that her daughter cut off all contact from after the attack, and tries to mend Tin's heart; Cali "gives her children away" to their new lifemates.]

Why would your Soquili (IC) choose the Elder path? Cali was brought up in Ancient Greece - she was taught that she was created by a forest to be its caretaker. She took her duty seriously and taught younger dryads the same ideals: care for your forest as though it were your own child. She was raised to take care of things that needed help and things that were defenseless against evil. Cali was led to the Kawani Lands by her first love, a stallion named Areion, who thought she had wronged him by taking a liking to another, when in reality she had been caring for the injured Pegasus. Unable to find him in the Kawani Lands, she took it upon herself to find a forest to care for in the stead of the one she had lost forever due to her rash decision to cross the sea. Instead, she found a friend in a Cerynei with a wounded heart, with whom she built a herd. She has grown to make better choices for both the good of herself and those around her. Though she has no formal knowledge of 'Eldership', it would be the natural next step for her. She knew the older dryads in Greece, the spiritual leaders of her tribe, and always wished to be like them. They were very wise and kind to those who meant well and took their duties seriously, and they never used their influence selfishly. If Cali knew that there was a possibility to be like them in her new world, she would try to go after it. As she is already a spiritual leader of her herd, as well as a mother and a 'person of nature', she would be extremely gratified to be chosen as an Elder. In any case, she would take such a responsibility with a promise to do good in the world and to teach others about the vastness and beauty of nature.
Why have you chosen the Elder path for your Soquili OOC? I've known since about two months after I got and began to RP Cali that I wanted to have her become an Elder. Firstly, because she could possibly be the first Cerynei Elder (mostly this is a vanity reason =P), and secondly, because I believe she possesses the qualities of an Elder - she is leaderly. Her decisions have become much wiser, and she considers others' needs before her own. Rather than challenging a skinwalker like she did when she first arrived in the Kawani Lands, she is busy defending her herd and family from them. She had foals to lighten the mood of the herd because she was worried they'd become serious to the point of pessimism. Cali is, above everything else, a guardian to those around her, whether they know it or not, and that, to me, is the greatest quality anyone can have, leader or not.
Cali has also grown into the shoes of being a herd leader. While once she was the Alpha, I found that the position didn't fit her - she is more of a behind-the-scenes leader than one that charges into battle to save the day. Now she plays the part of the Mistress of Ceremonies, the one who presides over lifemating ceremonies and coming-of-age ceremonies in her herd. She also tells tales upon the herd's biannual migration of the great Cerynei Herd that they have modeled themselves after. She is a spiritual and social leader, and helps the Alpha to make crucial decisions.
All in all, her personality has developed in ways I never would have expected, just like her history has. Once upon a time, I just wanted to mate-search for her. Now, I think she has such a depth of character to her that this would be the next step... And her adventures are nowhere near close to being over. wink
PostPosted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 9:44 pm

Name of Soquili and Link to Image: Karloff
Link to Teepee: Teepee!
Do you remember when your Soquili first maxed out? [Month and year if you do.] October 1, 2011 (11 months after I got him). He also won September spotlight--announced in October. No physical medal yet.
Links to RP(s) that show how the Soquili has grown over time, proving his or her development into an Elder:

(PRP)"To Bite or..."- Karloff and Ailbhe---Karloff meets Aiblhe who brings an element of fun into his life. When he leaves her because he believes that everything he loves is taken away from him or hurt, he believes it's the right thing to do.

(PRP) Who are you?-(Karloff and Soileana) --Karloff meets a mare that becomes a mother figure to him. She triggers memory of his parents that he's not able to handle yet.

(PRP) Skins- (Karloff and Ameline) ---Karloff meets another foal who shares skinwalker features.

[PRP] Meeting of Minds (Haxan and Karloff)--Karloff meets a young Haxan--a kalona-- who he becomes friends with. They make a commitment to meet at least once a year.

(PRP) Part of the Sideshow (Karloff and Terra Stryker)---Karloff meets Terra Stryker and discovers that he cannot chose the path of a skinwalker. Becoming cursed would not take away his memories, just warp them and make him more angry.

(PRP) A Little Bit of Understanding- Karloff and Chatella Karloff takes an early drink from Chatella, another soquilli who's fascinated with blood--in a different way.

(PRP).....And Found (Maion and Karloff) Karloff is weak and injured when Maion finds him. Maion invites him to his herd where Karloff finds understanding and other blood drinkers. This is where he learns that revenge is not a path he should take, and that he can and should help others like himself.

(PRP) This Place is Death--Karloff and Hania Shen Karloff meets Hania Shen who let's his mother know that he is sorry and he is well.

(PRP) Scars....Tear My Heart Open. ((Karloff and Ailbhe)) After his meeting with Terra Stryker, Karloff flees unsure of what is happening with his life. When he accidentally runs into Aiblhe he tells her he has to get better, and that he will come back to her (though he fears he will never be well enough or good enough for her.)

