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Motoujamii Lands

PostPosted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 11:23 am
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 11:25 am
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@@@@Deep in the Motoujamii desert, lives a pride of savage lions known for their fiery pelts and warring culture. The self proclaimed 'Firekin' were once the scourge of the savannah, pillaging and enslaving other prides to serve their vast empire. It took a plague to finally knock the beasts from their conquest, and several ensuing uprisings have since changed how the pride operates. While the firekin no longer have their eyes set outside the Motoujamii desert, they continue to be a powerful force in the northern savannah.

Being a firekin is something akin to well managed chaos. The firekin are not evil or wicked by nature... but they are wild, stubborn, and prone to violence. The pride operates on the mindset that might is right. The weight of the military is inseparable from the daily life of the pride. All lions receive basic combat training, even those who might otherwise be considered civilians. Firekin believe in the concept of 'total war'. In a battle, all are expected to fight and be ready to die for their pride. Firekin believe in striking first and hitting their opponent so hard it is unable to get back up again.

Outsiders may find the firekin to be rather arrogant, and even naïve in some instances. Most rival prides are dismissed as too weak or insignificant to attract the attention of the Motoujamii. In truth, firekin often view other firekin as the only 'proper' enemy to have. As far as the majority of firekin are concerned, there is no outside world. The only events of importance happen within the Motoujamii, and the only people of importance live there.

That said, the firekin still understand that in order to strengthen their own bloodlines and improve the pride as a whole, outsiders must be welcomed. Rogues that fit the firekin heritage are allowed to become adopted into the pride as true firekin... if they can best an existing member in combat. Once a rogue joins the pride, it is granted all the rights a birthed firekin has. In fact, once a rogue joins the pride, they are given a form of 'amnesty' by the council. All past deeds done outside the Motoujamii are considered forgiven- and the pride agrees to defend the rogue as if it was its own.

However, this is not to say that all firekin are arrogant savages. Firekin are like any large group, and run the gamut of personality traits.

Table of Contents:

@@@@ • Introduction
@@@@ • The Territory
@@@@ • Pride Beliefs
@@@@ • Safi
@@@@ • Hongshan
@@@@ • Ranks
@@@@ • Frequently Asked Questions

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Motoujamii Lands

Motoujamii Lands

PostPosted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 11:26 am
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The Motoujamii desert - known as the Ardhi'a'kifo ('land of death') - is much as one would expect a desert to be. Rising to ridiculously high temperatures during the middle of the day, it becomes painfully cold at night. Rain is a rare occurrence and water is considered a great blessing in the lands. Plant life is sparse and hunting is difficult for those not familiar with the terrain. Occasionally a harsh wind will blow across the desert, bringing with it walls of pelting sand that can suffocate and blind those in its path. It is not surprising then, that outsiders often succumb to these conditions extremely fast. Only the native Firekin know how to safely navigate the dunes and find the all important oasis’s that lead the way to the heart of their pride.

Along with the dangers of the weather, are the snakes, scorpions and the Firekin themselves, all of whom are without mercy.

Cacti make frequent appearances, but pleasant ones. Some cacti hold water inside of them, which not only quenches thirst but also encourages prey animals to gather. However, only certain types of cacti have this ability and these often have the sharpest thorns.

There are very few landmarks in the lands. What is not seemingly endless desert is hard, unforgiving rock. To the far north of the desert is a chain of mountains known as the Spine, which separate the Motoujamii from the northern deserts. Past the mountain range lay even more unforgiving desert. It is rumored that none who slip past those mountain ridges ever return.

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Important Locations:

Inside Pride:

Barracks: Holds the general's den, and all dens of unmated soldiers and guards. Most soldiers sleep in large, communal crevasses and nooks in the rocks. A few higher ranking officials get small caves to themselves. Contains a small meeting place for the army to gather for discussions.

Training Grounds: Where most pridal spars take place. Patrols and daily exercises start here. Was once the key battleground between the Simo and Safi.

Hongshan Quarter: A small alcove of rocks that the Hongshan have unofficially claimed as their living area. While it is not as protected as the other dens, it allows the Hongshan to keep themselves near the firekin, but still separate. Any Hongshan festivals take place here. Most Hongshan do not have seperate dens, and sleep together in alcoves.

Sandstorm Refuge: Because not all lions have cave dwellings to shield themselves from the storms, the largest cave in the pride is reserved for emergency bunkering during a storm. All lions are expected to move here if there is no adequate shelter for them.

Medical Wards: Located at the farthest reaches of the pride, the medical wards house all the injured and recovering lions in the pride. Ruled over by the medical staff. Although it is meticulously maintained, it often smells of sickness. Many medics den on site.

Archives: Houses the historians and teachers of the pride, along with any pridal records. Contains a small cavern for storage, and alcoves for holding lectures. Because it is situated in the center of the pride, and fairly protected on both sides, most cubs spend their time here.

Regent's Den: The Regent's den doubles as a meeting place for higher officials when council is not in session. Was once one of the royal chambers of the traditionalist kingdom. When one expects to meet with the regents, the audience is usually given here.

Old Palace/Kimeti's Tomb: Much of the old palace has been sealed off into a tomb for the traditionalists who died during the war. A few caverns still remain open, but go largely unused due to respect of the dead. Considered haunted by some unruly cubs.

Council: The council chambers are mostly outdoors. The circular shape of the rocks allows for a good variety of seats for those who attend the meetings. Magistrates often have dens nearby.

General Dens 1 and 2: Family groups in the Motoujamii receive more sheltered homes than unmated lions. It is not uncommon for several families to pool together to have larger living spaces. For the most part, dens are given out by rank and first come-first serve basis. Lions who were around during the rebellion tend to be better off than recently joined rogues.

Outside Pride:

Southern Outpost: Situated about a day's journey from the main pride lands, the Southern border post is one of the more active guard positions. It is nicknamed the 'newbie outpost', because the majority of dueling rogues congregate here. Because of the excitement and frequent battles, as well as the relatively close proximity to the main pridal lands, the Southern Outpost is considered one of the best and most sought after positions.

Northern Outpost: At the complete opposite corner of the desert, the Northern Outpost is situated in the rugged mountain regions. Because of the mountains, and almost endless desert stretching out past it, the Northern Outpost gets little to no activity. Considered something of a 'graveyard' shift. If any outpost is undermanned, it is the Northern one.

Western Outpost: The farthest from the pridelands at almost a three day journey, the Western Outpost is definitely the most inhospitable. Although it is reasonably quiet, it isn't quite as dead as the northern post. This guard post often sees the most 'lost travelers', and spends less time admitting rogues as it does pointing them in the right direction back home. This is a very popular spot for younger hurias to apprentice at. Because of the long distance, guards typically take longer shifts here then at the others.

Abandoned Safi Camp: The former lands of the Safi while they were in exile. Mostly inhospitable, the chain of caverns and rocky hillside does make for a good emergency sandstorm shelter for anyone lost in the wastes. Popular cub rumor states that it is haunted.


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Sentinel Outpost at the Bonelands:

As apart of a treaty between the two prides, the firekin now operate a small outpost outside the Motoujamii. Read more about it here!

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 11:27 am
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The Military and the Council

The pride is no longer ruled by a royal family. While not quite a democracy, the firekin run under a council made up of generals and magistrates. This council debates pridal issues in an open forum, and their verdict is then passed on to the Regents for a final decision. The regents are voted in by the council and the pride, and rule until they are no longer capable or popular. While the council meets daily to debate the day to day issues of the pride, in times of crisis the entire pride is called in to vote.

The rest of the pride is policed by the two branches of the military: the guards, and the soldiers. The two groups work together, although they occasionally share a sense of 'friendly' rivalry. Firekin who belong to either branch start each day attending drills and patrols. Sparring matches between the groups are common, and war games serve as a form of entertainment for the pride.

Its important to note that while serving in the army is not required of a firekin, there is no true 'civilian' in the Motoujamii. All members of the pride, young and old, are expected to know basic combat training and be willing to stand up for their pride should it ever be attacked. Likewise, firekin do not see other prides to have soldiers and civilians. All are considered enemy combatants.


