Kakek really didn't have that much to do for the day. He had to work for a little bit in the morning, he had to make sure the borders were safe but time passed quickly and now he was not doing anything once again and he really just wanted to go and find something to do. Anything to do. He was close to thinking about running around the pride and just getting some energy out. However he kenw that wouldn't be good. It was going to get hotter and he wasn't in the mood for that. He visited his mother instead and he was on his way from her den to the watering hole. He felt like that was a good choice of what to do with himself. He figured there had to be something even if that meant for him to do for the day. Maybe he was going to find it by the watering hole? He wasn't that sure.

He took a moment as he walked and then looked around and paused flopping down on his haunches in front of it. he was tkaing a few moments in before he started thinking about what he could do. Of course one of the first things that came to his mind was to bother Kasi. But then again as he thought about it he hadn't seen Kasi in a while. He was wondering actually if she was okay. He hoped she was. He had a soft spot for the female. She was something else but most of al she was fun to annoy and that far for sure however everything else he wasn't tha tusre. She confused him but there was one thing for sure he did want to bother her right now.

Kasi felt fat.
She was beginning to show more, or at least so she thought, though she wasn’t swelling to crazy size, thankfully. She had gone to see Azar earlier that morning, sicne she wasn’t able to train in this condition. She loved her job, and she wouldn’t give up being a soldier for anything, but she didn’t dare train while pregnant.
She refused to endanger her babies for her own selfish needs.
Instead, she had taken to walking around the pride, slowly and sticking to what little shade was around. She hadn’t really expected to run into too many people, as most would be working, which was why she was surprised to see Kakek near the watering hole.
Oh no! She froze. She wasn’t ready for this. She knew she had to tell him at some point…but damn it, it was more terrifying then telling Azar, AND her mother, combined. She wasn’t sure why. She knew Kakek would try to be a part of the cubs lives, it was just how he was. He was a jerk, but he wasn’t that kind of a jerk.
She hesitated, the heat beating down on her back while she tried to decide whether to approach him, or flee.

Kakek didn't really know about the lioness behind him. If he knew he would have went to bother her. There were few times where he failed to try to bother the lioness and when it was it was normally during times where he had to be serious for one reason or another. Those times were rare though and when they were there he couldn't deal with it because he was working or something along those lines.
however today not only was it not one of those days where he had something to do but it also was a time where he wasn't aware of the lioness behind him... yet.

Kasi stared at Kakek's back, then down at her paws, and back up again. She should do this now, she decided firmly. She had to do it eventually and...well, she should do it now, get it out of the way, so it would stop lingering in the back of her mind. Oh gosh, she wasn't looking foward to this. Where was Azar when she needed her? She sighed. Probably working, as Kakek should have been, saving Kasi from having to do this! Ugh.

She stepped foward, reluctantly. "Kakek?" She called out, trying to keep her voice pleasant. Must. Not. Kill. Father. Of. Cubs. Must. Not. Get. Angry...

Kakek was off in basically dream land that is until he heard the voice of another. He was a little surprised, he thought he recognized the voice. He wasn't that sure though, however when he turned around he knew exactly who it was. Kasi.

He looked at her curiously before smirking. She wanted his attention for something. He remembered a little while ago where things got a little... different. They did some things they never thought they would do and it was awkward the next day however he thought that it was just the end of it and that was all to it. He was mistaken but he didn't know that yet. he didn't know there was going to be consequences to his little one night fling but boy was he wrong. He paused again and then looked at the female. "Hey there Kasi~"

He then paused as he stared at her and then an even more slightly amused face grew. "What? What happened to you?" He asked with a laugh. "Who's the lucky guy?" He could feel a little strike of jealousy hit him. He was then a little annoyed at himself. Why was he getting jealous over this!? He didn't want to be with her. Right? Did he? She was just a friend. Wasn't she? He wasn't even sure anymore at this moment.

Kasi hated that smirk. That smirk that said he was thinking all the wrong things. She bristled and shot him a scowl, before trying to school her face back to ‘pleasant’. Why was it so hard to keep her emotions in check around Kakek? Now that she was pregnant, it was even harder too. Her hormones were going crazy, and that laugh when he asked what happened to her almost made her want to burst into tears and scream at him. Did he know she was pregnant already? It was kinda hard to miss at this point, but still. She had rather hoped he’d be stupid about it.
She didn’t burst into tears, or scream at him, though. She had more control over that, but still, her shoulder’s hunch defensively and she shot him a dark look, feeling like she needed to blink her eyes a lot to clear whatever was irritating them.
“Your mother said I should come talk to you about something, but now I think I’ll just leave you in the dark!” She shot, knowing she didn’t mean it, but hoping it would annoy him. He was such a jerk! She had to tell him though. At some point. Even if she didn’t tell him that second, she would tell him another day. She had to. As much as she hated to admit it, she couldn’t do this alone…

Kakek looked at the female with an arched brow and then huffed slightly at her attitude. What was her problem. Normally he would have went about this way and it took much longer for her to get mad at him. He didn't understand the complexities of a pregnant female at the same time. He really needed to get used to that and he needed to get used to that quickly that was for sure.