However, after his meeting with Maion and some time alone--Karloff has found that he is well, and he is a better more solid soquili who can help others. He comes back to find Ailbhe as he promised.

Kitty? (Idonea and Karloff) Karloff meets Idonea for the first time and decides he wants to talk with Ailbhe about having "kittens."

(PRP) This is only the beginning...-Karloff and Ailbhe Karloff and Ailbhe look for a place to live and begin their family.

(PRP) The Variable (Karloff)--Karloff through quiet reflections finds his purpose.

[PRP] So, we meet again... (Karloff & Soileana) ---Karloff extends an invitation to Soileana to visit his family and thanks her for the support and love she gave him.

{PRP} Walking The Line {KarloffXAmelia Nox} He meets Amelia and helps her to understand that she's not odd or evil for having cravings--it's what you do with those cravings that define you.

(PRP) All the Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues--KarloffxUmbra Karloff meets the daughter of a skinwalker who may soon lose her sister to the darkness too. He points out to her that each soquili has a choice to make and we should not hate them for it.

(PRP) The Next Summer (Haxan and Karloff)--The promised meeting between the friends.

How Sippy Met Binky! (Karloff and Diavolos; Idonea and Binky) Karloff meets back up with Idonea after she's lost her hearing--and two raccoon familiars fall in love!

[PRP] Mortal Enemies [Naomi, Chemosh, Karloff] Standing up for a maiden in trouble.

[PRP] Here, catch! [KarloffxJessamine]
Meeting Lucian's mother, he convinces her to seek help and offers her comfort. She gives her basket to him, entrusting the tortured soul of Lucian into his care.

(PRP) Nature or Nurture? (Karloff and Lucian) Karloff fights to keep Lucian sane against the voices. He teaches him to hunt, how to interact and emphathize.

(PRP) Rolly Polly Doe (Brillian, Karloff, and Lucian)] Meeting part of his extended family for the first time--a pregnant Brillian.

(PRP) The Whole Truth (Karloff and Barraccus) The truth at last has come out. The mysterious happenings of his childhood have come to light in long forgotten memories. Barraccus killed his mother and threatened to destroy everything he loved. Karloff's father fled when Karloff lied saying that he had killed his mother and would kill him--and not how he had believed all these years that his father had abandoned him.

Karloff remembers Barraccus' name and thus begins the epic fight of good and evil as Barraccus comes back into his life in an attempt to kill Ailbhe, Lucian, Solienna, and anything else Karloff has ever loved or help.

Why would your Soquili (IC) choose the Elder path?

It's a question he's asked himself many times. Why the path to lead? It's never been a childhood dream or an urge for power. It came softly one night as he was almost dreaming. It wasn't about honor, or privilege or anything like that. There wasn't even a name he knew of for it when he decided it. All that he knew was that it would be wrong to not try to help others who had struggled as he had. Maion had helped, Ailbhe, and Soileana. Even Terra Stryker in her twisted way. No matter who you were, you influenced another for good or bad, so why not choose good? Why not try to ease the burden and show someone you don't walk in this life alone?

I understand you. I can help you, if only you'll allow me to.

I want to help you because someone first helped me. Call it by whatever name you want--Elder, friend, comrade. What it says to me is, "I am here for you."

Why have you chosen the Elder path for your Soquili OOC?
Karloff was about...three months old. I always knew he wasn't going to become a skinwalker. But as the plot formed in my mind, I couldn't stop myself from putting it into effect. From the time of foalhood he had been asking himself if he was a monster.




I've always been fascinated by the concept of it, so I had Karloff explore it. And the more I come to know Karloff--who directed me more than I directed him (which I know is a very odd thing to say, because in reality he's not real even if he DOES feel real to me. He did direct himself and I was along for the ride.) He found the answers for himself and when I realized how much he was overcoming stuff, I decided I really wanted him to have the role of Elder.

Exclusive? Perks? None of those reason really, though I do like them. I just feel that he's grown so much and he'll continue to grow that it's something he deserves to try for.

I wasn't sure about when to enter him. Now or later, because the simple fact of the matter is that there's not going to be an end to his plots. There's not going to be a day he (or I) wake up and say, "I've grown enough. There's nothing more you can do with me." It'll be a daily struggle with lots of plateaus. So there's no point in waiting until he accomplishes everything--because if he and I have my way, he won't ever stop growing to be better.

A few things that are planned to happen in his future.

Lots of fights with Barracus, the purewalker, who will try to decimate his family.

Lucian, his adopted son, goes crazy and kills someone by accident--Karloff has to help bring him back to the light and protect Lucian's unborn foals until Lucian finds his peace and sanity.

There are a lot more smaller and secret plots that will crop up in the future, but I wanted to give you a taste of what I mean.


Karloff drinks blood for pleasure. It's a craving he's had since he was attacked as a foal. He does not exist only on it, he only partakes of blood from willing donors on occassions. Once a week at most.