There is no conventional marriage in the firekin, but a couple who shares a den together are considered mated. There are no arranged marriages. When a firekin looks for a mate, they do not always feel the need to focus on love. The pride does not put a heavy influence on finding 'the one'. Rather, they focus on finding the best partner. A mate that is both a capable parent, and compliment to the individual.

This is not to say that love doesn't exist in the pride.Sometimes love will prevail, even when the couple is mismatched, and many strong partnerships often end in love. The idea is that a “mate” to the firekin does not necessary mean the one you love. But it most certainly can.

Flings are heavily frowned upon in the pride, although they often happen. When a fling occurs, the pride effectively 'forces' a partnership upon the two individuals until the cubs are adolescents. Think of it as a short term shotgun wedding. The pride demands that both parents are involved in the growth of their cubs, and either parent neglecting their children is grounds for being demoted from their ranks.

Similarly, adolescent breedings are also discouraged. [Although OOCly, they are permitted with plot reasons.] If two adolescents have cubs before adulthood, their parents may come under fire. An adult who mates to an adolescent may find his or herself demoted.

Females who become pregnant have several options. If they are a soldier, they are given leave from their duty until their cubs are of adequate age to be given over to the cub sitters. There is no shame in a female becoming pregnant and having to step down from work for a while... as long as she's back shortly after! If a female is in a high ranking position, she also has the right to appoint a temporary replacement for herself. Sometimes her mate will offer assistance to whatever order she belonged to.

Same sex couples are considered somewhat odd, but not exactly banned. Surrogating is not permitted in a conventional sense. A lion cannot have two daddies- but he can have two daddies and a mommy. As long as the cubs receive adequate care from both of the cub's biological parents, the pride could care less who else is involved.

In the case of accidental death of one or both parents, the cubs are usually taken in by the larger family group they belonged to. Grandparents are looked to first, then aunts and uncles. If there are no relatives to be found, they are then placed with another like-aged family group by the regents. When a single parent has been left widowed, they receive special attention from the cubsitters and hunters to be sure that they are not lacking.


Since there is no marriage, there is no stigma in leaving a mate after their cubs have been reared. In fact, many lions only partner for the sake of having offspring.

Blood Lines:

A plague during the traditionalist reign severely crippled the pride's viable breeding numbers. This lack of mates was one of the key fulcrums for the eventual rebellion: there were simply no other non-relatives for which future generations could produce offspring with. With the addition of rogues, the firekin bloodline has expanded considerably...but is still not without its hangups. Many of the pride still share relations, even with rogue blood mingled.

The pride puts great effort to try and counsel young couples on their family tree to attempt to avoid any sticky situations. If a mating is done properly, most young lions will meet with the historians to trace their family tree as far back as they viably can before deciding to settle down.

However, due to the amount of cross over, many lioness are jokingly referred to as "umbu", or, "hot, but too close."

When new rogues join the pride, they often find themselves beset by opportunistic firekin looking to secure themselves a solid mate.

Heritage and Social Status:

The firekin judge all lions by their actions, not by their birth parents. This means that a rogue joining the pride has just as much chance to climb in rank as a child of the regents. There is no heir to the throne, or aristocracy. The only benefit young cubs may receive from their parents is a nice apprenticeship... but even that does not determine a lion's overall success. Children of lions who have shamed the pride may see some ridicule, but are not restricted in any way because of the deeds of their parents.

There are still members of the royal family in the pride, but their 'titles' are in name only.


“Huria” means a firekin who is born into the pride, but is not of the traditional colors of the pride. These firekin are destined to leave the pride and go into the roguelands. The hope is that these huria may one day spawn offspring that may return to the pride, and also provide crucial intel on the outside world.

While huria are not considered the optimal members of the pride, they are never mistreated or considered throwaways. They receive special lessons from different branches of the pride, and they are well prepared before they depart to the lands outside the Motoujamii. Depending on the popularity of the huria in question, there may even be a small goodbye party thrown by the parents.

Although huria are not permitted to breed or live on firekin lands, they are welcome back in the pride to visit at their digression. Some may even continue to serve as ambassadors or spies.

On extremely rare circumstances, the title of 'huria' can also refer to a cub adopted into the pride as a child. This cub lives their life as a huria until they are able to defend their position in the pride as an adult, and are then welcomed as true firekin. This is a somewhat rare occurrence, however, as most wayward cubs either die before they are ever found, or are returned back to the lands they came from.

Seers and Gods:

Despite their obvious advantages, seers are not embraced by the firekin. This is partially due to the pride's natural aversion to religious issues, and partially due to the regents' fears of becoming dependent upon them. Most seers keep their visions to themselves, exploiting them at their own behest. To readily identify oneself as a seer might invoke some ire from the militaristic branch of the pride, who see seers as distractions.

Gods on the other hand, are flat out not welcome. Religious practice is officially banned in the pride, and all trappings along with it. They do not disbelieve in the gods, however. Most of the pride is 'aware' of some sort of mystical force outside the borders of the Motoujamii... but they do not believe it divine. Much like seers, they fear that their gifts may foster a dependence.

Despite this aversion however, there are many in the pride who still follow one goddess in particular...


Finar-Si is the goddess of the old Firekin, and as tradition states, mother to all firekin. During the rebellion, belief in her was considered to be a contributing factor to the pride's decline- and so, it was tossed out. But old habits die hard. Ever since the Safi rejoined the pride, there have been small, private sects still devoted to the goddess and the old ways. The belief is tolerated... but only barely. Lions found to be actively worshiping Finar-si are likely to be expelled from the pride.

There are some who even say Finar-Si still lives in the lands...


Names are of great importance to the firekin. To a firekin, a name is not a personal signifier. Cubs are rarely named casually. When a child is born, the parents consult the Historians and Storytellers to find an appropriate name for their cub. The meaning behind every firekin name must relate to fire, heat, or burning. To reject a firekin name is a great misstep for a young parent. A red pelted firekin may be considered a huria if the name does not check with the historians.

Because of the limited name pool, multiple names are common and accepted in the pride. Its considered a high honor to name a cub after a great warrior, and the double names in the pride often indicate the popularity of a particular individual. To avoid confusion, many double named lions take up a nickname, or are refereed to by their rank. For example, “Medic Ea” or “Soldier Ea”.

Only huria and rogues are exempt from this rule. Rogues keep their name as a symbol of their past, and are asked not to change them to the pride's convention. Since many rogue names are 'foreign', its also a good signifier to the pride of who is new blood, and who is old. They are still expected to name all their future children in the style of the firekin, however.


The firekin have a very open view in terms of gender. While the pride rules on the theory of might is right, all have equal rights. A female is just as likely to occupy a high position as a male is, and both are encouraged to become warriors. Young cubs are taught basic combat skills regardless of their eventual apprenticeship.

Family is key in the firekin. A strong family will breed strong warriors. Both mother and father are expected to rear their children, and disinterest on the part of either parent is a great offense. Even for flings, both parents are expected to be in the cubs life. In this sense, males take on just as much responsibly as the female does when bringing cubs into the world.

Abuse by either gender towards the other is looked down upon, and may even be cause for expulsion from the pride.

Although genders are equal, specific gender issues are usually brought to the attention of the regents. Males will seek counsel from the Regent, while females may seek counsel from the Regentess.

Fighting, Duels, and That Guy you Can't Stand:

There's nothing firekin love more than a fight. Whether physically or verbally, firekin tend to fight amongst themselves frequently. In fighting is generally accepted and appreciated, so long as it does not disrupt the daily function of the pride. Most disputes between lions are resolved with sparring. If an offense is particularly serious, the matter may be taken up before the council.

But while fighting is tolerated, injuries are taken seriously. Firekin are taught from an early age to give fighting their all- but to never, ever, cripple another of their pride needlessly. If a lion is beaten in a battle so badly that they are unable to return to their work, the lion who put them in that state must take on double responsibilities: his own, and the lion he crippled. If an accidental death occurs, the lion who killed the other is not only demoted, but forced to help provide for the family of the deceased.