He then shook his head. "Hey. If my mom wants you to talk to me about something don't disrespect her or me by not." Suddenly he was serious. He had been growing up a little bit you could say. He really didn't like the idea of some one ever disrespecting his mother though. And if she anted Kasi to talk to him for one reason or another to Kasi that means she better start talking. That was the way how he felt anyway. He didn't like it when anyone messed with his family. He brought himself to all four paws as he stared at the female before then taking a step closer his head held high he meant business.

And he wanted to know

Kasi flinched at his comment, even though it was not intended to be mean – at least she didn’t think it was. He was right though. She would have been disrespecting Azar by not talking to him about this. She had to. For Azar. And for the cubs growing inside her….and for her own sanity.

She hesitated, staring down at her paws, before nodding. “Yes. Ah. Fine. I just…” How do you start this? Oh by the way, the spawn I’m carrying is yours. Congratulations! No that wouldn’t work.

“Damn it,” she muttered to herself. Why did these things happen to her? She glanced up at Kakek, her grumpiness fading, replaced with exhaustion. “You remember… that…. night?” It was the first time she’d ever brought up what they’d done. She had gone to great lengths to avoid talking, or thinking, about it since then.

Kakek looked at her with an arched brow, he was glad that she got the point. He wouldn't be very happy if she didn't get the point that was for sure. He paused and waited for her to talk. He nodded at her when she started and waited for her to go on. She seemed frustrated and he wasn't that sure why. What did she even want to talk about? His mind was buzzing. He knew there were times he had with her that were intense or when they were grumpy at eachother but so far there wasn't a point where it was like this. It was interesting and he was half amused but half not.

And as she started to talk about the night he started to get a little more frustrated/confused. He didn't exactly understand how the lioness would be having his cubs. Thats how he was feeling anyway. It couldn't of happened could it? He was pretty sure it couldn't have. He nodded to her. "How could I not remember it?" He asked a little slyly he was trying to lighten up the situation a little even if it was just for himself.

Kasi shot him a dark look at his sly words. Ugh, it was weird to hear him talking like that, though Kasi…wasn’t unhappy with that night, and that was all she dared to think about that night!

“Yes, well, uhm,” she stammered, hating herself more and more for each poorly phrased sentence. She was a soldier. Treat this as a battle. She straightened her shoulders, refusing to bow down to her own fear and stared him directly in the eyes.

“I have more than memories of that night…we have more than memories. Something more…tangible…well, several somethings, I’m guessing, by the size.” Please don’t freak out, please don’t freak out, please don’t hate me, the thought slipped in unnoticed. She always claimed Kakek was irritating and a jerk, but she didn’t want him to hate her…

Kakek looked at the female why did she seem so upset, he wasn't that sure at all. He just wanted the lioness to get out what ever she was going to get out and say but of course he wouldn't. He shook his head for a moment before then speaking. "Alright. I'm lost." He said simply before shaking his head at the idea and sighting a little. "What are you even talking about Kasi? More Tangible?" His voice trailed a little unsure of what she was tlaking about all together. He was confused and more and more nervous as she was tlaking. He thought he had an idea but at the same time he wasn't that sure at all. oh he hoped that it wasn't what he wa thinking of

“Don’t be stupid, Kakek,” she snapped. “You know what I mean!” He had to know. He had to. Did she have to spell it out to him…She took a step towards him, hesitating before saying bluntly, “I’m pregnant…they’re yours.” There could be no other father. She had so little time for relationships, the longest of hers was Kakek and that wasn’t even a ‘relationship’, not truly.

“Azar thinks they’ll be 3 or 4, she’s not sure which but judging by my size, I’m not having a lot of babies, at least, I don’t think I am. I’m not finished growing yet, but…” she forced herself to stop rambling.

She sucked in a deep breath, calming herself, and gathering her nerve. She stared at Kakek boldly, once again. “I’m raising these cubs, with or without you Kakek, but you deserved to know about them.”

Kakek stared at the female extremely confused. "No KASI. I don't understand." He told her back starting to get mroe upset. He thought he knew but at the same time he didn't wnat to jump to any conclusions. He could be thinking wrong right? He waited for her to tell her exactly what she wanted to tell him before pausing and arching a brow at her. And then she said what he thought was going on. he was going to be a father. God why did he have to be so dumb. Why did he have to do that. It seemed like great thing at the time. Well now that he thought about it it must have had happened for a reason. He needed to be a father apparently. Or at least thats how the events seemed to say to him.