Nyx Queen of Darkness

Devout Bloodsucker

28,200 Points
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Eloquent Raider

PostPosted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 7:58 am

Name of Soquili and Link to Image: Ironforge
Link to Teepee: Link
Do you remember when your Soquili first maxed out? Nov 2011
Links to RP(s) that show how the Soquili has grown over time, proving his or her development into an Elder:

Here be Rocks - Ironforge meets a mare upon the mountains and throughout the course of their conversation realizes that while he might have lofty thoughts about how the world should be seen too - hiding out in the mountains wasn't really putting much effort into following those thoughts.

What happened to you? - Ironforge decides to leave the mountains where he had secluded himself for so long and take a trip into the valley, there he finds a crying mare and uncovers her terrible story, as he's bound to do Ironforge leads the mare away to a safer place and keeps watch over her while she recovers. The encounter makes him realize that there is much evil in the world that needs to be dealt with.

Knightly Training - A rainbow colored stallion appears and ask's Ironforge to help him aqquire his dream of becoming a Knight. Although it has been a long time since Ironforge has trained a Knight he knows that the world is in need of such beings and agrees to train Kale should he prove himself worthy.

Catching Up - Having come to the realization that the world needs some work Ironforge has left his mountain isolation and become Beta of the MoonGlade Herd, where he catches up with an old friend named Fera that he knew from long ago, the mare is a scout who has been slow to return so Ironforge has gone looking for her.

Lost and Found - Ironforge is out scouting the herds territory when he runs across a distraught mare, after a brief conversation he agrees to help her look for her missing friend.

Investigations - When rumors of a a new type of Soquili in the lands reaches Ironforges ears he sets out with his student Kale in search of answers. They run across a putticorn who answers many of their questions after they show him the way out of a tall grass meadow he was having trouble navigating.

The Art of Dueling - Unbeknownst to Kale, Ironforge sets up one final test for his student to complete, ambushing the rainbow stallion the two proceed to duel until Ironforge is satisfied that the the Rainbow stallion has learned all that he can teach him, knighting Kale he sets him off on the path to finding his own cause to follow.

Why would your Soquili (IC) choose the Elder path? Despite a brief period of Isolation from the rest of the Soquili world - a time Ironforge would consider self reflection - he has always been the type willing to help others. The world is not always a good place to live in and Ironforge has become determined to do something about that. To that end he protects and looks after the Moonglade herd to the best of his abilities and has trained Kale into a Knight - then sent him off to help make the world a better place in his own way.

This is just the start however, Ironforge is determined to do much more then simply train one knight and remain the beta of a herd, he is determined to lead the charge against evil in the Soquili world, to build a band of light that will oppose the shadows and defend the weak. He will never again hide within the mountains and merely ponder the injustices of the world..but will go out and do something about it.

Why have you chosen the Elder path for your Soquili OOC? I had always intended for Ironforge to be a defender of the weak, although he is sometimes gruff in nature and slightly older in age then many of those he will come to lead, I had always intended for him to become the voice of wisdom, the mentor to the group of Knights the rest of my plots are slowly working towards creating.

Turning him into an elder seemed to make sense considering the role I would be placing him into.
PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 3:00 pm

Elder applications are now closed! Applicants please be patient while the judges look over entries!

Nisshou H

Kindred Hunter


Shy Mage

PostPosted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 4:54 pm

All right guys!

After deliberating with the judges, we have come to our final conclusion. First off, I would like to thank all of you for submitting applicants and showing interest on the path of Elderhood. Unfortunately though, not every soquili who walks this path is destined for such a fate, and may need more development and experience. This doesn't make them any less of a wonderful character, and with additional work, who knows what the future may have in store.

All of the judges appreciate the fact that you guys continue to develop your character, and seem to hold each one of them dear. So thank you, and don't give up!

Now . . . on to the winners! Or in this case, winner.

Yes, there is only one, but the judges agreed unanimously.

Maion played by Syaoran-Puu will become our first male Angeni Elder!
Mindsend will be converting him to the appropriate lines.

Not only has Sya put in a lot of work with the stallion, his family, and his story, but the character has matured in a variety of ways. From his early roots as a young stallion, an angeni without any real purpose or being, to becoming both an exceptional father, friend, and leader of the Miakoda Herd shows an incredible transformation.

So . . .congratulations!

For those of you who did not get chosen this time around, let one of us know if you'd like feedback. You'll have to let us know if you want the softer, fluffier version on why you weren't picked, or if you want the hard and blunt truth of the matter. We'll be happy to give you our thoughts.
PostPosted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 5:19 pm

/hopes I can post here/

GRATZ PUU~ <3 You and Maion very much deserve it >w< <3333

ATh e a r t

Romantic Lunatic

Nyx Queen of Darkness

Devout Bloodsucker

28,200 Points
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  • Grunny Grabber 50
PostPosted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 5:34 pm

Grats Puu! I'm so excited for you! SOOO EXCITE!

And thanks for the recommendations for Karloff---uhm, whoever all the people who wrote it are? XD ^_^

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