Maliciously harming a member of the pride is a separate offense. A 'malicious' crime is dishonorable, and relates to an attack or a battle that was not entered into equally by both parties. Firekin are allowed to fight in public, and settle their disputes with their claws. They are not, however, allowed to backstab. A lion who chooses to attack from the shadows rather then in the open is considered a coward, and may be expelled from the pride. Or worse!

Rogues and new Firekin:

In the old pride, rogues were not permitted to join as their blood did not carry the blessing of Finar-si. After the rebellion however, dwindling bloodlines made rogues necessary. Nowadays, rogues are happily accepted into the pride as full members. A rogue that wishes to join the pride must first meet a gamut of requirements: they must be of the traditional firekin colors, they must be willing to fight, and they must defeat a member of the pride in combat in order to earn their place.

When a rogue arrives in the lands looking to join, he is kept at a distance. There are small outposts where every day, rogues and off duty firekin may meet for battles. Most firekin look forward to fighting rogues as a means of blowing off stress. Because rogues have no holding in the pride [yet], some duelists can be rougher to rogues than they are their own kind. Rogues living on the borderlands are not fed, but they may be directed to water by the water-seekers. If a rogue has failed on numerous occasions, or are causing problems, they will be escorted off the lands by the Sentinels.

When a rogue wins their duel into the pride, they are placed into a one month quarantine period. During this time they are asked to abstain from mating, and instructed by the historians and elders the ways of the pride. They are also groomed by the military, who often cherry-picks the rogues they believe will do the best amongst their ranks. Some rogues may be accepted into the chain of command even earlier than the one month period.

Once that full month is over, the lion is considered a 'true' firekin. They have all the rights of a natural born member. They may rise in rank, take a mate, and they may even vote. Anything done in their old life is considered forgiven. What they do after joining the pride is in their hands.


An outsider is a lion who is not of firekin colors, or has no intention of joining the pride. An outsider on the pride borders has only one of two options: they must have business with a member in the pride, or they must run. Outsiders are not welcomed, or taken casually. Although firekin are restricted from grievously injuring one another, its not uncommon for outsider-lions to be injured by the pride if given provocation.

Leaving the Pride:

There is perhaps no greater crime than turning your back on the firekin. Non-huria lions who leave the pride are rarely welcomed back. In fact, it isn't uncommon for a lion who leaves the pride to be considered 'dead' in the eyes of their family. A birthed member of the pride who leaves must go before the council before rejoining.

The only firekin who are more freely welcomed back are those who left the pride due to war or infighting.

This 'shame' does not follow children of ex-firekin born in other lands. They are usually welcomed as members of the clan, so long as they pass the other requirements.

This shame also does not apply to watchers, spies, and sentinels who are considered to be 'still firekin' despite potential allegiances to other prides.

OOCly, this ruling applies to anyone who did not PM the mule at the time of departure.

Familiars and Non-lion Species:

Firekin have a somewhat rocky relationship with other species. For the most part, firekin ignore or kill any other large predator that enters their lands. Hybrids would be met with confusion, and potentially, aggression. It isn't recommended that any non-lion wander the lands carelessly.

Despite this aggression, some smaller predator species have found niches in the pride. Eagles, snakes and jackals have prominent holdings, and often fight amongst one another to be sure that their tribe holds sway with the fiery lions.

But although some familiars are permitted to live in the lands, familiars are still largely considered tools, or pets by the majority of the pride. Some firekin refuse to speak the familiar language, and quite a handful look down upon lions who are reliant upon them. That said, in the water crisis familiars have been used more and more to serve the pride.

There are several tribes of familiars in the savannah:

The Snake Tribe: The largest and most powerful group in the Motoujamii. They tend to be highly religious, and believe firekin have a role to play in their Snake Lord's return. Hated by the jackal clan.

The Jackal Clan: Was pushed almost to extinction by the Snake Tribe. The Jackals have been on the rise, and look to the firekin to provide themselves the footing they need to take back their homeland.

The Bird Clan: is a bit chaotic. While they once lacked a leader, a cunning hawk named Amaka has recently wrested a form of control in the disorganized group. They can be somewhat egotistical, and are the most likely to see themselves as equals to the firekin.

Other familiars that would be accepted in the pride: honey badgers, maned wolves, servals.

Prey familiars are NOT allowed on pride lands. Unless they are prey, that is!

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Motoujamii Lands

Motoujamii Lands

PostPosted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 11:31 am
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Current Safi Leader: Kenna [Dark Fire Angel]

Perhaps the most prominent faction in the Motoujamii-Simo, the Safi is a splinter group of traditionalist firekin who fell during the war. Although the two prides remained separate for a time, eventually the Safi rejoined their Simo brethren in an attempt to face the future together.

While their relationship can be rocky, you can rest assured that no blood runs redder than the safi...

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When Kidondo and No returned to the lands with their army of rebels to dethrone King Kimeti and take over as leaders, their swift victory saw the surviving group of traditionalists making a hasty retreat from their homeland. This group, leaderless and homeless, travelled to the far western side of the desert to regroup.

Small, the group of exiles may have been, but the thought of giving in never crossed their minds, unaffected by their clear disadvantages. Furious at the disrespect their own kind had shown towards their beloved traditions, they plotted a comeback, determined to reclaim the lands gifted to them by their Goddess Finar-Si. They named themselves the Safi - True Firekin - and appointed a new queen to rule them - a young female, Kenna, with the blood of Makadari in her veins.

Kenna's reign was a short but difficult one. It was a time of great hardship, despair and some members, early on, abandoned the Safi to return to the Simo so that they could be with the loved ones who had stayed behind. Others departed the desert altogether, seeking some new life in the rogue lands beyond.

Yet, against all odds, some new litters were born to a few of the members in the Safi, including Kenna herself. Yet, even with new princes and princesses, the belief that they would be able to tackle the Simo head on in battle began to die. The queen began to fret about the future of her people and, when their need seemed most dire, they were blessed with a miracle. Their patience and unwavering faith paid off and at long last the great Goddess Finar-Si returned. In audience with Queen Kenna, the goddess spoke of the closeness of the Blood and the choices that lay ahead. The first; to allow the pride to die out. The second; to join with the rebels and work within their pride to slowly reclaim the traditions: to raise new children as traditionalists, to remember Finar-Si's teachings. With promises of a priestess who would bare the traditionalists one last litter before they merged with the rebels, Finar-Si departed, entrusting Queen Kenna to carry out her will.

The Safi queen acted swiftly and when a new litter was born to Priestess Karama (Finar-Si), she gathered the pride together and informed them of the plan to return to the rebels and build strength in secret so that they might - one day - retake what is rightfully theirs. Some lions could not be persuaded and took their leave into the rogue lands. Fortunately, most agreed this was the most suitable course of action to take and - with faith in their queen and in their goddess - followed Kenna across the borders and back to the lands of old.

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Safi culture is mostly nonexistent, since many of their religious practices and leadership have been dissolved. One could say that Safi 'culture', is to be discreet. Under the leadership of Kenna, most Safi keep their beliefs to themselves and observe the Simo's traditions as best as they can stomach. Some continue to look up to the old royal family for leadership.

But while the Safi are mostly repressed, not all have viewed the transition as defeat. Some Safi see the Simo pride as exactly what Finar-Si once intended. They believe that in time, they'll be able to instil the values of their old pride into the Simo.

Until then, they support their country, right or wrong.

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How they are viewed by the pride:

Ah, the Safi. For those who participated in the rebellion, there is perhaps no worthier foe. There was considerable opposition from Simo loyalists when the two prides became whole again; understandably fearing that it might be a rouse by the Safi Queen, Kenna. Those who didn't took a kind of morbid delight in having their enemies return to the pride with their tails between their legs.

The pride at whole, however, has somewhat laxed on the Simo-Safi debate. Soldiers who participated in the war have now had several years to work together on the frontlines. The former Safi queen, Kenna, received a spot amongst the council and is even grudgingly respected by the regents. There is still rivalry, still a fear of Finar-Si worship returning to the pride... but for the most part, things are quiet.