He paused and then he looked at her. "Of course I'm going to help. You're not going to raise them on your own!" He snapped at her stubbornly. She better not have thought that she was going to do this with out him around. That made him pretty upset. "These are my childrent oo and I'm going to be in their life." He told her stubbornly before waiting a moment and then speaking again. "You better let me in their life." He stared at her before taking a moment.

"Mom is surprisingly good at guessing those things. She's probably right." He mentioned as he moved closer to her loking at her belly. Those were his kids in there... His.

She bristled at his snapping words. “Don’t tell me what to do, Kakek, they may be your cubs but they are still mine as well!” She shot him a dark look. Just because they were having cubs together didn’t mean he would have sway over her. She’d give him rights over the cubs, obviously, but telling her what to do was not going to happen. “If I didn’t want you in their lives, I wouldn’t have told you about them!” ‘Stupid’ was added silently, huffing. “ I’d never deny our cubs the right to know their father.” She stared at him stubbournly, wondering why the word ‘ours’ slipped so easily from her mouth…ugh.

Kasi rolled her eyes. “Your mother is almost always right,” she muttered. “Sure she isn’t a seer?” She spotted the gaze at her stomach and hesitated, shifting so he could get a better look at her stomach, feeling sel fconscious. “They’re not moving around yet,” she mumbled to him, feeling out of her depth. “At least not enough that I can feel them. Azar says it won’t be long before they do though.”

Kakek looked at her and then sighed a little shaking his head looking at her with a pretty serious but upset look. For once wheil talking to her he was calm and not trying to be hurtful or sly. He was actually confused and not sure of what to do and really he just wished that something would come along and make things easier for him. He flicked his hair out of his eyes and then he shook his head. "What were we thinking?

He then flicked his hair out of his eyes and then started to talk to her with a nod. "Really, what were we thinking." He then looked at her with a slightly sad expression but he knew what he wanted to do. "I want to take care of these cubs. I want to help you as much as I can."

He then couldn't help but to checkle a little and nod at her. "I agree, some times I wonder about my mom."

Kasi sighed, feeling tired all of a sudden. Stupid pregnancy, she blamed it, but had a feeling it was more to do with her stress over telling Kakek than the cubs she carried. “I don’t think we were thinking at all,” she admitted, shaking her head and looking down at her paws. She felt more timid than she had ever felt, but she felt vulnerable while pregnant. Weaker.

Not that she’d admit that. She glanced up, but forced her gaze away, finding it hard to see that slightly sad expression on Kakek’s face. She forced out the words carefully, her tone flat, “there’s very little you can do at the moment. After they arrive, then you may take an active role in their lives.” They weren’t together. She couldn’t, and shouldn’t, rely on him during her pregnancy, she realised. That was not what a fling did, and she would not expect him to. He would care for the cubs when they came, but that was all.

“Your mother is assisting me with the pregnancy –“ that word was getting easier to say, she realised, glad, “- so if you want to keep up to date with the cubs, you can ask her.” It might have sounded blunt, but Kasi’s emotions caused her to want to cling to people during her pregnancy. If he was around, then she would cling to him, and that would end badly.

Kakek looked at her once again a little sad, this time for a different reason, what she was saying made her more upset than anything else she wasn't going to lie. He looked t her and then sighed a little. "I really want to help now as much as I can." He told her a little stubbornly, and I don't just want to talk to my mom to find out whats going on. I would like it if I can talk to you and find out." He told her again before flicking his hair out of his eyes once again before then pausing once again. "Well, I have to go talk to my dad, and my mom." He paused and stood up and started to walk away before turning to her. "i mean it when I say that I want to help youa s much as possible now. I know you dn't want me to but I just don't want to be in their life but yours." He said simply to her. Before turning once again and then looking at his paws. "Il'll let you think abotu it and decide but simply. Thats what I want to do." He nodded again before turning and starting to trot toward his parent's den, he was hoping to find some kind of answer.

Kasi feltlike someone had smacked her in the chest as she watched Kakek walk away, unable to think of anything to say in response to his words. Her eyes were wide and she felt her body slump with exhaustion. He wanted to help her…not just their babies. She felt her eyes dampen and she scowled.

Stupid hormones! Stupid Kakek! Stupid pregnancy! No. She shook her head, unable to think the pregnancy was stupid. She blinked, refusing to believe she was tearing up. Stupid Kasi.

She heaved a sigh, glancing back at the path he’d walked. Stupid, stupid Kasi, she groaned, longing to go and beat someone up in the duelling arena, but knowing it was impossible. She’d have to settle for a nap in the shade instead. She turned her back, and started to slowly walk back to her own den.