Hello and welcome. Lately i have been extremely board and been going in away stir crazy. Before any rp i would like to state a few things. 1. I'm dyslexic, 2. I don't mind doing doubles (like each person rps as two people one doing a pair for the other) 3. I tend to do based on tv shows,books,movies, 4. i love to do original characters based with made up

If you see anything please pm me or post here what you would like to do. And also how (in pm or thread)

What i'm dieing for at the moment:
Burn notice
In plain site
Repo the Genetic Opera
Big Bang
Torchwood (bbc or starz)
Being human (bbc)
Dr Who ( 9 or 10 dr haven't seen any of the new ones)
hollows series by kim harrison

Other rps
Monster high
grease two
a knights tale
Avatar the last air bender
Invader zim
American Gods
Star trek
Pirates of the Caribbean
Mighty ducks (cartoon and movie)
Alice (syfy)
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
harry potter
Lost boys
American Vampire