With a large part of the current pride born after the rebellion, some might not even remember the days when brother fought brother.

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How to join:

Joining not applicable at this time. The only way to become a Safi is to be born one.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 11:33 am
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Current Hongshan Leader: Nawvlee [Ecavi]

Just before the great drought began, a group of refugees appeared at the pride's borders. Tired and beaten, they sought refuge in the pride and shelter from their mysterious enemies. The firekin welcomed the Hongshan into their group, and in them found powerful and worthy allies.

Hongshan feel somewhat foreign to most firekin. Their ways and even manner of speaking can seem strange- but for the moment, their allegiance to the pride is solid.

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The Refugees originated from a small warrior pride by the name of Hongshan, or Red Mountain in the common tongue. This was a small and relatively new pride built mainly of warrior lions who – like the Firekin – favored a red pelt amongst their kind. And, whilst they did not limit their members to this color, those that were born as red as the mountain were regarded highly amongst their kind.

All members were taught how to fight and defend themselves, how to work together to achieve. Females and males, young and old; all were expected to pull their weight and play their part. Lazy lions either had to shape up or get out. The Hongshan were, in truth, strict but fair. Hard work was rewarded with better ranks which in turn provided luxuries such as better meat, better dens and a better way of living.

Sadly, before the pride could really grow and take hold, disaster struck.

From across the mountains came an unknown band of lions (later to be known as the Nergüi); a huge and seemingly unstoppable force. They seemed to come with peaceful intentions at first, attempting to speak with the Leader of the Hongshan, Jianjun. However, the strange pride spoke a language that none could understand and, when communication got them nowhere, they turned to interrogation and then to violence.

The battle that followed was short and bloody. The Hongshan were warriors, but their numbers were small and the might of the huge, brutish Nergüi was unstoppable. Most of the Hongshan were killed in the battle, though it was possible some may have cut their losses and fled before being cut down. The battle ended with the death of Jianjun. Those who were left alive tried to surrender to the Nergüi but most were cut down without mercy. Yet, strangely, a small number of the Hongshan were spared, taken captive - by force if necessary.

But some of those that were captured were not about to sit and do nothing.

It was Nawvlee who led and planned the escape of those being held captive and Nawvlee who inspired the other captives into action. For many days they watched and waited for the perfect chance to make a getaway. Their chance came during a terrible storm, and putting their lives on the line, they fled into the unclaimed lands with the rain to cover their tracks. However, the plan did not go as smoothly as they had hoped.

A collection of Nergüi lions gave chase, forcing the group of escapees to separate into smaller groups. Some of the Hongshan were killed, others were dragged back to a life of captivity and a small number of others – against all odds – escaped their capturers and fled further into rogue lands.

Nawvlee and his small troupe were among the lucky ones.

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The Hongshan are a close bunch, particularly those who escaped with Nawvlee. Make no mistake: Hongshan are Hongshan first, firekin second. While they view the pride as a safe haven and new home, the Hongshan remember their homeland fondly. Many may even hope to someday use their firekin allies to help reclaim it. The connection between Hongshan members is strong- strong enough that most of the Hongshan group inhabit one portion of the pride. Affectionally nicknamed the "Red Quarter" by the firekin, the Hongshan primarily make their dens together.

The other forefront on a Hongshan's mind is their enemy, the Nergui. Because of this, almost all Hongshan are members of the military in some fashion. They train hard, and may be regarded as 'too serious' by many of the native members of the pride. The Hongshan do not mess around when it comes to battle. They'll often be the first to shout complaints when a weakness is shown in the platoon. While this does not always make them popular with their fellow soldiers, they are well appreciated by the officers.

At home, Hongshan still practice a few of their pride's native beliefs. They seek out their oracle, or seers, for advice. Conflicts are often taken before their leader first before the firekin council.

Several of their festivals are celebrated yearly. A few curious firekin may even take part.

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How they are viewed by the pride:

Most firekin see the Hongshan as worthy allies, and are generally accepting of their introduction to the pride. Although they came during a time of strife, their support of the military earned them many friends among the pride's hierarchy. Many saw the Hongshan as just the sort of rogues the Motoujamii was looking for: smart, trained, and willing to make the difficult choices in order to keep their pride safe. The fact that most Hongshan enlisted certainly helped.

Not all the pride see the Hongshan in quite such a glamorous light, however. Those that opposed rationing the water might believe the Hongshan to be opportunistic- joining the pride, and quickly aligning themselves with the military to ensure their groups' survival at the expense of naturally born civilians. Because of the Hongshan's fear of the outside world, they're also considered to be alarmists.

But perhaps the most worrying concern, is that with the allegiance of the Hongshan would come Hongshan's enemies...

How to join:

To become a native Hongshan, you must:

- Be blank slate rogue
- PM the mule with a short paragraph stating how your lion escaped the Nergui.


Motoujamii Lands

Motoujamii Lands

PostPosted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 11:34 am
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Current Nergui Leader: Unknown [??]

The pride of lions dubbed 'Nergui' by the Hongshan for the lack of a name have made their presence known to the Firekin in the way that only 'monsters of the north' could. An attack on a border patrol that left one dead and many wounded has - unsurprisingly - been taken as an act of war. The Nergui are now considered enemies of the Firekin.

Nothing much is known about these barbaric lions. Nothing except that they are cruel and talented in the art of destruction. There have been many rumours and many theories and as time passes more about this strange people is sure to be unravelled.

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Known History

The current history of the Nergui is made up of scraps of information gained from the escaped Hongshan slaves and a great deal of guesswork. As such, the accuracy of this second-hand information should not be taken at face value.

It is assumed that the Nergui originated in the far northern reaches of the land, led by a figurehead known only as Graos Oma. An isolated pride unknown to most of the outside world, they spent years developing their culture, even going so far as to create a language that only their people could understand. This garbled language - a mix of both northern and common tongues - is near impossible for anyone to decipher; the words being pronounced so differently that they hardly mirror their founding languages. This allowed them to keep their secrets and perhaps even kept intruders from infiltrating into their ranks.

After a time, for some unknown reason, the Nergui began to leave their homeland and spread south, moving in small groups so as to avoid attention. It is assumed that the bulk of their forces stayed behind and perhaps still remain there to this day; waiting for some sign to emerge and wreak havoc wherever they tread.

These vanguards of the Nergui travelled down into the lands with an unsettling confidence. They did not slip quietly by so as to be unnoticed but marched through the lands, chanting their haunting battle-songs as they went. If they came across a group of lions they would scout the lands, estimate numbers and draw on their own strength to slaughter and enslave. Why they chose to spare some over others remains a mystery though it has been theorised that they showed interest in certain qualities in these lions, specifically around odd markings.

It is not known how many prides the Nergui have destroyed or absorbed into their own ranks, only that the Hongshan were certainly not the first. By the time they reached the land of the red mountains, the lions were well practised in their art and after some attempts at communication, the Nergui fell upon the Hongshan in a bloody fury. The Hongshan - though talented warriors - did not have the numbers to hold against these barbaric creatures and fell swiftly. Most died on the battlefield though a select few were enslaved and herded swiftly to the Nergui's main encampment. However, they did not stay in one place for long, moving across the lands - seemingly without any clear direction. Yet, each and every time they stopped to gather, the slaves were set about with strange and seemingly meaningless tasks. It still remains unclear exactly what these tasks accomplished or whether they were simply to keep the slaves occupied and too tired to escape.

It was, of course, only a matter of time before their travels took them to the desert of the Motoujamii; crossing the borders into Firekin lands. And whatever it is that has drawn them there the only thing that is clear is that they are not going to leave without a fight. They intend on bloodshed.

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Not much is known about the culture of this strange pride, though it is clear that they are a barbaric and merciless people who, most likely, encourage their young to mirror this behaviour as they grow. As they keep slaves it is believed that they think themselves superior to others (much as the Firekin do).

A pride that puts much faith in strength means that, in all likelihood, the males are the ones who take precedence with the higher ranks. However, during the offensive action taken against the Firekin patrol, females were also sighted amongst those who instigated the attack. As such it is likely that both genders are taught - and expected - to fight when the need calls for it.

It is also becoming clear that the group seem to have rather superstitious habits. Reports from the Hongshan indicate that rogues who bear strange markings or have unusual coloured eyes are favoured above those without. These ones are treated less roughly than those without and seem to have a higher survival rate. No reason, as of yet, has been given for this strange favouritism, though likely the Nergui read some strange symbolism into the pelt-markings.

Unfortunately, nothing is known of what motivates this strange group. Only that they follow the word of a mysterious Graos Oma who is believed to be the Nergui ruler.

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How they are viewed by the pride:

Now that the Firekin are on high alert after the recent attack on the borders, any lion in the area believed to be a Nergui will be attacked on sight.

How to join:

To become a Nergui, you must:

- We will have open joining sometime in the future. However if you have a SOA you'd like to be involved with plot RP in the Motoujamii, feel free to submit it to us!
PostPosted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 11:36 am
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There are three kinds of ranks in the pride.

arrow RP-Required: These are major ranks which are only given out during promotions, or to people we are sure will RP.
arrow Event: These are ranks obtained by completing an event, or task issued to the pride.
arrow Open: These ranks are free for any rogue or cub to select from.

Anything in tier six is free to choose for all adults, joining rogues, and growing cubs.

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At the head of the council are a pair of regents. The firekin use the term 'regent' in honor of the first [and reigning] pair that originally disposed the monarchy from the pride. But while they are certainly the most influential force in the pride, the regents are not royalty. They do not have the powers of a traditional king and queen. Regents receive very little personal benefit from their rank, other than respect.

A regent's job is mostly management. They listen to debates within the pride, and offer their opinions. They must embody almost all aspects of the pride simultaneously- capable of military planning, but also civil works. They are expected to uphold firekin ideals- regents who lack these qualities are likely to be overthrown.

In the event that a council cannot reach a decision, it is the regent's job to break the debate. They determine punishments for those who have committed offenses against the pride. They are also the only members of the pride who can formally declare war.

There are always two regents in the pride: one male, and one female. It is not expected for them to be mates, but they can be. Should the time come when a regent is unable to fulfill their duties, or dies, the council will temporarily rule until the pride can vote on candidates for leadership.

Daily duties might include;

- Evaluating recently joined rogues
- Participating in council meetings
- Attending military briefings
- Supervising patrol routes
- Sentencing criminals
- Visiting the various members of leadership for updates to bring to the council.

Availability: CLOSED; only two at a time.
Acquired By: Roleplay Only
Current Regents: Kidondo (Kimaria) & No (Mimsey)


Magistrates are equal in rank to the Generals, though they govern social decisions rather than ones involving the army. They are highly respected individuals, who are looked upon for their guidance in the pride. They attend regular council meetings to debate various aspects of the pride; generally non-military.

Although they are not singularly as powerful as a regent, together they are able to declare a regent unfit to rule. They do not have the power to send the pride to war, but they still vote on military matters that effect the whole pride. They are often seen to represent the highest 'civilian' order in the pride, and look out for the welfare of those who may not be warriors by nature.

This does not mean that magistrates are all civilians, however. It isn't uncommon for a popular soldier to be voted in as a magistrate. Ideally magistrates come from varying backgrounds; rogue, male, female, and age.

Daily duties might include;

- Meetings to discuss pride issues.
- Evaluating newly joined rogues
- Advising the regents
- Assisting with other leadership roles in the pride, particularly non-military.
- Determining huria status of cubs
- Management of drudges.

Availability: OPEN; but special event only
Acquired By: Roleplay Only
Current: Kenna [Dark Fire Angel] / Su [Kimaria]


The general is equal in rank to the magistrates, and governs the military side of the pride. S/he is often a champion of public opinion, given the soldier mindset of the pride proper. His words carry great weight. While the general's job is to oversee the troops, he must also attend council sessions and debate with the magistrates.

The general has command over the army and has a close working relationship with the various heads of staff. When war comes to the Motoujamii, it is the general's job to see that the pride is victorious. While he cannot declare war himself, without his blessings the pride will never succeed.

The general must not only be strong, s/he must also know the terrain, the abilities of his soldiers/guards and have knowledge of fighting tactics to turn even the worst of situations around.

Daily duties might include;

- Meetings to discuss pride issues.
- Evaluating newly joined rogues
- Advising the regents
- Interviewing candidates for promotion in the ranks
- Attending tournaments and spars
- Overseeing the training regiment of young cubs entering into the ranks
- Carries out most civil punishments

Availability: CLOSED
Acquired By: Roleplay Only
Current: Azarax [Moon Razor]

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Leadership: General

A brigadier's job is to support the general of the Firekin army. They are strong individuals who are gifted in the art of war, particularly strategy and unit tactics. This would be considered a promotion for most top officers. Brigadiers will command authority and have good control of their own temper, being dependable and cool in even the most difficult of situations. They answer directly to the general and can, on occasion, be asked to attend council meetings.

They meet with the captains on a regular basis to look over training and patrolling schedules as well as visit new litters to look for any cubs who show signs of becoming promising warriors.

Often, if you wish to speak with the general, you will have to go through the brigadier first.

Daily duties might include;

- Evaluating recently joined rogues
- Participating in council meetings
- Attending military briefings
- Assigning patrol routes
- Overseeing apprentice curriculums
- 'Secretarial' work for the general
- Promoting officers, and providing the general with a list of candidates for high jobs.

Availability: CLOSED
Acquired By: Roleplay Only
Current: Azar (Yin-Bug), Xipil (Nuxaz), Shisa (Ecavi)


Leadership: General

The legate's job is to manage military affairs outside of the Motoujamii desert. He reports directly to the general, but must be able to work alone if required. Because the legate's job often involves traveling outside of the Motoujamii, quick thinking is a must.

As the head of the sentinels, the legate has the fairly taxing job of ensuring roving firekin bands don't get out of hand. The legate authorizes all sentinel decisions, and takes responsibility for all those working under him.

When at home, the legate works as a knowledge base for foreign affairs. Its the legate's job to keep an eye on the military capacity of other prides, and identify potential future risks. The legate may also make suggestions to the spy captain about which rival prides may need to be kept an eye on.

Daily duties might include;

- Evaluating soldiers and guards for tour of duty
- Discussing foreign politics with magistrates and generals
- Evaluating potential mercenary jobs
- Keeping tabs on outbound pride members
- Assigning civilians to Sentinel escorts
- Traveling

Availability: CLOSED
Acquired By: Roleplay Only
Current: Moto'Seide [Kaelyndra]


Leadership: Brigadier

There are two types of captains in the firekin, each charged with managing a separate branch of the military. They are usually the 'leaders' of groups of five to ten.

Guard captains manage a platoon of guards. She will join them in training, work them until they are exhausted and make sure their team is at the top of their game. They work with the Sergeant to plan rotation hours to ensure the pride is well protected. A team of guards often looks up to their captain as both boss and friend, and groups of guards are among the tightest cliches in the pride.

Offense captains lead a small team of soldiers. Like his counterpart, he will join their group in training sessions. While they do not have the same rotation hours that guards do, the offense captain ensures that all training sessions are completed each day. It is the Captain's job to make sure his or her team does not falter.

Daily duties might include;

- Working with the troops
- Managing patrol routes
- Policing
- Managing the rogue population
- Training and mock spars
- Escorting important officials

Availability: OPEN
Acquired By: Event only
-- A lion may become a captain by having three soldiers or three guards sign up under their command. [But must be either soldiers OR guards. Not a mixture.]


Leadership: Captain

The next stage up the rank ladder for soldiers and guards. A corporal will show leadership qualities and have proved themselves in their loyalty and their strength. Corporals will be expected to provide assistance to both the apprentices and to the fully-fledged soldiers and guards.

Corporals do not have direct command over a platoon, but rather, work with their captains to ensure the group is working together cohesively. The corporal reports directly to their captain, or a brigadier if they do not have one.

The corporal also manages the education of the pride's youth. He assigns cubs to soldiers and guards to apprentice.

Daily duties might include;

- Working with the troops
- Policing
- Secretarial work for the higher ups
- Creating training routines and matches
- Evaluating cubs for apprenticeship
- Placing cubs with other soldiers/guards

Availability: OPEN
Acquired By: Event Only
Must take part in a War minigame.

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Battlemasters represent the top fighters in the firekin. These fighters have gone above and beyond simply making a career choice- these are lions who love the thrill of battle. They are able to see that with ever battle, victory or loss, there are lessons to be learned and skills to be honed.

Battlemasters make up the front line during assaults, and frequently take on apprentices. In fact, it isn't uncommon for battlemasters to serve as mentors to young guards and soldiers into adulthood, passing on the lessons they've learned to the younger generations.

Battlemasters share the same rank with soldiers, so may join up with a platoon if they wish. However, because of their battle poweress, they may be seen by many of the pride to be elite warriors.

Daily duties might include;

- All soldier / guard daily duties
- Additional lecturing
- Mentoring of adolescents and adult troops

Availability: OPEN
Acquired By: Event only
-- A lion must win or tie ten duels to be able to acquire this rank.


Soldiers are the main bulk of the Firekin, deadly warriors who have learned to work together. They are exceptional in their skill, trained and honed to perfection. They are quick, can follow orders without question and can spring into action as soon as an alarm is called.

Soldiers may sometimes be chosen to have mock-duels with hopeful apprentices.

The more talented soldiers are granted apprentices to train under them. The apprentice becomes almost like their own cub. They have an odd sort of relationship, a kind of bully-each-other relationship. Soldiers normally spar with their apprentices, teaching them all that they know. The more apprentices a soldier has, the more respected they are.

The more active the soldier the more likely they are to have one or more apprentice.

Daily duties might include;

- Daily training sessions
- Intrapridal patrols
- Sparring matches
- Mock battles and war games
- General police work
- Evaluating newly joined rogues

Availability: OPEN
Acquired By: Open Rank


Guards are in charge of patrolling the borders on a rota system. Some Guards will be expected to patrol through the night. If they see a stranger on the borders they must give a warning call to the Soldiers who will come to investigate.

Guards are trained to be evasive. To be quick, to dodge. In this case they must have great stamina, agility and an ability to keep out of trouble. However, they are also taught fighting skills in case they are needed in a fight or need to hold off an attacker by force – if it is necessary.

Guards may sometimes be chosen to have mock-duels with hopeful apprentices.

Exceptional guards are given apprentices to care for and teach.

The more active the guard the more likely they are to have one or more apprentice.

Daily duties might include;

- Tours of duty on guard posts. Regular rotations
- Mentoring younger guards and apprentices
- Participating in war games with soldiers
- Maintaining rogues; chasing them off if unworthy and offering duels if adequate
- Directing lost rogues back to the main savannah
- Doing 'errands' for the pride, such as collecting rare herbs from the borders or sending messages outside the Motoujamii

Availability: OPEN
Acquired By: Open Rank


While most of the army is based in the pridal lands, recent events have spurned the firekin to become more expansionist. Sentinels are elite groups of warriors whose sole job is simply to make firekin presence known to the rest of the world. Their job is twofold: to inspire fear and respect, but also direct worthy recruits back to the pride.

While outside the lands, the Sentinel is something of a mercenary. He can take jobs for other prides under the Legate's permission. He must carefully judge situations, and be aware of how his actions effect the Motoujamii's relationship with the outside world.

Rotations of sentinels last only about a month at a time. For the time when Sentiels are off duty, they are expected to return to their ranks. They are also sent to the educators and historians to update their records about the outside world.

It is very common for a huria to be apprenticed to a sentinel.

Daily duties might include;

- Wandering the savannah in small groups
- Offering mercenary type assistance to worthy prides
- Keeping tabs on rival groups
- Directing worthy rogues to the pride lands
- Escorting ambassadors, hurias, and watchers outside the pride
- Keeping enemies from the pride

[Off duty]

- Assisting in daily guard/soldier practices
- Attending historian lectures
- Advising magistrates.

Availability: OPEN
Acquired By: Event only
-- Must:
1. Be a birth member of the pride, OR, a rogue member for six months [Real Time]
2. Have two other lions in your group
3. Be approved in this thread.

Apprentice (Recruits)
Leadership: Soldier/Guard/Corporal/Captain
Cubs will be observed by either the general or one of his brigadiers just before they enter the juvenile stage. If they show promise of becoming a guard or soldier, the General will take their names back to the Firekin captains to ensure a suitable apprenticeship is provided when they are old enough to begin training. Generally speaking, the higher ranks of ‘captain’ and ‘corporal’ are given first choice of the apprentices available.
New recruits are put through grueling training which begins at first light and ends before midday. This training is upped upon reaching adolescent to include a further training session in the late afternoon. Juveniles are granted three rest days per week whilst adolescents are granted only one. The life of a recruit is not an easy one and the expectations to achieve are high. However, if the recruit is successful, they will be granted the best opportunities to rising up the career ladder. Any recruit that does not show an aptitude for the military or who refuses to pull their weight will be demoted back to civilian status. Continual disobedience will also lead to the dismissal of an apprenticeship.
Daily duties might include:
- Running messages/chores for their master
- Observation of soldiers/guards
- Basic training (including: physical fitness training, basic survival techniques)
- War games – specifically to develop teamwork
- Psychological training - to aid in enduring stress and performing military actions
- Drills (adolescent only)
- Dueling (adolescent only)
Availability: OPEN
Acquired by: Open Rank [Juvs/adols]

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Spy Master

The Spy Master has perhaps the most interesting and challenging of all roles in the pride. Unlike other ranks, the Spy Master has to be able to function on his own. He has no one except the regents to rely on, and the pride's safety rests firmly on his shoulders.

The spy master must be schooled in a great many things, and must be able to focus on threats inside and outside of the pride. He must also be comfortable keeping himself out of the spotlight: this is not the rank for someone looking for glory.

The spy master has at his arsenal a small group of watchers, both inside the pride and out. He keeps contact with his fellow spies, and keeps tabs of those in the pride who have questionable loyalties. Each day he reports his findings to the regents... if he believes it prudent for them to know!

While he does not divulge his secrets, he also keeps friendly tabs on the ambassador and legate.

Daily duties might include;

- Attending meetings with the regents
- Traveling outside the pride to make contact with outside spies
- Keeping a diligent record of all members of the pride
- Following up on leads
- Interrogating newly joined rogues
- Meeting with the Legate to discuss foreign policy

Availability: OPEN
Acquired By: Roleplay Only



Watchers are, to put it simply, spies of the Firekin. They operate on the inside, keeping an eye on members suspected of breaking rules or plotting crimes. Occasionally they may even leave the pride to spy on another, particularly in the case of hurias.

They answer to the Spy Master and obey any orders given by him. They are also hand-picked by him as cubs / juveniles and are taught the ways of secrecy and disguise.

Day-to-day life will have the spies acting out 'false' jobs. They may go about seemingly regular hunting duties, whilst keeping an eye on the members there. They generally stick to the less demanding roles so as not to drain themselves.

Any Watcher who reveals his identity as a spy will be demoted and never be allowed to climb into the ranks.

On rare occasions and exceptional rogue may be chosen to fulfill this role.

Watchers must recieve IC interviews prior to becoming one.

Daily duties might include;

- Keeping up their "cover"
- Investigating newly joined rogues
- Investigating Safi members, or known trouble makers
- Meeting with the spymaster or regents in private
- Attending special training sessions for stealth and lethality

Availability: OPEN
Acquired By: Event Only
- Must be interviewed and selected by the current spymaster or regents.


Leadership: Magistrates

If the general has his soldiers, the magistrates have their wardens. Wardens in the pride operate as something akin to internal affairs. They investigate disputes, and inform the magistrates of problems faced by the pride. Wardens do not follow the military chain of command, and as such, are often viewed negatively by the pride as a whole. Some may consider them 'sanctioned tattle-tales'. Unlike the watchers, who inform in private, Wardens are always in everyone's business.

Wardens play a key roll in pridal debates, as it is often they who are sent to gather information and research on the subjects at hand. They inform their magistrates, and make sure that the pride never falls to complete military rule.

As their name may suggest, Wardens also manage the pride's punishments. While they cannot exact punishment on anyone, Warden's keep tabs on drudges and other demotees, and keep an eye on them for any signs of improvement...or detriment. When it comes time for a drudge to go under review, it is the warden assigned to them who makes a recommendation as to the continuation of their servitude.

Daily duties might include;

- Attending debates
- General 'secretarial' work for the magistrates
- Researching pridal issues and drawing up ideas for solutions
- Managing drudges and keeping tabs on their duties
- Speaking in front of the council on specific issues assigned to them
- Relaying information to the General, and visa versa.

Availability: OPEN
Acquired By: Open Rank

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Leadership: Quartermaster

Becoming a Water-Seeker means having a natural instinct for remembering the lay of the land, ensuring that one does not get lost away from the perimeter of the pride. Knowing weather patterns and natural landmarks is an essential part of traversing the desert safely.

Water-Seekers spend a lot of time away from the pride, scouring the desert for water sources. They are able to collect dew and also cultivate water-holding cacti for emergency supplies. They usually travel in a small group so as to avoid being caught out in the open alone. For the dangers lie not only in the harsh environment, but also in outside rogues looking to cause trouble.

They need to be survivalists, with strong hearts and minds, able to adapt to their surroundings with ease.

Daily duties might include;

- Teaching of Water-seeker apprentices
- Teaching adult members of the pride (temporary role under drought conditions)
- Regular checking of water sources
- Digging of trenches
- Organising of search rota (Quartermaster only)

Availability: OPEN
Acquired By:
Quartermaster: Roleplay Only
Water-seeker: Open Rank



Leadership: Head Hunter/ress

A hunter, or huntress, is master of all game in the motoujamii. While they may not get the glory in the military minded pride, never doubt this: the hunter is tantamount to the pride's survival.

Daily jobs of the hunter include keeping tabs on herd numbers, and educating the pride on what seasons not to hunt certain prey. Hunters also feed a large portion of the pride in shifts according to rank. For instance, a common soldier will be allowed to eat from the hunters kills three times a week, while the general may be welcomed at any time.

While the hunter ensures everyone in the pride is being fed, he is not a servant. Soldiers and guards are still expected to provide for themselves as often as they can.

Daily duties might include;

- The instructing of apprentices
- Tracking herd movements
- Participating in hunts
- Organisation of hunting parties (Head Hunter/ress only)

Availability: OPEN
Acquired By:
Leadership: Roleplay Only
Hunter: Open Rank


Storyteller / Teachers

Storytellers and teachers mark the start of the education wing of the firekin. In a pride where brute strength is valued over most, a teacher has their work cut out for them if they want to instill some common sense into their students. All cubs and juves, regardless of apprenticeship, have regular lessons in pride history and proper thinking from the educators.

A particularly honored teacher may be considered a 'storyteller', in honor of the old ways. This is, oddly enough, a rank many seers in the pride gravitate towards.

One of the most important jobs for storytellers and teachers is the proper raising of huria cubs. Because these children do not have 'true' apprenticeships, they often shadow a teacher most of the day, learning from them everything they can.

Daily duties might include;

- Holding lessons for young cubs and apprentices
- Helping the historians introduce the pride to new members
- Offering lectures on a variety of topics
- Attending council meetings
- Private tutoring
- Taking cubs on 'field trips' to see various aspects of the pride.

Availability: OPEN
Acquired By:
Storyteller: Roleplay Only
Teacher: Open Rank


Leadership: Scholar

Historians are generally intellectual who like to sharpen their minds rather than their claws. They are equal to the educators and are often given a number of important duties - some of which overlaps with the storytellers.

Their main duty is to teach new firekin about the history of the pride, about the time before the divide and after. They strive for facts and maintain as much truth as possible in their accounts of the past. They give lectures to young and old alike. Because of this they are respected members of the group and are often referred to as Keepers of Knowledge. They must learn all aspects of Firekin history and culture so that nothing is forgotten.

To help future generations of Historians remember significant events, the historians record important events by painting images on the stone slabs. These pictures need to be maintained and protected from the harsh desert climate. Events to be recorded can include the births of new lions, the joining of new members, battles won, changes in the council.

One of the most important duties for historians is managing the bloodlines. When a couple decides to mate, they often will first seek out the blessing of the historian. The historian also ensures that all firekin names are proper.

Daily duties might include;

- Regular meetings with midwives, legates and council members for important updates on recent events.
- Teaching young members and newly joined rogues on the history and customs of the pride
- Holding lessons and lectures for all pride members.
- Maintenance of stone slabs
- The teaching of historian apprentices (Scholar only)

Availability: OPEN
Acquired By:
Scholar: Roleplay Only
@@@ Current: Fia [Kimaria]
Historian: Event Only
- Must have an IC interview with the current leadership.


Leadership: Doctor

In the middle of battle, a good medic can be worth as much as the most valiant warrior. For the firekin, being a medic is not about being close to the earth or avoiding conflict. Medics relish the call of battle, but also realize that they must preserve their numbers in order to win a war. Medics themselves must be combat trained, as they are expected to defend themselves and their patients should the Simo ever go to war again.

Medics often oversee sparring matches, and educate fighters on the most lethal ways to kill. They may also be present at births to ensure all cubs enter the world safely.

Because the desert is sparse on herbs and healing remedies, most firekin methods are somewhat crude. On rare occasions when a situation is dire, medics will leave the motoujamii and seek out plants from surrounding savannas.

Daily duties might include;

- Tending to the pride's wounded
- Collecting herbs, or ordering herbs from the trackers/sentinels/hurias.
- Lecturing the military on killing techniques AND first aide
- Visiting with young cubs to inspect their health
- Visiting with the elders to inspect their health
- Chores around the wards

Availability: OPEN
Acquired By:
Doctor: Roleplay Only
@@@ Current: Ea [Mimsey]
Medic: Open Rank

Cub Sitter

Leadership: Midwife

In a pride of warriors, there's often little time to be proper parents. But cubs still need attention, and cub sitters are there to step up. A cub sitter is something of a constant parent, raising cubs, watching them grow up, only to start raising more cubs. The cub sitters take care of the children while their parents are out to work. Before their apprenticeship years, cubs may often be more familiar with the cub sitters then their own parents!

For the most part, their role is not educational. Their job is to make sure all the cubs are safe and content. They play, laugh and joke and pretty much keep the cubs happy. A particularly experience cub-sitter may be in high demand by several parents. Cub sitters choose what family they work for.

Cub sitters are lead by the midwife, a lioness who oversees all births in the pride. The midwife works closely with the doctor and medics to ensure each birth is a safe one. The midwife also ensures that all cubsitters are working to task.

Daily duties might include;

- Keeping up with all pridal pregnancies
- Taking care of the cubs
- Daily health checks
- Keeping an eye on parents to be sure they're fulfilling their duties
- Offering advise to cubs who ask for it
- Attending lectures with the teachers to assign cubs to their future apprenticeships

Availability: OPEN
Acquired By:
Midwife: Roleplay Only
Cub-sitter: Open Rank


Trackers are the ultimate hunters. Spending days or even weeks out in the desert, these lions are survivalists through and through. Trackers are tasked with numerous jobs- but their primary duties are to monitor herd numbers and to find lost members out in the waste. No one knows the desert better then they do.

Because the desert is constantly shifting, they need to be cunning. They must employ all the craft of a water-seeker, coupled with the finesse of a spy. Most have some basic medical training to deal with injured lions.

They are also play a vital role in managing rogue populations on the borders. They will report when they have grown too numerous, or even escort failed duelists out of the pridelands. Hurias are often paired with a tracker to gain basic survival skills for their life abroad.

This rank may only be obtained during special mini game events.

Daily duties might include;

- Keeping notations on rogue populations
- Assisting in rescue efforts involving the Motoujamii
- Working with the Sentinels to escort travelers off the lands
- Keeping tabs on herd locations
- Sounding the alarm for bad weather

Availability: OPEN
Acquired By: Event Only
- Must participate in a tracker game.

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When a cub becomes a juvenile, they must pick a sector of the pride to apprentice to. All open ranks have apprenticeships. The default apprenticeship for cubs is the hunter rank.

Despite their age, apprentices are put to work at a very young age. An apprentice guard will be assigned to an adult to shadow, and will spend the majority of the day with them. On days off, they attend lessons headed by the educators and historians of the pride.

When cubs become adolescents, they are given more responsibilities. Just before they reach adulthood, they must go before the council in a form of graduation. At this time, the leader of their chosen rank [be it sergeant, water seeker, ect], must accept them formally into the ranks.

At this point, exceptional apprentices may receive promotions based on merit.

Daily duties might include;

- Carrying messages for their mentors
- Attending classes and sparring sessions
- Basic combat drills for all apprenticeships
- Specified classes for each apprenticeship.
- Attending educator and historian lectures on the pride

Availability: OPEN
Acquired By: Open Rank


At this age, cubs are mostly expected to mind their parents and the cub sitters. They begin to attend lessons with the educators once their mother is able to return to her work. Occasionally they may be asked to attend some of the guard sparring matches, or listen to discussions put on by the hunters. Cubs are afforded all the opportunity to learn what being a firekin means and what direction to take in life. But there's still plenty of time to play under the watchful eyes of the pride.

Daily duties might include;

- Being kids!
- Attending small group sessions to talk about ranks

Availability: OPEN
Acquired By: Open Rank


Huria is the title given to a cub that is born of a color different from red, black or white. A huria is a child that is destined to live outside the pride, and as such, their education is different from the rest of the youth. At a very young age a huria is informed of their role in the pride. Most hurias are apprenticed together if possible, and not with other firekin cubs.

But while hurias may have destines that lie outside the pride, its important to note that they are still considered firekin. While some of the pride may treat them poorly, on the whole they have ever right and respect that natural firekin have.

While other cubs may apprentice to a specific job, hurias receive a gamut of training from the entire pride. They learn basic medical skills from the doctor, they learn survival from the water-seekers and trackers. At early adolescence, they often become unofficial members of the sentinels.

It is up to the huria whether or not he or she continues to serve the firekin outside the pride, or if they cut ties completely. Huria who wish to remain firekin 'in spirit', often work for the watchers or continue on as unofficial sentinels. These firekin make expert spies and ambassadors to other groups, allowing the firekin to make contact with other prides without diminishing their numbers.

Huria do not need to be given traditional firekin names.

Daily duties might include;

- Attending lessons by Sentinels, Trackers and Water-seekers
- Optional lessons from Historians
- [At a certain age] Making daytrips to the rogue lands
- Carrying messages for the pride to the borders

Availability: OPEN
Acquired By: Open Rank

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The lowest rank in the pride. A drudge is a lion who has broken a rule in the pride, or acted dishonorably. Barring that, it is a rank for a lion who does not pull their weight. As punishment, the lion is given a choice: they may leave the pride, or they may become a drudge and work to have their honor restored.

Drudges are not slaves, nor are their movements restricted in any way. But their job is not a pretty one. For the most part they do clean up work, removing rotting carcasses from the pride and other waste matter. Occasionally a drudge is assigned as an assistant to one of the higher ranks, fulfilling any menial task they need done.

Every month a drudge goes before the magistrates to determine if they are repentent enough to return to work in the pride.

Its important to note that a drudge is a punishment rank. If they have cubs, they share no shame from their parent's rank and are expected to enter into apprenticeship like everyone else.

Daily duties might include;

- Cleaning up carcasses and waste
- Providing menial labor to higher ups
- Running basic messages
- Running basic errands
- Checking in with the Wardens

Availability: OPEN
Acquired By: Event Only
- Punishments and demotions only


Elders are the mature members of the pride, too old to really participate in the day to day training sessions. But make no mistake: there are no loose ends in the pride. If the time should come, even elders are expected to rise and defend their pride should it be attacked.

Beyond that, elders are mostly respected for the life they have lead and the information they have to share. Most elders spend their times with the historians or educators. Occasionally they may become cub sitters, and are often in high demand.

Daily duties might include;

- Being infamously grumpy
- Telling stories about 'the good old days'
- General nuisance making

Availability: OPEN
Acquired By: Open rank


This role is an optional one taken on by a Huria just before they make their departure into the outside world. Although this role does not give the character breeding rights or a permanent home in the pride, it does allow them to keep the connection to the pride they were born into.

Their main roles are; to keep others out of Firekin business and to report back on the goings on of the outside world so that the Firekin never get taken by surprise. The likely issues to bring back would be along the lines of plagues and war etc...

They may also carry messages back and forth between family members that any pride members may have living outside of the desert.

Daily duties might include;

- Meeting with magistrates and educators
- Fulfilling roles required by their home pride

Availability: OPEN
Acquired By: Event Only
- Must be approved in this thread

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Motoujamii Lands

Motoujamii Lands

PostPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 11:44 am
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Got a question to ask? Send it to the mule!

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1. What did the rebellion change about the firekin?

a. The Simo rebellion abolished slavery, disposed the monarchy, and removed religious practices to Finar-Si. It also allowed rogues to join. It did not, however, make firekin any less embattled.

2. My future-firekin has outside pride family. Will they ever be able to see them again?

a. Depending on the situation, yes! Firekin can see family by either joining the Sentinels, Watchers or Ambassadors [all of whom have permission to operate outside the pride]. Or, if you PM the mule, you may be granted a 'visitor' okay for a temporary visit.

However, the family member on the visit pass would not be able to stay on the main pridal lands.

3. What about my huria? Can he visit again?

a. Hurias are welcomed to visit the pride whenever they'd like. They are not encouraged to stay at length, however.

4. Some lions in the pride don't conform to the color rules!

a. Any lion who does not follow the color ruling likely got their spot in the pride during the rebellion. Slaves that fought against the traditionalists were allowed as full members of the firekin. Their descendants are still considered huria.

5. Can my rogue be distantly related to the firekin?

a. Yes! You may be related to someone in the past, as the firekin have been around for a long while. Understand, however, that any 'past' relations that took place before the traditionalists split would be considered highly taboo to the firekin pride.

6. I want to be evil!

a. You can be evil! But we do not allow 'evil' lions that can't play by the rules. Your lion may be secretly plotting the downfall of all his enemies, but in public, he'll need to at least act normal to function in the pride.

7. Can I have a rogue breeding? Can I apply for mix and match?

a. No, both of these are not allowed in the pride. The only exceptions we may make are for backlogged rps for males before they joined the pride. Females may not join with litters, and 'accidental' births are cause for removal from the pride.

The only rogue births in the pride will be plot related.

8. Can my cub be cubnapped?

a. We'd prefer not to, since most cubs are not allowed outside of the main protection area. We may allow exceptions for specific plots, but they'd have to be believable.

9. Can my god join the pride?

a. At the moment, no. The only god we allow in the pride is Finar-Si.

10. Can my pride have plots with the firekin?

a. Absolutely! Just contact the mule and let us know your idea.

11. I thought my lion was a huria! But someone else in the pride looks just like them and isn't!

a. If you breed a cub that looks huria, you must contact the mule if its a borderline case just like any other rogue joining. We might allow it, as we tend to be more accepting of natural born members! DO NOT ASSUME. We are not responsible if you didn't ask us. :[

12. Are all black and all white SOA treated differently than red SOA?

a. No, but they may occasionally be called names like 'fireless' as an insult.

13. Can a cub join the pride?

a. Only on very, very rare occasions. If a cub does join the pride, it is considered a huria until it is old enough to duel for their proper place in the pride.

14. Is it common knowledge that Finar-Si is Kidondo's mother?

a. No, it is not. Only a very few firekin [mostly safi] are aware of this.

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[IC] Motoujamii-Simo Lands [IC]

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